Random ramblings about cars, chocolate, toys, science, Macs, food and wine. Occasional forays into languages, history and the history of languages. And the follies and foibles of the Netherlands. Still pretty much in test-mode now...
Explanations of the all gratuitous Latin verbiage will follow once I have figured out more pressing issues, such as getting this page to render halfway decently in a more than just
IE. This could take a while. And I have to figure out what to do about the layout in general.
InstaPundit The Professor is still the first place to turn to.
The Volokh Conspiracy It's pretty good, given that lawyers run the site.
Best of the Web Big media blogging at its best.
USS Clueless Enough ethical cynicism to drown in.
The Bleat Lileks on a good day is dazzling. On a bad day, he's still pretty good. Besides the Bleat, his site contains lots of great material, from architecture to food.
Brink Lindsey Here's somebody who should write more. He used to, but now he's left us stranded with only weekly updates.
The Scene Virginia takes on the enemies of the future.
Transterrestrial Musings Space. More space. And some funny stuff too.
Dr. Weevil The Blogosphere's resident classicist and all-round scourge.
Sgt. Stryker The Sarge is back with reinforcements.
Asymmetrical Information Econoblogging from Galt & Dreck.
OxBlog The Oxford blogging triumvirate, building up an august reputation for themselves.
El Sur News from Latin America (hasn't been updated recently though).
Tim Blair The mordant take from Down Under.
Little Green Footballs Comments on the Middle East.
Shoutin' Across The Pacific Surreal combination of Southerners and Japan.
Samizdata A bunch of weird Brits, with some random foreigners thrown in too.
PeakTalk Partial Netherblogging from the West Coast, as well as markets and politics.
Merde in France Bilingual commentary from behind enemy lines.
ChicagoBoyz I'm not sure any of them are from Chicago, actually, but they keep the tradition alive.
Bjørn Stærk Surprisingly sane commentary from Norway (on hiatus).
Regions of Mind Fascinating reading on regional diversity in America.
Unremitting Verse Topical commentary in the form of poetry (dormant).
Andrew Sullivan Another cross-over from Big Media who's become an institution.
As The Apple Turns The first site to understand what being a Mac user is all about. (Confused?)
GeekPress News for Geeks. Geeks for News. Or something like that.
Dilbert Attack of the Pointy-Haired Bosses!