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Kinda like a cloud
Try to laugh about it now
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Six Degrees... of DEATH!
I can't help but feel partly responsible for the death of Ray Charles, and no, I am not proud. You see, I think a large part of the man's soul had to be destroyed by Michael Bolton covering "Georgia on my Mind". One of my deep dark secrets is that I was responsible for the artist formerly known as Bolotin recording his version. You see, when I was fifteen years old and working in the old Stamford Town Centre Sam Goody, Michael came in shopping. If memory serves me right, he first bought a keyboard for his daughter (which I had nothing to do with), then needed some help finding a tape. Most of the starstruck goofs I worked with were intimidated or awestruck by the mullet headed bozo, but I knew that the MOR crap he put out was horrible even at a young age, so I went right up to him. I think people were actually a little nervous I might tell him what I thought of his pablum, but I was professional. Anyhow, the tape he was looking for was Ray Charles, and I directed his sorry middleaged lady wooing ass directly to it. If I could go back in time, that might be the first thing in my life I would change. That or running over that damn brick.

Current Mood: tired
Current Music: Amazing Grace

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Mouth Under Siege: Day 5
I think or at the very least hope my new mouthwash is working. The fungus doesn't seem to be expanding anymore and bits of it actually seem to be washing away. My tongue is feeling worse than ever though, I tried to brush my teeth and was brought nearly to tears any time a wayward bristle hit it. My mouth feels so dirty, which is almost worse than the achiness. Then again, it was getting my teeth a little less yellow and furry that brought this whole thing on, so maybe a dirty mouth is something its ok to go through life with. I'm about to venture out of the hotel, which takes a lot of effort especially now that I can barely talk, eat, drink or breathe too heavily. I'm only going to my parents to watch wrestling though, going to a bar to play poker is just too much effort.
I really wish I could have my mouth removed.

Current Mood: aggravated
Current Music: Summer Breeze (Phillip Steir Remix) - Seals & Croft

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So it became official today, I have a mouth full of fungus. Man it is annoying. I have a new special mouthwash to take care of the damage the other special mouthwashes did. I had to get this one from a pharmacy, so it had better work. Especially since the dentist said if it doesn't clear up by next week I might have to see a specialist. I have no idea how I would afford a real doctor, so if it comes to that I think I will just slink off into a sewer and wait for the Mario Brothers to jump on me.
Wednesday is laundry night, but between the mouth full of crap and the weather full of sweat, I didn't even bother. Why does a guy with a mouthful of fungus need clean clothes, anyway?
I think I am going to my parents house to steal their internet connection tomorrow and watch some of the wrestling. They better have their ac's in if it is still hot, or else I won't be pleased.
I'm beat, it hurts to yawn.

Current Mood: blah
Current Music: The Ultimate Love Test

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Nothing is ever my fault
I swear that even though I am always running just a bit late, it is never my fault. Today I left myself 2 hours to run an hour and a halfs worth of errands, and they ended up taking two and a half hours. At one point, I got stuck in traffic because a truck blocked the entire street to empty a port-a-potty. Damnit here we go again, I'm ready to leave and have a checkin and someone paying their rent. Oh and the smelly cripple that relieves me is hovering.


Current Mood: rushed
Current Music: The Shield

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I'm relatively certain I have contracted thrush.
Who gots the antifungal lozenges?

Current Mood: crappy

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She Wound Up As A Ditch For Fucking Cum
It's hard to do things like, get out of work on time or get to sleep at night, or post in your livejournal when you get obsessed with playing poker online. I have played over a dozen tournaments in the last two days. At least I have only been playing with play money... so far. It has been another busy weekend, Yale has two weekends of reunions a year now, it probably isn't the best thing in the world that I have been both walking dead (I've had a headache since Thursday, did I mention that?), and distracted a lot more than usual by my laptop.
With all that on my plate, I did still have time to have a discussion or two with Steve, the world's stupidest man. Like during one lull on Saturday...

Steve: I found a room for rent listing in Seymour for $85 a week.
Me: So?
S: It's probably in a private home though.
Me: So?
S: I wouldn't want to live in a private home, the people would always be in your business.
Me: Well, if you weren't a hooker fucking low-life it wouldn't be such a big deal.
S: Yes, I like to bring my whores home.

Today I caught him cutting out pictures of women in underwear from J.C.Penny and Kohl's ads. He looked a little despondent, so I tried to figure out what was wrong.

Me: Steve, what's wrong?
S: I'm just miserable.
Me: How can you possibly be miserable with a pocket full of pictures of women wearing nothing but on-sale lingerie?
S: It's not real, I want a titty in my mouth.

Sometimes, there are just no words to help a person through their despondency.

Current Mood: chipper
Current Music: The Restaurant (R.I.P.)

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I should just stay away from my friendsfriends page.
I understand disagreeing with a politicians views. I understand campaigning against them, feeling disgusted by how they represent me, and calling them every name in the book when they or the people that support them are within earshot. This just disgusts and infuriates me. John Kerry and Bill Clinton probably didn't see eye to eye with him on many issues, but both released statements respectful to him as a leader. I'd say the people dancing on his grave like that should be ashamed, but it truly is apparent they have no shame. The user info page of the "person" that posted this garbage proclaims they are a Wiccan. From what I understand, one of the basic tenets of Wicca is that what you wish upon others comes back to you threefold. I hope so, because these people will be in for a well-deserved bumpy ride on their own voyage to sunset.

Current Mood: angry
Current Music: MSNBC

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You Can Tell A Lot About A Fellow's Character By His Way Of Eating Jellybeans.

Ronald Reagan was easily the greatest, most dignified president of the country in my lifetime. With his ailments it certainly wasn't unexpected, and his decline was so dignified and private that it seems like he said goodbye a long time ago, but this is still a very sad day for the nation. I think its time to crack open the box of jellybeans I've been saving since easter.

Current Mood: sad
Current Music: MSNBC

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Good Time Party Squad
I'm Keith Malloy, and I approved this post:

I don't drink an awful lot of shots when I do drink. I don't even drink at all very often. I still think I may inherently be a drunk though, as it is extremely tough not to swallow the three various shots of mouthwash I have to do as part of my new periodontal hygeine regimen.

I am not willing to swear under oath that this wasn't just a "Oh crap its almost midnight and I haven't posted yet" post.

Current Mood: bored
Current Music: vh1 ILLustrated

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Sportbras and Genie Pants
I will never understand bellydancing. It's like slow ass stripping by fat broads without even the pay off of nudity (if thats the way you choose to get your rocks off). It's embarrassing to see, and I would imagine would be embarrassing to do if the type of dimwit that did it in public ever came across a clue. I've never met a man that wasn't a senior citizen that enjoys that nonsense, I wonder where girls get the idea that it at all sexy. Really it is pretty much as creepy as those talking belly button ads for that irritable bowl medicine a couple years ago, only so much worse because it usually comes with goat meat and horrible music. I wouldn't be surprised to find out bellydancing is a leading cause of irritable bowel syndrome. I just read somewhere (which is all that inspired this diatribe) a girl writing something to the effect that it "frees the godess within". I am truly surprised to find out that this godess that all the pagan and wickers go on about is really just a beer belly.

Current Mood: cranky
Current Music: Bjork - Desired Constellation (Demo)

The Droll Troll
Name: The Droll Troll
Back June 2004