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Below is information about the "Gainesville, FL" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:gainesville (529300)  
Name:Gainesville, FL
Location:Gainesville, Florida, United States
About:This is a community for people who live in or like the city of Gainesville, FL.

Keep discussions as close to the topic of "Gainesville" or "University of Florida" as possible. If you want to post about something random, at least try to get it to relate to Gainesville.

Check the community's "Memories" section before posting a question to see if it has already been answered in the past!

Please refrain from posting quizzes.

Additionally, try not to post that you're bored (unless you want to get a group of Gainesvillians together to hang out) or make posts that are all about your personal life and nothing about Gainesville. Those posts don't belong in the community.

Finally: please leave comments turned on for all posts. Unless you're selling something and want private responses only, posts should be left open for discussion to the members of the community. If closed-comment posts are created here, I encourage all members to respond and discuss anyway by creating new posts of your own! Getting everyone involved is one of the main goals of this community.

Thank you, and have fun!

G'ville MeetUps are great...

Check out the other Gainesville communities:
userinfogainesvillejews (Jewish Gainesvillians)
userinfogainesvilleswap (textbook swappage)
userinfo34thstreetwall (discuss anything)
userinfogainesvillewalk (Gainesville walking club)
userinfogainesvillerun (Gainesville runners)
userinfogainesvillegoth (Gainesville goth scene)
userinfogvillegayboy (Gay community)
userinfogatortickets (Gator football ticket selling)
Memories:76 entries
Interests:137: 5 star pizza, academics, agriculture, alachua county, albert the gator, alligator rocks, am 850, amanda garrigues, arf, argentina, as friends rust, ben hill griffin stadium, big sky, body tech, brick city, cafe gardens, calico jack's, campus club, campus lodge, century tower, civic media center, cluck-u chicken, coffee shops, college football, common grounds, copper monkey, cracked actor, durty nelly's, eddie c.'s, expensive gas prices, fat tuesday, fifth year crush, florida, fraternities, full circle, gainesville, gainesville ale house, gainesville place, gator football, gator gay straight alliance, gator times, going to shows, grad school, graham, greek life, guitar, hall2000, hot water music, i-75, indie rock, isis, jennings, jp gators, kanapaha botanical gardens, lake alice, lake wauburg, lakeside, later gator, laura minor, leonardo's, lexington crossing, livejournal, livejournal meetups, local bands, loyal frisby, lush, market street pub, maude's, meeting people, mellow mushroom, melrose, mildred's, news 5, noah's red tattoo, ocean, orbit, partying, pawn rook four, pedestrian crossing, public transportation, purple porpoise, raves, rawlings, rednecks, reitz, reitz union, road trips, rock 104, rocky point, rts, salty dog, santa fe community college, sfcc, shands hospital, side bar, sky, sororities, starbucks, the alligator, the blowhole, the busdrivers, the documentary institute, the florida gators, the gainesville student ghetto, the gainesville sun, the grog house, the harn museum, the hippodrome, the hub, the internet, the j-school, the know how, the loft, the mercury program, the murphree area, the o-dome, the oaks mall, the palace, the phillips center, the reitz, the student ghetto, the swamp, twylo, uf, uf alumni, uf baseball, uf basketball, university auditorium, university club, university of florida, university place, university terrace, video games, waldo, wluf, wruf, wuft
Members:431: 10000voltghost, 122779, 174708390, 2tonegator, 69crazychicka69, _melissa_, a2pak7, aboonie4u, aenea3, aeo, afropuff, agnesgrey, agnor, aharonshual, aigator, aiya, aktdeco, allofmyprophets, allycatt007, almost_normal, amanda371, amessp, andjuan, andthings, angelballerina, angelfalling, angelflipped05, angelgoesplunk, anonymooz, anthonyxoxo, antmagik, aoibhinn, arspoetica, artsyufchick, asphalteyedew, athousandrobots, atomicskies, atypicality, bananafishfever, bannannamo19, baseballbella, bassclarinetfrk, bboyck, beautifulcubic, bee, behindthewalls, benmonkeyz, bephers, billy_, bitpartinyrlife, blackfroggy, borderpatrol, bowbag, brighteyewonder, bruise11, bubbleandsqueak, burnmacs, calculust, cammiemille, capsulex, caraleigh, ceiridwen, chefkatsuya, cherytw1st, choirgirlhotel, christinawow, claudioscambria, clive5, coldtoast, colorofmoney, completelykar, countdorkula, cptinramius, crazyforcharlie, crazyindiegrl, crl, crushlist, crysi666, ctzanderman, custom_concern, dambo, darkfaeryqueen, darksolace, delanoche, destinyellen, destopia, deussum, diminutive, docgonzo, donladdy, dorkimon, drcynnamon, dreamstarrhia, dwlf, ecegatorturo, eddiegah, edwardthebear, effjay, elars, elcapitane, electricdigits, empressnite, emptyeyedgbyes, eric_the_red, eshire_catte, eternalgator, evilxjesus, evyltemptryss, fatlilpony, ferfergator, fiendling, filterscladdagh, firevenom, fjord, flaquita, flcrackerqt, floridagirl1, flutterbywings, foreversmilin, forsaken23, fromthisheart, frostedmessiah, funkymutha, g8rbabe06, galaxycat, ganneu, garxcou, gatorglitter02, gatormade, gauche1028, gegenschein, gerome_77, ginpotter, giramoni, girlunkown, givememore, gjstruthseeker, glitterdance, glory80, glyko33, gonelost, gothmog944, gvillepunk, halcyonist, handsinpockets, hatchetchik, heartbreaker007, hehehello, herohigh, hiscores, hofesh, hoing, holdmysoda, holierthanjesus, hookline, hungsolo, iathenaldyi, ichuu, icraveattn, ikeropi, iluvmymoo, imsarahann, indiancutie, indymag, insideismytruth, insouciant19, isotope777, itsamebrittany, jadedpoet84, jasminia, jaxtransplant, jaypea, jbradley, jenbys, jewosh, jjrocket, jkndrkn, jmcptbackfire, joeythenerd, joshparty, justacreep011, justcope17, justgottabeme, justorama, juxtaposeur, kaboom_cult, kabukichris, kamphey, karlgrenze, katief1001, katina_sabrina, kenasehc, kenope, keris, kid19, kidsinthefront, kimmyxeatxworld, kingofallporn, kittykatpower, kittykinks, krissi518, kristan, ktthesquirrel, lattelauren, laythatbeatdown, leiabelle, libra276, lilgatord, lilpinkflirt, lineleader, liquidamethyst, lissyangel07, little_fugue, little_rebbie, littlelaurabee, liz0729, lizzzart, load, logorrheic, lostcrumpet, lostsouldier, loudestsound, loveroftruth, lucidfairytale, luhluhluscious, luhpatate, luvlygator, lyralee, madamxme, magicpeak, makkie, mamsteroonie, mariachelli, marinero, mary_kate, mastergode, megami711, melancholy_echo, memory, menorah, meredithkempler, merrakech, miserable, mixedup22, mmartiann, moderndevotion, moderndisaster, moonarcher, mooshmoosh, moreiley, movieguru, mr_booneman, mudbaybee, muimal, myclam, mydementia, myrevolver, naebliser, naivebunny, nectareal, newfoundatari, newtsamson, nfgatorgal, niggasbefrontin, nire2003, notnerbmi, obscure_island, obsidiantears, ohmybuddha, onetr1ckpony, optimisticore, paintmelines, peteandwally, pinball_wizard, pistolsmoke, plane_crash_inc, poincare, popgoggles, porchlife, portish, practicalfool, preciousescape, preeho, princessrini, propaghandy, punkii_duckii, purljamber, quad9, quieteidolon, quietjane, r0b666, radio_red, rainbowgirl28, rancidfeet, redangryme, redstormrising, redstripe, regenald, reggitsan, reignofjade, remembering, rentemspoons, rivothed, rockygrrl, rollerskateking, rottenzipperkid, roxygurlklc, ryuhou, sailorscorpio, sairie, samrij, sanluyene, sapphireashes, satishkunisi, scarletk8, scarletorb, scooby1041, scorpio56, seanmonistat, senorquesa, sensativexmoon, serena88, serendipity779, shadrack, shah_andre, shaynester, shorthairyjew, shrinkingstars, sicknessva, silentangel17, silverday, simkat, sky595, skyfish, sleeplesslylost, slowlyfallfast, snugglehore, socogirl, solinger, soul_star, southpaw1028, spacebump, spanknastyfresh, sparklefade, staceyeileen, starbabemo, starfairies, stargirl422, starrrless, starryeye, starsgonestray, staystrong, stefanina, stephtastic, stitched_kitty, stochasticism, stuntdouble, sugerbean, supergal, superstarbrite, swanrat, sweet_sunrise, sweetiedarling, synchrophonics, tahakhan, taintedbunny, talkinghands, tarnassel, tarnishedfaith, teacake911, technoluvr, teenonfire4lord, tempus, teribeth, texasboy32641, the_tay, the_viirus, theboyfriend, theferris, thegeeklife, thejam, thejbexperience, theromansgohome, theusualemotion, thorne2112, tiney, tink00, titania82, transitivity, tumbleweedice, tyler_uf, ufgatorgirl, ufmystic, ufsalsiee, unclebadass, unpoete, vacagrande, veeronika, velvette, vicariance, vwgirl80, walkingshadow, wernsing, whatsgolden, white_dawg, wildtulip, windygirl2019, worthlessdefect, wright_1, wtfd00d, x405_w4lru5, x_leftout_x, xalxuffasch, xandyx, xenothon, xgator4lifex, xinfinityx, xlonggoodnightx, xloveisrealx, xstockix, xsynstar, xxlove_jennaxx, yeago, youlikeguys, youralgebra, yourstumbleine, zeitgeist09, zeitundraum, ziemkowski, zingboom, zynthpopicon
Watched by:299: 10000voltghost, 122779, 69crazychicka69, _melissa_, a2pak7, aeo, afropuff, agnesgrey, aigator, airpear, allycatt007, almost_normal, amanda371, amessp, angelballerina, angelfalling, angelflipped05, angelgoesplunk, anonymooz, anthonyxoxo, antmagik, aoibhinn, arspoetica, asphalteyedew, atypicality, bannannamo19, baseballbella, behindthewalls, benmonkeyz, bephers, bigd2002, billy_, bitpartinyrlife, blackfroggy, bobsfriends, bowbag, brighteyewonder, bruise11, bubbleandsqueak, calculust, caraleigh, ceiridwen, christinawow, claudioscambria, clive5, coldtoast, coloblind, completelykar, conduit2358, countdorkula, crazyforcharlie, crl, crushlist, dambo, darkfaeryqueen, darkjewel85, darksolace, destinyellen, destopia, dieslgirl, dorkimon, drcynnamon, dreamstarrhia, dwlf, edwardthebear, effjay, elars, elcapitane, electricdigits, empressnite, eshire_catte, eternalgator, evilxjesus, evyltemptryss, ferfergator, fiendling, fire_creek, firevenom, flaquita, floridagirl1, foreversmilin, frostedmessiah, g8rbabe06, galaxycat, ganneu, gatorglitter02, gatormade, gauche1028, gegenschein, ginpotter, girlunkown, givememore, gjstruthseeker, gonelost, gothmog944, gvillepunk, hatchetchik, heartbreaker007, hehehello, herohigh, hiscores, hoing, hungsolo, iathenaldyi, icraveattn, ikeropi, iluvmymoo, indymag, insideismytruth, insouciant19, isotope777, itsamebrittany, iwouldntmind, jaxtransplant, jbradley, jenbys, joeythenerd, justacreep011, justcope17, justgottabeme, justorama, kaboom_cult, kabukichris, kamphey, karlgrenze, karmen, kenope, kid19, killyoume, kingofallporn, kittykatpower, krissi518, krisyp00h, ktthesquirrel, laythatbeatdown, leiabelle, libra276, lilgatord, lilpinkflirt, lilstarfsu, lineleader, liquidamethyst, littlelaurabee, liz0729, lizzzart, logorrheic, lostcrumpet, lostsouldier, luvlygator, lyralee, ...
Account type:Free Account

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