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sight [26 Aug 2002|04:23am]
Sometimes watching my cats brings tears from my eyes...the complexity and beauty of the body in motion with an induplicable personality, a spark pouring forth from the eyes, yet transient and utterly temporal, soon to be gone and alive in the flesh only as a memory, but a priceless sight of God, visible for years.

What better way to worship God than to see a cat or a small child be?
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the beautiful light [30 Jul 2002|01:25am]
[ music | igor stravinsky - the rite of spring ]

this great evil, where does it come from? how'd it steal into the world? what seed, what root did it grow from? who's doing this? who's killing us, robbing us of life and and light, mocking us with a side of what we might have known? does our ruin benefit the earth? does it help the grass to grow, the sun to shine? is this darkness in you too? have you passed through this night?

the tough part is not knowing if you're doing any good.

if i go before you
i will wait for you there
on the other side of those dark waters

how did we lose the good that was given us, let it slip away, scattered, careless? what's keeping us from reaching out, touching the glory?

you're still believing in the beautiful light? how do you do it? you're a magician to me.

i still see a spark in you.

if i never meet you in this life, let me feel the lack. a glance from your eyes and my life will be yours.

where is it that we were together? who were you that i lived with, walked with? the brother. the friend. darkness and light, strife and love. are they the workings of one mind, features of the same face?

o my soul, let me be in you now
look out through my eyes
look out at the things you made
all things shining

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21 [03 Feb 2002|03:09am]
[ music | jawbox - for your own special sweetheart ]

The arbitrary hour slips by and I have lived one quarter of my life. 21. The day of alcohol. But I still don?t want any. I just played chess; I just rediscovered chess. The game fascinates me, the dynamics and the possibilities. To see. As my mind continues to yearn for such intelligent expanders, chess, poetry, religion, writing, music, the universe, I become more and more frustrated. I check the world?s king only to discover its secret weapon. But the counter attack never crushes me. I have not yet been mated. But the frustration and disappointment slips into my cells and takes root. What sprouts becomes darker and darker every year. No one sees the world like me. Most of my closest friends still hate themselves enough to see drunkenness as cool or fun. Most of my closest friends took life?s brutal blows as children and retreated into superficial shells. They shun their intelligence because it was the cause for the chasm between them and the rest of the world. Instead of grasping the ability, they threw it in the dark corner of their brain, hoping to keep it hidden. They don?t thirst for the way the world works. They look for the theme and not the matter. They listen for the feeling but cannot see the beauty. They take the path of enjoyment and hope it is also the path of something greater. I hope, for their sakes, that the paths are the same. I sincerely doubt it. But if they are right, why have I blazed my lonely sojourn? It is the silence after this question that sticks in my gut. I feel with my entire person that my views are pure and worthwhile. But I cannot and will not know. I find myself looking less and less for love in another person. For so long I banked my happiness on finding love in another. The short times on the cusp of this type of love have up to this point led to deep disappointment. I no longer attempt to search for a girl. I wake up with no burning passion. In the past, these empty mornings (or afternoons) would drive me to despair. But I find the urge for love passion diminishes. I do not know whether this comes from pessimism through past defeat or the constantly increasing comfort I find in being. Have I finally arrived at the moment of self acceptance? Can I function on my own? I feel that love will one day bludgeon me as I stroll around a corner. The rational side of me doubts this will ever happen. But the rest of me no longer panics in the face of my darkness. Perhaps I feel that if it never happens I will be ok. This apathy leads me to other discouragement. Every where I go, especially in academia and English, I find spiked obstacles. People in places of authority who tell me I am a poor student or writer. The dreaded grader. These people refuse to see anything new; they are hard workers who dislike anyone with something original or someone who does not have to work to grasp material. I have no brilliance. But I do not impede on those who do, as these obstacles enjoy. I forgive my father by the liter, daily. His tank fills slowly. Time has dulled his hate for himself and the world. In his eyes, I grow more intelligent by the day, as each year passes I become someone with whom he does not mind to converse, as he will do with my sister too, I am sure. Time also grants me perspective. His brilliance surely faced the mindsets of me in his younger days. He probably did not have my steadfast stubbornness. I will not give in. I will not squash my depression with drunkenness. I will not turn off my mind. I will not abate the attempts at making those around me who can see the universe come back to their intelligence. I have my inspiration in what my mother has endured. I have my inspiration in that my sister went through a lot of the same things and came out with the same values, I?m not totally crazy. I will never fail to see the reason for Slint?s beauty. I will always celebrate Kurt?s voice at the end of ?Where Did You Sleep Last Night? not only for the emotion it creates within me but also always for it. If I can succeed with one person in the rejection of the darkness, we can create our own society of effulgence where the hurt cannot touch us. Why do I continue even though none of this has supremely succeeded? As Kafka felt: THE HAPPINESS OF BEING WITH PEOPLE. I am enough within myself but I will let the universe down without showing it to someone else. I sleep through the daylight but the sun still shines. The shadow of frustration often forces me to sleep again. But someday I will find you, who bears the torch of the God-stamp, who sees in the stars the proof, who knows and accepts the beauty, who will write my poem, who will meld with me, who will make glow in me what only my mother already sees, who will fall through the waves of mutilation unscathed, who will allow me to see the smile from heaven, who will fulfill all in all is all we are. This is what I have learned thus far.

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[10 Dec 2001|04:30am]
[ music | fugazi - the argument ]

jejune - not interesting, dull, from the Latin ieiunnus,
meager, dry - every now and then, someone in Bible study
worries about God's gender. "He/She maketh me lie down
in green pastures," they insist. How unimaginative, he thinks.
Seven years since his wife's chemo and her doctor just found
a small, gritty-feeling lymph node. "Our logic," he declares,
"just doesn't apply upstairs."

uh-huh. Samuel Beckett once said: "Every word is like an unnecessary stain on silence and nothingness."


on the other hand, he said it.

What Auschwitz felt like? can I explain?...


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perfection [27 Nov 2001|02:18am]
[ music | jawbreaker - for esme ]

each monday class for my 21st century poetry course is a reading. today the reader was from princeton so there were several other english professors there today. one of them was joanna picciotto, a professor i had for a class when i was a freshman and again as a sophmore. she's taking the year off this year. just seeing her there made me crazy. absolutely insane. after class i had to run around, causing my friend to label me a 12 year old boy. it was kinda amazing that just seeing someone had that result on me. i suppose she is as close to an idealized unattainable perfection that i can think of. first of all, she's beautiful. black hole hair and eyes, a smile that often kills me. and she's extremely intelligent, especially in the ways of English (an extra bonus). but the sealing factor is her personality, which i discovered through her taste in music. her brother is in FUGAZI (legendary underground band). she is related to one of my heroes. when i asked her about it freshman year she lit up and immediately took a liking to me. she was so outgoing, humorous, and kind to me that i was hooked. she was willing to entertain my obsessions with her brother. she even talked to me about inside information and showed me really cool posters of his first band from the early 80s. she was even interested in the newer music that she'd lost touch with, i lent her a cd to listen to. she still has it but i don't care. i've kinda lost touch since she's been gone but fugazi's new album and seeing her made me think about her all the time.

and yet i know i'll never be able to get much closer. but being so energized by seeing her made me realize a couple things. first of all i'm not so despondent about life as i thought. if just the sight of a lady can excite me for the rest of the day, then all is not lost. also...i may never have joanna picciotto but i also realized that the joanna picciotto of my age group is out there. i just have to find her. what's more, this perfect girl will be even more perfect if i can get closer, if she sees the same in me. and i realize that seeing the same in me is the only real thing that will make the perfect girl. and i think maybe someday i'll find that...

where are you?

perfect moments: feeling and hearing wind in the woods/the tops of mountains/warm rain/nexus of music (usually guitar andor voice) and my inner self/the few seconds in "where did you sleep last night?" on nirvana's unplugged record when kurt lets the emotion go almost losing himself in the process/the eye contact with someone i'm taken with/exceptional concerts/reading the perfect words/sometimes in meditation/when i let myself hope

the absolute perfect traits in a girl (even though they're not necessary): the ability for the inside to pour forth from her eyes (the stare)/doesn't mind going to burger king with me (or replace with any non-fancy restaurant)/intelligent/able to enjoy new, daring things/interested in the artistic side of music, not just entertaining side, always looking for new music/same thing with poetry/seeing my vision for poetry and supporting me/having a vision of her own/the touch to make me shiver/a voice to make me shiver/loving me

it's not hard to see the beauty in the world
the trick is making someone else see it too

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the starting blocks [26 Nov 2001|03:35am]
the list of strange jen-kyle (non)coincidences

i wonder what your voice sounds like...
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