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- I noticed that turned 2 years old the other day. Maybe when I get a spare moment I can finish up the draft post I started last year when the site turned one. (5) ¶
- Okay already! Just the asides category and every category but asides. This sort of thing is really easy with a dynamic system. (3) ¶
- Robozilla, the DMOZ link checker. (1) ¶
- Nick is doing a scavenger hunt in return for Gmail invites. I’ve got a few extra invites now too. Interesting offers considered. I’ll throw in a free copy of WordPress. UPDATE: If you just email asking for an invite, you will be immediately deleted. Leave a comment with your interesting offer. (21) ¶
- On Sax, Love, and WordPress. An interview. Read and (hopefully) enjoy. (4) ¶
- On Wikipedia in China (or lack thereof): “You know, it’s not accessible from public internet. I have to find a proxy server to get that page. I know it’s just a click in a open internet world, but now i have to hate the knowledge blocker, it’s their own fault.” (1) ¶
- Wordpress, I LOVE YOU. Interesting post, but rambles a little bit and has two inaccuracies. Textpattern is under an open source license now. b2evo can import from MT. I like the name of his category, “Cerebral Interviews.” (4) ¶
Redirection Proposal
As many people have heard now, blogs that were previously hosted at are now needing to find new homes. Dave is going to be sending people their backup files but it looks like a lot of links may be broken, and some people proposed keeping a list of the old and new URIs.
Why not go one step better? I apologize if this is not technically feasible for whatever reason, but here’s my idea. DNS is very flexible, Dave can have specific A records for subdomains of sites that are going to stay under, and then set up a wildcard * A record to point to a different IP. This IP could be anyone running a service that …