Want to meet people in real life from around your area to discuss this interest? Check out the International Astrology Buffs Meetup Day! (more info)
Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "astrology".
381 matches:
- 100_winters - 100_winters
- 13moons - mayan time
- 2_hardcore_4_u - 2_hardcore_4_u
- _everything_ - The World
- _sagittarians - Sagittarians
- _serendipity__ - Serendipity Community
- _yayness_ - Thats Yayness!!!
- a_change_within - Contemplating A Big Change...
- ac_claims - ~*~Claim a Location!~*~
- adotwns - All Days Of The Week Night Slackers
- alchemylab - Post Tenebras, Lux
- allpaths - All Paths Spiritual Discussion
- amaranthinewake - Bloom of Amaranthine
- ancientstar - ancientstar
- angsty_sads - Three Seniors and a Sophomore
- animecity - Anime City Community
- anti_banish - anti_banish
- apocryphas - The World's End
- aquarians - Aquastars!
- ask_lady_meymey - Ask Lady Mey Mey
- askdocsavage - Ask Doc Savage
- astroasshole - asshole astrology
- astrocompatible - AstroCompatability
- astrojournal - AstroJournal
- astrologia - astrologia
- astrology - What's your sign?
- astrologyinlove - All we need is love... but it's so damned hard to
- astronomyclass - AstronomyClass
- astrophoenix - Phoenix
- auf_der_maur - canadian corset queen
- bagoftricks - my notebook
- bat_in_a_box - Stuffed, Stitched & Oh So Much More...
- beautifuldreams - ~*~*~A Place For Dreams and Sleep~*~*~
- betrayeddesires - Vintage Whores
- blackmail_diary - Katie
- boston_occult - The Boston Occult Community
- bubble_gum_pop - bubble_gum_pop
- capricorn_kids - The Goats
- capricornarama - LiveJournal Capricorns
- capricornsareus - Capricorns are us.
- catcup - C A T C U P
- cazualties - The Cazualties
- celtichristian - Celtic Christianity
- channelone - I AM
- chatty_geminis - chatty_geminis
- china_zodiac - The Chinese Astrology Community
- christian_pagan - Religious whateverness
- circleofthree - fans of Circle of Three
- clairvoyance - Seers of the Future
- cor_astralis - [soul.of.stars]
- councilism - Councilism
- cp_circle - The Circle of Gnostics, Christo-Pagans, etc.
- crabette - Cancer * The Crab
- crackhaussanta - Sucking For Jesus
- ct_pagans - CT Pagans, Wiccans, and such
- cusps - Cuspers
- dearpeer - Dear Peer
- dictators - Audrey and Felicia
- diggnduch - DIGG n Duch
- divination - Exploring the Aether
- dizzy_bitches - dizzy bitches unite!
- dontclassify - Don't Classify Community
- dream_burning - Dream
- drowningsorrow - The Sacred Place
- eclecticpagans - Eclectic Pagans
- edfyingspectace - The Edifying Spectacle
- elektricfans - Fans of Elektric
- emo_life - emo_life
- emyfebism - EmyFebism
- entelechycoven - Entelechy Coven
- everydaylj - Just your average person
- f_y_r - Fine Young Republican
- fireinthehole - JACK SQUAD
- fireofartemis - Witch's Niche
- fish_bowl - The Fish Bowl
- flraves - fl-ravers unite
- fluffy_blood - The Fluffy Bloodies
- forsakenheathen - Forsaken Heathens
- frivolity - Frivolous Debate
- gay_in_cali - Gay Cali Pride!
- gayboi - GayBoi's
- gaygemini - gaygemini
- gemini_people - Gemini_People
- geminis - gemini zodiac
- gemsagainstgems - geminis who love/hate geminis and themselves
- gemwork - The Gemstone Projekt
- glbt_pagan - Queer Pagan
- godandmagic - Religion, Mysticism, and Spirituality
- goth_thought - Goth Thought
- gothicmecca - Gothic Mecca
- gothmississippi - Gothic Mississippi
- great_scotsmen - Nessy McCraken
- guessmysign - guessmysign
- hartsfaraway - Harts Far Away
- haunted_designs - ...Of Melancholy Burning
- hauntings_uk - Hauntings in the UK
- headsuphogwarts - Heads Up Hogwarts
- herbquete - herbquete
- hermetic_group - Hermetic Discussion Group
- hermeticboston - Boston Hermeticists
- hi_neil - Hi Neil
- hippie_kids - hippie_kids
- hoaxes - hoaxes
- hot_singles - Hot Singles
- hp_writersguild - Harry Potter Writers' Guild
- hplyric - Harry Potter Lyric Wheel
- humanangels - Divine Light
- hygh_lyghter - The Hygh Lyghts of Clarion
- ilovememri4ever - Worship Memri
- in_the_darkness - In the darkness...
- infant_academia - infant_academia
- infj - INFJ
- innerflayme - InnerFlayme
- inspirata - Inspirata
- intelligentones - Intelligent Ones
- interfaith_talk - For anyone of any faith
- inthestars - celestial insight
- investigatium - investigatium
- iowawicca - IowaWicca
- jadedly - bitches [crystal & tso]
- jewishmagi - Jewish Magi
- justalilblog - JustALilBlog Community
- justbeyond - Just Beyond Normal
- kaotika - Kaotika
- kemeticparents - Netjer and Nurture
- kentuckypagans - The Kentucky Pagan Community
- kentuckywitches - Kentucky Witches Community
- lady_fairiedust - the~faery~world
- landofn0d - Dream Walkers
- latebirthdays - latebirthdays
- le_ciel_bleu - le_ciel_bleu
- leeches - Axis of Somewhat Evil
- leos - The Leos of Livejournal
- librans - Librans
- libras - The Libra Community
- lifeless_05 - lifeless_05
- ljladies - Lovely LJ Ladies
- losethelube - Lose*the*lube
- lostcity - lostcity
- lostloveletters - LOST LOVE letters
- loveatfirst_ - Love Each Other Or Perish
- loveharmony - For the love of Harmony
- lovexmyxcrimson - ...sweet sweet shades of crimson sadness...
- lunar_temple - Temple of Inner Witchcraft
- ma_pagan_pages - ma_pagan_pages
- macabreparlor - The Macabre Parlor
- magic_darkness - Magic Darkness - A dark Harry Potter RPG
- magickandtarot - magickandtarot
- manticlight - Mantic Light
- mathsex - mathematical reality
- midnight_garden - Ghost Hunters
- migoth - Michigan Goths
- mipagans - Pagans of Michigan
- misanthr0pic - [ M i s a n t h r o p y ]
- misanthropickin - misanthropickin
- misfits_inc - misfits
- molecularspirit - Conversations with an Alien
- monkeypredicts - Psychic Monkey
- moonchildren - Crabby People of the Zodiac
- moonlitwildwood - Heart Home - The Moonlit Wild Wood
- moth_to_a_flame - Flutterbyes
- museofthedamned - Muses for the Damned
- necronomiphiles - Lovecraftian Horrors
- neo_alexandria - Neo Alexandria
- newage - The New Age Movement
- nonsmokies - actually we do smoke
- nonugly_ana - Thinspiration
- northascension - Northern Ascension Group Notification List
- nukemars - NukeMars
- numerology - personality by numbers
- obsessive_natur - DADDY...I NEEEEEEEEED PORK
- occult - General Occult Forum
- occulture - occulture
- ocf - Oregon Country Fair
- odessanovel - Odessa
- oftheblood - Of the Blood: If you have to ask, you shouldn't
- oklapagans - Pagans and other non-christians in Oklahoma
- om_bodhi - Consciousness, Awakening, Rebirth
- omnibiosis - Omnibiots
- op_obsess - why, yes! we do obesss..
- opencircle - Open Circle
- ordostrigoivii - Ordo Strigoi Vii
- oregon_pagans - oregon_pagans
- outsiderscircle - The Outsider
- pagan_blurb - Paganism Uncensored
- pagan_exchange - Pagan Exchange
- pagan_males - Unorthodox Pagan Males
- paganality - paganality
- paganatlanta - Pagan Atlanta
- paganinthecity - The City....A Different Kind Of Nature
- paganprayer - Pagan Prayer Requests
- pagans - The Pagans of LJ
- paganthought - paganthought
- pagenism - Pagenism - a Tribute to Jimmy Page
- paranormia - Ethereal Parallels
- pencil_floaters - Pencil Floater
- pentacle - Dizzy
- peruvians - LJ Peru
- photoshopless - Photoshopless Icons
- pickypeople - Picky People
- pisces_people - Pisceans
- pleaseyourlady - Please Your Lady
- plutonians - Plutonians
- politikalrivet - Politikal Rivet
- prac_witches - Practicing Witches
- practicalmagick - Practical Magick
- practicalwisdom - guiding light
- project_comment - Project Comment
- promotions_ltd - Promotions_ltd
- prophesies - Prophesies
- punkheads - *~*PUNKZ*~*
- purely_pisces - Purely Pisces
- qualm - qualms of a satyr
- queerportland - LGBTQ PDXers
- questionofgod - Question of God
- respectfulpagan - Vyktoriah
- retro_candy - Are You SeXy?!
- right_or_wrong - Decision Time
- rochesterpagans - rochesterpagans
- romantic_warren - Warren
- ru_pisces - ru_pisces
- ruin_and_misery - Discussions and info about Moonspell
- runes_galore - runes_galore
- rus_astrology - rus_astrology
- sacredinthecity - sacred in the city
- sagittarius_ru - Клуб Стрельцов
- saintseiya - 'Saint Seiya' Fans
- saturnsreturn - Saturn's Return
- scorned_ones - Even The Mighty Have Fallen ....
- scorpio_forum - Scorpio_Forum
- scorpios - * Scorpios *
- scorpiosaresex - *The* LJ Scorpio Community
- seagoats - Seagoat
- self_imposed - self_imposed
- serpents_coil - Serpent's Coil: Thelema, Magick & Gnosticism
- she_reads_stars - pepper's astrology and readings
- sinners_cafe - The Sinners Cafe
- skepticaldebate - skepticaldebate
- slf_astrology - slf_astrology
- socal_oto - Southern California OTO
- socal_wiccans - Southern California Wiccans
- solitarywiccans - Solitary Wiccans
- spaceagers - Members and Friends of the Space Age Generation
- specs_appeal - Boys In Spectacles - Love Them So!
- spiffians - The Spiffee Group
- spiralism - Spiralism
- spiritcompanion - Spirit Companions, Lovers, and Guides
- spiritoflife - Children of the New Sun Enclave and Collective
- spiritualiteit - spiritualiteit
- spookystyle - The Spooky Style Guide
- starpath - starpath
- steve_myers - The Society For Appreciation of Steve Myers
- stlouisgoths - The St. Louis Gothic Community
- strawburygashes - Lollipops & RazorBlades
- streamconscious - Stream of Consciousness
- stubborncaps - capricorns <3
- stupidinterests - You're stupid if you have this interest listed.
- sunsmoonsstars - Celestial Spirituality
- sxe_geeks - Straight Edge Geeks
- talksex - Talk Sex community
- tapestrytarot - tapestrytarot
- tarot_101 - for the budding tarot reader et al
- tarot_in_me - all things Tarot
- tarotguidance - Guide me.
- tarotmusings - Tarot Musings
- taureans - House of the Down to Earth Bulls
- tc_borderpagans - Town Center Borderpagans
- tc_wiccans - Twin Cities Wiccans
- templeofthecat - dot_pagan_snark
- th_org - Taylor Hanson [dot] org Forums
- the__archer - Sagittarians
- the_bobdole_bar - the Bob Dole bar
- the_gemini - Gemini
- the_lost_muse - abandoned children of the muse
- the_occult - The Mysteries
- the_other_realm - FULL CIRCLE = everything is relative to eachother
- the_padded_room - The Lunatics Lounge
- the_unexplained - UFO's, Aliens, Sightings, The Unknown.....
- the_world_after - The Beauty of Beliefs
- thebookofdays - all holidays around the world
- theclovenpine - The Cloven Pine
- theeegroup - ~*~Our Group~*~
- thegreensheeps - The Meek Shall Inherit The Earth....
- thelostacademy - The Lost Academy
- thepinkflamingo - Sex Friends
- thinking_well - The Thinking Well
- thispoetsays - Lost Poet Society
- tormentedfew - The Tormented Few
- toy_box - GlowWorm
- tulsapagans - tulsapagans
- urban_magician - London Rae White
- urbanpagan - Urban Pagan Community
- urinesecure - urinesecure
- virgo - virgo
- vscircle - The VioletStar Circle
- waterbabies - Waterbabies
- weirdandproud - Strange (Or Normal) People with Odd Interests
- weirdisgood - Weird Is Good
- westercon - DethCon
- whatsyoursign - The Official, VERY IMPORTANT Horoscope Poll
- whisperimagined - Newsflash!
- white_magick - Female Of The Species
- wiccan - The Wiccan
- wiccanpagan - WiccanPagan
- wickedkiss - Shae and Kimmeh
- wildspirit - WildSpirit
- wise_green_sage - The Wise Green Sage
- witch_way - Witch Way
- witchcraft - Witchcraft
- wycked_7 - Wycked
- wytchbaby - wytch babies
- x_scar_x - S c A R: Sub-cultural Arkansas
- xbeautyxwithinx - .Beauty Within.
- xlostgirlsx - The Missing Ones
- xlucidus - xlucidus
- your_shadows - Elegant Virtues of the Obscure Mind
- yucat - Young-ish Unruley & Crankey Artistic Types
- zephyr_ocean - Divination
- zippervaginas - viva la zippervaginas
- zodiac_friends - Zodiac Friends
- zodiacfreakshow - Astrological Misfits
Interested users
The following users are interested in astrology. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
- 1uh - Juana
- 42 - Jason
- 420meow - Aaliyah
- _keith_urban_ - Keith Urban
- _littlewing_ - Caitlin
- _rainbowcarnage - Emily's Bubbles
- absolutguy - lunchbox
- acidmoon - acidmoon
- ada - and all that it implies
- aduncous - its phenomenology clearly distinguishes it
- akito - Dirty Mess of Grime
- alaskangirl - Alaskan Girl
- alhooter - Al
- alina - Leisa
- all_my_mind - Misty
- alove - alove
- alpine - Lisa
- amberskye - Karla's
- amberwind - Erin
- amethystmoon - amethystmoon
- amil - ~*Eye Opener*~
- andiyana - Andiyana
- andragon - Andromeda Dragon
- ange420 - Duchess of Dank
- angel - Ana
- angel381 - angel381
- angeleyes - }}i{{ ~angela~ }}i{{
- angelicdestiny - angelicdestiny
- angelofsilence - Angel
- anjulbaby - ???Anjul???
- annamossity - Anna Mossity
- anteck - Ant
- anti - Ali
- aranina - Aranina
- arquel - Sophie
- artemisjones - artemis jones
- atarifaery - Aymie.
- aubzie - Kiss Me Kate
- auriel - Crazy Drunk Pedestrian
- auroraborealis - Michelle
- aurorabunny - Katie
- autumn_eyes - Till Human Voices Wake Us
- aviator - Dean
- baphometmoon - Dr. Death
- bebha - lindsey christine
- beckmermaid - Becky
- beeriswater - Rachel
- belaset - belaset
- benj - Benjamin
- bentlilies - Reina
- betrayed - betrayed
- bettie - *Unweighted down by passion or intensity*
- bitospud - Paul and Edith
- bj_stupid - Scott
- black_pearl - Black Pearl
- blackdreams - The Part You Throw Away
- bloodengel - chuckiebear
- blueglass - Brandon
- bluesmurf - Lucy T. Slut
- bobbibillard - • ☆ • Bobbi Billard • ☆ •
- bondj1051 - Enigma
- bonnie77 - now I'm bored and old
- boythunder - pororro de tu corazón
- brash - Mecha Brash
- brazen - karen
- briejett - BrieJett
- brosely - And Winter Rains Down...
- brunettewillow - Christine
- bubblebobble - shattered
- bunny611 - jess
- c00kie - his lovely assistant
- caged - home of the phoenix
- capricejuliette - caprice juliette
- cavok - up in the air
- cbjohnson - Cara
- chameleon613 - Ryan
- chaotica - Beige little duck
- charizmick - Meg
- chiahead - LazyBlue
- chichan - Chi
- chrisctp - Chris, Queen of the Queendom of Chris
- chumducky - chumducky
- cici - Princess Paradise
- clownswithafros - Shell
- cocopuff - Lady Coco
- coleygirlie - Nicole
- colours - Colours
- comorbidity - comorbidity
- corachaos - Cora Chaos
- cotton_candy - ♥ MeLLy ♥
- countess - Contesse von Gröbenzell
- crescent - Crescent
- crimsondream - Nicole
- cryingchild - Rob
- cryptic_tomb - Crypt
- crystalsage - Crystal Sage
- csnwltr - Csnwltr
- cyndi79 - Cyndi
- cynnerth - Cyn
- cypher - Cypher
- dandoubledtwice - ddt : that bitch, Dan ...
- dangel - DA, the Lemon Peppah Fiend
- darcyzero - Mayfair Mistress of the Satellites
- darkestprincess - :*:I'm Not Confucious Reincarnated, So Spare Me:*:
- darkfaerie - DarkFaerie
- davethebrave - Dave the Brave
- ddangelo - Donna
- debby - The Domestic Goddess
- deepdark - Kitty
- defwords - Pøster Child for Birth Cøntrøl
- delphy - Stuart
- deviation - Hate as pure as sunshine
- devilwoman - B
- di - Di
- diabless - Lazurus
- dizzydez - Desiree
- djpynki - lune loon
- dragondiva - dragondiva
- dramatica - drowning in white noise
- dreadpunk - the teenage jess -- gone forever
- duffy - gunshy
- dumbgirl - Jenna
- dustyfedora - Dusty Fedora
- eclectic - Jenny
- eiffel65 - eiffel 65
- eiffelgirl - Girl Strange
- el_sharra - El-Sharra
- electrcspacegrl - all geminis to the raspberry hats
- electriccat - Queen Fubara
- elek - elek
- elektric - Elektric
- elementeyeball - Eyeball
- ellorastarr - Ellora
- elusive - miss amiee
- elzbieta - Jaded Beauty
- emauleth - emauleth: beloth's angel
- empty_delilah - The voice inside my head
- emptyspiral - Captain Poo Hat
- erikadoor - Erika Door
- eryn - citrus
- espresso - Espresso
- estokes - Erika
- etcetera - the gangster of love
- euryale - (‾`·.,¸¸,.·´Aurealis
- evilestprincess - Mandy
- fairy - fairy
- femaleulysses - Elena
- fenrir24 - Bret
- ferol163 - ~*Ferol*~
- fiowerangei - Kristin
- flutterby3 - Shana
- foxforce5 - Sylla
- galaxy - Ariel
- ghostdog - Ghostdog
- ghoul - Gremlin
- gillybean - Bean
- glitterpixie - Danielle Millennium
- goddessofstyx - D. "Mintaka" Peal
- gothangel7 - Quiet Angel
- grape_lady - grape_lady
- grape_nerd2004 - >>Muckel<<
- greeenboi - Jeff Molyneux
- greeneyedenvy - PIERCE
- guinnevere - Guinnevere
- gypsyphish - midian
- hades_moon - hades_moon
- haligh - Brianna
- hallie - hallie
- hanna - Hanna
- hespera - My Delirium
- himemiya - Alice Li
- hopeless - Naii
- housebrownie - Aleister Goodman
- hurrtrack - Christopher
- icegoddess - Euphorique
- icetears - Luna
- illusions - illusions
- indignitydirge - ZelZel
- industria - midthegreat
- insatia - Insatia the Wonder Girl
- insomniac - Seph
- intergalactic - VD3
- isthmus - Rene
- jacqui - Jacqui
- jagfire - Feel the Fire! The J.A.G.
- javamental - JavaElemental
- javanut04 - It stings; Say it anyway.
- jayz_kitten - Samantha/Mandy
- jbrat - Natalie
- jennfoo - Jenn-Foo
- jennifaerie - jennifae
- jens_a_pirate - oh god i love you
- jettamaster - christine
- jnoxenet - Jewel Noxenet
- jo71 - Jo
- joe714 - Jack Webb
- jubei - Tony Nunzio
- judas - The Dark Lord of the Duck Pond
- junebugg - Junebugg
- junkiepoe - jennifer
- just_a_girl - Russa Waters
- justis - Justis
- juujinkan - Juujinkan
- kadi - Margarita KaDi
- kalidream - "Do-overs" should be allowed
- kaliva - Ultra Chrome, Latex & Steel
- kaoslyon - Lyon's Den
- kappy - Kappy
- karasweet - Kara
- karren - Moo.
- katchoo - Katchoo
- kelowna - RARGH GRAH GNASH!
- kerry - Kerry
- kewpiecat - ccccc-unit!
- kidra - ki'dra no baka
- kily - Kily
- kittybrat - Kittybrat
- kizei - Kizei
- knepbear - Paul
- kui - kui
- kyanite - Emma
- lady_belladonna - lady_belladonna
- ladyrhiannon - rhiannon
- laurentia - Laurentia
- layceeloo - Shana
- leo_boy - Zachary
- leslieismore - Leslie is More
- libra_kat - fruity pebbles
- lifeispurple - lifeispurple
- lightblueeyes - LightBlueEyes
- lilbluesmurf - Imitation Happy
- lilplayer619 - ~~*Brandi*~~
- lip_glossboost - Liana
- liquidmercurial - Mercurial
- lisha727 - Alisha
- litswd - Somewhat Damaged
- littledeath - Little Death
- livian - Livian
- lobelia - Melissa
- london - Phoenix Rizen
- lotusdreamer - Elisa
- lovepink - LovePink
- ltemycandl - lil' amy
- luna_goddess - Starla
- luxxdesade - Chuck
- lynisgod - Lyn
- maegical - maegical
- maleficence - Maleficence
- maniacbutterfly - Kat
- marioche69 - the most uncoordinated chai junkie
- marobe - Marobe
- mathewg - Mathew
- mattmoo - Matthew
- mekare - un cielo sin lunas plateadas
- mesoloca - she's lost control again
- michelleleo - MichelleLeo
- mikkali - One
- mini_brock - Brock
- misanthropy - Nicole
- missfox - miss fox
- missnomerz - Aesara Ceridwen
- missspongequeen - Melissa
- mobieus - Mobieus
- mokie - mokie
- mommameow - Ruth
- mommiemilo - Shana Markham
- moonbeam - ~*ashley*~
- mooncat67 - mooncat67
- moonflea - moonflea
- mrnstr - Morning Star
- mtngirl98 - Mountain Girl
- murg - Tim
- mustanggrl16 - Lexi
- my_ophelia - Ophelia
- mygift2you - I can't forget your style or cynicism
- myridean - myridean
- namaste21 - Namaste
- nancymccoyhicks - *Bing bing BING* Just Bouncing Off Wall's
- nascent - (jason m. luna)
- nephilimnexus - Mercurial Metamorphosis
- nico - nico
- nifka - nifka
- noscere - Noscere
- notaprettygirl - notaprettygirl
- nxthxngnxss - nxthxngnxss
- ocelot_eyes - Ocelot Eyes
- ohmy - Lily
- okcomputer - the impressionist formerly known as
- omega - Omega
- omni_anti - anti
- onamuji - Onamuji
- oniero - Oniero
- onnawufei - Wet Biscuit Mcglee
- onyxmoon - Rachael
- opheliasennui - OPHELIAS ENNUI
- pandora_13 - Pandora
- pandora_taylor - Sarah
- peachfish - peachfish
- peapodpixie - Lily's Grams
- persephone - Courtney
- persis - persis
- phaerei - Velvet Stardust
- philomela - Philomela
- pidge - i do not sleep well
- piercedsaint - The Thane of Fife
- pixie_dust_xxxl - -})i({-;- Cindi -;-})i({-
- pixiefuel - Brita
- plaidmonky - Sonja
- poisonousivy - Ivy
- poizonapple - Princess
- pokee - Mark Young
- popsecret1979 - Ms. Lauren
- prettyinside - magi
- princessblondie - Princess Blondie
- prosewitch - The Foxy Folklorist
- pundit - Jai Maharaj
- purplemonkey - Monkey of DOOM
- pyrophilia - Lizardy Guts
- quadpod - Katie
- quest - Quest
- quit - new coat of paint
- radu - Radu Valteros
- raeofhope27 - »----»ôVë® ±Hë ®åiñBôW
- ran - Moonbeam
- raspberries - Francesca Marisol
- rasputina - Rasputina
- raven_angyl - Guinevere Ara
- razzberee - Ackshun Snatch
- reddwmn - Lisa
- redglitter - watermelon sugar
- redheadeddevil5 - Anna Marie
- reverendjeff - Jeff
- riotgrrrrl - her name is rio
- rockgoddess - Jenn
- rodney - THE BOOK
- roxi - Roxi
- rubber_ducky121 - Glenna
- rucaheina - Erin
- rynumber3 - Ryanne Thomas
- sabadius - Christopher Valmont
- sad_eyed_angel - ^v^ ChristinA ^v^
- sailorsaturn - Senshi of Revolution & Rebirth
- sakura - 怪猫
- salyx - useless little sparkle
- sarabear - sarabear
- sarafern - Drucilla
- sarahgoodin - Sarah Goodin
- sassykins - Sassy
- satellite - la brillanta ragazza
- scarletfirefly - Pieces Of Her
- scorpy01 - Scorpy01
- screamingnympho - Screamin' Sam
- secrativegirl - SecrAtive Girl
- seiry - seiry
- serendipite - []slave[] [of] []sensation[]
- serndipit - Seren
- shashap - angel pennington
- shatteredrose - i'd love you forever, if you'd love me for a day..
- shelanne - Shel
- shikaisha - Kaisha
- shikari - Felicia Atkinson
- shinken_yuusha - NAVi - Ultimate Sidekick
- shye_femme - My name is might have been, my name is never was
- sidhe - Ophelia
- sillymonkey - Marissa
- silverflame - Jennifer
- silvermoonlight - No se. No hablo espanol.
- simplysummer - Cindy
- siralove - Pink Collar Lunatic
- skyelarjules - Tinkerbell
- sleepingsiren - Siren
- slipknotica - Beck
- smirkbot - Felix McGillicuddy
- smurfette1169 - emily
- snapdragon908 - Ali
- solitagatita - Just a face in the crowd
- sorrowblue - Tainted Love
- spacefool - Karf
- spandex - i am spandex
- spiderella - spiderella
- spikejonez - Spike Fucking Jonez
- sprattoo - Sprattoo
- spunkysmoothie - Squirrl
- staceylynn - Punk Prettie
- stargrrl - an awkward pause
- starlit_rose - Ashli
- starlitorisons - Stacy
- starstar89 - [ s t Å r ]
- starsteppah - Erin
- starwind - Star
- stefanieslaw - Stefanie
- stellarstiggy - Lena
- suicidalsurgery - Suicidal Surgery
- sungsdottir - cochese! C.H.O.
- sunset_jen - Jen
- sunshine10169 - Autumn Sunrise
- sweetalyssm - Hala NUHA
- sweetprince - Sweet Prince
- sweetxpea - Sugar and Spice
- sweetzdarkangel - Lil Water Lily
- sylph - The whispers inside my head
- taeri - bunny
- taffy - Steve
- tallon - ~*Lady of Dreams - Miss Raven Libra Vélith*~
- tatian - Noa Imi Loa
- tauria - phsyco muppet baby
- technogypsy - holly
- thapooch2 - thapooch2
- the_duchess - The Duchess
- theadict - Jacob
- theauthoress - Little White Owl
- thedruidess - Druidess
- theplayhouse - Michaella
- thinkpink - Paula
- thirdlaw - Bastard
- ti - Tara
- toadgirl - Stacy
- tokimi - Tokimi
- toriamosnin - Beth
- tp - untitled ballad
- trip - trip
- tritia - tree-lah
- trixietheduck - Trixie the Duck
- tyg3r - stompy kitty
- tymat - ton2
- unholy - kat
- unicornchick - Mandy
- uniqourne - Uniqourne
- unravel - amanda
- vampkitten - Supposed Former Infatuation Junkie
- vampryss - ravyn
- vampy_aob_619 - Vampy
- veda - magician, heal thyself
- vee - VEE
- veggietater - Andrea
- venusnin - |[.the soul architect.]|
- verotika - Verotika
- vickistewart - Ikciv
- video - Video
- violetdreamer - *Ceara Elise*
- violetparadox - Object Of His Affection
- vivrantthang - Rawker Girl Kayla {a.k.a. Rat Nacho}
- vixendevil - Trixie
- walneto - Leo Hobdragon
- wave - wave
- weedlover - That Fiery Gemini
- weyrdchic - The WeyrdChic
- willowredwolfe - Willow
- wintersshadows - ..A.m.y..
- witchbaby - Nina Bruja
- wonderboi - wonderboi
- wyndwyck - Wyndwyck
- xanthine - Tudu Azul
- xboondocksaintx - in nomine patrie, et fili, et spiritu sancti
- xcrashandburn - immortal
- xcriminalx - Deadly Nightshade
- xenia - Xenia
- xvioletxskiesx - *Ask the Angels*
- xx_lyndz_e_xx - xx_lyndz_e_xx
- xxeternalrestxx - XxThe Ambulance AngelxX
- yafah - robin
- yanoulablack - The splendor that is Jenny
- yellowrosetx - Yellow Rose
- yunicorner - Your Heleness
- zalary - lost in between
- zecky - Erin
- zentho - Josh
- zephoral39 - it's funny how those memories they last
- zero3kid - Jen the Zen Zero