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Editor's Choice

Blood on Their Hands
A day in the life of the Crime Scene Cleaners

Give us back our dignity
Says new Iraqi PM Iyad Allawi

On the waterfront
Braving Australia's historic sea baths

Clinton has the power. All Monica has is the frock
Beatrix Campbell on Clintongate

Focus: On Soham
Do Soham failures go right to the top?

Independent Book Group

Another bloody day

Two car bombs in Hillah that killed at least 23 civilians and injured 58, including Noor Ahmed, above, have raised the political temperature before Wednesday's transfer of sovereignty

Butler widens his inquiry to include spin campaign of Number Ten

Nato will train Iraqi security forces under compromise deal

Leading article: 'Bitter divisions' remain in placeindependent portfolio

Europe chooses a new President
Tony Blair and Gerhard Schröder have backed the Portuguese Prime Minister as European Commission president

Profile: Jose Manuel Durao Barroso

Smear allegations reopen row between Brown and Blair
Gordon Brown last night authorised an attack on Downing Street for allowing an orchestrated campaign of "lies and distortions" about the Chancellor's conduct

UK news

Blunkett stands firm despite support for Westwood

Talks aim to head off Tube walk-out chaos

Court warning over Tory plan to bar pupils

World news

$20m 'hole' in Iraqi funds held by US-led authority

Kerry can count on biggest-ever war chest

Israeli forces kill militant leaders in Nablus raid

Europe news

Pro-Western reformer wins Serbian presidency

Protesters cause rail chaos in Italy

Business news

Share buying spree sparks insider deals investigation at M&S;

Bank warns of hedge funds threat

Basel banking accord could herald cheaper home loans


Henman ready to raise his game

Baros sees off Danes to prove credentials


TV historian tells schools to teach facts, not trendy ideas

Science exams are failing pupils, says Royal Society


Are you covered for a great UK getaway?


Boris Johnson: 'I have all sorts of ideas for the arts'


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