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James's Letters to his friends
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Now in Devon, Alberta.
We are a couple kilometres south of Edmonton at a very nice RV park operated by the Devon Lions Club. It is right on the banks of the North Saskatchewan River, with a cliff on the other end. Right now its overcast, with temperatures at . There is little bit of rain. We are not the only Airstream trailer in that park as there are 3 others. Two are canadian, one american.

The drive up north was uneventful. I drove the first 150 km and Dad drove the rest. We stopped at the PetroCanada truckstop for diesel at Red Deer.

I had a fun chat on aol aim with [info]flysmurf while Dad was driving toward north. It was the first time we have chatted and he is a great guy.

Now Dad is driving to Edmonton to the West Edmonton Mall because he wanted to eat at the Tony Roma's restaurant in that mall.

I have a very weak to nearly nonexistent signal at the rv park so no AIM chat (sad face) while I'm out where the signal is good I gotta send out the email.

BTW Hannes , please may I have your postal mailing address for postcards? My email is jamesbeary at tmail dot com

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Here in Dawson Creek.
I got several in my iBook but it's hard to find a internet connection. Until I can find one it'll have to wait.
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Now in Dawson Creek, British Columbia
I'm now in that place. More postings soon.
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Now in Devon, Alberta.
We are a couple kilometres south of Edmonton at a very nice RV park operated by the Devon Lions Club. It is right on the banks of the North Saskatchewan River, with a cliff on the other end. Right now its overcast, with temperatures at . There is little bit of rain. We are not the only Airstream trailer in that park as there are 3 others. Two are canadian, one american.

The drive up north was uneventful. I drove the first 150 km and Dad drove the rest. We stopped at the PetroCanada truckstop for diesel at Red Deer.

I had a fun chat on aol aim with [info]flysmurf while Dad was driving toward north. It was the first time we have chatted and he is a great guy.

Now Dad is driving to Edmonton to the West Edmonton Mall because he wanted to eat at the Tony Roma's restaurant in that mall.

I have a very weak to nearly nonexistent signal at the rv park so no AIM chat (sad face) while I'm out where the signal is good I gotta send out the email.

BTW Hannes , please may I have your postal mailing address for postcards? My email is jamesbeary at tmail dot com
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I am ok for now
In the previous journal I was all stressed out. I had to ask Dad if we can just go to Edmonton and stay there for two night and go northwest to Alaska. He did not want that but he relented for me.

So we are going to Edmonton and stay for two nights.
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I'm stressed out.
I give up. I'm stressed out by this trip. I'm tired of this constanant fighting with Dad and the total lack of privacy. I'm at this point I'm ready to give up and go home by airplane.

I'm tired and sick and all stressed out. I'm sorry for ranting.
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Sick in Canada.
I got sick this morning. Just general stomach issues. Bleah. We stopped at a rv park 2 km north of Calagary city limits. I promptly got to sleep. We got here at 12:30pm. Its now 7pm. Still lots of sunlight this far north.

We are going to go to Edmontion tommorrow. Maybe I can see the West Edmontion Mall which is supposed to be larger than the Mall of America in Minneapolis Minnesota.
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We are in Calagary.
Lots of cars with little flags, red with a black flaming 'C'. The Calagary Flames. Stanley World Cups I reckon. Calagary is similar to Denver. Big city with mountains nearby. Its bright and sunny. 64F/17c
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Now in Canada.
(As I write this we are in Canada in the province of Alberta.)

In Great Falls we got to visit the sites of the Lewis and Clark expendion.

We stayed overnight in a very nice guest-hunting ranch near Babbs, Montana. They had parking for RV. Their lodge was big log building structure. The owner was an uber-woofy man naked Mike. His father who was there for a visit from Seattle was also a woofy daddybear.

The drive from Great Falls to Babb was spectular. We drove toward Whitefish Mountians which are part of the Glacier National Park. We drove on the twisty curvy road on the east side of the mountians. I took several photos.

Today we got to go to the Babb US Post office which I finally got to send out a large envelope to Urso. Then we got to enter Canada. No problem with the customs though they had to inspect the trailer and confistated fruits. No problem at all.

We drove up to Fort McLeod where Dad got the diesel and we did a little bit shopping at the ExtraFoods grocery store. Now as I write this, we are traveling toward Calagary. The landscape is treeless, but not flat. The land has gentle hills all around. What I mean by treeless, there are trees, but not very common all around the place. If there's clusters of trees there are building around anyway.

There are lots of farms around here. The weather is sunny. 64 degree F or 17c.
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Now in Great Falls, Montana
We are staying overnight at the KOA in Great Falls. It's very nice place. We will go and see the waterfalls and springs that is located northeast of the town.
Name: James
Back June 2004