Gavin's Critique. Analysis. Debate. From Ireland. gavin at gavinsblog dot com en-us 2004-06-06T18:52:03+00:00 More on the oil story Coincidentally, about the time a small discussion between myself Frank and Paul, Kevin Drum has posted a lengthy analysis of the demand/supply issue with regard to oil. I think I will quote the thing in full. The crucial point in... International Relations Gavin Sheridan 2004-06-06T18:52:03+00:00 Microsoft gains double-clicking patent This one stumped Kevin Drum, and me too, but the Beast of Redmond has been granted a patent for double-clicking. Jaysus.... Smoking Gavin Sheridan 2004-06-06T18:43:09+00:00 The Religious and Psychological Sources of Islamic Terrorism Two excellent essays in the latest edition of Policy Review. Shmuel Bar writes one on the religious sources of Islamic terrorism, while Michael J. Mazarr writes a piece on the psychological soures. Both are worth a look.... Terrorism Gavin Sheridan 2004-06-06T18:39:33+00:00 US and France: We still need each other: Felix G. Rohatyn Felix G. Rohatyn, United States ambassador to France from 1997 to 2001, has another piece in the IHT on transatlantic relations. Another appropriate piece to be reading on a day like today... I have seen France at its most tragic... US-EU Relations Gavin Sheridan 2004-06-06T18:35:55+00:00 Knowledge as Power Bruce Berkowitz reviews John Keegan's latest book, "Intelligence in War: Knowledge of the Enemy from Napoleon to al-Qaeda." Berkowitz's conclusion: Keegan can draw upon a lifetime of studying armed conflict, and the facts of battles from ancient times to recent... Terrorism Gavin Sheridan 2004-06-06T18:24:09+00:00 Human nature Human nature is universally imbued with a desire for liberty, and a hatred for servitude. Caesar, Gallic Wars.... Quotes Gavin Sheridan 2004-06-06T18:19:22+00:00 D-Day and anti-Americanism: It's hard to love a savior Josef Joffe, editor of Die Zeit, has written a piece in today's IHT. He decries the levels of anti-americanism prevalent in Europe today, while hoping for an improvement in transatlantic relations. I agree with his criticisms of anti-americanism: Perusing the... US-EU Relations Gavin Sheridan 2004-06-06T18:03:32+00:00 Posts No posts of late, have been a bit busy - will be back posting now.... Blogging Gavin Sheridan 2004-06-06T14:35:49+00:00 Rolling Blunder Fred Kaplan wrote an article I almost missed on how North Korea succeeded in getting nuclear weapons, and how the Bush administration let them. But the existence of the weapons is as yet unproven - though plutonium is known to... International Relations Gavin Sheridan 2004-06-02T23:33:36+00:00 Sept. 11: Why were Saudis allowed to leave the U.S.?: Craig Unger Craig Unger, author of "House of Bush, House of Saud: The Secret Relationship Between the World's Two Most Powerful Dynasties.", with a brief piece in the IHT today. He poses a question asked by Michael Moore in his latest film.... US Politics Gavin Sheridan 2004-06-02T23:02:48+00:00 Two questions... Just two things I was thinking about today... If the UKIP do well, what questions does it raise about whether the UK will stay in the EU or not? Kilroy-Silk was on Newsnight last night with John Redwood, Silk was... International Relations Gavin Sheridan 2004-06-02T11:59:45+00:00 New AIB charging allegation is being examined Yet another AIB scandal, I can't say im surprised. Though I am surprised by the reaction of some bloggers... This time: This allegation again concerns rates charged to foreign exchange customers and the possibility that AIB branches that were not... Irish Politics and Corruption Gavin Sheridan 2004-06-02T11:47:52+00:00 DJ Graffiti DJ Graffiti aka Martin Smith is a Michigan MC from Ann Arbor. He calls himself “the underground mixtape king of Michigan”. Martin Smith grew up in Oak Park and West Bloomfield. He graduated at Bloomfield High School in 1996. His... Eminem Isabelle Esling 2004-06-02T07:30:29+00:00 NTT DoCoMo's 4G Test Results in 300Mbps Data Rate in Moving Car Now this is fast... The company said that the test achieved a maximum downstream data rate of 300Mbps with an average rate of 135Mbps in a car running at the speed of 30 kilometers per hour in areas 800m to... Technology Gavin Sheridan 2004-06-02T00:14:56+00:00 Sudan crisis The situation in Sudan needs urgent attention, as Ingrid has been pointing out for weeks now. Time is wasting, action surely needs to be taken now. Should we let Rwanda happen again, the ethnic cleansing may have largely ceased, but... International Relations Gavin Sheridan 2004-06-01T22:04:41+00:00