Sunday, 27/6/2004: 01:44 - SERIAL EXAGGERATOR:
Michael Moore often pretends to be censored by big media, and recently he
claimed that Bill O’Reilly and Jay Leno have banned him from their shows.
In Los Angeles Times,
Patrick Goldstein shows that this is far from the truth. Goldstein happens
to be a political friend of Moore, but his conclusion is that Moore seems
like a ”serial exaggerator”, and that ”the problem with Moore is that if
you judge him as a documentary filmmaker, his work is undermined by too
many shaded facts and slippery conclusions”.
Saturday, 26/6/2004: 19:57 - HAYEK AND GAY MARRIAGE:
One of the last blatant forms of discrimination in the Western world is
the prohibition against gay marriage. A discriminatory ghost from
prejustices’ past – just as it was illegal for blacks to marry whites in
some parts of America not long ago. The only real argument that I have
heard against gay marriage (no, God’s views doesn’t count, I think he can
take care of the universe without the help from statist politicians) is
that marriage is an ancient and important institution, and we shouldn’t
tinker with such traditions. The same of course could be said in favour of
the prohibition against inter-racial marriage. But there is some vague
Hayekian plausibility to this argument – we shouldn’t try to re-arrange
the world too much, too fast. But in an excellent article in Reason,
Jonathan Rauch shows why Hayek would not agree.
The only thing I would add is that some observers make Hayek more
conservative than he is, because they tend to think of all traditions as
equally worthy of a defence from a spontaneous order-point of view
(sometimes Hayek made the same mistake). A rational Hayekian does not
agree – some institutions and traditions stand in the way of new
piecemal experiments, and new spontaneous developments which can show us
what works and what doesn’t (for example specific voluntary
relationships between adults). Traditions like that should be thrown out
before they get too old.
Thursday, 24/6/2004: 16:49 - TO GIVE YOU TIME TO READ SOMETHING ELSE:
Why waste your time reading Bill Clinton’s memoirs when
Slate has made a condensed version? Here are some great excerpts:
Clinton´s Life Not Lived:
Page 172: "I had fantasized from time to time about being a doorman at
New York´s Plaza Hotel, at the south end of Central Park. Plaza doormen
had nice uniforms and met interesting people from all over the world. I
imagined garnering large tips from guests who thought that, despite my
strange southern accent, I made good conversation.
On the 1992 Presidential Campaign:
Page 368: In 1991, Roger Porter calls from the Bush White House to say
that if Clinton decides to run, the Bush campaign will try to destroy
him personally. "We´ll spend whatever we have to spend to get whoever we
have to get to say whatever they have to say to take you out. And we´ll
do it early."
On "I Didn´t Inhale":
Page 405: "Maybe I thought I was being funny."
Clinton´s Unlikely Sources of Inspiration and Guidance:
Page 343: Chevy Chase.
Page 347: Tina Turner.
Page 410: Chevy Chase and Goldie Hawn.
Wednesday, 23/6/2004: 16:21 - SINCE MANY ASK:
No, I am not going to the small city of Norberg, to
beat the record in the category how many people with the same name as the
city are there at the same time (for the Guinness Book of Records). I
don’t think it’s the role of politicians to use our money to put cities on
the map. This project is actually financed by EU subsidies ("Objective 2"
money). And the politicians still don’t understand why the voters think
that EU is silly…
En ung invandrad kvinna vittnar mot sin släkt i ett
känsligt hedersrelaterat brott, men får inget beskydd av svensk polis, och
mördas under en resa till det gamla hemlandet i Asien. Hur kan svensk
polis göra en sådan tabbe? Det är faktiskt inte konstigt, med tanke på de
besked som kommer från högsta ort. Det finns nämligen inget sådant som
hedersmord, faktum är att det inte ens finns några kulturskillnader i
världen, det har integrationsminister Mona Sahlins
nye gunstling, den nye integrationsutredaren
Masoud Kamali slagit fast. Allt handlar om klasskillnader och ”strukturell
rasism”. Som jag förstår den nya statsideologin kan det alltså inte ha
funnits någon specifik hotbild mot kvinnan om det inte rörde sig om
ekonomiska maktrelationer.
Tuesday, 22/6/2004: 16:11 - REQUIRED READING:
Christopher Hitchens is
one of the world’s best left-wing journalists – independent,
intellectually honest and always well prepared. Now he has written the
most insightful and devastating
critique of Michael Moore and his distortions that I have ever read.
His conclusion is that “To describe this film as dishonest and demagogic
would almost be to promote those terms to the level of respectability.” As
for Moore’s statement that he won’t appear on TV shows where he might face
hostile questioning, and that he will take critics to court, Hitchens
”I offer this, to Moore and to his rapid response rabble. Any time,
Michael my boy. Let´s redo Telluride [where they once debated]. Any
show. Any place. Any platform. Let´s see what you´re made of.”
If Moore dares to accept the challenge, I will eat my hat.
Nu är det lätt att
bojkotta systemet. Det finns ju privata alternativ.
Interviewed by George Stephanopoulos on
ABC News, Michael Moore has given us a first taste of his new
“war room" tactic, supposed to counter “lies” about his film
with instant “facts”. Let’s see how he does this by looking at this
excerpt about the Saudi flights:
STEPHANOPOULOS: [I]t says here in the 9/11 commission report that
these flights didn´t take off until after the airspace reopened. That
is true, correct?
MOORE: No, they were on charter flights. Once the airspace opened for
commercial flights, they hadn´t opened for the charter flights. And so
the charter flights that picked up the bin Ladens around the country,
that went to the various cities — this was all assisted by the White
House, which really should be the real focus of this.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Well, but Richard Clarke, who´s probably at the top of
the White House enemy list, says that it was his decision, he takes
responsibility for it. He doesn´t think it was a mistake.
MOORE: Right. And he said that he´s made mistakes, and he apologized
to the 9/11 families for those mistakes.
STEPHANOPOULOS: But that wasn´t one of the mistakes.
MOORE: Well, I happen to think it was a mistake.
In other words, when confronted, Moore changes his old allegation, from
having been that this happened before commercial air space opened, to
saying that this was among the first chartered flights that were
allowed. When confronted with the fact that the former White House
terrorist expert Richard Clarke took responsibility for the decision,
Moore answers that Clarke has acknowledged mistakes, and pretends that
this was one of those mistakes, which it wasn’t. But Stephanopoulos
knows this and comes back again. Then Moore simply replies that he
thinks it was a mistake personally! So that is what is left of Moore´s
huge conspiracy theory and accusations of systematic lies, when it meets
research and tough questions – I think it was a mistake.
This is a tactic of replying out of context, hoping that your journalist
does not have specific information about the case, so that he is unable
to see when you evade the question and talk about something else.
Unfortunately for Mr Moore, Stephanopoulos is too knowledgeable to fall
for the trick. In that case, the only way out is to switch to another
subject immediately. (Another example is
here when Moore lies about what a Congressman Kennedy has told him in an
interview, assuming that Stephanopoulos won´t check his story against
the transcript, which he does
here.) But just wait and see, Moore’s tactic will work against many other
less knowledgeable journalists in the months ahead.
Oh, did I forget to mention that Moore has another new defence against
accusations of inaccuracies? His
first one was “How can there be inaccuracy in comedy?”. His
second one was “I don´t want to get lost in the forest because of a single
tree”. His new one is:
“Well, it´s an op-ed piece. It´s my opinion about the last four years
of the Bush administration. And that´s what I call it. I´m not trying
to pretend that this is some sort of, you know, fair and balanced work
of journalism […] Did I mention it´s a comedy too?”
Monday, 21/6/2004: 23:41 - MR COUNTERBALANCE:
Say you are Swedish and get your news on USA, Iraq and foreign policy
generally from the Swedish media - often uninformed, always anti-American.
What do you do if you want some balance, to get the facts they never
report, to be able to judge for yourselves? You could follow a good
American newspaper like Washington Post or Wall Street Journal. But what
if you don´t have the time? In that case, you should read
Dick Erixon´s blog on a regular basis. I don´t always share his
hawkish perspectives, but he thinks for himself, and is critical, witty
and actually interested in the rest of the world. Traits you rarely find
in the Swedish media. Recently he has written about how Swedish
journalists systematically refuse to report on the cruelty of Saudi and
Iraqi terrorists - for example the beheading of a Swede in Khobar.
I just saw history being made. The television just brought me the pictures
of the succesful landing of the first privately funded and organised human
spaceflight, SpaceShipOne. This is fantastic. Now we know that space flight is possible without a
massive bureaucarcy forcing people to pay for it. And with succesful space
entrepreneurs, at last we will see a commercial space race to make space
accesible to people in general. I for one hope to celebrate my 50th
birthday in orbit.
Michael Moore is so worried about criticism of his film Fahrenheit 911
that he has created a “war room” to offer instant responses to attacks on
the film. Moore has hired Chris Lehane - according to the
New York Times a “Democratic Party strategist known as a master of the
black art of ‘oppo,’ or opposition research, used to discredit detractors”
- and a team of fact-checkers, led by two men from the magazine New
Yorker. And if people persist in criticising the film, “he has consulted
with lawyers who can bring defamation suits against anyone who maligns the
film or damages his reputation”. "Any attempts to libel me will be met by
force", he added.
This says it all. When I work – for example when I wrote my book
In Defence of Global Capitalism, and made my documentary
Globalisation is Good – I spent a lot of time doing research before I
produced them. Afterwards, when people criticised me, I presented my
case and my facts to discuss the issues, not my opponents. Michael Moore
does things the other way around. First he makes the film. When he is
criticised for glaring inaccuracies, he starts doing some research to
defend his case. And he tries to dig up dirt on his opponents, and if
that doesn’t succeed in discrediting them, he threatens to sue those of
us who persist in criticising him!
Oh, did I forget to mention that Moore has a new defence against
accusations of inaccuracies? His
old one was “How can there be inaccuracy in comedy?”. His
new one is “I don´t want to get lost in the forest because of a single
14:32 - NOTHING LIKE 1787:
Back from a trip to Gotland, I see that the EU leaders agreed on a
constitution. And we should all be grateful for Tony Blair’s staunch
defence of the British vetoes. Otherwise we would soon see harmonisation
of taxes and other domestic policies. I am glad at least one European has
the guts to rebuke president Chirac. But the major points of this
constitution is that no power is transferred back to countries or
individuals (it’s the other way around); that it will be easier to make
new decisions despite resistance from a big minority; and the fact that it
includes a bill of rights, which calls almost every aspect of the welfare
state a “right” (labour market regulations, social security, and so on).
In other words, the EU constitution talks about human rights to things
that the EU is not entitled to legislate about. A classical way of
increasing EU power silently, step-by-step, through the back door. Is
there nothing good to be said about this constitution? Oh yes: It will
probably not be implemented, due to the voters’ resistance at the polls.
Friday, 18/6/2004: 11:46 - MORE TRUE STORIES:
Do you want another example that socialism and rationing does not create
the world´s best health care system? Hospitals in Malmö, Sweden´s third
city, has started
hiring security guards, to deal with patients who turn aggressive and
violent when they don´t get help or treatement.
Here is another
true story about socialised health care in Sweden: Jack gets a brain
tumour. He is being sent around several different institutions, where he
sits and waits for hours. He gets no diagnosis, and is simply told to
wait. After two months he finally gets the diagnosis. It´s a big tumour,
too difficult to remove surgically. Even though this is a highest priority
case, and even though Jack has paid taxes all his life to get health care
when he needs it, his waiting period for radiation treatment is more than
a month. “Unacceptable, but not much to do about it”, the doctor concludes.
Jack begins to look for alternatives abroad, and is warned by his doctor
about “unserious” foreign alternatives. But four days later, and by
borrowing 250 000 SEK ($33 000), he gets surgery in a German hospital.
It is successful. And it turns out that Jack wouldn’t have survived
another month if it hadn’t been for the surgery.
(Here is
another true story about Swedish health care.)
09:36 - SARA LIDMAN:
Just a week ago, many Swedish left-wing intellectuals and journalists said
that it was awful to see everybody paying tribute to Ronald Reagan. Today
they all embrace everything ever done by the Swedish author Sara Lidman,
who just died. The difference of course, was that Lidman hated the US,
liberalism and the free market. Since you will be hearing that she was
full of love and solidarity for the whole mankind over the next few days,
it´s worth mentioning that Sara Lidman adored the Vietnamese dictator Ho
Chi Minh, whose communist regime murdered more than
one million Vietamese (unrelated to the war). She found harsher words for
western businessmen, whom she saw as a "junta", intent on killing the
third world. She refused to protest against the Soviet occupation of
Afghanistan in the company of the Swedish Committee for Afghanistan
because they "help the right", but she had no problem with protesting
against the American invasion of Afghanistan in the company of dogmatic
Since the EU leaders cannot agree on a new head of the European
Commission, Luxembourg’s Prime Minister, Jean-Claude Juncker, is once
again mentioned as a compromise candidate. Why not? He understands the EU
system better than most, and he is honest about it. Just listen to his
words to Der Spiegel 1999:
”We decide on something, leave it lying around and wait and see what
happens. If no one kicks up a fuss, because most people don’t understand
what has been decided, we continue step by step until there is no
turning back.”
Thursday, 17/6/2004: 23:34 - PERCEPTIONS:
I just got a nice e-mail from a reader, saying that he enjoyed what I am
doing - and he also said with sympathy that I must be a minority in Sweden
with my pro-capitalist message. The funny thing was that this was a reader
in China! Apparently not a place where pro-capitalist views are in a
minority any more.
By the way, just to set the record straight: I often complain about
Swedish policies, and taxes and government spending here are
internationally unique. But at the same time it must be said that we
have less regulation and more open markets than in most other countries.
In the
Index of Economic Freedom, Sweden is the 12th economically freest country
on earth, in the Economic Freedom
of the World, Sweden is the 26th. In other words: Astonishingly,
about 180-190 countries are even less capitalist than Sweden. You can
begin to worry now.
21:04 - MAKE IT SO!:
Did you think that Star Trek was
just fiction and no science? Think again. According to the journal
Nature, two independent research teams have now performed successful
teleportation. It is not atoms as such that are teleported, it is the
properties of one particle that has been teleported to another particle in
milliseconds - at the push of a button - without any physical link.
Perhaps we will never teleport individuals (would you like to disappear
and see your properties transported to other atoms?), but experts tell the
BBC that ”This is a milestone”, which will make new ultra-fast computers
with quantum wiring possible. And in four days, the first commercial
manned flight beyond the atmosphere is
taking place. That is a first step toward space-tourism that will make
space open to everyone. “Second star to the right, and straight on ‘til
Kommer ni ihåg att jag tipsade om Jasenko Selimovics
intervju med doku-propagandisten Janne Josefsson? Eftersom intervjun
verkligen fick Josefsson ur balans är det föga förvånande att det nu visar
sig att SVT:s samhällsredaktion i Göteborg
ville stoppa sändningen av programmet. Det är maktens arrogans.
Wednesday, 16/6/2004: 23:18 - AGE OF COERCION:
”Monibiot believes in a better world". So says the headline to an
interview with this British anti-capitalist in Svenska Dagbladet today.
This is because George Monbiot
proposes a ”global democracy” in his new book, ”The Age of Consent” (now
in Swedish), by which he means a world government, where Chinese and
Indian voters can rule our lives if they chose, and where it is impossible
for the individual to make exit to any other type of system.
”Monbiot believes in a better world”. When did you last read such a
statement about a free-marketeer like Milton Friedman or Thomas Sowell?
Probably never. And the difference is that they really do believe in a
better world for all, Monbiot doesn’t. He thinks the world is a zero-sum
game. He believes in a better world for developing countries, but that
this has to mean that ”I will get it worse, and England will definitely
get it worse”. I wonder who had to get it worse from the start, for us
to get from stone age to silicon age. Whom did we take all these cars
and mobile phones from?
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