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IM BACK AND IM STILL BLACK [Apr. 22nd, 2004|08:23 pm]
[mood | happy]

HELLO EVERYBODDY. Sorry ive been gone for a while. was thinking bout making a new entry during easter break but i just never got around to doing it. OMG!!! testing week is sooooo AWSOME, i LOVE it!
soooooo... anyways... i would like you to answer these questiones three.
1.How are you guys doing?

2.How was your easter break?

3.Do you love testing as much as me?

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HI [Mar. 29th, 2004|07:22 pm]
[mood |awake]
[music |HEY YA]


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UMMMMMMMMMM! [Mar. 19th, 2004|07:45 pm]
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going to the mall [Mar. 19th, 2004|07:44 pm]
[mood | excited]
[music |OH YEAH]

i might be getting some new shoes today

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[Mar. 17th, 2004|06:51 pm]
[mood | sore]
[music |DROP]


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Its been a long time [Mar. 16th, 2004|10:54 pm]
im so happy...
i dont no why, i just am.
school schedule is tight, except for the fact that i have stupid azz holmes, and i have spanish class.
but the exit exams are easy,except for the essay part.
i hope i dont fail the exam just bcause of the essay part.
if i do. then imma be really pissed.
man can you believe i have homework durring the exit exam.
i hate this S***, i dont feel like doing hw.
but anyways i got to go im tired.
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MOVIE NIGHT [Mar. 7th, 2004|10:28 pm]
[mood | good]
[music |theme song to austin powers]

tonight i saw this movie called matchstick men. that movie was tight. i love those types of movies though. like poolhall junkies, oceans 11 (the one with frank sinatra and the one with george clooney)and the hustler. those movies are awsome. if you havent seen might want to go and rent one of them. if you do cuz you read this entrie, be sure to tell me how you liked it. ok gtg bai.

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5th Period [Mar. 4th, 2004|08:48 pm]
[mood | energetic]
[music |rubberband man]

hello there,
today was a crazy day in fifth period, today we leaned about milk duds(in the middle of the lesson, the teacher just stopped to talk about his experiances with milk duds), and how they always gets stuck to the roof of the teachers mouth, and how he never likes to eat them in the movie theaters. the teacher really thinks we want to no about his experiences with MILK DUDS! i sure dont care about that. but hey at least we get a break from working.
this teacher seems to hate me though... i thinks its cause im black... no hahah just kidding maybe cause i like to talk alot in that class. but you cant blame me, or can you? oO... its just in my blood, loud and talkative.
no but on the other hand we got to learn about monkeys today. i kinda like that topic, and there was some pretty cool pics in our book of the monkeys. one monkey had like a red white and blue face, and one monkey looked like it was high cause its eyes and mouth were so wide open. kinda like the pic below. but overall the period was tight.
just thought youd like to no, and if you didnt o well.

jermie ^^

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To those who like/need to hear someone say something positive [Feb. 24th, 2004|10:39 pm]
Hey there America,
this is a personal letter from Mr. Jermie
I just wanted to say to everyone "HAVE A GREAT NIGHTS SLEEP"
that came from none other than my mouth.
I said it bcause there may be someone who enjoys hearing those words and there may be someone who never hears those words(if bcause family is too busy, or they just dont say it) whatever it is you no that i said it... And you no what... GOOD MORNING ALSO"
Jermie ^_^
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Quote of the Day [Feb. 24th, 2004|10:19 pm]
Hey there America.
Todays quote of the day goes a little something like this.
"WRAP IT UP" now you heard it america. comming straight from B.E.T.
(You prbobaly already heard alicia keys say it... but i thought i would say it again bcause its portant)
now if you just GOTTA have it make sure you wrap it(but id advice you to do what you think is best so your parents wont be on your back all day long...if you no what i mean), bcause you no good in hell well you dont want to be havin no bebes kids while youre in highschool. and you shoooo nuff dont want to be a babies daddy, who aint got no money to support they kids cause you wanted to buy some brand new clothes or shoes( you no you love the clothes and the jordans)So follow the quote...ill say it one more time for you...
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the dave chapell show [Feb. 24th, 2004|07:13 pm]
hey there america,
all day at school today we were talking about the new dave chapell show.
that show is HILLARIOUS!!!!! I love the prince skit. It was so funny how he was like " and your crew...vs. me and the REVOLUTION! and then when he did that dunk HAHhaahHAHhhahHAhah WOoooooot that had me bussin up.
whenever i go to the park to play ball imma make sure i set the girly pics.
BUT THE MOST FUNNY is the rick James skit " have sex with me babby... im Rick James B****"
hahaha i guess its only funny to those who watch the show but i no imma look forward to watching the newest one.
alright then
me thinks it time for me to bounce
ill cya later
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the movies [Feb. 21st, 2004|09:27 am]
yesterday i saw the movie you got served and it was crazy cool. I loved the dancing... if only i could pop that good i would be so crazy...and omg did you see lil kim, she was lookin pretty good in that bra. ^_^
OMG that white boy in the movie was off the chain. he was dancing better than some of the black people. and that one rubber dude was pretty tight.
Alright then America im gonna go now see you later
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Food Crisis [Feb. 20th, 2004|06:42 pm]
Hello there America.
I woke up this morning, and i was hungry.
I looked in the cubbard, and it was bare.
oh no. oh no. oh no.
I thought i would fix myself a sandwhich.
I had penutbutter but NO JAM!!!
O HELP ME NOW!!!!!!!
Penutbutter but no jam can you believe that?
That reallie made my day -_-
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Quote of the day [Feb. 20th, 2004|06:32 pm]
Hey there america. Todays quote of the day is... " If your bisquits catch on fire, you should stop, drop, and roll."
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