Living in India [
em] opinion, economics | by Chandrachoodan Gopal
15 June, 2004 at
07:44 PM |
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To those unfamiliar with good
Mr. Maslow, and his theory of heirarchical needs, here is a primer. Mr Maslow once said that man (and woman, to be pc) have different needs at different points of time, and that these needs are hierarchical. Meaning, that only after I have attained or achieved a certain need, can I go beyond to the next step.
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Living in India cities and sounds, blogging | by Chandrachoodan Gopal
15 June, 2004 at
07:31 PM |
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When in Madras, when riding a bike, and it is raining, don't, I repeat,
don't ever get stuck behind a TVS moped or a scooty.
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Living in India perspectives | by deepakjois
11 June, 2004 at
06:59 PM |
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In a significant departure from its initial position, Google
might be supporting RSS after all. This, after it decided a few months ago that it was going to put its weight behind
Atom, a competing specification which claims to solve all the problems with the RSS specification.
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Living in India debate | by amit phansalkar
11 June, 2004 at
11:26 AM |
comments (4)
The reservations debate is on again, only this time, the scope has extended to the
private sector. Not surprisingly, there is an increasing discomfort in private sector over the issue of reservations, especially in the wake of Maharashtra government proposal asking some companies in the private sector to reserve 52 percent jobs for the socially marginalized section in lieu of concessions availed from the state.
India, Inc. jittery over job quotas
Industry opposes Maharashtra reservation policy
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Living in India news analysis | by anand m
11 June, 2004 at
11:17 AM |
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I just bought the new expansion for
Rise of Nations called the
Thrones and Patriots. It adds a new nation,
Indian to RON and I just played that first..:-)
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