Category: personalities


Reluctantly Weighing in on Veepstakes

We normally don't even try to involve ourselves in "real" political stories. We're happy to let Mike, Jeff, Nedra, et. al. do all the work; we're happy to sit in the corner and play with John Kerry's penis. But it... [more]

So That's Why the Book Took So Long to Finish

Variety doesn't shy away from the shocking headlines:Clinton blows his own horn You know what this means: While he doesn't have Monica around anymore, there are still some things he does just because he can. . . Clinton says he... [more]

Hack's Happy Ending

Revisiting our recent call to play the Feud with Peggy Noonan's blind-item driven Reagan reminiscence: We love it that you people are sending us nominations for the identity of Noonan's "Haircut Boy" without us even asking! You are so motivated!... [more]

Al Qaeda and Saddam: Table for Two

White House spokesperson faced another rather contentious press briefing yesterday, as reporters kept picking at the question of a connection between Iraq and al Qaeda. It's like they think poking a hole in that story would unravel the administration's justification... [more]

Wonk'd: Was June 10 a Celebrity Convention Or Something? They Weren't All Here for Reagan. . .

Sightings of George Stephanopoulos, straight-edge punk rockers, sex blog authors, and other famous-for-D.C. types are sent in by readers. Send yours to m("tips","",true);. In this issue: O'Donnell, Cheney, Wilson, Rivers, MacKaye, Stephanopoulos (x2), Couric, Glover, Hutchison, the Grateful Dead, Quayles,... [more]

Gossip Roundup: I Have Never Cried So Much Edition

• Names & Faces: Ron Reagan says his father would not want to be on currency. [Pub] • Inside the Beltway: Talking points of Democratic congressmen call for probes of gas gouging and attacks on Republicans for being "in the... [more]

Election Recycling: Oftentimes Lazy Edition

• Kerry consults friends, reviews history in VP selection process; Kerry is close to Gephardt, Vilsack, Biden, but "the delay in announcing someone has helped Edwards," says source. Clark, unity ticket unlikely Holbrooke: "John has foreign policy experience. He does... [more]

Site R U Serious

We are nothing if not eventually responsive: Readers took umbrage with the assertion made Wednesday that Time magazine outed Dick Cheney's secure location. First, we'd like to note that it was Drudge who characterized the discovery as Time's. What's hilarious... [more]

Or Maybe He Meant He Was High

According to the 9/11 commission's statement released yesterday, it was Cheney who gave the order to shoot down civilian planes. Not that George Bush wasn't in complete control of the situation: "Cheney. . . told the commission he was operating... [more]

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