The Blizzard's Eye
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June 2004
Or Something...
Thursday, June 10th, 2004 01:11 am
All those crazy storm warnings and tornado watches and nothing. I'm so disappointed. It's barely even rained. I was kind of looking forward to biking home in a horrible nasty storm of doom.

Also, if you're in the Toronto area and would like to check out some local theatre of the more affordable and less commercialized type, some friends of mine are putting on this show:

Check it out, support the local arts scene! Sunday & Monday nights are Pay What You Can, other nights are 15$ a ticket, and if you can't make it out to an evening show, there are some matinees as well. So go see it!

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Or Something...
Wednesday, June 9th, 2004 11:29 am
allergies and coughing

I took an antihistamine for my skin, and it seems to have helped... I guess that means I'm having an allergic reaction to something, now if only I could figure out what. I wouldn't be overly surprised if it was a reaction to smog. I definitely developed a cough on Monday from the smog - it was pretty brutal, actually. I could feel my lungs burning, and I could only breath very shallowly to prevent myself from going into another coughing fit.

My younger brother sent me an email... he's back in whistler, and he wrote the email while extremely messed up, and tells me he loves me at least three times in it. I worry about him.

Just about time for us to head in to work. It's supposed to thunderstorm today, so we're going to bike it. Yay crazy!

Current Mood: crazy

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Or Something...
Monday, June 7th, 2004 09:44 pm
Four hours of biking later...

and I'm tired and I will be aching tomorrow, but damn it was fun. Unfortunately the air quality in Toronto was pretty bad today, so by 3 hours into the trip I had developed a dry cough due to smog.

Also, I think I slightly burned my face, but I just took a piece of our aloe plant and smeared its innards all over my face, which should help. My face is very warm, otherwise.

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Or Something...
Monday, June 7th, 2004 01:12 pm
My face seems to be having some sort of weird reaction to something, but I can't figure out what. The skin is kind of raised and not smooth like it usually is... kind of bumpy-weird raised all over my cheeks and my forehead and chin, but not red or itchy or anything like that. I wish I knew what it was reacting to so I could make sure that I don't use whatever it is on my face anymore... Strange. I don't like it, not one bit.

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Or Something...
Monday, June 7th, 2004 12:23 pm
Having leftover pasta from last night's dinner for today's lunch. Home-made sauce is always so good the second day.

I think we're going to go up to the library today and then bike down the ravine, and maybe head out to the don valley bike trails or something. It should be good.

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Or Something...
Sunday, June 6th, 2004 11:26 pm
Work today was pretty uneventful. I wasn't in a fantastically good mood, and then ended up having to wait around for some patron to leave the theatre before I could change and go home. I took it easy on the bike ride home, went pretty slow compared to my usual speed. Streetcars are still annoying.

I looked at all the pictures from Bridesmaidmania. Still a little sad that I couldn't get the day off, but the people who had previously booked the time off both had more seniority than me and were taking time off for something important (last-minute finishes to a play they're putting on which I intend to go and see.) I certainly don't begrudge them that time.

Adam & I went out tonight with Jay & Shelley for drinks & food. I had Blueberry tea, which made me very very happy. Someday I really need to actually buy Amaretto and Grand Marnier so I can make my own blueberry tea at home. And a brandy snifter, I'll need one of those too.

Tomorrow I think we'll go biking. It's our day off. Yay a day off! Tuesday to Saturday I'm working double shifts at various jobs, so I'm going to value tomorrow greatly. This past week has been great, I only had one shift at the cafe and managed to not work at all for the composer so I got to sleep in and relax a bunch.

Oh yeah, and I love Caramel Cone Explosion. So. Very. Much.

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Or Something...
Sunday, June 6th, 2004 07:11 pm
I am cooking sundried tomato chicken breasts and penne pasta with home-made vegetarian tomato sauce (with green & yellow peppers, brocolli and mushrooms, all fresh.) It will be fantastic.

Current Mood: hungry

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Or Something...
Sunday, June 6th, 2004 11:29 am
I feel as though I'm just starving for attention to be paid to me today. Sometimes I hate being a girl.

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Or Something...
Sunday, June 6th, 2004 01:13 am
An extreme close-up detailed view of my tattoo from the day I got it done - photo taken by [info]cyn.

more pictures behind the cut )

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Or Something...
Saturday, June 5th, 2004 11:32 am
And one more thing...

Happy birthday to [info]faroh!

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Or Something...
Saturday, June 5th, 2004 11:30 am
I'm attempting to teach myself to eat a healthy breakfast, since I generally skip breakfast, even though I know it's bad for me. This morning I've had a croissant with pressed cottage cheese and a bowl of yogurt with granola. Definitely healthier than eating nothing. I'm just trying to eat healthier in general. Plus get more sleep, because having been sick for most of the past month has really worn me out and depressed me at times. The exercise thing is in hand, I've been biking every day the past week again and it's making me feel more energized.

Wow... I don't much like yogurt, but this plain yogurt and granola mix is really good. Weird.

Double shift today, I must head out to work in the next little bit. Hmm. Need socks first.

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Or Something...
Friday, June 4th, 2004 02:04 pm
I walked from just north of Dundas Street West down to Bloor Street on Royal York today. It was a lovely walk. I realized as I walked that I seem to really like smallish houses of brick and stone, and residential side streets that are too old and too narrow to have sidewalks. Such a lovely neighbourhood.

I took some more pictures today, too. These things make me happy.

I wonder where the phone went?

Heh. oops. I hit the call button on the cordless phone and it started beeping... in Ian's room. Where Ian was napping.

I think I'll go pick up my photos I dropped off yesterday in a bit. Yay pictures of my tattoo-getting experience!!

Current Mood: happy

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Or Something...
Friday, June 4th, 2004 01:20 am
One more thing...

Oh yeah, and Yay Calgary!

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Or Something...
Friday, June 4th, 2004 01:14 am
A fantastic sunny day

Today I went out and took pictures in the ravine park, then dropped off film at the Black's down the street. I sat outside for a while eating a slice of pizza in my yard, then grabbed my bike and took the bike path downtown to Cloud Gardens. Interesting place, that... they've made an incredible use of space there. I took a few more pictures there, and then went over to the Metro Centre park where I ran into Lindsay. We sat around on the grass a while watching insane pigeons peck at Lindsay's toes. I took some more pictures. Two girls came up to us and interviewed us about music for CBC Radio, which was entertaining. They had a very nice Sennheiser Microphone hooked up to a minidisc player.

I headed out to meet Adam for dinner - we had Salad King, which is wonderfully good and inexpensive thai food. When we were done, we just sat in Dundas Square for a while (apparently if you build it, they really do come - Dundas Square was full of people just hanging out, sitting around in the sun.) And then I went to work, where I got to do Upper Balcony tickets, which is much better than ushering because you have something to do rather than just standing around watching the show. I was somewhat annoyed by the fact that pre-show one of the ushers went into the washroom in the Upper Balcony to have a cigarette. I went in to wash my hands after she came out, and all I could smell was cigarette smoke. It was horrible and illegal. No point in telling the management about it, though - all they'll do is punish everyone, including non-smokers, and it won't actually have any impact on the situation at hand. Anyhow, I told one of the other Ushers on the floor, just to be able to vent about it.

I am now counting the weeks until I leave the theatre. It's ten weeks and three days until I'm done. That's nothing! I wish I had some sort of countdown icon image thingie or something. That would make me happy.

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Or Something...
Thursday, June 3rd, 2004 12:36 pm
I took about 17 pictures for Ian, now I have to finish the roll (there's one picture left on it) and take them in to get developed. Maybe I'll go out for a walk this afternoon and just take lots of pictures of random stuff. Or maybe I'll bike downtown, check out that Cloud Garden I have yet to visit. It looks pretty.

Dayle is being super-needy. He's been licking my legs since I got home, and following me around crying. If I go into a room without him and close the door behind me, he stands outside the door crying. I'm not really sure what's on his mind. He also keeps trying to eat Jordy's PS2 controller. I've just picked him up and put him in my lap, so now he's licking my arms obsessively. I don't understand him sometimes.

There are sirens coming from Queen street outside.

Dayle has moved on to my face, and now he's trying to chew on my hat. Freak. At least he's a happy freak... Sera seems fine, she's sleeping on the chair in the living room.

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Or Something...
Thursday, June 3rd, 2004 10:49 am
Harry Potter Meme from [info]spadoink

i'm in ravenclaw!

be sorted @

Congratulations on making Ravenclaw!

Well you're one smart little cookie, aren't you? You're wise and clever, and just love to use your wit and learning to your advantage, and sometimes even the disadvantage of others. Well, you nerd, there IS a world outside of that copy of 'Hogwarts: A History', ya know.. Oh don't worry! We all know you're special. You're just a naturally good learner, right? *mummble mummble* Not too much is known about your house right now.. Wow! You're not only intellegent, you're also an enigma!

Sure, if you say so.

Going to go out and take pictures for Ian today. It's his birthday!

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Or Something...
Thursday, June 3rd, 2004 12:57 am
I opened this and typed some crap about work or something, then realized I just didn't care enough to post it and erased it all. Now I have nothing to say.

Current Mood: bored

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Or Something...
Wednesday, June 2nd, 2004 02:13 am
I biked to work again for the first time in a couple of weeks. The first week I didn't bike because I didn't have my bike, and the second week I didn't bike because I was either sick or had to go from the North York job to the downtown job and didn't have the energy to bike all the way to North York in the morning. Biking was good today, though. I'm more tired than usual (two weeks of downtime will do that, I think,) but it feels better than sitting on the streetcar.

When I got home there was a Lush magazine sitting on my keyboard. Not sure where it came from (maybe Ian picked up something from Lush today?) but it smells like Lush and it makes me happy. Now all I need is a cup of tea. And a bathtub, so I could buy bath bombs again... Soon, very soon.

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Or Something...
Tuesday, June 1st, 2004 03:09 pm
Bacchanalia Canoe Trip 2004

Bacchanalia canoe trip email has been sent out. If anyone wanted to go on the trip this year and didn't receive an email and also happens to read my livejournal, email me at jennylee at warped dot com.

And just so you know what you're in for:

The Bacchanalia 2001 Photos Page

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Or Something...
Tuesday, June 1st, 2004 01:49 am
And then I remember...

Oh yeah... this is why I stopped playing games. Because they fill me with the rage. So much rage. I want to destroy things. Stupid games. I have to wonder if I'm just completely incapable of having fun anymore. If I can't do something well then I'm filled with the rage, and since there are a lot of fun things out there that I can't do well, I find myself filled with the rage far too often. It tires me out and gives me a headache and makes me feel as though nothing new is worth doing anymore. Not sure how to control the rage.

Current Mood: filled with the rage

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