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User:ru_vega_dreams (2088212) ru_vega_dreams
Cодружество Vega Dreams
Name:Vega Dreams
Location:Москва, Russian Federation
About:Это маленький кусочек большой музыкальной души
Interests:57: 12twelve, acuarela, arab strap, aroah, audience, autechre, belle and sebastian, berg sans nipple, beth gibbons, boards of canada, bonnie pink, calexico, camping, cat power, clinic, death cab for cutie, deerhoof, elliot smith, emak bakia, experience, explosions in the sky, fog, four tet, gybe, halou, idm, indie, julie doiron, kings of convenience, lali puna, manta ray, manu chao, matmos, mira calix, mogwai, mountains goats, muggs, mum, neo-psychedelia, ninja tune, nlf3, piano magic, prefuse 73, refree, robots in disguise, sigur ros, the brilliant green, the decemberists, the essex green, the instruments, the new pornographers, the notwist, the streets, tindersticks, viva las vegas, xploding plastix, инди. [Modify yours]
Members:41: 190, _ladyboy_, _yoshiniko_, aaenima, ark_ady, armas, avant_club, behagen, elzesser, flaming_deth, flying_saucerer, freedom_force, hagalaz, hidden_shine, jalous, ka_boink, killacat, lecherouska, made_of_stone, makasinych, miroq, n013e, ninzaza, nippon, nonflammable, organickloud, our_man, pl3, placebokid, rawkspectator, roylein, smart_pockets, solntcu_da, superbassya, superfuzzsk, velvet_boy, vook_stocker, yamabushi, yuri_wut, yxy_yx, zonnig_leeuwin
Watched by:55: 190, _my7elf_, _yoshiniko_, aaenima, alexbez, ancho, ark_ady, armas, avant_club, beatman, behagen, bnfrlfktt, elzesser, emmer_etwas, f1ame, gminski, hidden_shine, jalous, jj_wckd, ka_boink, kay_ot, kriziszhanra, larm, lecherouska, lisichkin, lulu_mae, made_of_stone, makasinych, mia_pepe, n013e, ninzaza, nippon, nonflammable, ob_gyn_kenobi, organickloud, our_man, ozzy_down, p0pk0rm, placebokid, poncho_panamas, ritareks, rokolub, roylein, sexy_sadie, snygur, solntcu_da, superbassya, superfuzzsk, trolya, weekly, whatze_phuck, xabarovsk, yuri_wut, yxy_yx, zonnig_leeuwin
Account type:Free Account

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