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Posted By Madness - 10-9-03

:| Month From Hell |:

Welp, I think it is safe to say that I have went through one of the
worst couple of weeks that I have seen in a very long fucking time. This is truly one month that I will never freakin' forget.

Ok, Let's see where to start. Like I said in the last update, me
and my wife are having quite a few problems at the moment. And of
course the divorce shit came into the picture. Which we have not
decided which way that is going to swing. Me personally think that it
is going to end up with the divorce but that is just my opinion. Don't
get me wrong, she is a very caring wife and all, but everyone does
have their major problems. I just think that we got married a little to
young like a few of our family members said. I am not going to get
into all of that shit because a few family members (which I am not going to mention any names) check out my sites.

The second thing that has fucked up this month completely has to be
when I got into a fight at one of the local bars around my house.
Some asshole was trying to steal some of my buddies loot off of the
freakin' bar. Yeah, that stupid ass cock sucker thought that he could
get away with it. That is just to funny. So we all took turns kicking the shit out of him. Luckily we got done before the cops came.

Third, I "QUIT" my freakin' job. Yes I put "QUIT" in capitol letters just
for my ex-boss. Supposidly he is telling a few people that he fired me
for some reason. Which he said that he couldn't have going on in his company. I will explain the reason in the next part of the post. But yes I "QUIT" my job.

Finally to top it all off, I got arrested last Thursday. And it wouldn't be
to bad if I weren't already on probation for drug trafficking. With having
the threat of being violated under my belt. Thank god my P.O. was
kinda cool about the whole ordeal. And especially when it wasn't even
my shit. I got arrested while driving my friends truck. And of course he
had some fucking weed chillin' in his damn center console. That really
pissed me off, but I guess I shouldn't have been driving his shit in the
first place. I really can't blame anyone but myself for it. But he should
have confessed to it being his when we got stopped. Now I got to worry
about him taking the charge or I am going straight to prison. And that
is not a place I want to be
. I have to much shit going on the go to freakin' jail. I got a son I have to take care of.

Hopefully he sticks to his word and follows through with him taking the
charge. Or I am pretty much screwed. And that would be fucked up if
he doesn't because it wasn't even my shit and both of the people in the car know it and know where I am going to go if he doesn't.

Welp, how is that for one fucked up month so far. I swear, I don't think I could take anymore drama this month. I just wish it was over already.

I am outta here guys, I should be able to get everything updated today so stick around and check shit out.


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