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1) Copy and paste this into your journal: [font color=yourusername][b]yourusername[/b][/font]
2) Change the []s to <>s


ok, i'm not sure what this was supposed to do... but hey...

there's poprock's in my girlfriend's (brittany's) vagina.

happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me... happy birthday dear frank sirignano! happy birthday to me



?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
brought to you by Quizilla

It's my birthday!

Ok, so, my birthday is next tuesday. Give me presents. Thought i'd give people a little time to think of things to get me. A beer or two will be fine. Just IM me next tuesday and be like "happy birthday, lemme lick your feet." or something.

Current Music: Eve 6 - Inside Out

Alright, so last night I went on over to my friend drew's bachelor party. Well, before we left work, smiley and bolden (who were riding together) said they were gonna follow us, and the same with Mikey... Well. So, we went to the store right quick, to get a couple bills from the ATM and get a little unsober before we hit up the party. Seemed like EVERYONE went to the same gas station, and everyone was asking us "where the hell is the mariott?" haha, and a couple people were like "well, ok, see ya up there". So, we go down the road, smoked a doobie on our way. Well, we got to poplar and ridgeway, and did a uturn, then pulled another uturn, then drove up in a little bank to gather togethere, as of right now, i thought there was only 2 cars following me... we pull up into the bank, and car after car after car, everybody was following me, i don't know this part of town THAT well... it was just kinna funny.

Come to find out, the hotel was RIGHT across the street. So, we go there, pull in. Everybody parks, and then we go in and find out the dealio. we Find the room, we could hear a couple people from like, WAYY down the hall. We walk in, and shit, the room was PACKED. So, what's the first thing I do? me and charles decided to bust open the Absolut bottle ;] poured a drink, and started chillin'...

EVERYTHING was going pretty good, the people there were cool. Even if we were the only 2 white people there, it was pretty skippy. Well, there were a few people outside on the balcony waiting for the strippers to come. when, things go downhill. The police came. Yeh, not too cool. They just told us to leave, and said there's a "no party policy" so we left. As we were leaving, people decided it was cool to stay outside of the hotel, and just block all sort of traffic, while the cops were upstairs. It's like WTF. They were saying they were gonna hit up the Dollar Tree, to meet up. and i'm like "WTF? Dollar Tree?", so me and Charle's was like "fuck it". on our way home, we noticed a place called "Double Tree" which was another hotel...So, oh well. We went home anyways. I picked up my brother, he took the keys, and then i went home. and passed out. and now I'm here, waiting for brittany to get uot of the shower so we can go do something.

As we were going outside the hotel, the strippers arrived. I only saw one of them. and man, she looked like she was paid in crack rocks. srsly. some NASTY bitches. oh well. It was a decent night all in all.

Current Music: D12 - American Psycho ft. B-Real

Starting Monday, I'm working for another account parttime. 8:30-12:30. What does that mean? 4 more hours a day on my check, cept for tuesday, which, i will try and gain 12 hours, maybe. i might not be so greedy and just work the 8 hour shift. I unno yet.

1. Go into your LJ's archives.
2. Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
3. Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4. Post the text of the sentence in your blog along with these instructions

It's hard reaching out to try and get something, that's so far away, and just clueless.

ok, i switched back to KDE, fuck gnome, ugly mother fucker haha

Alright, sup sup kneegrows.

Today was a fairly productive day, although, not a single fucking thing got done.

TODO list
-Remove transmission
-Install Gentoo/PPC on my Mac (since, i couldn't remove the transmission ;p)

Now, ok, I was gettin' all syked about ripping out my transmission, and being able to drive it in about a week's time. So, I get all grubbed up, get all my tools nicely orientated on the ground for easy reach for when I'm under the car. Now, first thing is first, i have to remove the driveshaft. Easy stuff huh? Well, it wasn't. Infact, it was so hard to do, I couldn't do it. Therefore, my car is in the same position as it was last week, and the week before etc.. I broke 2 sockets trying to get it free. How shitty. After all this my neighbor tried. No luck. Then he was like "hey, you know what... I have an impact wrench... never used, still in the box." me: "well, why don't we use that?" Come to find out there's a reason everything's still in the box. He didn't have EVERYTHING, he doesn't have the sockets. So I went to walmart and bought them. All I gotta do is wait til about saturday hopefully, and we'll try ripping that fucker out. So, main task of the day, failed miserably.

Ok, so I'm sitting here, looking for something semi-productive to do. and i started talking to someone about my eggdrop; telepath. It's an eggdrop that pretty much does nothing but tells the weather and it's a seen script. and I was thinking "hey, i reboot my box kinda often, and i want this fucker up 24/7... lets install gentoo/ppc on the mac!" well, better easily said than done. After about an hour of research of installing it, I read something about how I probably wont be able to boot to cd, because it's considered an "OldWorld mac", so i'd have to use a floppy disk to do all this crap, and that crap and blah. I don't wanna be bothered, so that failed as well.

In nerd news, I also switched to gnome as my primary window manager. I was tired of all my GTK+ apps lookin' ugly as a murf in KDE, and since I only use GTK+ apps, i said shit, might as well switch to the GTK master, gnome. Lookin' pretty sexy right now.

and now, it's time for the beer drinkin' to commense.

Current Music: Sublime - April 26, 1992
teh funnie!

<armin_miewes> not so excited
<sniz> yeh, some spam filter my isp has
<sniz> lemme tell ya
--> groleo ( has joined #slackware
<c0ldbyte> lol
<-- tyir has quit ("Leaving")
<c0ldbyte> your ISP prolly doesnt filter the subjects but just the conent
<c0ldbyte> whats it got in the body
<sniz> a lot of penis
<c0ldbyte> lol
<d_low> lol
<sniz> i'm tired of all thes penis enlargment spams, i get them all the fucking time
<c0ldbyte> so pretty much that email is a girl i hope if its got alot of penis in it
<sniz> and the most ironic spam, spam spamming anti-spam programs
<Putz> hahaha, I know what that's like
<sniz> and pop ups for pop-up blockers
<-- gemblung has quit (Remote closed the connection)
<-- Zxcvb_ has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))
<c0ldbyte> putz, you know what its like to have alot of penis in you ?
C00re c0ldbyte
<sniz> hahahahah c0ldbyte
<c0ldbyte> thats kinda sick man
<Putz> lmao
<sniz> i'm so posting this on my livejournal ;p
<Putz> no, the anti-spam spam
--> gemblung (gemblung@ has joined #slackware
<c0ldbyte> hehheehehe
<sniz> god
<sniz> dropline takes longer to uninstall than to install
<Putz> lmao
<Putz> c0ldbyte, if I want to find the other thing out, I'll call ya ;)
<sniz> o_O
<c0ldbyte> hahahha
<Putz> hahaha
<c0ldbyte> putz, why is my phone ringing
<-- mike_ide has quit ("Leaving")
<Putz> I dunno, why is my earpiece ringing?
<-- zomtec has quit ("Naspa- wir k?nnen kein Geld, wir k?nnen nur billig!")
<Putz> ;)
<Putz> actually, I have no idea where any of my phones ar3e
<Putz> are*
<Putz> my cell phone is somewhere...
<c0ldbyte> damnit putz dont talk dirty to me like that i told you allready im only into women gggg;s
<Putz> lol
<Putz> sorry, I couldn't resist
<sniz> why am i somehow getting aroused
<c0ldbyte> hahahhaha
<Putz> LMAO
<c0ldbyte> sniz, damnit there's a cold bucket of water coming your way
<Putz> hold on, save that cold bucket of water for the wet t-shirt contest later on... if we can find any women willing to participate
<sniz> be back in 5 minutes
<sniz> ;p
<sniz> have you seen pics of the women that come in here?
<sniz> are you sure you'd want that? srsly
<sniz> ;x
<Putz> hahaha
<sniz> ok, i unno where that came from, the only girl i can recall coming in here, and i seeing a pic of her, was kayleigh, and she isn't THAT bad
<c0ldbyte> lmfao
<sniz> *I* wouldn't hit it that is
<Putz> I'd make a few phone calls but there's problems... one, all of the girls I could call are sleeping, and two, I'd get murdered tomorrow morning
<sniz> yeh, i have pretty much the same problems, restraining orders and such are a bitch
<sniz> ;p
<c0ldbyte> hahaha
<c0ldbyte> hahaha
<-- armin_miewes (~oldrasta@ has left #slackware
<Putz> Oh, I wouldn't get restraining orders
<Putz> I'd just get the crap beat outta me
<Putz> and it would be solved
<sniz> holy crap
<c0ldbyte> putz, its usually a good thing to cacth women when there all drousy and shit so that way when you tell em you ar egonna come over theyre just like allright ok whatever
<sniz> dropline uninstaller is uninstalling everything it seems
<Putz> hahaha, that might happen but what about their parents?
<-- gemblung has quit (Connection reset by peer)
--> gemblung (gemblung@ has joined #slackware
<c0ldbyte> only bad part is explaining why your in her bed the following morning
<-- glick has quit ("Leaving")
<Putz> LMAO
<tewmten> But I am!
<c0ldbyte> WTF sniz thats sick
<sniz> hey, if it works
<c0ldbyte> hahahhaha

and, a little neat joke )

Current Music: Pantera - Hollow

You are Fascist

What: Fascism

Where: At the distant bottom-right of the politcal spectrum

How: Fascism supports total civil opression, particularly for minorities, who were prosecuted. However, it does open up to a free market. It has been attempted and failed in countries including Italy, and socialist version of it called Nazism was tried in Germany.

What political extremity are you?

mmmm, anyways, my phone got turned back on. yay. people should ring me up before 2pm -> 6:10pm-6:30pm and after 10:15 :P

Current Music: Metallica - The Wait

what is your favorite..
gum: i unno...
restaurant: Taco Bell
drink: Diet Mountain Dew
season: Spring
type of weather: uh, i unno
emotion: That feeling, when just you think everything is gonna go right.
thing to do on a half day: i unno?
late-night activity: computer
sport: actually doing? probably football.
city: eh, i unno
store: walmart!

When was the last time you..
cried: probably a couple weeks ago
played a sport: a very, long time ago
laughed: earlier today
hugged someone: 5pm
kissed someone: couple weeks ago
felt depressed: 5:01pm
felt elated: eh
felt overworked: everyday i'm at work ;p
faked sick: a long time
lied: few days ago, probably today too

What was the last..
word you said: beer
thing you ate: fried chicken
listened to: Korn
thing you drank: Bud Ice for nighttime snack ;p
place you went to: Defensive Driving Course - 4 ;\
movie you saw: Passion of Christ
movie you rented: uh, Thirteen (i think)
concert you attended: show: wow, i can't even remeber, but i'm sure it was some excuse to see liz haha

Who was the last person you..
hugged: Liz
cried over: mmm.. Liz
kissed: Brittany
danced with: oi, uhm i unno
shared a secret with: probably liz or john
had a sleepover with: eh, god, probably either that night at Steve's trailer or new years at Nate's friend's house
called: Liz
went to a movie with: Brittany and John
saw: Mom
were angry with: myself
couldn't take your eyes off of: Liz
obsessed over: Liz

Have you ever..
danced in the rain: by myself, yes, with someone else, no
kissed someone: Yep
done drugs: Yep
drank alcohol: I'm doing it as we speak
slept around: uh, no
partied 'til the sun came up: yep
had a movie marathon: not really
gone too far on a dare: not really
spun until you were immensely dizzy: yes
taken a survey quite like this before: i'm sure i have.

Well, just got home from the inevitable defensive driving course. Twas boring. So, about 30 minutes into the "course" this girl walked in. Now, this is what I LOVE about the hardcore scene.The smallest people in the world are in it. srsly, this girl wasn't short, (about 5'10 or so), but she was skinnier than those kids you see on "feed the children" commercials, it was horrid. and she came in wearing a couple of those little plastic black bracelets, and a wristband thing with a blue shirt with red writing saying "I <3 HC" god, i hate people.

Anyways... What has my life been upto? summarized
-broke up with brittany - Maybe I shouldn't have, but then again, I do feel a lot of things have came off my chest. But, along with that comes one less person I talk to/hang out with. That's life, you gotta give a little to get a little, knawmean?

-My friend Charles' (from work) wife was about to have a baby, he was gonna take his vacation time starting thursday, but on Tuesday, when we went out to lunch, and i offered beer and chicken. Now, for some people who know, this isn't something out of the ordinary, so we had to make it special, instead of our usual "5/5 mix of hot wings/honey mustard", we got 10 HOT HOT wings, and not just a 24oz of bud ice, we gots us a 40 of the 5.5. He didn't come in the next day, and Monday Charles (my superviser/not friend) told everyone his wife gave birth friday night to a 9lb 15oz baby... now, that's a big mother fucker.

-Reinstalled Windows so I can use AOL again.

That's about it really. Now, today. ok, i woke up around 1:30, fiddled around with my computer, and I got a text message around 3-3:30 (i can still recieve txt msgs', i just can't send :) ) saying "call me!", so i called, and she asked if i wanted to hang out, so i was like sure, when you gonna be here? yadda yadda, so, she said about 20 or so minutes, so I was SCURRYING all over the house, being a nervous wreck trying to find something to wear, but still be able to play it off like I wasn't getting TOO nice, cuz at 4:45 i was supposed to leave for driving course anyways. I ran in to take a quick shower (which, i probably wouldn't of done), put on some face cream, brushed teeth and all that good stuff. Then sat in front of my computer shaking in a nervous wreck. I think I kinda felt like she did the first time we met. haha. I was nervous the entire time, I just, don't know. It was cool seeing her tho. oh well. We came inside, then we left not too long, I walked her out to her car, gave her a hug, said the whole "bye!" deal, she took off, then we went our seperate ways.

Went to Driving Course, and it took me like, FOREVER to find the right building, it was at the U of M south campus, building 8. Ok, Yeh, it was hard trying to find it, so i started following this guy who looked pretty clueless as well hoping that he was going to the same class. The leet skills I have, lead me to follow the right person. As we both made it there. During the breaks we had, me and some guy was outside talking about how boring this class was, and I started talking about how when I was taking a forklift class, I fell asleep, and my head bashed againest the window with metal shades waking me up, resulting in everyone laughing at me. The group was cool, i guess, a couple rich folks sat in the back, one was a very, very enticing looking female.

and that's all folks.

BSBaker1962: I don't want to spoil some sweaty, hairy man!
ManderzIsBack: snizz has no shame
BSBaker1962: I want to spoil a cute, pouty, seductive, perky cheerleader.
MillingtonBound: BSBaker: I can be a pouty, seductive perky cheerleader
MillingtonBound: :)
Noremac1977: millington was a male cheerleader
MillingtonBound: shit
I amy rocks I: this conversation just took a turn for the worst
Noremac1977: bs never said female
MillingtonBound: he sure didn't
MillingtonBound: i think he's interested
Noremac1977: he just said cheerleader
RachCoe: he's pretty happy with him too
BSBaker1962: millington, back off. when i was younger i was once tricked into being with a man, but

it will never happen again.
MillingtonBound: *winks*
Noremac1977: haha
MillingtonBound: wtf?
MillingtonBound: you were tricke?
Noremac1977: my face hurts stop
MillingtonBound: hahaha
MillingtonBound: how are you tricked into being with a man?
MillingtonBound: haha
BSBaker1962: i was drunk, and was tricked into giving a guy a bj. i dont want to talk about it.
ManderzIsBack: WTF
ManderzIsBack: whoa
MillingtonBound: WTF
OLe MiSsHotTy86: lmao
MillingtonBound: you fag
MillingtonBound: hahaha
Millz millionz: Cntrychck84 hi
I amy rocks I: eeww
I amy rocks I: lol
ManderzIsBack: *I* was drunk and tricked into givin a guy a BJ
MillingtonBound: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
MillingtonBound: omg
MillingtonBound: that's funny shit
Millz millionz: can we trade pics?
MillingtonBound: I'm so posting that in my journal

Current Music: SoulFly - Tree Of Pain

Zebra's are colored with dark stripes on a light background. )


Little updates...

April 1, 2004- Brittany's birthday. I had swapped out days with a girl from work (Edwina), so I could go do something with Brit, I went over to her house, yadda yadda... Then we went out to Olive Garden for dinner. 'twas great. I had the "Tour Of Italy", and she has some lasagna. I tried getting this Kaluha drink, but no go. So I bought us these little cheesecake things, that were uber chocolately. $5 a piece. god. Pretty class stuff right there, but twas very, very good. After that, I took the long way downtown, and we took a horse carriage ride. The guide said some neat stuff about the city that I didn't know, and his horse was slow, and lazy. The horse stopped like, too much, and he was slow, and the driver was like "yeh, sorry, my horse is fat and lazy" Twas funny. Poor guy lost his whip. and it wasn't even his whip, he borrowed it from someone else.

Then, I brought her home, we were a tad late, but oh well.

Lets see, what else?

I've been doing a bit of Spring Cleaning, more like, throwing out a lot of shit. I painted my room, it's a greenish color. Looks MUCH nicer than before.
I'm hopefully gonna get the transmission in my car fixed up. After I do that, I'm gonna buy these seats $200 for both front seats, they're nice, black/gray. Sure, they don't exactly match right, but hey, hopefully by next year they will, when I get a paintjob and all the other good stuff. I also decided that I want to get T-Tops, like how the older Camaros do. Pretty badass, eh? Also, there's a nice body kit I found, $500 or so... but I'm sure I can find it cheaper. I'd like to get that as well, but might wait until I get a 5.0 and 5 speed transmission slapt in (around next year).

Work: ooooh, yeh. Work. Great, fucking grand. I hate it. I'm not even getting 40 hours right now. There's a new account that just opened up, called Rainbow, they're busy as shit, so I might go over there a couple tuesdays, or before I go into HP, to get a few more hours on my check.

I got written up last night too, for such a fucking gay reason. Ok, right now I'm working in the Cage. The cage, is where all the laptops/pocket pcs/digital cameras/memory/projectors are located at, small/high priced stuff. Well, Wednesday, they lost a camera, without even telling us about it until Thursday. and last night (thursday) we lost a pocket pc, but found it eventually. Why am I pissed that I got written up? Because I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! You see, excluding the cage, the procedures goes as follows;
1) Order is picked by person 1
2) Order is boxed up by person 1, and placed on line
3) Order is verified by person 2
4) Box is packaged with paper by person 3
5) Box is tapped by person 4
6) Order is shipped via FedEx (placing mailing sticks on box) by person 5
7) Order then stacked on a pallet, and placed on Truck by person 6

Ok, now, in the Cage, we have to do ALL of that, but there's only around 3 people in the cage. Which means, we all have to do several things, besides, the person picking the order. and since I'm one of the top pickers, that's what I do. I pick orders damnit! I don't even box shit up (unless I'm out of orders). Once when that order gets verified, it's out of my hands, i have nothing to do with it! and I still get shit for it.

Oooh, and then, ok, when I say "The Cage", i'm srsly talking about a huge dog cage. It locks when the door is closed, and only openable from the inside (without a key that is). and all these fuckers KEEP the fucking door open, even when our superviser came in several times, talking about how it needs to be shut at ALL times. If I get written up for that shit, I'm going to kill. no lie.

Lets see, what else to talk about? mmm... Nothing. I'm sleep deprived right now, and I can't get to sleep. That's about it. Soon I'm gonna head on out to the U of M, and see what I want to Major in. I'm probably gonna go along the lines of "Business Management/Economics." But, I have no clue when I'm going to, because my work schedule is fucked up like a mother fucker.

That's enough of my little rant. See y'all in a couple more weeks when I decide to update.

mmm... beer

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