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ippr is the UK's leading progressive think tank. For further details see about ippr.

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Press Releases - full list of press releases

Politics needs to change after last week’s protest vote Friday 18th June

Migrants more skilled than ever Tuesday 15th June

Articles - full list of articles

Review of the Week  Ben Rogers, ippr Senior Research Fellow Friday 18th June

The far side of globalisation: David Held's missing links  David Mepham, Associate Director, International Friday 18th June

Friday forum  John Adams, Director of Research, ippr north Friday 18th June

Let's practise what we preach  Rachel O'Brien, Director, External Affairs Wednesday 16th June

Events - full list of events

New challenges for race equality and community cohesion in the 21st century
Speakers include: Rt Hon David Blunkett MP, Trevor Phillips, CRE Nick Pearce, ippr, Wednesday 7th July 

ippr and Channel 4 - labour party conference 2004
Saturday 25th September - Wednesday 29th September 

Migration in an enlarged Europe - new opportunities for all?
Speakers include: Des Browne MP, Minister of State for Citizenship and Immigration Wednesday 16th June 

Publications - full list of publications

Sustainability and Social Justice

edited by Julie Foley