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Below is user information for keith. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:keithb (95420) Paid User
Location:Minneapolis, Minnesota, United States
AOL IM:strugglingfool (Add Buddy, Send Message)

I still have no idea what to type here, so feel free to wildly speculate about my life.

And enjoy the free hors d'oeuvres.
Memories:7 entries
Interests:80's music, adult swim, answers, being john malkovich, ben stiller, bible, blue man group, brak, brian froud, c. s. lewis, cake, cartoons, carvel, chasing amy, chocolate milk, chris elliot, christianity, clerks, collective soul, comedy, comedy central, comic book guy, comic books, comics, conan o'brien, cyndi lauper, daily show, dana carvey, dark crystal, david blaine, david copperfield, david letterman, david spade, dennis miller, discernment, dogma, dunkin donuts, egypt, emo philips, escher, everybody loves raymond, faith, family guy, fiona apple, fountains of wayne, frank oz, futurama, george orwell, ghoti hook, god, gonzo, good charlotte, green arrow, haiku, homer simpson, honesty, houdini, humor, ice cream, illusion, intelligence, janeane garofalo, jay and silent bob, jesus, jim henson, john cusack, jon stewart, kazoo, kevin smith, kids in the hall, labyrinth, laughing, let's bowl, lightning, logic, lord of the rings, magic, mallrats, mentalism, michael moore, mike myers, minesweeper, moltar, monkeys, monty python, movies, muckafurgason, muppet show, muppets, music, mxpx, mystery science theater 3000, new testament, new york city, noggin, norm macdonald, npr, oreos, peace, peanut butter twix, penn and teller, quotes, ray romano, reading, reality, religion, rem, rich kronfeld, roger and me, ryan stiles, sarcasm, saturday night live, sealab 2021, seinfeld, sesame street, simpsons, singapore, six flags, skepticism, space ghost, spike jonze, star wars, steve martin, steven wright, stoicism, superman, switchfoot, the dark crystal, the onion, the simpsons, the sopranos, the tick, theatre, they might be giants, tim burton, tolkien, tori amos, transformers, truth, tv nation, u2, walter, weezer, weird al, will ferrell, wisdom, wonder, x-force, x-men, zorak
Friends:39: 20something, adult_swim, aireas, asildess, calvary, darkfacet, donline, dreamallday, drownedinink, ghostplanet, haikus, jimhensonfans, lamo78, laodicea, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, mikierash, minorepiphanies, muckafurgason, nicandmikie, paidmembers, paxsenarrion, persona, posty54, pyr0man, replies, satellitegirl82, simplysara, sixthwilbury, skywalkerchick, smile429, stephi, thesilverspiral, the_labyrinth, trickflow01, twondo, viewaskew, wiggywallet, wizzfizz
Friend of:23: aireas, asildess, darkfacet, donline, dreamallday, drownedinink, lamo78, laodicea, mikierash, nicandmikie, paxsenarrion, persona, posty54, pyr0man, satellitegirl82, simplysara, sixthwilbury, skywalkerchick, stephi, thesilverspiral, twondo, wiggywallet, wizzfizz
Member of:12: 20something, adult_swim, calvary, ghostplanet, haikus, jimhensonfans, minorepiphanies, muckafurgason, paidmembers, replies, the_labyrinth, viewaskew
Account type:Paid Account

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