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It's mean to take advantage of kids with no common sense
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Old meme, new perspective
If there is someone on your friends list you would love to have an epic, sweaty, damn near legendary, 12 hour fuckathon with, post this same exact sentence in your journal.

(yanked from [info]jackola)
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Cthulhu Kitty

Current Mood: Way too amused

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Okay, the Sunday post I said may or may not happen, didn't happen, so those who were wondering can rest assured you weren't excluded. Look for something next Sunday, maybe...

My boss is insane.

He was the only one there with a key last night, so he was basically stuck there until 6 a.m. no matter what. Apparently, he didn't like the idea of being in the store alne for a long time, so he did everything he could to make the night longer. Our first hint that it was going to be a long night was him telling someone not to work too hard and take their time. Then he sent Dewey and I off to do other stuff rather than help other people finish. He called for us to go on second break at 3 a.m. (we probably would've been done by then if we'd followed our normal routine) - and came back on the P.A. a minute laterand told us, "Make sure it's a 45 minute break" instead of the usual half hour. It was kind of amusing, kind of annoying and kind of good all at once. Yeah, we could've gotten out a couple hours earlier, but we got paid for a couple hours we wouldn't have worked otherwise and had a nice laid back atmosphere the whole night.

And now, for your musical enjoyment:
Best. Link. EVAR! (needs Flash)
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Teh Bubbla!
Yeah, so I'm a bit late with the update. I've been mainly sleeping and working since Wednesday, but, since Tracy rudely awoke me from sound sleep (and an odd dream about cocaine dealers), I might as well use my awake time for something usefulto post.

thebubbaTeh Bubbla! came by on Wednesday. This makes him only the second online person I've met (the first being leysea lil duckie) in over ten years of net access.

Anyway, after him driving by my house a few times, he finally arrived. After the obligatory greetings we got right to work on networking the computers, because that's what freaks do. Spent some time on IRC with The Gang™; Tracy came home; we called T-Mobile because it was discovered when I reply to text messages, it shows as coming from the number of some poor woman in Tampa who is probably really confused by a few replies she's gotten. Then we went to Central Pizza. My sub kicked ass as usual, though they didn't pour on the veggies like they usually do. I swear it's normally like a whole salad on top of your sandwich. Bubba's pizza looked really good, too.

But I digress. We watched Matrix: Revolutions when we got back because we hadn't seen it yet. Not as good as the first two, but enjoyable enough. Unfortunately, I forgot it was in there, so when I returned the movies last night, it wasn't in the case. heh. Oh well. Bubba and I went back to IRC while Tracy went to sleep and we ended up laughing to the point of wheezing a few times, which I always suspected would happen if we got together.

Tracy took our picture at one point. I uploaded it, but I have to go to work right now (because I have to stop at Hollywood Video and give them their disc ;-) ), so I'll link it in the morning here. I swear I'm not that small.

On an unrelated note, tomorrow could be very interesting. Not going into any more detail than that for now.
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Eh, why not...
meme meme )

Current Music: The Tragically Hip - New Orleans Is Sinking

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So, yesterday was ustmejthe woman's birthday. She had her heart set on Outback for dinner, so we ate the whole restaurant. Well, just most of the edible stuff in it. Actually, she was a wimp and left half of her prime rib (I've eaten about half of what's left today. Good stuff), but I downed my 22-ounce porterhouse, and both of us killed our lobster tails with no problem.

After that, we went to the video store to rent a few movies. Actually, first we stopped to buy me beer and I grabbed a fake white rose for her because I'm goofy like that. Came back home and watched part of Haunted Mansion until I realized that SNL was on, which was much preferable to the crappy movie, so I went into the bedroom and watched that. Weekend Update was wonderful as usual up until the part where Jimmy Fallon said it was his last show. :(

After that, I threw in Matrix: Revolutions, but she was already pretty much asleep, and I was too tired to concentrate on it, so I gave up halfway through and dragged her to bed where we both passed out rather quickly. Not a terribly active birthday, but I think it was a success anyway. We were both in a happy, playful mood most of the night, and that's really what it should be about - spending some quality time with the one you love...

I have no clue what my point was.

Current Music: Collective Soul - The World I Know (Acoustic)

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Work crap
Other than the fact that I haven't suddenly become independently wealthy and still have to work, I really don't mind my job. My immediate supervisor, Dennis, has been much more relaxed and less of a dick since he found out the night manager was moving to days (effective after last Friday's shift), and I've never really had a problem with anyone else there.

Until today.

Dave, Jay and I somehow got blessed with handling cleanup at the end of the night. It's really not bad - we basically just throw cardboard into the baler and styrofoam and plastic into the compactor. It's tedious, but it gives us at least five more hours a week than everyone else gets, so I don't bother bitching about it.

A little bit of background: We typically start the night at 10 p.m. (9 on Sundays), and go on our first break at 1. Second break at 4 if we're going to be there longer. Somehow it's been decided by some people (*cough*Dave*cough*) that this is law. Yes, there are laws about having breaks during work, but the half hour we get every four hours is company policy, not federal law. And just because we usually take them at those times doesn't mean we have to. I'm rambling... To the point.

Last night started with me talking to a few people over cigarettes before work talking about how we were all in the mood to just get the shit done and go home. Dewey and I were doing a damn good job of that - we were both done with our sections by 2 a.m. and off to help out elsewhere. He went to Housewares, I went to Toys. We helped finish those and moved on to HBA (Health and Beauty Aids) to finish that up. Then we all got sent over to do shoes. Dave, meanwhile, has done his section and started on cleanup already. At 5 a.m., we're nearly done with the shoes, and he's nearly done with cleanup. But he decides to be a dick and whine about not having a break at 4 a.m. So Terrick tries to calm him down by telling him to go on break (Dennis took the night off), mistakenly thinking he has a legitimate complaint. We wouldn't have needed a second break unless we worked until 6.

So, Dave decides to take his break a couple minutes after 5 a.m.

Just as we're almost done for the night.

Terrick asks me and Jay if we want to go on break and then help Dave finish or just go home. We both just want to leave because there's almost nothing left (picture about nine shopping carts with crap in them), so everybody heads up front and starts punching out. Dave sees me and Jay punching out and flips out because there's not going to be anyone to help him finish.

I'm standing at the door with a cigarette in my hand waiting to be let out when Terrick comes on the PA and asks me to call him. I know this isn't going to be good. He wants me to punch back in and help Dave finish. I'm a fucking pushover a lot of the time, so I agree. After hanging up, a few of my co-workers point out I'm a fucking moron and convince me I don't need to put up with that bullshit since it was Dave's own whining that put him in this situation, so I call back and ask Terrick to let me go with everyone else.

But things have changed since I talked to him. Dave's bitching got too much for him and Terrick told him to just go home. I have nothing against Terrick, so I agree to stay with him to finish, so I punch in and the two of us finish the cleanup.

In under 15 minutes.

That includes me walking all the way to the back of the store and going all the way back up front when we were done. So, basically, Dave was bitching and moaning about having to do ten minutes of work by himself so he could have his break when Jay and I both decided we didn't feel like sitting around for half an hour to do almost nothing afterwards.

What really pisses me off is that he thinks it's unfair that he would be expected to finish that small bit up by himself. He's the only person who didn't work in another department the entire night.

Current Mood: annoyed
Current Music: Embrace - All You Good Good People (live

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Weirdest spam subject line I've gotten in a while (outside of the one that accused me of raping someone - that was special): "$50 Buys A LOT of Breakfast!"

Yeah, that's like 10 or so (insert "Slam" of your choice - I personally like the French Slam, but then, I also like slamming the French) at Denny's. Or about 25 Steak, Egg and Cheese Bagels at McDonald's (tax not included).

Spam is seriously pissing me off now, though. And I'm about to get semi-drastic by blocking anything from people not in my address book, which actually includes a lot of you people because I haven't restored a lot of shit from the old computer yet, but I'm making provisions for that and I'll post with details when I decide how to handle it. Shouldn't be more than a mild inconvenience. Not that anyone ever writes to me anyway...

And, wow, I've just realized this is not going to be a good day. I went to the store to buy a pack of (cheapass generic) smokes with the change I could scrounge up, and on the way back, I yelled at a pigeon. Yes, I actually yelled out loud (of course - that's what "yelled" implies) at a fucking bird, "You fucking piece of shit. You're no better than half the humans on this planet."

Yeah, not really sure what sparked that particular comment, but most likely either the local story about an 82-year-old woman being raped in her own home or the video of Nick Berg being beheaded. If you have the opportunity to see this, don't. Seriously. I'm in no way defending the stupid shit U.S. soldiers did, but this was absolutely fucking horrible. To be honest, I'm for euthanasia of stupid people, and I have no problem with the slaughter of farm animals (who are often more intelligent), but when a cow gets a steel rod rammed through its head, it isn't subjected to several minutes of sitting tied up on the floor, knowing completely well what's going to happen, and then being subjected to about 30 seconds or so of having its throat slit as five people try to hack off its head.

Okay, I'm starting to think the raping of an elderly woman wasn't the catalyst here.

Can't think of a good way to end this post. Can't think of a good way to end this cycle of stupidity.

Current Mood: cynical
Current Music: Rage Against The Machine - Wake Up

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Bleh, and a dream
I don't like being sick.

TMI details )

On the plus side, my inability to sleep for long stretches made me remember some of the dreams I had today. The strangest involved some sort of growth pill for short kids. I don't recall how I got a hold of it, but it came with an illustrated book and some software that apparently controlled it somehow. Being me, I had to installl the software and pop one of the pills. Not long after, I noticed one of the toes on my left foot had gotten about a half inch longer. Fast acting pills! It wasn't very long after that that I realized, "hey, that one's longer, but this one is completely new!" So, while I'm admiring my six toes, some dream-friend of Tracy's shows up at our door. I invite her in because I'm not sure where Tracy has run off to, and go about my day while talking to her a little. I should probably mention that I'm completely naked (though those who know me well probably should've figured that out from the fact I wasn't wearing socks ;-) ).

Anyway, the order of things is a little vague, but I end up lying down with her friend on the couch - not snuggling or even touching, really, just sharing a blanket - while sprouting a few more toes. Her friend looks at me and says, "So, is this naked day?" and I give her some explanation about not needing clothes at home. She seems to take this fine, then finally notices my extra toes sticking out of the bottom of the blanket. She's not too weirded out, and I tell her about the pill, then head over to the computer to show her the program. While I'm looking at it, I notice that below the picture of a foot, there's some cryptically-labelled setting with a value of 10. It suddenly clicks in my head that this must be the toe setting, and sure enough, when I check, there's a full 10 toes on my left foot (I should point out the rest of my body hasn't changed at all).

Around this time, I realize Tracy is in the bedroom on the phone, so I go in to find her bawling her eyes out. She's been on the phone with the tech support people trying to get them to fix me. Apparently, I can't stand to see her cry, so I woke up at that point.

And now, I'm going to lie down a bit again.

Current Mood: sick

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Answer me, beyotch
Stolen from [info]raventhon

survey time )

Current Mood: tired

You're fit, but, my gosh, don't you know it
User: [info]bertho
Name: You're fit, but, my gosh, don't you know it
Back June 2004
About this journal
Well, I believe in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather than Christmas Eve and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days.
- Bull Durham