As the site has matured I've found it necessary to divide my photos into three main sections.
This is the original Photo Matt photolog, and is updated nearly every day with new photos. As of this writing it has over 7,000 photos and grows every day. It is arranged in reverse chronological order, with the newest albums on top, and each photo allows comments. If a thumbnail has a star by it then there are comments on that photo already. Full (3.2 megapixel) versions of each photo are available. If you would like to use any of these photos for anything, simply ask.
These are photos from my childhood, mostly scanned from film or from an early digital camera. They are arranged roughly chronologically, and it starts with the earliest photos. I have a giant stack of photos to scan and more to do when I'm done with the stack so this should be updated pretty regularly as well, at least for now. It is impossible to browse this album without saying "Awwwww." Coming soon.
The mixed blessing of having so much in the photolog is that people tend to gloss over it, oftentimes over the photos I feel are the most artistically meaningful. So this is an attempt to highlight a set of photos that are not narrative like the photolog, but rather exercises in photography.