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  June 29, 2004

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Contents: Week of June 28, 2004

Up Front

HNN Blog Quote of the Week: "The administration’s Iraqi policy is the product of deep historical forces, which explains why President Bush has refused to change course despite a manifest lack of success and sagging approval ratings in the United States." -- Allan Lichtman

From Our Archives

The Top 5 Myths About the 4th of July

The Myth About the Signers of the Declaration of Independence that Won't Die Kelley Duddleson

Jefferson Still Survives Andrew Burstein

News at Home

Bush-Cheney Campaign Using Hitler to Score Points

The Downside of Downsizing Bob Batchelor

News Abroad

Iraq and Other Pseudo-States Adam Hochschild

What I Like About America (Letters from Japan, Part 10) William Thompson

Culture Watch

Why Even Bush Critics Should Be Ashamed to Endorse Michael Moore's Movie Gil Troy

Michael Moore's 9-11 Ron Briley

Historians & History

The Middle East Studies Professors Who Came to the Defense of a Jew-Hater Daniel Pipes and Teri Blumenfeld

Interview with Richard J. Carwardine: About Lincoln Jason Emerson

The NAACP's Rare Legal Victories in the North Adina Back

Fact & Fiction

Only 1/3rd of Americans Supported the American Revolution? William Marina

Contents: Week of June 21, 2004

News at Home

About the Ties Between Saddam and Osama The White House, the NYT, and TalkingPointsMemo

Why You Should Be Scared to Death of Electronic Voting Robert E. Mutch

What Mario Cuomo Thinks Lincoln Would Do Jason Emerson

News Abroad

Why We Should Celebrate the Resignation of Latin American Envoy Otto Reich Max Paul Friedman

Can History Help Us Understand What's Happening in Iraq? James Matray

Torture Didn't Work for the French in Algeria Either Shawn McHale

Why the Neocons Get an "F" For Failure Murray Polner

Historians & History

GoodmanSchwernerChaney: 40 Years Ago Today Gil Troy

The Big Opportunity Ronald Reagan Missed Otis Graham

Before We Move on, Let's Remember Ronald Reagan's First Victory Against Terrorism Daniel Pipes



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Judith Apter Klinghoffer

Allan Lichtman
Thomas C. Reeves
Askari Street

HNN Indexes
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John Kerry
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Gay Marriage
Brown v. Board of Ed.

Breaking News

Obituary: Brian Manning has died aged 76. As a historian, he applied ideas from the new left of the 1950s to the English civil war, exploring the English revolution to its roots.

Gettysburg: The National Park Service Has Decided That L.A. Architect Richard Neutra's Landmark Cyclorama Center--Which Has Stood at the Gettysburg Battlefield for More Than 40 Years--Now Detracts From the History.

WWII: The dedication of the World War II memorial in Washington, D.C., and the 60th anniversary of D-Day made headlines this spring, prefaced by the grim fact that veterans of that era are dying at a rate of 1,000 a day. Despite the hoopla over veterans, a state military oral history project started by Gov. George Pataki on Veterans Day four years ago continues to get minimal funding.

Spanish Civil War: Spanish families urging leaders to help locate civil war remains.

Campaign 2004 and Hitler: On Friday, Democrats and Republicans went to war over a new Bush reelection campaign ad that uses images of Adolph Hitler in bashing Democrat John Kerry. The Web video, e-mailed to 6 million Bush supporters Thursday evening, splices together clips of Al Gore, Howard Dean, Rep. Dick Gephardt, film director Michael Moore and Kerry. On two occasions in the 87-second-long “Webmercial,” Hitler is shown, speaking loudly in German. The fuhrer footage is overlaid with the words “sponsored by” while the ad’s opening screen says “The Faces of John Kerry’s Democratic Party.”

The Arts: Among the cognoscenti of the British art world, a book is circulating discreetly, passed surreptitiously from hand to hand. The Art of the Steal, by Christopher Mason, describes the recent price-fixing scandal between the international auction houses Christie’s and Sotheby’s. The book was released in the US a month ago, but will not be published in Britain for legal reasons.

Native Americans: In an attempt to document the legacy of their tribe, the Tule River Indian Tribe has begun to record the history of the tribe in pictures and stories as told by their eldest members.

Judicious Apology?: A federal judge offered his "profound regret" Thursday for saying President Bush's rise to power was similar to that of Mussolini and Hitler.

Australian Historiographical Debate: Since 'The Other Side of the Frontier' was published in 1981, Henry Reynolds has been a leading figure in the little world of Aboriginal history. It was the first of a trilogy, culminating in 1990 in 'With the White People.' Since then he has preferred more overtly activist publishing endeavours such as 'The Law of the Land,' which John Mulvaney described as "a tract for these times."

PBS Documentary: 'Rebels and Redcoats' very clearly presents the Revolutionary War as what it really was: a civil war. This wasn't a case of everyone in the British colonies deciding one day that they'd rather not be part of the British empire; there were very good arguments for staying loyal, and many – perhaps most – ordinary people were not inclined to rebel.

The Old West: Because of what happened at a Santa Cruz flea market in 1979 and in the Black Hills of South Dakota a century ago, about 150 San Jose eighth- graders got the history lesson of their lives this year. They were able to make Deadwood come to life.

Protecting Europe's Heritage: A ‘Noah’s Ark’ project assessing the impact of environmental change on Europe’s cultural heritage has been launched in Italy.

Lewinsky Unhappy with Clinton's Memoirs: Monica Lewinsky says she feels betrayed by Bill Clinton's failure to acknowledge how he destroyed her life in his newly released memoirs. In an interview with British broadcaster ITV to be shown on Friday, the former White House intern best known for her affair with the 42nd U.S. president says she was disappointed at how their relationship is addressed.

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