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[04 Jun 2004|03:06pm]
[ mood | giddy! ]
[ music | hocico - ruptura ]

you talkin' to me? you talkin' to me? )
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[27 May 2004|12:58pm]
[ music | pigface - nutopia ]

it would appear that none too few of you have been wondering about my whereabouts i find myself at home perhaps once or twice a week, i really suppose that i should indulge my readers' curiousity.

here's what's been happening:

  • work, terrorizing cabbies and sweating the last remains of my babyfat off for not even close to enough pay to support myself next year.
  • cruising for a new job for the remainder of the summer, so that i'll come close to supporting myself next year.
  • ceremony, crypt. meeting new people and getting better at this dancing thing.
  • attempting to divide what little spare time i've got between the friends i love, and those i don't get to see often enough.
  • scraping the change out from under my sofa cushions to see skinny puppy in june.
  • having a cellular phone bestowed upon me by my folks, so they might better keep track of my vagrancy whereabouts. in [info]pokingthedriver's own words, "it's the most convenient annoyance ever."
tomorrow, i rise at an unspeakably early hour to get on a plane to florida, for some rather huge family gathering-slash-birthday party, situated in the midst of a country club. thus, i will be more than likely difficult to get ahold of until my return.

adios, motherfuckers!
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[12 May 2004|10:16am]
[ mood | antsy. ]
[ music | apoptygma berzerk - kathy's song (beborn beton remix) ]

my building's being dismantled with me still in it!

in the meantime, all of my crap is bundled up in a small number of cardboard boxen and milk crates, waiting to be loaded into [info]stbxkid's handy-dandy truck and shipped back to melrose. until then, signing off...

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[28 Apr 2004|06:37pm]
[ music | depeche mode - policy of truth ]

over twenty total hours in the design labs, and what have i got to show for it? a two-minute lightwave cartoon about zombies and kung-fu.

come see it in the animation festival tomorrow morning; it's showing in the simmons college main campus building, in room c-103, at nine-thirty.

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[26 Apr 2004|05:07pm]
einstürzende neubauten, the most über band known to mankind, played at the paradise last night. (the backup percussionist had the best instruments on the set: he ran around the stage playing with metal boxen tied together with string, crinkly foil, air compressors and pipes, a giant spring...)

i bellied up to the stage as usual and made off with a setlist. go me!
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[22 Apr 2004|10:08am]
[ mood | nerdy as hell. ]
[ music | kraftwerk - autobahn ]

i've begun to study network security a bit more than usual really is quite the power trip. i'm starting out by doing as much poking about in the [info]simmonscollege campus network as i can, mostly using nmap and snort to pick up information, and by signing onto a few mailing lists of interest...recommendations for similar programs to play with are appreciated, too.

on the heels of the warm, humid weather boston's been seeing lately, my dorm has a new infestation: the bathrooms are crawling with scutigera coloeptrata, perhaps one of the most durable creatures on the planet. i know i'm excited.

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[15 Apr 2004|10:19am]
[ mood | BRAAAAINS! ]

one doesn't realize how bizarre george romero's camerawork is in night of the living dead until you try to emulate it in lightwave layout.

in case you hadn't already gathered, or heard from me, the theme of my final digital animation project is...zombies. i'm using pretty simplistic pre-rendered models for all of my characters, to allow more time to play with camera work and editing. the only hitch i've managed to hit so far is this: i can't decide on music for the background. so! who knows of songs about zombies? (living dead girl and down with the sickness are too cliché for my liking.)

(in an ideal world, i could sample glaucomaglaucomaglaucoma, but i somehow manage to remain out of touch with [info]geeknoir, the most talented of talents.)

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[05 Apr 2004|01:47am]
[ music | cruxshadows - dance floor metaphor ]

people who bother me: )

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[05 Apr 2004|01:33am]
[ music | laibach - trans national ]

much needed sleep was caught up on this weekend.

i started working on friday; i was literally on my bike for ten hours, hauling packages all over the city, getting lost, and saying things like "roger roger, full copy" on my little radio. i think i could get used to this.

[info]netgeek and i saw blacktail, black helicopter, and don caballero was most excellent to see the hipsters-about-town cover their ears and cower in the presence of the sheer power of rock, while don caballero refused to play the last song on their setlist until someone in the audience shuttlecocked damon a vodka-and-coke.

in conclusion, my leg muscles are sore and my ears are ringing. surely a sign of a fun weekend.

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[30 Mar 2004|03:36pm]
[ mood | gainfully employed. ]
[ music | rotterdam terror corps - beethoven on xtc ]

i went in for my second interview, and they hired me. i start on friday, and get paid in two weeks.

[info]netgeek and i went to see mahjongg and the constantines open for pretty girls make graves at the middle east last night. mahjongg was decent, and the constantines played an excellent set, but we had to get the hell out of there when pretty girls make graves started up; a veritable sea of emo kids started swaying, crying, and singing along in the most agonizing way imaginable.

pete steve, the constantines' rhythm guitarist, commented on the headliners: "i've never heard these guys before in my life."

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[27 Mar 2004|02:06am]
[ mood | new wheels! ]
[ music | manowar - battle hymn ]

birthday money + tax returns = .

i picked it up from the bike shop today. it's a sexy, smooth ride, and it fits me just perfectly. alex helped me lower the gear ratio and flip off the freewheel, so i've got my first fixed gear. excellent.

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[23 Mar 2004|03:38pm]
[ music | shipping news - haunted on foot ]

this afternoon, i had a job interview at city express. chances are, i'll be riding for them in back bay and fenway shortly. the dispatcher told me that he'd never seen a woman apply for a bike courier job before.

employment never looked so good.

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[23 Mar 2004|10:49am]
[ mood | cupcakeful. ]
[ music | shellac - the copper song ]

my animation professor brought me a delicious batch of cupcakes today as a belated birthday present. i'm so spoilt.

ceremony is my new monday night place to be found, if only because of the free admission and the opportunity to dance (flail? stomp?) goofily on the dancefloor.

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[18 Mar 2004|12:39am]
[ mood | nineteen! ]
[ music | wumpscut - christfuck ]

holy crap! as of this update, the world has been graced with emily for an entire nineteen years, thirty-nine minutes. for better or for worse.

so, go me, it's my birthday!

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[14 Mar 2004|02:10pm]
[ mood | irrational and circular! ]
[ music | kraftwerk - numbers ]

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[10 Mar 2004|01:40pm]
[ mood | mischievious. ]
[ music | 1200 micrograms - www. ]

is it just me, or is it no coincidence that the sleazy, money-grubbing villain from the old cartoon jem and the holograms and a rather famous code maintainer share the same name?

how spoooooky! )

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[07 Mar 2004|08:12pm]
[ music | elvis costello - tokyo storm warning ]

the divide between fun, relaxed people and those without a sense of humor becomes clearer and clearer to me.

i never would have guessed that cold beef stew, scooped out of the can with slices of whole-grain bread, would be such an excellent meal. such is life when you're stuck in a train station!

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[28 Feb 2004|12:55am]
[ mood | meme-y. ]
[ music | manowar - brothers of metal ]

perhaps i'm being self-critical, but there seems to be a bit of something wrong with mine:

MARCH: Attractive personality. Sexy. Affectionate. Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Loves to serve others. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Observant and assesses others. Revengeful. Loves to dream and fantasize. Loves traveling. Loves attention. Hasty decisions in choosing partners. Loves home decors. Musically talented. Loves special things. Moody.

everyone else is doing it. )

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[26 Feb 2004|04:11pm]
[ mood | tummysick. ]
[ music | pink floyd - lost for words ]

food poisoning? maybe.

i'm going to have to steer clear of the dining hall for a bit, though i don't know what my other options may be, considering the fact that i'm out of money. no matter; it's definitely the worst time i could have picked to crave some coffee ice cream, and the best time i picked to stock up on some good orson scott card beforehand.

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[16 Feb 2004|07:24pm]
[ music | polyphonic spree - soldier girl ]

the way that all my plans tend to pile up around one time gets pretty irritating. it makes it that much more difficult to decide how i'm going to spend what spare time i've got on the weekdays.

i spent most of this weekend holed up at a desk, setting up debian to dual boot with freeBSD. i don't understand why people complain about that install; in dialog mode, it took about twenty minutes, and i probably could have finished it in my sleep. now, the problem is getting that crap kernel configured to properly work with X and my video card.

...oh yeah, and valentine's day happened in there somewhere, too.

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