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June 10, 2004
::speaking of, today::

I'm presenting this afternoon at the Media Ecology Conference, on intersections between art and advertising. I'll be using the BAC as a jumping off point for my discussion.

This is my first conference without official academic ties, which will be interesting. Anyway, it'll be exciting to see Liz, Alex, and Jill in the flesh.

Posted by brandon barr at 11:19 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
June 08, 2004
-um, the frozen yogurt diet?-

Ok. Now TCBY is sponsoring a low carb diet. It's basically Atkins with ice cream.

Low carb diets work--at least they did for me--BECAUSE THEY ARE SO LIMITED! I think that the introduction of all this low carb junk food may end up killing the low carb craze. 4 net carbs here, 6 there--pretty soon, you lose the benefits of ketosis.

TCBY wants to America to lose 1 million pounds. And they won't say it, but they'd prefer it be 1 million people losing 1 pound, because then they sell more product.

My bet is that people see through it. Only 529 pounds so far--they have a loooooooooooong way to go.

Posted by brandon barr at 01:09 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
-social branding-

I'm married and super-content, but I've been very interested in social networks lately. The questions asked to create profiles and search criteria tend to follow the "personal ad" paradigm, aiming to create a personal summary. For instance, I'm:

Tall, average weight, blue eyes, brown hair, married, straight, caucasian (white), no children, non-smoking, casual contemporary fashion, non-smoker, non-drug user.

Now, how blah is that? Like a card catalog entry.

Aren't there more novel ways to profile yourself? To me, it would be much more interesting to profile people using brand preferences. Imagine this ad:

Coke, Camel, Old Navy, Dail, Wonderbread, Kraft, Doritos, Hanes seeking a Coke, Camel, Abercrombie & Fitch, Dove, Cheetos, Victoria's Secret for friendship and possible relationship.

Now, THAT'S an ad that gets to the guts.

Posted by brandon barr at 10:05 AM | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)
June 07, 2004
/go, go google bomb/

Can a blogging google bomb beat out other forms of search engine spam?

Find out at Nigritude Ultramarine.

Posted by brandon barr at 08:02 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
June 04, 2004
/hello, there/

I took me forever to get my dad to where he's comfortable emailing pictures. And it took me forever to get my mom IMing. Hello is one-up the ease of sharing with an image sharing program. Once I get moved in, I want to try it out. It'll be an interesting tool for collaborations, I'll bet.

Posted by brandon barr at 08:19 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
/register this/

A sort of serials 2000 for online web registrations, gives usernames and passwords of sites that ask for registration. For those who hate registering to read articles, it's a solution. Plus, it incorporates into Firefox, which will most likely give that browser some inroads into the blogging community.

Posted by brandon barr at 08:15 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
what is texturl?
texturl shoves together the terms "text" and "URL". texturl is a URL containing text and about text. texturl is digital text, webbed text, URLed text: textURL. texturl spawns two different readings hinged on a single letter substitution: textu(a)l and textu(r)l: textural. Text is textural; words are concrete and measurable and have concrete and measurable results. texturl is words, working.
who is texturl?
Brandon Barr is a copywriter who lives in Rochester, NY. He recently finished his graduate studies at the University of Rochester, where he taught classes on digital technology, poetry, and composition. His current research is focused on the poetics of new media--in the arts, in video games, in TV & radio, and in advertising. He works as an advertising copywriter for partners + napier in Rochester.

 m: 585.737.3026
 ICQ: 161182278
 IM: twoguyswalkintoa
 Amazon wishlist
resume & portfolio
Resume is downloadable in PDF format. If you'd like to see my book, email me.
academic writing
During my graduate studies in English, I honed the ability to present complex theses in compelling prose. And I taught many students in the sciences the value of clear writing. Whether you need an editorial eye or need to bring together a full project for publication, I can help.
public relations
I've got extensive experience in journalistic writing. I also have several years of editorial experience, which means I know the difference between a press release that generates media buzz and a press release that ends up in an editor's trash can.
corporate communications
I have experience in crafting newletters, business letters, brochures, and speeches--vital communication that can improve employee morale, create new business, inform client bases, and enhance a business's public image.
technical writing
I've spent the last 4 years teaching my students--many of them engineering majors--the immense value of explaining complex things simply. In today's technically oriented world, no skill is more important. Whether I'm editing or writing from scratch, I can work to make your instructional materials as effective as possible.
I have experience writing across a variety of media, and can speak to your prime prospects in the most effective way possible--be it humorous, witty, emotional, or direct.
I'm a net.artist and poet. Hey, it doesn't pay the bills. But it's the ultimate value-add.

The Banner Art Collective
river / running: a poem in 5 screens
and then, again. (part of a collaborative digital renga)