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- TV hath charms to soothe the savage breast. (0)
- Shelley’s Parable of the Languages, a re-run, but one of those re-runs that makes you feel nice and fuzzy. (0)
- 66,639 pings on Ping-O-Matic yesterday, let’s see if we can beat that today. :) I rewrote the pinger deamon in Python, because the old PHP one was crashing the system on a regular basis. The new one is amazingly light, and was ridiculously easy to write. So now Ping-O-Matic is powered by PHP, Python, Perl, and caffeine. Right tool for the right job. (1)
- I’m not sure why they’re still working on a WordPress Blacklist when that functionality is built in to 1.2 in a very robust fashion. At this point patches to improve the included blacklist/moderation would be more useful to the average user, I think. (1)
- Work-safe art, John Ashcroft would approve. (1)
- RSS 2.0 specification clarifications. This looks simple and effective, two things I like. If this goes through I’ll update WordPress’ RSS import to follow these guidelines. (0)
- Harry Potter 3 was fun. I could see it again. (1)
- WordPress subscribe to comments plugin from Jennifer. Upload two files, add one line to your template, and activate the plugin on your admin page. Beautiful. (1)
- Fellow WP developer Alex has released his cursor-aware quicktag code under the LGPL. This is one of my very favorite features of WordPress, and its ease of use is one of the main reasons I haven’t adapted a meta-language like Markdown personally. (1)
- Tanya — Raving Lunatic:
At one point he said “they can have my organs after I’m dead. Not before,” and I found myself thinking, “well that’s perfectly sensible. I can get behind that.”
(0) - I could enjoy these more if I cared for the design of the site itself. Sequels always have trouble. (11)
- Meet The New Blog—Same As The Old Blog. “In other words, dear comment spammers and trolls, you are both now officially extinct. The asteroid has hit, and you are a herd of triceratops. Time to die.” Aaron doesn’t dig the template structure. (2)
- Derek Featherstone: One Word: ImPressive. “OK, I admit it. I’m on the WordPress bandwagon.” When did we become a bandwagon? Derek outlines several reasons why he chose WordPress, including its syntax, templates, and learnability. He has a nice clean design over there as well. Congrats and welcome to the family. :) (2)
- PearPC, a PowerPC Architecture Emulator. My fake OS X Sony laptop can finally be complete. At the very least it’d be useful for debugging Safari and Mac IE problems. I’ll try to install it next week. (0)
- Ping-o-Matic did over 60,000 pings yesterday. I just finished rewriting the pinging engine to make it even faster. Are you pinging it yet? (5)
- Jeffrey on the new Glassdog and the web. Happy ninth birthday. HTML wasn’t easy enough, and it isn’t getting any easier. Blogs aren’t anything special, they’re just a function of software that makes it easy to maintain content. Compare the usability of the top 3 blog packages with the top 3 “content management systems.” Blogging software is the simplest mechanism for “In-depth explorations of every imaginable topic.” That’s the revolution. (2)
- “Odd what you find when you decide to just follow comment link after comment link - why do some people seem to think that to use WordPress you must know PHP ?” (4)
- Jill/txt is having some problems switching to WordPress, maybe we can help? Two documentation pages that come to mind are styling lists and The Loop. (0)
- A few useful Windows keyboard shortcuts. I remember seeing a very comprehensive list somewhere, but I can’t find it right now. (3)
- WP contributor Podz: “The RSS feeds from here have been stopped.” My thoughts? That ship has sailed. Despite what I’ve said in the past, to many bandwidth still matters. (2)
- Harry Fuecks on WordPress. I have learned so much from Harry over the years, quite an inspiration. Hat tip: Thomas Maas. (0)
- “I really wonder how does Matt ever go thru all the articles that he links.” Also thoughts on activating and deactivating plugins. Hat tip: Alex. (3)
- How to set up your own private CVS repository, this is almost exactly what I would have written if I had the time. Excellent walkthrough. If you’re not using version control yet, why? (2)
- Jay Allen, From Troll to Doppelganger. For what it’s worth, I ran the IP on the forums and no posts have been made to the WP support forums from that IP. (8)
- Kitten’s Captchas for the blind? May be more accessible, but just as annoying. I wonder what Joe will think of this. (1)
- Keith on Web Standards ROI. Show me the money! (0)
- Periodic Table of Perl 6 Operators. I’ve got a big Perl project coming up, I need to start drinking the kool-aid. (Or something.) Hat tip: Jonas. (0)
- Stephane Le Solliec’s weblog » WordPress powered blog up and running “I’ve worked enough with computers to know that nothing ever work on the first try, … is that WordPress thing defying Murphy’s law?” Hat tip: Ozh, who also writes in thta Stephane created Geoping and U-Blog. (0)
- What I got out of this article is I really need to pick up a WRT54G. Hat tip: Mark Pilgrim via Slashdot. (1)
- New WordPress Blog. “Having never used an out-of-the-box CMS before, I have been more than pleasantly surprised by the ease with which I have got a version of WP up and running. It really is a 5 minute install, and the code it produces slips into my CSS like a wide-boy into a Volkswagon Golf.” (1)
- Robert: ” Oh, and everytime I meet an IE team member in the halls (which is quite often) I grab them by the shirt, give them a nugie, and ask them when they are gonna support standards.” It’s good to know the best and brightest are on the task. The IE Mac team did a wonderful job of supporting standards, why can’t the IE windows team keep up? (3)
- “Sony has yet to find the magic song on Brion’s latest production, [Fiona] Apple’s new record. The album has been finished for months but sits on the shelves at the label as, Brion says, execs search for a single.” It’s no secret I’m a huge Fiona Apple fan, and a Jon Brion fan as well. His work with Brad Mehldau (Largo) was excellent. I really can’t wait for this album to come out. Hat tip: Michael. (0)
- WordPress on the Wikipedia, I wonder who’s going around adding all this blogging stuff to the wikipedia? The site is looking excellent, not sure when they adopted that new style. Looks like a good CSS implementation, which makes perfect sense for an encyclopedia. (Not counting the weird page-within-a-page embedding thing which I suspect is an application error.) (2)