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Below is user information for Chancellor Mung. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:neuromonkey (125862)
Name:Chancellor Mung
Website:Drunken scribbles and Bad Art
Location:Marietta, Georgia, United States
AOL IM:deathbymung (Add Buddy, Send Message)
So, yeah. This is my madcrazylame journal.
I'm trying to hopefully have enough happen in my life to fill a televised biopic. Hopefully on E!, at least.

This journal is primarily "friends only". You aren't missing out on much by not being on my friends list, but you may add yourself anywhoo. I might not notice, so send me a smacky email or something.
Memories:9 entries
Interests:150: \m/, a perfect circle, adult swim, adult., aesop rock, alfred hitchcock, altered states, amon tobin, amélie, aphex twin, art, assassain uranian robot ninjas, beck, beta band, bill hicks, bjork, bonnie and clyde, brain-melting, bran van 3000, british humor, butthole surfers, cartoon network, change, chaos, charles bukowski, chimpanzees, chuck palahniuk, climbing trees, clint mansell, clubbing, cool summer nights, creating, crying, da funk, dada, dalek, dan the automator, dancing, dandy warhols, darren aronofsky, david fincher, david lynch, dead kennedys, del the funky homosapien, detatchment, dj shadow, donnie darko, douglas rushkoff, drawing, dreadlocks, edward gorey, electricity, energy, enjoying life, eric white, evil click music, evil dead, evil disco, fight club, francis bacon, h.r. giger, h3llb3nt, handsome boy modeling school, iggy pop, industrial, insanity, intelligent women, jim white, johnny cash, jucifer, kissing, kompressor, kurt vonnegut, laughing, le tigre, lightning, love, making music, massive attack, mc paul barman, mike patton, mindless self indulgence, mischief, modest mouse, monty python, mouse on mars, mr. bungle, munging, neal stephenson, neil gaiman, neutral milk hotel, nine inch nails, not wearing clothes, ohgr, one, order, outkast, painting, parties, peaches, physical activities, piercings, pj harvey, portishead, psychology, radiohead, reading, red meat, requiem for a dream, robert anton wilson, scrambled eggs, screaming, sex, sigur ros, sleater-kinney, sleeping, smashing roaches, spitting, spontaneity, squarepusher, stanley kubrick, stormy weather, subtlty, tattoos, terry gilliam, the collective unconscious, the doves, the future, the onion, the pixies, the reverend horton heat, the sandman, the sea, the sky, the stars, the strokes, the sun, tim burton, tom waits, tricky, tron, two lone swordsmen, unkle, warmth, weezer, white zombie, william gibson, writing, wumpscut, zaniness
Friends:39: alyna, atlanta, atlantart, auxillarypriest, bettiep, bob_dot_com, carlton, copsonpogostix, crimsyn, daoistraver, dramamine, ecotopia, elvis_christ, feelium007, foocow, gaslamptramp, gronemeyer, ilk, insert_mind, jonkill, kmbrown825, ljatlanta, ljwin32_sema, mansionworld, masquerader, notmyfaultdance, peggyday, photobooth_pics, piltdownman, piratescott, roughtrade, scargrrl, scorn_pie, stdagmar, sycophant, tap_yo_ass, trashdoll, vivianblank, whorgia
Friend of:40: alyna, auxillarypriest, bettiep, bob_dot_com, canticrab, carlton, chrisholifield, copsonpogostix, crimsyn, daoistraver, ecotopia, feelium007, foocow, frostopia, gaslamptramp, gronemeyer, idlechicsrc69, ilk, insert_mind, isthisitsoma, kers3480, kmbrown825, manicnymph, mansionworld, masquerader, myrrdin, necktie, notmyfaultdance, peggyday, piltdownman, piratescott, roughtrade, scargrrl, scorn_pie, stdagmar, sycophant, tap_yo_ass, trashdoll, vivianblank, whorgia
Member of:14: atlanta, atlantart, bad_monkeys, cyberpunk, depression, fetishconfess, freakwrite, get_up_dread_up, ljatlanta, moretolifethan, paidmembers, photobooth_pics, sos_usa, the_empire
Account type:Free User

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