Thunderbyrd dot Net

Trimmed the blogroll, need to edit the links.
Going to add a static top section al la Organic Shadows.

Friday, June 18th, 2004

   My WordPress wish list

Filed under: — ThunderByrd @ 3:17 pm

Yes… it’s my very own WordPress wish list. Complete with all the features that I wish were standard with the first time installation of WordPress.

My personal wish list for WordPress:

  • A filter so that I can write postings in MS Word, then copy and paste into WordPress. Expression Engine has this built in.

  • A hack that will automatically insert an icon in a post that corresponds with the category of the post, with a link to the posts in that category.

  • An integrated spell-checker. This is something that should be built into any sort of software that people use to write with.

  • Built in “what-you-see-is-what-you-get” ability for entering both posts and comments.

  • A better pop-up box for entering URL’s and images. They should include the alt text (this is part of the standard, yes?), the title text (is this part of the standard?), and an alignment option for images.

  • Multi-blog ability (although I hear this is in the works).

  • Built-in photo gallery.

  • Built-in skin switching. This one is not hard is it?

  • The ability to edit comments after posting them. I can’t count the number of times I have made a typo and not realized it until it was too late. EE has this.

  • The ability to delete comments after posting them. Sometimes people realize that they shouldn’t have made that comment. EE has this too.

  • Live preview for comments.

  • Comment entry boxes that are a proper size and don’t disappear underneath the right hand menu. I really hate comment entry boxes that are only three lines high! Is this done to discourage people from leaving comments more than one paragraph long?

  • Better documentation for everything.

  • Plug-ins that work just by dropping them into the plug-in directory. No hacking up of your index.php or any other files. If they need to modify things, they should have an installation script.

  • Better modular design. If plug-ins are going to work properly without having to make changes by hand to files, then the files need to be more modular in structure.

  • Sticky posts. This can’t be that hard can it? I know that EE has this built in.

I know that there are people who are going to disagree with the features I have listed. Some of you will say that this will lead to “bloat-ware". I think that the features I have asked for should be included in the base installation of WordPress, perhaps without the icon insertion hack. That should be a plug-in for example.

But the rest of the list, I feel, is not out of line for the basic installation of WordPress.

A spell checker is something that any piece of writing software should come with. If we have software that encourages us to write for the entire world to see, we should at least be able to spell check it before we post it. It’s bad enough our grammar is often grade school level (or worse) without leaving ourselves open to further ridicule because we can’t spell.

Please, don’t get me wrong; I think WordPress is great software. The installation is easy enough for anyone who has some experience with databases. I can’t speak for those of you who have no experience at all with setting up a program like WordPress because I don’t fall into that category.

WordPress has many good features built in already, but it is missing some features that I think are key to its continued success. I understand that some of these may be in the pipe for upcoming future releases, and that’s great.

The documentation really does need a lot of working on though. Having to dig through the support forums is not how you win new users over to your software. Trust me on this. If someone has to go to the support forums for simple things that should be covered in the documentation for the program, then they may just decide to try something else.

Having to endure the possibility of “why didn’t you search the forums before posting?” that new users are often hit with is another reason they may decide to give it up for a lark. I’m not saying this happens all the time, in point of fact, the WordPress forums are the most forgiving forums I’ve ever had the pleasure to post in. But they are still not a replacement for good solid documentation, the kind a new user can print off on their own printers at home and put in a binder if that’s what they want to do. On-line documentation is good, but it will never replace something that you can hold in your hand.

Well that is probably enough for now. I’m sure to get flamed for writing this, but it’s something that I felt I had to say. WordPress has the potential to be a great piece of software, as long as it continues to grow its feature set. Especially the spell-checker. It really needs a spell checker.

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  1. I loved- and still do love - WordPress specifically because it was skinny and mean :)

    EE - do their blogs validate ? I’ve not seen one yet that does.

    MS Word - that could invalidate every post unless all the junk it will puts in is stripped, and I’d not like that job of code stripping even if I could program. I mean … M$ ??

    wp-comments.php I think is the one with the textarea size .. mine is about 8 or 10 lines ?

    It costs. Not free. Licenced.

    Better :) On all counts.

    Comment by Podz — Friday, June 18th, 2004 @ 4:52 pm

  2. Category Idon Plugin
    is already available.

    Comment by Carthik — Friday, June 18th, 2004 @ 5:45 pm

  3. So is Spell Checking. An integrated spell check wouldn;t make sense for a product that is internationalized, adaptable to different languages.

    Comment by Carthik — Friday, June 18th, 2004 @ 5:46 pm

  4. WYSI WP is also available. I think I should stop crapping this post :)
    Search, and you shall find.

    Comment by Carthik — Friday, June 18th, 2004 @ 5:48 pm

  5. You should definitely check out the wishlist already on wiki.

    Some of your requests are already done… like the sticky post. :)

    Comment by Daynah — Friday, June 18th, 2004 @ 5:49 pm

  6. Just one more thing - No one gets paid to document stuff, and if you will be willing to document, there are several things you could help out with. I have spent an average of 2-3 hours over the past few months (sometimes more) developing docs. So if you, or anyone wants to help out with writing docs, like some other help out with code, you are most welcome.

    Comment by Carthik — Friday, June 18th, 2004 @ 5:50 pm

  7. I like the fact that you are thinking about things to make WP better, and that you are sharing them with everyone. As Carthik has pointed out, many features are already available. I would never support MS Word anything being part of the WP core. If someone wants to build a plugin or something, then fine, but MS Word creates crap HTML and Word docs in general are so inconsistently done that I don’t think that you could write a filter to catch everything. Also, what about international versions of Word? Just my opinion! :)

    Also, feel free to jump in and help with anything you are capable of doing. The WP community is diverse and talented on many levels. Many hands make lighter work!

    The documentation effort is on-going, and has suffered because it was behind development from the start. Code came first!

    Keep the suggestions and ideas coming! They are all most welcome. You may inspire someone to jump in and build some of the functionality you are looking for!

    Comment by Craig — Saturday, June 19th, 2004 @ 4:05 am

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... Kitten points out a bug in WordPress 1.2 that will give you unexpected results if you leave a line space at the bottom of the Spam Words list under Options Discussion Comment Moderation. ... Be sure to either implement this hack, download the latest copy of WordPress from the nightly builds or be sure there are no line spaces after the last word in your list.
[the last samurai] - Friday, June 11, 2004
Links wow... oh good... well, i gotta go now... message me! ... / memory banks / the list / // the siren project :// / Filter / Customize / Update my creative writing... disconnected / i wish you were here / And I Dreamt Of You / Pass the White / The Room / reality contained in quiet / worth / cool to the touch Why so many words...
[] - Friday, July 2, 2004
My dog s appointment with the vet was changed to tomorrow morning.. so my brother could have a chance to come home and say goodbye to her first. ... I kept doubting the decision of doing any of this all day long but after watching her try to walk earlier *sigh* I m not the only one that lost a pet this week.. one of my dearest friends lost her dog today. ... i wish could say something helpful but as always in situations like yours i m out of words. i hope the certainty that you re doing the right thing will be growing on you more and more ...
[Thunderbyrd dot Net] - Sunday, June 20, 2004
Complete with all the features that I wish were standard with the first time installation of WordPress. ... Please, don t get me wrong; I think WordPress is great software. ... I can t speak for those of you who have no experience at all with setting up a program like WordPress because I don t fall into that category. ... I m not saying this happens all the time, in point of fact, the WordPress forums are the most forgiving forums I ve ever had the pleasure to post in. ... Forum stats for me Forums My b2evolution site Links: A little away ...
[roadmaster wordpress] - Wednesday, June 9, 2004
... I can t make up my mind about wordpress, on one hand it s extremely capable but it s also too alien for the look i want for my website, and as personal weblog s author put it, A personal weblog should meld with your home page, not contain it as a subtopic . ... Wordpress is a joy to use but I m concerned it could become the center piece of my personal page, which is something I m not sure I like. ... There s also the question of whether I could manage all my page s content using wordpress. ... Well, for the meanwhile I ll continue to ...
[box of chocolates] - Tuesday, June 1, 2004
... One thing I ve missed with WordPress is having nicely defined Link relationships between posts. ... All it takes is a little link rel="next" title="" href="" / or link rel="prev" title="" href="" / . ... I m still testing, and adding in various other relationships beyond just next and prev ) It works like other plugins - unzip the file, store it in your /wp-content/plugins directory, then activate through your admin area. ... Yeti Sports Now if they added feeds for people to auto-import their top scores on their blogs The Art of ...
[Second Thoughts @] - Monday, June 14, 2004
... How do you, using a PDF Printer Driver, convert an MS Word document into a PDF file and maintain the Table of Contents and hyperlinks? ... Save your original Word document and work on a second copy. 2. ... You'll need to make your hyperlinks in your MS Word document visible. ... You could also try an online solution: - upload your document and then get back a PDF version.
[/drew] - Friday, June 4, 2004
... living in a micro$oft centered business world means working with tons of m$ word files, and putting that data into html is anything but fun. but with some help from dean allen and his awesome web tool called textile , after a little copy/paste action, all the rtf crap is easily converted to web safe entities. ... Don't forget about Brad Choate's Perl module called MT-Textile, and there's also HTML-Tidy, which can specifically deal with the crud that Word outputs and calls HTML... ... And if you are really dealing with rtf and not Word ...
[sacred miscellany] - Saturday, June 19, 2004
... The preceding posting was originally written several days ago . ... Then we had a "difficult computer episode" - a euphemism for my computer freezing up and dropping offline in mid-post. ... The moral of the story is to write your postings in Word and copy them over.

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