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June 22, 2004

Malkin Offers Clarity

Michelle Malkin offers up her own words on today's murder, and offers it up with uncommon clarity.

Pray for Kim's family. Don't ever get used to this. And thank you, South Korea, for not being Spain.

And some of you wonder why I like her so much.

Posted by zombyboy at 09:27 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)


A reader who signs her name "diana karina galo diaz" has left a request on the oddly popular Pantheon of Cool Nicknames post.

Hi!!! I don´t have coments but I was asking if you can put a cool, great, good, excellent and perfect nicname.

Please send me my new nickname to my e-mail. please!!!!

Well, being the nice guy that I am, I want to help out. You all come up with the perfect nickname and I'll send it to her.

Any good ideas for the young lady? Let's play nice--so no profanity or outright cruelty.

Posted by zombyboy at 02:57 PM | Comments (8) | TrackBack (0)

I Think Congratulations...

...and indistinct feelings of jealousy are in order.

That is a beautiful award, and, I'm sure, very well deserved.

Posted by zombyboy at 02:51 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Telling It Like It Is (Jerry)

Jonah Goldberg had this to say over at The Corner:

Iraq, al Qaeda, insurgents, Islamists, Jihadists, whatever. Can we all agree that people who snatch-up other people off the street and then cut off their heads without a trial in order to intimidate the United States and our allies are our enemies and we don't care what their reasons, their excuses, their allegiances or their histories are?

To that I say: Amen, brother. Amen.

Posted by stumpjumper at 01:41 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

What We Owe Daniel Pearl, Nick Berg, Paul Johnson, and Kim Sun-il

What do we do in memory of Kim Sun-il, Daniel Pearl, Nick Berg, and Paul Johnson?

Destroy the terrorists and every nation that harbors them and supports them. Destroy them so utterly that they won't recover in our lifetimes.

I'm tired of hearing people say that we should be understanding--that we should listen to the grievances and the causes. I'm tired of the gentle racism that seems to suggest that we Westerners actually be held accountable for our transgressions, but those poor, barbaric militant Islamic extremists can't be held accountable for theirs. I'm tired of listening to apologists for the homophobic, xenophobic, anti-Jewish, ant-Western criminals and animals that have continued to attack my country both directly and indirectly for decades.

I'm sick of hearing the US is the aggressor. I'm sick of the lies that people tell when they excuse the actions of al-Queda and its many sick and twisted compatriots. I'm sick of reading about these things in the headlines and then turning around to have someone tell me that it's America's fault.

Clues for those without: not every bad thing in the world happens because of America, not every military action is without merit, not every cultural twitch and quirk is acceptable if you'd "only see it from their point of view", and these terrorists won't like us even if we were to abandon the Middle East entirely. They would still despise us, they would still attack Israel until there wasn't a Jew left in the region, and they would still spit at us from behind a veil of supposed superiority.

I'm really weary of the United States taking it on the chin for every developing nation's own moral, fiscal, or political weakness. The AIDs crisis in Africa has somehow become our responsibility to fix. The weak economies of other nations are ours to somehow shore up. The barbaric acts of terrorists fall to us to forgive.

I'm not in a forgiving mood.

Update: Jay has words on the subject too. Well worth reading.

Blogger reactions compiled by Backcountry Conservative.

Posted by zombyboy at 01:28 PM | Comments (5) | TrackBack (2)

Looking for Ideas

If I were to have a party with a tiki theme, what music (bands and albums) would you suggest?

How about some good, cheap decorations?

Give me your thoughts.

Posted by zombyboy at 11:37 AM | Comments (10) | TrackBack (0)

June 21, 2004


You do realize, of course, that Bubblegum is coming out August 10th, right?

You are, of course, almost as excited as I am by the prospect of a brand new Mark Lanegan album, right?

Good. Trust me: you really and truly should be.

I'll be posting a full review of the album both here and on BlogCritics just as soon as my care package from Beggars comes in the mail. But let me just say that tonight I heard one of the most beautiful songs ever recorded.

I know what all my friends are getting for my First Annual August Tenth Day Celebration...

Posted by zombyboy at 09:53 PM | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

Thank You, Thankyouverymuch

Being the Bruce Campbell fan that I am, I wanted to see Bubba Ho-Tep when it was out in the theaters. Unfortunately, I blinked, it was gone.

But with Shawn Macomber's review, there is no way I'll be missing this--I'll be buying it sometime this week.

I won’t ruin the action-packed climax, except to say that it is probably the most exciting battle between a redneck mummy, an aging rock star in a walker, and a wheelchair-bound former president.

How could anyone possibly want to miss this film?

Read the review.

Posted by zombyboy at 04:47 PM | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)

From the "Ain't He Cute?" Files

On an old post noting Clinton's position as the third greatest president of all time (if the vote were held today, I wonder if the results would be the same?), someone from has left a REPUBLINAZI-baiting comment to which I have a few responses.

Not that I've managed to actually read the whole thing (I've tried three or four times, but it's a little difficult to get through) but I'd like to note a couple things:

  1. I'd like to be a "Richpublican" some day. Until then, I'll have to settle for being a "Workingclasspublican", or something like that.
  2. Sure, Clinton was great and everybody loved him and his policies. That's why Gore had such an easy time sliding right into Clinton's vacated post. Oh, wait, that's right, it didn't work that way. In a time of peace, with a still-decent economy, and an electorate that was very positive about the future of America, Gore couldn't find his way into office even though he was running, essentially, on Clinton's platform.
  3. Look, Clinton wasn't all bad. But he wasn't the third best American President of all time.
  4. Clinton's sin wasn't just his sex life, but his lying, while under oath, to a grand jury. That aside, I still don't want a Commander in Chief who a) has an intern perform oral sex on him while he's on the phone to members of congress, and b) won't let her finish the job (or finish it in any other way) because that was crossing some imaginary moral boundary.

    I'm guessing that as soon as his penis was in another woman's mouth, Hilary wasn't about to make much of a distinction between "going all the way" and just getting half way through the trip. None of the self-justification and equivocation following the lies changes the fact that cheating is cheating and that's what he was doing.

Without demonizing the man (he did do some good things), I would note that I have a hard time imagining a more self-aggrandizing and selfish President. His obsession with himself bests even Carter's massive sense of self-importance.

But, still, the commenter gets extra points for ALL CAPS STYLE FU, Run-On Sentence Fu, Name-Calling Fu, and Conspiracy Theory Fu. Quite an accomplishment if you ask me.

The original comment is in the extended entry.

Continue reading "From the "Ain't He Cute?" Files"
Posted by zombyboy at 04:30 PM | Comments (7) | TrackBack (0)

June 20, 2004

So, There I Was...

...watching Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and I was struck with a thought: if the makers had been wise enough to insert a Martial Arts Pillow-Fight at the Wudan Sorority, this would probably have been the greatest movie of all time.

I'm just sayin'...

Posted by zombyboy at 03:17 PM | Comments (8) | TrackBack (1)

June 18, 2004

About that Granby Mad Man

This one is mostly for Colorado readers:

In today's Rocky, Mike Rosen has some harsh words for those people who were happy to make excuses for Marvin Heemeyer, the mad man who bulldozed a portion of the town a few weeks back.

Personally, I'm pickier about my heroes. I don't romanticize rampaging, suicidal psychotics. It was only sheer luck that no one was killed. Heemeyer's deranged behavior was only different in degree and no more justified than that of the 9/11 al-Qaida terrorists or Unabomber, Theodore Kaczynski. When asked, point blank, if they agreed that his actions were unjustified, some Heemeyer apologists resorted to the Yeah But Gambit: "Yeah, he was wrong, but . . . " A yeah but isn't really a "yeah," it's usually a convoluted "no." One such equivocator described Heemeyer as "a man done wrong who done wrong in return." By this twisted reasoning, the Columbine killers struck a commiserative blow for anti-social, high school misanthropes everywhere. Heemeyer was flat out wrong - period! Our compact with fellow citizens in this constitutional republic includes the understanding that we can't all have our own way all of the time.

Typically, I like to add my own spin to the the things that I quote. This time, I'm just going to add my enthusiastic agreement. And the rest is just as good.

Read the story.

Posted by zombyboy at 01:16 PM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

Four Gmail Accounts Up for Grabs

I have four invitations to use. If you'd like an account, leave a comment here.

First come, first serve. Unless any of the requests involve bribes. Bribes are always accepted.

Down to three.
Only one left.
All gone.

Five more.
Only one left.

Posted by zombyboy at 12:41 PM | Comments (22) | TrackBack (2)

Another American Murdered by Terrorists

The terrorists beheaded another American. I won't be linking to the video of Paul Johnson's beheading, and I won't be linking to any of the sites that will surely be carrying the video. I don't want to enable any of the voyeurs.

I just want to say how much I feel for his wife and family. He didn't deserve this, but it has become our enemy's favored method of showing their anger and near-impotence. These aren't men that carry out these attacks--they are pigs who spit on everything that is decent in the world.

No heaven awaits them, no virgins, no thankful Allah waiting to greet them.

Reach deep inside, America, and find that place where conviction meets will. We still have a war to win, and it isn't going to get easier any time soon. But failure will mean a world where these animals are free to terrorize us all, safe in their conviction that the civilized world can be bullied into submission.

Read the story.

Posted by zombyboy at 12:01 PM | Comments (13) | TrackBack (0)

The Beeb Can Keep Her

In Madonna's Esther's mind, President George Bush = Saddam Hussein.

Never mind Saddam's fake elections (no, please, God, don't tell me that the last American election was fictional or fictitious--that's an argument made by fools and by people who should know better), the systematic use of torture against enemies (and, no, our own prison scandal doesn't quite make the grade--not after you've seen the pictures and video of people having their tongues cut out, their hands surgically removed, their fingers chopped off, or being beheaded), the use of chemical and biological weapons against enemy combatants and citizens of his own nation, or the fact that it took a war to remove Hussein from office.

If the American public really wants to remove Bush from office, all it takes is for the electoral vote to go against him.

No, in Madonna's Esther's cozy little world--high above the rest of us, shielded from everyday worries such as paying bills and the like--Bush = Hussein.

Madonna has said US President George Bush and ex-Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein are alike because "they are both behaving in an irresponsible manner".

Vapid little girl, such a foolish thing to say.

Read the story.

(Of course, she does give a mighty good faux interview.)

Posted by zombyboy at 10:30 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)

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