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  2003.01.25  16.25
asleep in the hay

under the thick maze of space
sky colored roof tops
flourescent lights hanging by string
dry coughs
shuffling papers
clicking mice
dragging feet
air vents
glasses peaking over the brim of the screen
uneven pounding of keys on the keyboard

books waiting to be opened

coins dropping

i think ill try pharmacy
on for size

i think ill start packing again to escape the dungeon and the gate keeper
i think ill stay in love forever

this thick maze of space

Mood: contemplative
Music: sigur ros ()

  2002.09.23  08.45
what should you do if a mummy rolls his eyes at you?

who really needs a job anyway?
move out unemployeed and leech off of the fumes of savings....
does it get any better than unrestricted time?
and beastie boys on the freeway at one in the morning when the breezes sliding through the car are just getting chilly?
ive never felt so free....
and in love again
with someone else....

Mood: ecstatic
Music: She's crafty-beasties

  2002.08.30  08.15
along the line

learing all about viruses and fomites and the wonderfulness of chlorox
with blisters boiling on thumbs and heels
no fridge
no air conditioning
but annie who licks faces and eats toes
and girly, gracie, panta, and canteberry
to scare away the creeps that lurk all night

Mood: numb
Music: Things in Herds-Pardon?

  2002.06.11  00.17
the afternoon was breaking

over the morning in mean nasty gulps of heat and sun.

Mood: angry
Music: little pink stars-radish

  2002.04.16  23.32
eligible cantaloupe

the stones are growing taller
suffocated by the wheels of a trailer
toppled with dead leaves
black dates from the palm
and the heavy summer breath

time spirals
in circles
fast approaching
fast departing
stuck standing still

without the regular beating
night draws on forever
waiting awake
for something that will never come

beating with a stick

and screaming
but the tight throat
empty head
and tired hands
already gone

still waiting

fixating on

Mood: dirty
Music: dismemberment plan - secret curse

  2002.01.18  09.46
screwing with circadian rhythm

when i looked out the window this morning i expected to see evidence of the tapping that went on all night. one of the sounds incorporated into dreams that get creepy when you hear them in conciousness. there was nothing there. not even a reason to go looking.

Mood: cold
Music: burning airlines-a song with no words

  2001.12.20  19.35
you own a piece of american history

next semester:
-real estate
-property management


Mood: amused
Music: frank black-los angeles

  2001.12.18  22.17

i am nothing but a black shadow dangling from a pair of vacant shoes

Mood: moody
Music: pavement-grounded

  2001.12.18  21.49
scandanavian french fries

i am infatuted with developing biceps and a washboard rather than a stomach
it is incredible only because it is uncreated and pliable
and it makes food feel like energy
and nothing else can satiate me

sitting around playing led zeppelin for eachother after the shop has closed
fingers wrapped around wrists wrapped around picks wrapped between strings
the smell of tubes on fire

zymurgy is the last word in my dictionary
and lidar is in the middle

i want an author i can fall in love with
but they have to still be living so they can surprise me every once and awhile

i have sucked all the smell from his shirt but i still sleep with it over my face

Mood: mellow
Music: pavement-we dance

  2001.12.05  00.03

we played survival of the fittest with toothpix and scenary cloth tonite...but i think my group failed. Not that it wouldve been accurate anyway. i like biolabs. that might be the thing i miss this semester
after that its nothing
and im not complaining
not with the diabetes paper still weighing
the chembomb dropping
and physics
next semester im taking english hopefully
and calc and besides that weakling classes

get to be all buffnstuff for an entire year

i just wanna write
its been so fricken long since ive been happy with anything ive written
its part hermit part observer part reader

she starts lessons on mondae
and thursdae i fell out of obsession

i hope it lasts

Mood: groggy
Music: elvis-the passengers

  2001.11.23  09.49

If I was an Autobot, I'd be:
Click to see what Autobot you                            could be!
Take the Transformers
personality test


  2001.11.19  17.26
humphrey bogart

girl doctors are bandits....ergh...them numbsuckers

and i gave her my guitar teachers phone number
even though i know he will steal her right up...everybody loves her
its the whole cute little outgoing girl syndrome
im sick of that baloney :(
not that i have any right to him at all

and jeremy is married now.......
so be it

Mood: pissed off
Music: place to be-nick drake

  2001.11.13  22.01
skip backward

so melancholy

the biotest was way too extreme....sat there for an hour shaking my head...pyruvate and mitochondria and acetyl coA,krebscycle,calvincycle,ATP,NADH+,thickskull

winter is kicking in
leroy is sick

feel greasy
and disgusting
i want to be someone else or ill explode

fuckn comon and break the door down
im waiting

wish i could swallow these obsessions

its ten fifteen
everyone is sleeping

Mood: morose
Music: talk show host-radiohead

  2001.11.05  22.30
68-84 *mostlycloudy*

we won the world series! did anybody see? it was an awesome seven games :)

tonight its raining
almost forgot what that was
and chilly....ah

teeth rotten from blopops and grapelaffytaffy

ive decided
im going to finally quit
fer reel
its just getting way too lame
this whole lack of definition
amoeba grrl
is my job description

this boy in my chem class has crazy blue eyes
and i dont usually dig blue eyes at all
just had to share


Mood: moody
Music: wonderwall thom yorke style

  2001.11.03  14.35

fur the fox

Mood: crazy

  2001.11.03  14.24
even for the most experienced pilots, windy weather can be dangerous

i want a kitten
a nice fat orange tiger

anyone know of any good books?
good wine?

im gunna make my foxy high...he never feels anything

Mood: high
Music: the faint- your retro career melted

  2001.10.30  23.20
huddled over the afternoon sink with fuschia on my hands

my sister is from lithunia recently deported from the sskeliqad
:::::::::::::translated as; muby nubame ubis (CLASSIFIED) dubear zuboonbers, ubi whubould lubife tubo tubeu ubou uba juboke whubatdubo yubeucuball uba flubyubing cubaw ubu subacuber::::::::beats me
this carefully sketched pink note is found sitting on the keyboard along with a golden seal of the presidential eagle
well, plastik gold made in china anyway
maybe she'll work with the cia.....between silk and cyanide
on my xrays the left side of my brain shows as nearly two times the side of my right
tomorrow the moon should shine theres halloween perfection
happy bday lemonicous larry
in biolab tonite we took dna samples from colonel mustard mr. green mrs. white and ms. scarlet to find out who killed professor plum.....
mrs. white does everything tho it was a close call mr. green
i dont know how its possible for pesto to enjoy figuring orbital hybridization over that.
this semester cant be over soon enough
i never have anything to say......

Mood: scared
Music: employee of the moth-disconnected

  2001.10.21  14.29

yesterday was the weirdest ever

after waking up from a gwen mars zombie hangover...well not really...
we head over to BUDGET AND DAEWOO (DONT BUY FROM THESE CREEPS!) for four hours of unending torture and no resolve...and a bright red rental as my driving pacifier.
i get word from leroy that hes got a surprise for me...
turns out that on friday at the gm show remy zero was part of the audience. mr t introduced leroy to cinjun who pinky sweared him on the guest list to the remy zero/travis show.
last night then we show up at the window and lo and behold two tix there for us.
and man cinjun is the sweetest guy ever...he even said that if we stuck around wed all go for drinks together....too bad it feel through.
the concert was mindblowing....ahhhh
so unbelievable

Mood: giddy
Music: the strokes-is this it

  2001.10.12  17.13

i love catching flies with my mouth
*dont update when your mind is erased*

Mood: hot
Music: tom petty into the great wide open

  2001.10.12  17.10
ut oh

forgot my password....i think
been awhile

maybe its the vertigo
or the rank breath of a cold
getting me all befuddled


fubar :)
my new favorite word
im a chimp

and sweaty
maybe its anthrax
i cant believe that stuff
just wrong all of it

supawang has been sold :(
two fiddy as is
poor grrl
hopefully theyll fix her up and shell run another 100,000 miles
my babe
i think my corolla is a girl too

ick benedryl and excedrin dont mix well

did anybody see the gilmore girls new episode? im pissed they moved
could cry :(

enough already

Mood: sick
Music: tom petty-last dance with mary jane

  2001.10.03  23.00

why cant they have a career in titrating?
chemistry is the best science there is....screw microscopes (well, maybe pitre dishes) and mini-launchers when you can work with soapy skin chemicals.....

vegas this weekend for gwen mars :)
get to do physics labs in the car.

and palahniuk
:every time you dont crash your car you reenlist:


Mood: nostalgic
Music: unbelivable truth-forget about me

  2001.09.20  16.19

that is the license plate of the guy i follow home from work everyday...and his bumper stickers (tho uncensored): f*ck you you f*cking f*ck or have a nice day f*uckhead....
its a joy ill tell you

tomorrow im ditching have no idea how ectastic that makes me
tho most of it will be spent slaving away at the library. im so sick of this semester already
just be done

Mood: hungry
Music: elastica-car song

  2001.09.17  09.41
kite strings

the dow is falling like mad....
time to invest.

Mood: pessimistic
Music: sebadoh-elixer is zog

  2001.09.10  22.19
lard laden nations


supposed to be sushi...the hierarchy of life
-c (idontremember)
-o (idontremember)
-scientific process
-unity in diverstiy
-structure and function
-heritable information (DNA)
-i (dont remember)

so much for that....5 important properties of h2o....resistance to temperature change, high vaporization rate, expands when it freezes, cohesion through polarity, good solvent

im eating all the cookies
funny how im becoming control
becca sez we can have two cookies a day keith sez two cookies a second....i just take two everytime i hit it up....which may be less than every second.
whos counting?

found the north carolina quarter...
it made my day

trying to beat mario...getting up to level 7-3 all excited staying up all hours....but it came unplugged. its going in the pool.

sick of it all------------------

Mood: indescribable
Music: sdre-guitar and video games

  2001.09.07  09.50
john quincy adams

its official...ive fallen in love with jeff buckley

Mood: infatuated
Music: jeff buckley-satisfied mind

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