Type your username with your:
nose: nyperold
elbow: nh7y6-p4er5o0lokdf
tongue: nyperold
chin: mnhjp[-4etropl;,.df
foot: n myopl;rdfkoilk,mlsdx
eyes closed: btoerolg
Okay, so I never learned how to touch-type. >.<
And now...
( If you don't mind, I'll give you a map. )
Snagged from selahstar and later seen as done by sosiqui
( Another Book Meme )
I had a dream.
For some reason, I was in a car. I looked out the window to see THE CLASSIC MUSHROOM-SHAPED CLOUD. It was very quiet, much like nuclear explosions aren't. I only knew there was an explosion because of the cloud. So we turned away from it (as if we were going to outdrive the explosion), but then, we stopped in a parking lot. Then, as I was about to go inside a building, another... missile, I guess? struck and detonated close enough that if the situation had been real and not a dream, I would have been a goner in a heartbeat. As it was, next thing I knew, I was in an odd version of... I guess an afterlife waiting area. It also apparently doubled as furniture storage for the prepared place. I felt... semi-numb? It was an odd feeling, even for a dream. I was trying to find out where to go next, and I went into a hallway leading to hell, apparently. I heard a shout of "HELL? NO!" echo. The hallway had some red light in it. I decided I didn't want to go any further, so I turned around and made for the doors. I had to made a couple of turns in the hallway that I didn't have to in getting there, but I went back through the doors and watched them close. But demons (I'm guessing) came into the room through another door. I threw a couple of (ineffective) punches before awakening.
#l - Passed to me via purplevix:
Here are the rules -
1. Put your birth month in an entry.
2. Strike out anything that you don't tend to think of yourself.
3. Bold the four that you think best apply to you.
4. Put all twelve months under a livejournal cut.
( Results for my birth month )
( Las Meses )
#2 - Passed to me via codeman38:
1.Go into your LJ's archives.
2.Find your 23rd post (or closest to).
3.Find the fifth sentence (or closest to).
4.Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
"Anyway, that's what I'm planning." - Before I started doing that daily Torah/Haftorah/Brit Chadashah reading. June 8, 2002.
Okay, this is getting weird.
See, our congregation has quite a few Hebrew songs that we sing, but not all of us know Hebrew well enough to translate what's being sung without the translation with it. Okay, so even I would be in that number for many songs. But even if all of us knew, what if a visitor were to come in? We'd want him to know what's being sung, right? So I'm trying to find a translation of the song Tzion, Tzion, Tzion.
I tried "tzion tzion tzion". Most either pointed to a Spanish-language site, or to Jonathan Settel. I have his tape Kol Ba'midbar, which has the song I'm looking for, but the translation below it is for the song below that, Israel, Israel[, Israel, betach baShem]. The Spanish wouldn't be a problem, but none of them translate it, either. There was even one with Tzion, Tzion, Tzion and Israel, Israel on the same page, but it translated Israel, Israel (into Spanish), but not Tzion, Tzion, Tzion.
Next, I tried "tsion tsion tsion". No results at all.
Finally, I tried "sion sion sion". WHAT... ON... EARTH? It's like a bunch of people were trying to simulate severe stuttering in their typing! And even the ones that weren't that... weren't helpful either!
Now, I'm sure Jonathan Settel wouldn't put it on his album if it didn't have a good meaning, but I want to know what that meaning is! If he knew the meaning, why not put it in the liner notes? But if not, why include the song?
Anyway, it seems I'm stuck for now. Assistance would be appreciated.
I've finally seen Scampi. My personal verdict? It doesn't appeal to me like the Tales of the Blode: 1 2 3 4 5 6
We have an outdoor bathroom. Wooden walls, normal toilet, sink... we've had it for a while. Well...
There's a bird's nest in the sink. It's buit of pinestraw, and rather than being in the classically-depicted bowl shape, it opens to the side. This morning, I discovered 4 eggs within. The eggs are small. They seem to be colored like those tan chicken eggs, only with brown speckles. The bird itself doesn't seem to hang arong long enough while I'm there to see what kind it is.
On the other side of the bathroom, let's say about 5' away, in a hole in one of the boards, there appears to be a bee. Or something. It hasn't stung me yet, or even tried, so that's good. It's leaving wood dust on a lower board, anyway.
( Inspired by an actual carpet deodorizing commercial... )
( Who or what do you think of first when you see these names? )
The other night, the statement was made on a particular site that "It could be argued that [enforcing the G-rating] is illegal" due to "freedom of speech".
[lj-cut text="My response, modified to be more general."]I have in my hand a copy of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and a few other famous documents. I quote directly from Article the third (the first two were not ratified), with bold for emphasis:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or of the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Now. Last I checked, webmasters were not Congress, and were not owned by Congress. The scope of any rule made by the webmaster extends only to the site and associated chatrooms, message boards, guestbooks, and so on. Thus, it is perfectly legal for a webmaster to make rules for the site and have them enforced. If you don't like a rule, you may bring it up with him, but it's still his decision to keep it, change it, or scrap it. Alternatively, you can live with it. Failing that, there are probably 10,000,000 sites without that rule; you are welcome to go find them. Just don't invoke "freedom of speech"; it only shows that you don't understand it.[/lj-cut]
(The original response was written with a particular site in mind.)
Well, I just got back from a ( date with my Beloved. ) You know, one of those ( things we like to do once a year. ) We had a ( candlelight dinner, ) and ( there was music, ) and ( there was dancing... )
( And to think, we're to be married someday! *sigh* :) )
On Friday, I found a nice free music composer, and have been playing with it. Watch this space for postings of the results.
Completed: Deut. 6:4-9; Num. 15:37-38
Working On: Num. 15:39
Immediate Future Projects: Num. 15:40-41; Prov. 31:10-31; Ps. 128; Num. 6:24-26
Farther In The Future: Is. 9:6-7; 52:13-53:12; others
I went to Wal-Mart today. Not a particularly uncommon occurrance. But this time, I went to the pharmacy section, as mom was using the blood pressure machine. As I waited, I looked around. And then, I saw it. A pill splitter.
But not just any pill splitter, oh no, this was an ULTRA pill splitter. An ULTRA... pill splitter.
Now, I appreciate that these devices can be pretty handy and nice to have if part of your pill regimen includes pills that require splitting, either because you have to save half for later, or because it's too big to take all at once. But isn't ULTRA a little over the top?
In other news, I saw a box of arthritis medicine. It sells for $14 and change. I wonder how much goes toward putting a little blinking LED on each one, indicating the location of knee pain.
Pah, ABC (American Broadcasting Corporation, for those who have "ABC"s that refer to something other than that). "Cycle" of violence, indeed.
HAMAS does not attack because its leaders are being killed in surgical strikes by Israelis; they attack because ISRAEL EXISTS. Meanwhile, Israel attacks only because its citizens, men, women, and children, military and civilian, are being brutally murdered because they're Israeli. And Israel takes great care to try to only hit the terrorists. This is partly because they have such a high regard for life, and partly because for every Palestinian child they kill accidently, they get stronger condemnation from the ENTIRE WORLD than HAMAS gets for every BUSLOAD of Israeli children they kill ON PURPOSE. Kill a busload of Israelis: 1 minute in the news, maybe. Kill a HAMAS terrorist leader: ALL DAY LONG with the Anti-Israel garbage. Do I think everything Israel does is right? No. And my attitude on this should make it clear that I don't think everything Bush does is right, either. But then, what presidential candidate is actually going to believe as I do?
Funny that we can go around the world and combat terrorism, and enough people are okay with that that the military actually goes and does it. But if Israel defends herself, well now. We (as a country) are ambivalent on whether or not to criticize that.
So the attack supposedly "hurts the peace process". So be it. HAMAS's idea of peace is when every Israeli is dead or subjugated, anyway. But those of us who claim to believe the Bible should know that true peace will not come through this farce of a process, but through the Prince of Peace.
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