Report from Midd
This will be another short post. I am in Middlebury, enjoying my last day before the pledge. I am not taking the pledge, but it applies to me, so I will probably not be able to write in English. I’ll see what I can do. Does someone want to volunteer translating skills? Just for fun :) I don’t think I will be able to post a lot either way. I don’t have time to breathe now, and I have not started teaching yet; I will be teaching 4th level.
I love this place. It is full of energy, and the company is amazing. By the way, if you want to know what I look like, now’s your chance - a photo had been added to my bio.
My laptop is dying. What are the English equivalents of на последнем издыхании and на смертельном одре? “Drawing its last breath” and “on the deathbed” are probably correct but not as expressive - the Russian expressions are relics of dvuyazychie ‘diglossia’, or Old Church Slavonicisms. neither of those terms are accurate to describethe way Old Russian coexisted with OCS in the East Slavic area - but we can call those expressions bookish or knizhnye without fear, I think. Anyway, my laptop. It is dying. The internet access is gone beyond repair - it’s a hardware problem, fixing it will be as expensive as buying a new used one. Keyboard is often stuck. I am at a loss - it is uncomfortable to be stuck without access in my room, and I need to work on something for my dissertation. Catwings is my second laptop - first was the ibook Mogget. Third one? I can’t go through laptops like that :(