Worth a Look.
May 11, 2004
Via the Young Fogey, here's an amusing website that ranks and grades the various flags of the world. What grade does your country get?
May 09, 2004
Ken Macleod has an interesting post about his attendance at an SF convention in Croatia
May 08, 2004
Georgian President Saakashvili has disbanded the Adjaran parliament and installed direct rule in the province after the departure of Aslan Abashidze. Living with Caucasians has an interesting on-the-ground perspective on the events before the flight of Abashidze
May 07, 2004
On April 5, Siemens AG's CEO Heinrich v. Pierer talked to the UN Security Council about The Role of [multinational] Business in Conflict Prevention, Peacekeeping and Post-Conflict Peacebuilding. I suppose the perspective of cross-country hierarchies on these issues should be given more public attention.
May 06, 2004
A decent overview of Poland and the EU, from a business and economic perspective.
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November 28, 2003
The stability pact
No one here have said anything about the recent unraveling of the stability pact. That felt after a little weird after seeing that US bloggers Daniel Drezner and Atrios, of all people, have both commented on the issue.
(Edward did write about it on Bonobo Land though)
Drezner links to this article from the Economist, which is a must-read, it says just about everything I might have said.
It hardly augurs well for the EU Constititon when EU member state governments can unilaterally choose to ignor any rules they have signed up to but later find inconvenient and substitute political fixes instead - and btw I thought that was the main burden of their complaint against the Bush administration in America in starting the Iraq war without UN approval.
Besides, there was and is a good rationale in the EU Stability and Growth Pact of 1997 for restricting the size of national fiscal deficits to 3% of national GDP:
“The idea was that debts would have to be controlled in a currency union. If there were no rules, then countries might feel free to run up higher debts in the knowledge that they would be bailed out by other countries in the euro zone.” - from:;=13686
That was the position of Duisenber, the retiring president of the European Central Bank (ECB): “the danger [of unravelling the Pact] is certainly there and that would be a disaster for Europe. And I do hope, and I am sure the ECB will do everything it can to uphold, to keep upright, the Stability and Growth Pact, which now is certainly under strain” - from:
Trichet, the incoming ECB president, takes the same position: “In comments with hardline undertones, Mr Trichet said that the three percent ceiling of the EU’s Stability Pact - which France and Germany have both breached - ’must not be placed in doubt’.” - from:
If it is now being seriously claimed that neither Duisenberg nor Trichet really understand what they are talking about, that hardly says much for the management of the European Central Bank or for the credibility of the Euro as and when the currency comes upon challenging market conditions downstream. It seems those EU states which have chosen to opt out from the Euro currency union really did make wise choices.
Posted by: Bob at November 28, 2003 03:22 PM