Worth a Look.
June 26, 2004
Imagine what'll happen if they get to the final...big parties in Athens as Greece head to the Euro 2004 semi-finals
June 24, 2004
One of the choicest paragraphs, from a choice review of Bill Clinton's autobiography: "That somehow a long, dense book by the world's premier policy wonk should be worth that much money is amusing, and brings us back to Clinton's long coyote-and-roadrunner race with the press. The very press that wanted to discredit him and perhaps even run him out of town instead made him a celebrity, a far more expensive thing than a mere president. Clinton's now up there with Madonna, in the highlands that are even above talent. In fact, he and Madonna may, just at the moment, be the only ones way up there, problems having arisen with so many lesser reputations." If the Times link has expired, try here.
June 22, 2004
At the risk of turning this column into 'what Henry Farrell's written recently', he has a good piece on CT about the role of the European Parliament in international affairs.
June 19, 2004
Amongst all the other decisions made at the summit, Croatia is now an official EU candidate state. Talks are scheduled to begin next year with an aim of the Croats joining alongside Romania and Bulgaria in 2007.
June 18, 2004
Over at Crooked Timber, Henry Farrell assesses the candidates for President of the European Commission
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June 03, 2004
Repelling a spam attack
There was an enormous spam attack overnight. It came to about 300 posts. I’m trying to install some software to more permanently forstall this problem.
I’ve deleted all the offending posts, but it’s possible that I have deleted non-spam posts as well, although I did my best to avoid that outcome. If I have, I apologise and assure you that no political censorship of comments is intended. I have only once deleted a comment for reasons other than spamming, and that was a clearly personal and offensive attack on a poster.
So, if you have a had a genuine comment of yours removed in the last couple of hours, please feel free to repost it.
May 23, 2004
Yes, we’re aware of the Safari problem and looking into it. Any advice would be appreciated.
Update: Could Safari users please indicate if the problem has been fixed on their systems? Thank you!
April 27, 2004
New Europe, new afoe
Gentle readers, important things are happening this week. At the risk of telling you something you may have heard before - in only four days, on May 1st, ten countries will become members of a European Union that will hopefully not just become larger, but better (alright, over time). Only fifteen years ago, predicting such a development would have been considered hallucinary - and rightly so. So much for lacking European dynamism.
Reflecting this important development, afoe is welcoming the new EU cititzens with a new and improved design. I know - de gustibus non est disputandum - but we like it and hope so will you. By the way, the random banner images already include some pictures from the new member states - we are forestalling a little. Please note that we are now showing abstracts of the three most recent posts from our partner site Living in in the sidebar, right under the ’quicklinks’.
The design has been tested on a good deal of OS/browser combinations. But there will always be the one combination that will not produce results at least close to the visual effect that we have in mind. So please let us know if you are experiencing any difficulties while reading a Fistful of Euros.
Update: Thank you for your comments! I would be great if Safari 1.x as well as IE 5.2.x users could tell us if the remaining display problems have been solved. Thanks in advance!
March 10, 2004
Rodrigo Rato: Wagging The Finger, Or Wagging The Dog?
I have already posted on my own blog about what I see as the surreal consequences which might follow from this wish becoming a reality. If what I think happens next to the Spanish economy really does happen - and I have no doubt whatsoever that the housing bubble will crash one or other of these days - then the situation will be a bit like having Menem at the head of an IMFwhich is telling Argentina that they should have thought about the consequences before getting into all that trouble……..
My interest here today, however, is more the European dimension of this process. Firstly, if it is true, as the FT seems to contend, that the European candidature will carry the field, what does this tell us about the IMF? Secondly, maybe focussing on the IMF managing directorship is to miss the point. Maybe the real horse-trading is over future control at the ECB. In other words: will this be a case of wagging the finger, or wagging the dog?
Rodrigo Rato’s position as Europe’s frontrunner to replace Horst Köhler as head of the International Monetary Fund was strengthened on Tuesday at a meeting of European Union finance ministers in Brussels.
British officials signalled support for Mr Rato, the Spanish finance minister, and he also won the endorsement of Luxembourg’s influential prime minister, Jean-Claude Juncker.
With Germany, France and Italy so far failing to put up a strong candidate, many EU diplomats believe Mr Rato, from Spain’s ruling centre-right Popular party, will emerge as Europe’s candidate to become IMF managing director.
The vacancy was discussed briefly at Tuesday’s council of EU finance ministers, but further discussions about a single European candidacy for the vacancy will resume at their next meeting in Ireland on April 2.
Gordon Brown, UK chancellor of the exchequer, has told colleagues he regards Mr Rato as the best man to replace Mr Köhler, who is expected to become German president in May.
Meanwhile Mr Juncker, who is also Luxembourg’s finance minister and tipped as a possible president of the European Commission, said he would “applaud it” if Mr Rato’s name went forward.
No other strong candidate has yet emerged, although a number of other names were circulating at Tuesday’s meeting.
Klaus Regling, the German director-general of the European Commission’s economics department, has been mentioned, but he fell out with Berlin over its budget deficit problems. Pascal Lamy, the French EU trade commissioner, has also been discussed in some quarters, though it is unlikely France would gain a second high-profile international job so soon after Jean-Claude Trichet was appointed president of the European Central Bank.
With Mr Rato the favourite for the IMF job, Spain appears to have fallen behind in the separate battle for the vacant seat on the six-member executive board of the European Central Bank.
Germany, which had originally backed the little-known Spanish candidate José Manuel Gonzáles-Páramo, is now thought to have dropped its support, partly in response to pressure from France.
France is thought to support the candidacy of Peter Praet, director of the Belgian central bank. Mr Trichet is also thought to regard Mr Praet as strongest candidate.
Ireland’s Michael Tutty, vice-president of the European Investment Bank, is the third candidate.
A final decision on the ECB vacancy will be taken at the EU summit in Brussels on March 25-26.
Source: Financial Times
March 02, 2004
Missed an anniversary. Yesterday, it was six months since the blog was launched.
January 25, 2004
We’d like to thank the Academy
We were happy when AFOE was nominated for a Koufax Award, so we’re even happier to learn that we’re in the final seven for Best Group Blog. Thanks to everyone who’s nominated or voted for us and we hope to live up to your expectations over the next year!
January 14, 2004
Links to comments
We like to keep on top of the latest in high tech here at AFOE. So, thanks to our crack AFOE research and development team, you can now create links directly to comments on this blog by using the URL you get by clinking on the comment’s data and time.
AFOE Labs appreciates the support it has received for this challenging, ground-breaking software engineering development project. Calpundit had nothing to with it. Honest.
January 12, 2004
Greetings from the Guest
As David mentions below, the kind people at Fistful… have invited me in and asked me to do a guestblogging stint, in the (vain) expectation that I might have something interesting to say about things European.
For people who haven’t stumbled across me before, I blog over at the Virtual Stoa, was the subject of a recent Normblog profile, and spend my days teaching politics at Magdalen College in Oxford -- though my expertise, such as it is, is in topics in pre-20th century history of political thought rather than in anything useful (contemporary European politics and society, for example).
I’ve enjoyed reading Fistful… from time to time since its launch last year, and was very pleased to see A Fistful of Dynamite aka Duck, You Sucker, aka Once Upon a Time in the Revolution again over Christmas in Berkeley, CA. And I’m now the proud co-owner of an almost authentic-looking Sergio Leone-style duster coat, so I’m feeling especially qualified right now to contribute to the discussions here.
Before I close this introductory post, do check out, if you haven’t already, Scott Martens’s superlative summary of the argument of Karl Marx’s 1843 essay, On the Jewish Question, which appears in the comments to this recent post: it’s a patient and accurate summary of a complex and much-misunderstood text which deserves a bit more prominence than it gets buried away at the end of a long comments thread. Good stuff, Scott.
Right, more soon.
January 11, 2004
A good week
This week, A Fistful of Euros is very proud to present two new members of our team, Scott MacMillan, and Mrs Tilton. I trust they are already familiar to our regular readers, and their qualitifications speak for themselves.
A warm welcome to them both.
Also, this week we’re very happy to have the brilliant Chris Brooke as guest contributor. We’ll feature guests regurarly from now on.
January 04, 2004
Because we care
As of yesterdeay, we have archives by author. Click on the eternity symbol after our names. Thanks to Kieran Healy for helping me out.
January 01, 2004
Happy New Year
Happy New Year to all of you who’ve been reading, commenting on and linking to FOE for the last few months. We wouldn’t be where we are today without you so I trust you will all have an enjoyable 2004.
So, to get the FOE year off to a good start, what are your predictions for what might happen in Europe in 2004?
I’m predicting that the Irish presidency (which begins today) will make progress on the Constitutional talks, though maybe not on the Constitution itself (at least on the Giscard D’Estaing version) and also that in June’s elections, the EPP will remain the largest grouping in the Parliament, but the biggest growth will be in the smaller groupings and independent/non-aligned members.
December 23, 2003
December 05, 2003
Wizbang is having a Blog Awards competition. We’re one of twenty nominees for Best Foreign blog (What an odd sort of category on the Internet one would think, but I’m not complaining.) Please, please, please go there and vote for us if you think we’re any good, because I really want to win this thing. I’ve never won anything in my life.
Update: Now here’s a good reason to vote for us, tell all your friends, family, and random strangers to do the same, pimp us on your blogs…
The frontrunner is currently Merde in France, the France-hating wingnut. (#2 is Tim Blair, the Australian one-man We’re third and are well positioned to stop him from winning. I daresay we’re easily the best of the ones with a chance to win. Keep the eurohaters from winning. Vote AFOE!
The poll is open until dec 14. I will occasionally bump this post till then.
November 22, 2003
Speaking of Spam…
Speaking of Spam, it’s remarkable how much regular spam we get, even though it says “at” rather than @. Presumably, it’s not actual humans who read that adress, so people need to refine their anti-spam techniques. Bother.
Oh Dear
We’ve been hit by coimments spam. I guess I’ll ahve to read up on what to do. Good thing really, since Europundit already had problems, and I only bothered to ban and delete.
November 16, 2003
How are we doing so far?
Greetings, gentle readers. I may have recovered from blogging fatigue, and thought I’d start over by asking you for a little help. How do you think we’re doing? Any complaints? Any helpful suggestions? What do you want to see more of, or less of?
Oh, and suggestions for good blogs asnd other sites to link atre always welcome.
October 28, 2003
We’re, like, huge
After reading this Crooked Timber entry, I went and typed ’fistful’ and ’euros’ in Google, and, get this, we’re the number one result for both. Ahead of companies with domains like,, etc, presumably spending good money on their websites and marketing. Euros is a sponsored links query.
How about that?
October 25, 2003
Life Before Power Point
Another quiet Saturday morning here in Barcelona. This post is definitely for those looking up at the grey sky, and feeling the need for some pretty mindless entertainment. Power Point presentations: ever been subjected to one of them. Or put another way: what was life like before Microsoft? Well Peter Norvic has been thinking about this, and I for one had a good laugh. Looking for a European connection in all this: well what would count as our equivalent of the Gettysburg Address? Suggestions Please.
BTW today is Diwali in India, so happy Diwali everyone (and no, my real name isn’t Dilesh, but would it matter if it was?).
September 20, 2003
Open Thread
Estonia said yes, Sweden said no (or rather Let’s wait and see,) will Latvia say no? Plus Cancun, the new constitution…
September 17, 2003
You can help
Does anyone have suggestions for good blogs? I’m especially interested in blogs with an European perspective and ones covering the politics of a European country or region, but any good blogs are of interest of course.
One of my megalomanical hopes for AFOE was that we could use it to create a European corner of the blogosphere. Just as there is a comics blogosphere, a linguablogger blogosphere, a German blogosphere, and on a larger scale a techie blogosphere and a US politics blogosphere, there should be a pan-European politics blogosphere.
Basically I want every worthwhile English language blog about european politics to be on our blogroll. And I want as many as possible of them to become aware of each other and start talking to each other.
I think we have enough traffic for it to be actually achievable.
September 15, 2003
The result
With the final result in Sweden’s referendum on the Euro being 56% no, 42% yes and 2% undecided the joint winners of the first Fistful of Euros prediction competition are Stefan Geens and our very own David Weman who both got closest, predicting a 54% no vote. It appears that the polls before Anna Lindh’s murder were actually quite accurate, both in predicting a ’no’ victory and that it would be by a relatively large margin.
September 13, 2003
Sweden and the Euro - you decide
With Sweden voting on whether to join the Euro tomorrow, it’s a good time to test the predictive knowledge of the readers of A Fistful of Euros. So, what do you think the result of the referendum will be? Give us your prediction in the comments box and we’ll announce th winner on Monday, along with a link to your website or blog, should you have one.
This Reuters article gives the latest polling figures, with both sides averaging around the mid-40s and the undecideds seemingly the key to victory.
My prediction? No, by 53%-47% though that’s based on nothing more than pure guesswork. What do you think?
September 06, 2003
September 01, 2003
1 September 2003 - A day that will live in infamy
Welcome to A Fistful of Euros. In celebration of Labour Day - the bank holiday that Americans and Canadians get in lieu of that subversive communist holiday May Day - we are finally on line. This is the blog you want for creative, English-language coverage of European affairs.
Add it to your bookmarks and stay tuned.