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pigface - nutopia |
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it would appear that none too few of you have been wondering about my whereabouts lately...as i find myself at home perhaps once or twice a week, i really suppose that i should indulge my readers' curiousity.
here's what's been happening: - work, terrorizing cabbies and sweating the last remains of my babyfat off for not even close to enough pay to support myself next year.
- cruising for a new job for the remainder of the summer, so that i'll come close to supporting myself next year.
- ceremony, crypt. meeting new people and getting better at this dancing thing.
- attempting to divide what little spare time i've got between the friends i love, and those i don't get to see often enough.
- scraping the change out from under my sofa cushions to see skinny puppy in june.
- having a cellular phone bestowed upon me by my folks, so they might better keep track of my
vagrancy whereabouts. in pokingthedriver's own words, "it's the most convenient annoyance ever." tomorrow, i rise at an unspeakably early hour to get on a plane to florida, for some rather huge family gathering-slash-birthday party, situated in the midst of a country club. thus, i will be more than likely difficult to get ahold of until my return.
adios, motherfuckers!