We are a couple kilometres south of Edmonton at a very nice RV park operated by the Devon Lions Club. It is right on the banks of the North Saskatchewan River, with a cliff on the other end. Right now its overcast, with temperatures at . There is little bit of rain. We are not the only Airstream trailer in that park as there are 3 others. Two are canadian, one american. The drive up north was uneventful. I drove the first 150 km and Dad drove the rest. We stopped at the PetroCanada truckstop for diesel at Red Deer. I had a fun chat on aol aim with flysmurf while Dad was driving toward north. It was the first time we have chatted and he is a great guy. Now Dad is driving to Edmonton to the West Edmonton Mall because he wanted to eat at the Tony Roma's restaurant in that mall. I have a very weak to nearly nonexistent signal at the rv park so no AIM chat (sad face) while I'm out where the signal is good I gotta send out the email. BTW Hannes , please may I have your postal mailing address for postcards? My email is jamesbeary at tmail dot com