Eccentric Angel's Journal [entries|friends|calendar]
Eccentric Angel

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(Crash Into Me)

mine [03 Jul 2004|01:43am]

(Crash Into Me)

long road [17 Jun 2004|03:32am]
[ mood | accomplished ]

it's been awhile since i've opened my eyes
i know i'm here
but i feel so high
i'm nyc bound 06.24.04 - 07.01.04

(5 Burns | Crash Into Me)

hello world [11 Dec 2003|05:30pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]

Who does this angel speak of
when she claims fame to
reckless beats and harmony
on the streets

(Crash Into Me)

EA [02 Nov 2003|03:44am]
[ mood | aggravated ]

i went to claim my domain but someone else has stolen it :( you all know i'm the original Eccentric Angel.....

(Crash Into Me)

oh boy [09 Sep 2003|02:29am]
[ mood | amused ]

i got a cellphone. voicemail, txt msging, and insurance. look out world.

(Crash Into Me)

to Roswell [28 Jul 2003|03:23am]
[ mood | accomplished ]

[Roswell] well, madam M, what do you have
to say? this is your very last day as a teen queen. you
simply must be overwelmed?

[madam M] overwhelmed? i think not! ah, maybe so
my last day, but i'll become a 20-something goddess. the
goddess i knew i always was. the teen queen scene was
never quite my deal. i perfected it, and now i'm bored
with blue bubble gum and boys. i have a new toy of choice
to entice my thirst. i look foreword to my fabulous
glamourous 20-something future.

[Roswell] look out world, goddess M has entered
the building.

(Crash Into Me)

residence [30 May 2003|03:11am]
[ mood | peaceful ]

I live in the Venice Of America. *sighs*

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