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User:rroseselavyoui (211573) Paid User rroseselavyoui
Whistling past the grave yard
"I don't care" said Pierre!
Name:The Reluctant Playstation
Website:Experimental Music-chronicled
Location:Ventura, California, United States
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Memories:16 entries
Interests:150: amoeba records, anais nin, andrei tarkovsky, andy warhol, anita ekberg, anton la vey, arons records, aube, autechre, basquiat, bataille, beatniks, belle du jour, big black, black rebel motorcycle club, blixa bargeld, boyd rice, brad laner, breakfast at tiffany's, building a frankenboyfriend, bunny yeager, buzzcocks, can, cats, charles addams, church of satan, cindy sherman, clare quilty, climbing flowering vines, cocteau twins, coil, color field painting, cosmonauts hail satan, crispin hellion glover, crushes, current 93, dada, dame darcy, damien hirst, david tibet, dorothy parker, dream machines, dreaming about other ljers, dropping out of college, edward gorey, einsturzende neubauten, electric company, electronic music, experimental music, factory, faster pussycat! kill! kill!, forbidden zone, furniture design, geek love, genesis p-orridge, godzilla, grey gardens, henry miller, intelligence, jan cremer, jan svankmajer, jean cocteau, jeff koons, jenny saville, john hughes movies, joy division, jumping on beds, juxtapoz, koma bookstore, kraftwerk, kurosawa, la dolce vita, la luz de jesus, libraries, lisa carver, little rascals, liz mcgrath, ljmaps_rroseselavyoui, love and rockets, luis bunuel, lustmord, man ray, marcel duchamp, mark ryden, martin puryear, matthew barney, matthew collings, max ernst collages, maya deren, meatcake, mogwai, momus, monsters, museum of jurassic technology, museums, muslimgauze, nabokov, new order, newcastle brown ale, nick cave, noise music, non, odd nerdrum, orange moons, oval, pan sonic, pee wee herman, peter greenaway, peter sellers, pointless long hot showers, prada, rain water puddles, red lipstick and nailpolish, remedios varo, rik mayall, rushmore, russ meyers, sarcasm, sexy robots, shag, skullflower, sonic youth, soundscapes, stephan britt, stockholm monsters, surrealism, tablecore, terence stamp, the 1920's, the big foot lodge, the brothers quay, the cramps, the creatures, the harvard lampoon, the polish brothers, the stranglers, the wedding present, the young ones, theremins, throbbing gristle, tikis, trevor brown, tura santana, ukiyo-e, vaccination scars, veiny arms, whitehouse, wild dance/party scenes_in_movies, wordplay, yma sumac. [Modify yours]
People178:13spleen, _fever_, _seraphim_, alastairg, alcoleptic, anarchivist, andrewloog, apodeictic, august32nd, babaluma, badcat, bdymdifier, beatnikside, bellmer, bikearmy, bird, bluesiren, bluespark, braw, brianmclark, brioche1, burgertime, buscemi, buttler, charmed_art, cnwb, cometgain, contagioustoday, cyntergomes, damedarcy, devilbadtz, dickon_edwards, doublescorpio, dumb_broad, earfull, easytempo, edgarallanpoe, ericpoptone, erzulie_eardrum, experimentanon, facepuller, fasterpussycat, fazterpussykat, flip_yr_face, focustest, foxbase, frederic, freyia, futch, gainsbourg, ganatronic, ghoulgurl, gnoll, godawful, gogo_hellkitten, gosta, habibi, helima, heysinner, heytherelamp, iadara, iamwells, ideal_male, imomus, impious, indigentia, interimlover, jackgriffin, johnnyradpants, joopy, jtemperance, junk_robot, justinsomething, klaus_nomi, kristinhaze, kwouk, le_oef, lenoraclaire, libchick, lord_whimsy, lovecraftlackey, ltmurnau, marblefaun, martymartini, matt_pee, mattholland, mazette, mcgee, mei, melodymuse, mesopotamia, mightygodking, mikester, mitsui, monkmunk, mouchette, mquigley, mr_ravioli, mrfang, mrfister, mrsqueaky, mspunkrockstar, nessus, newness_ends, nickjb, nikkster, nitzer93, no_count, nolegs, nut_meg, nycbluegirl, oola, original_b_boy, oval, paulmorden, phonebookauthor, photonrecycler, piehole, pinkfoils, pippirrip, pixiesunshine, pleasing_tint, porcelaingun, pryomoax, purenoumena, qualities, ramziabed, realitysandwich, revenant1, rootstudio, roughandtumble, rstevens, sailortom, sanikleen, satansmonkey, saturdaynight16, scythrop, shadowcircus, shayesaintjohn, shigolch, signifier, slavestate, snake_oiler, snapsnapcrash, space_princess, spacemummy, spookycat50, springheel_jack, stanleylieber, ste11amaris, stella, stymied, substitute, svenimusprime, swanbait, taglicomedroghe, the_air_hostess, the_unnamable, thelostwind, thenewnumber2, thickeye, thistlelurid, tikiking, todger, troubleman, tutubird, twoheaded, usedmonsters, vive_odalisque, voiceandsalt, warrenjabali, wetcat, woodenleg, xbennx, xevinx, zardalu, zools, zoomardav
Communities14:apoca_lipstick, ca_art_shows, cameron_sisters, cinema_obscura, indie_film_la, kiki_in_paris, lj_maintenance, los_angeles, plan9, socal_indie, socal_noise, the_smell, thechardhouse, vccom
Friend of:223: 13spleen, _fever_, _seraphim_, acolli, alastairg, alcoleptic, alphietuesday, anarchivist, andrewloog, apodeictic, august32nd, babaluma, babilary, badcat, bdymdifier, beatnikside, bellmer, bernie_v, bikearmy, bird, blastmilk, bluesiren, bluespark, bonjoursociete, braw, brioche1, buscemi, buttler, byronicman, camisado, capricornia, chaos_butterfly, charmed_art, chemicalwire, cnwb, cometgain, contagioustoday, cta102, cyntergomes, devilbadtz, diapertrash, dickon_edwards, doublescorpio, dream_sleep, dumb_broad, earfull, easytempo, edgarallanpoe, ennuidream, ericpoptone, erzulie_eardrum, experimentanon, facepuller, fasterpussycat, fazterpussykat, flip_yr_face, focustest, foxbase, frederic, freyia, futch, gainsbourg, ganatronic, ghoulgurl, gnoll, godawful, gogo_hellkitten, gosta, graycat, gynrei, habibi, helima, heysinner, heytherelamp, honorata, iadara, iamwells, ideal_male, imomus, impious, indigentia, interimlover, jackgriffin, johnnyradpants, joopy, jtemperance, junk_robot, justinsomething, kakeneeditoo, klaus_nomi, kristinhaze, kwouk, labrujah, le_oef, lenoraclaire, libchick, lovecraftlackey, ltmurnau, maldoror, marblefaun, martymartini, matt_pee, mattholland, mazette, mcgee, mei, melodymuse, mesopotamia, mightygodking, mikester, mitsui, monkmunk, mouchette, mquigley, mr_ravioli, mrfang, mrfister, mrlivedog, mrsqueaky, mspunkrockstar, mtl, nessus, newness_ends, nib_bler, nickjb, nikkster, nitzer93, no_count, noiseman433, nolegs, nut_meg, nycbluegirl, obipso, od23, oola, original_b_boy, oval, p_bear, paulmorden, phonebookauthor, photonrecycler, piehole, pinkfoils, pinkiekitten, pippirrip, pixiesunshine, plateaux, pleasing_tint, porcelaingun, predawn, ...
Member of:42: acidkizz, aesthetes, apoca_lipstick, archivists, artfilm101, ca_art_shows, cameron_sisters, cinema_obscura, city_of_angels, crackhaussanta, decadence, ende_neu, experimentals, homestar_runner, indie_film, indie_film_la, joydivision, kiki_in_paris, kraftwerk, lajews, lj_nifty, los_angeles, n0ise, nextnewwayon, nolegsonlyclub, numberfive, paidmembers, pcj, pe, plan9, rock_n_roll, sexylibrarians, shoegaze, socal_indie, socal_noise, surreal_women, the_smell, thechardhouse, theyoungones, unpopart, vccom, weirdjews
Account type:Paid Account

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