Do you think the memories will ever stop resurfacing? Just little things, like how a motorcyclist rests his left hand on his thigh while riding, or when I catch myself saying "you know?" at the end of a sentence, or when a cop drives by the park late at night. Just- these little things that adhere to my brain, reminding me of what I felt, in what, I thought, was a happier time. It's weird how one person, even over an incredibly short amount of time, can have such a massive impact on another. I thought about Lewis (my first boyfriend) the other day. About the last time I saw him. When he was dropping me off at my parents' house after we had hung out after being broken up and in different states for over 8 months. I thought about how he made me cry. Some of the sorriest kind of tears, too. Ones brought on by an ache of guilt that should never have been felt. Guilt I didn't deserve, all because I wanted so desperately for someone to like me. And then it's like you have that. You've felt that. That someone liking you... or you think you have, but you learn that you were wrong. And the person you thought cared about you doesn't even deserve your recognition, because he wasn't what or who he claimed to be. I'm not upset. Not anymore. And I don't regret my feelings, I can't. I'm not hung-up on it all, either. I have more confidence now than ever in my life. But... he was right about one thing -- it'd be so much easier to forget. Cliché #1: Life's not easy. Cliché #2: You never forget your first.
Alright, so I took my bottles and can back to Safeway and was just 4 cans shy of buying a 6 pack of TP... so, all is okay. See, this is the way to work the system. Take the pop cans you buy with your food stamps, as well as the empty beer bottles your homies bought or brought then consumed to your humble abode, and bam! free toilet paper. Which is the way it should be, I must say. I mean, TP... where's the bang for your buck? Ya know? I ain't getting anything out of it... 'side a clean ass, and that's what showers are for. Um... yeah. So, 76 (the gas station) has this new motto: Life happens between Empty and Full. Here's the thing... life doesn't happen between empty and full, if anything, it happens between full and empty. And, that is what the advertisements on television allude to as well. They refer to people driving around and having full in their cars and all this jazz. Well, as you're driving around, you're using your gas, thereby emptying your tank. So, life is happening between full and empty. It'd be a hella boring life if it only happened between empty and full. You sitting there with the engine off, tapping your foot, waiting for the gas attendant to come by to actually help you, cursing yourself and Oregon state law because you know you could do it faster. Anyway... the motto pisses me off. And just a note. I haven't been sleeping well lately. I've been waking up every couple hours or so. Ever since I started the new job. The only night I didn't wake up a lot was Sunday night, when I was drunkish. Which is surprising, 'cause I usually wake more often during drunken slumbers. I suppose my body is still adjusting to the new sleep schdule. But I wish it would just hurry up and get used to it already.
current mood: eyeing a pack of marlboros
my boss is a fucking cunt with a shitty attitude and no respect for me. i am glad she is resigning, i just hope i happens sooner rather than later. me: i wanted to talk to you about my pay rate. her: (snotty) we did talk about it, you're getting ____. me: yes, but i wanted to tell you that i think i deserve a raise, especially since i've been getting paid that all year and now i am working full time. her: (not looking me in the eyes) i don't think that is in the budget. but i will definitely consider it. i will try to look at the budget today. it took her a whole goddamn month to look at the budget to see if i could even work at this lousy place. unprofessional bitch. treating me like shit just 'cause i'm a student. fuck you.
current mood: pissed off
so apparently last thursday, during my couple days off before starting work at the financial aid office for the summer, kyle, one of our counselors, walked out. that's just craziness man. i had no idea... though i can tell you that many of the women in the office treated him like shit and would take advantage of his giving, sensitive nature. drama, drama. so, the person who has been there the longest is gillian (6.5 years), second up is rebecca who has been there for 2. nuts, huh? shit, i've been working there for three years as a work study student, so i've been there longer than all those others shmos. i've seen 9 people leave, and 8 people come in. i can't wait to be out of that place. there's got to be some fucked up bureaucratic shit going on in that pizzy for so many people to filter through there, that or super drama (which is at least partially the case knowing some of the people who work there). and on that note, lunch break's over. back to the grind.
current mood: annoyed
Alright, I am now in possession of more food than can be eaten by a large Mormon family in a year. Holy shit! That's so much food. Half of which I do not know how to make... all these crazy curries and Asian noodles and whatnot. I have more seaweed than what sits at the bottom of the ocean. It's a good thing that I grew a taste for this stuff ('specially this Korean seasoned one I'm currently munching on - when I first tried it, you never could have told me that I would be happily munching on it a year later) or I'd be in trouble. Got some free booze too. Nothing I like so much though, 'cept I can use the Peach Schnapps to make Silk Panties, which is always a treat. Looks like I'll be figuring out how to make my own sushi... since I've got all this seaweed, oh! and spam musubis! Yum. I'm a regular Hawaiian at heart. Gettin' all this free food is doubly awesome because if I can't manage to get food stamps this summer, I'll already have a shit ton of grocery food items that I can survive off of for a month or so. It sucks that school ended just a week and a half before my 21st birthday. I mean, that's got its bad points and its good points. Not many of my friends from Hawaii are 21 yet anyway, so they wouldn't be able to go out and celebrate. Though almost all of my other friends are (from high school, work, etc). So we're going to party hardy this Monday night. Bam! Then I'm going to go to a comedy club next Friday, that sounds fun... hopefully it is. Whether it is or not, it's free and I'll probably manage to get some free drinks that night too. Always a plus.
current mood: tired