You are viewing the most recent 25 entries.
9th May 2004
11:18pm: it seems like
i seemed to have dissapeared, but the truth is, i was only taking a break from taking a break. in this new working lifestyle of mine, time seems to stand still, but when i look back, time has gone by quickly. i hate to think that the time i've spent in between my work hours has been wasted but it is true. except for the occasional indymedia activity, there hasn't been much of anything substantial going on. this summer is looking to be one of political activity. not that that is different from any summer but this time my friends and i are doing a lot of the planning. we want to get off our asses and do something or anything. ultimately, i don't think it matters if we change the world around us, we only and purely want to be active, but if action brings change, welcome it is. damnit, it's an electoral year, and we want to burn the ballot boxes.
Current Mood: determined
19th February 2004
11:23pm: vicepresidente dick
mañana viene el vicepresidente dick a un almuerzo/recaudación de fondos. $1,000 el plato. allí estaré para protestar... no sé que más decir. me encantan dar clases de fotografía.
Current Music: radio france internationale
5th February 2004
11:34pm: caca de paloma
La ciudad de los palacios
Va dejendo paso a el alba
Se va perdiendo la calma
Para cuando el sol asoma
Todo el esplendor decrece
la gente en las calles toma
Catedral desaparece entre smog
Y caca de paloma <hr> Hoy compartí con un hombre que estuvo 19 años preso. Salió de la prisión hace dos semanas. Estuvo preso porque participó en el robo de 7 millones de dólares a un camión blindado de la Wells Fargo. Estuvo preso por cometer un acto político. Fue recibido como un héroe en el aereo- puerto. Le pregunté si le podía hacer una entrevista para Indymedia. Me dijo que sí, que conocía del proyecto, que quería darnos una entrevista. Me preguntó mi nombre completo para apuntarlo junto con mi número de teléfono. Reconoció mi apellido y resulta que mi papá y él militaron juntos en el Partido Socialista Puertorriqueño. <hr> Ser un preso político debe ser muy fuerte. Estar lejos de la familia, los hijos, los nietos, las amistades, los lugares reconocidos (Puerto Rico ha cambiado mucho en 19 años), la playa, la comida, etc., es una experiencia que solo las personas valientes pueden afrontar. A mí no me gustaría estar en esa posición. Pero, también pienso en los actos que ha llevado a muchos/as de los presos políticos ha estar donde estan hoy día. Lolita Lebrón y 3 otros puertorriqueños fueron al Congreso de los Estados Unidos en el 1954 con un boleto de ida y armados. Los hoyos de las balas todavía se encuentran encrustradas en las sillas de los legiladores. Además de eso los Nacionalistas llevaron a cabo varias insurrecciones. Los Macheteros le volaron 9 aviones a la Marina dentro de una base militar en Puerto Rico. Liberaron 7 millones de dólares para financear la lucha por la independencia de la Isla. El líder es el hombre más buscado de Puerto Rico. La FALN voló muchos sitios en Estados Unidos. Entre muchas otras cosas. Son personas que más allá de ser idealistas, pensantes, combativos, llevaron sus ideas, pensamientos y comba- tividad a la acción definitiva. De luchar o morir, o perder la libertad física. Eso es un acto de valentía. Veo el Puerto Rico de hoy y me da mucha rabia. Siento que no tengo el poder de cambiar las cosas, ni a las buenas ni a las malas. Me siento desesperanzado. Pero siento una desesperanza energética. Tengo ganas de hacer algo. Aunque sea sólo por hacerlo.
Current Mood: contemplative
Current Music: portishead - mourning air
30th January 2004
i must fill out the papers for the university transfer before it's too late...
indymedia is going great... the job is ...alright.
i was offered one class to teach starting in february. i still don't know the dynamics of it but there's going to be a teacher's meeting soon. i'm excited!
21st January 2004
5:14pm: photojournalism
i'm going to teach!!!!! photography!!! to kids!!!! !!!!
Current Mood: excited
17th January 2004
well, Indymedia PR ( http://www.indymediapr.org/ ) finally has an office. there were objections from half of the members (2 out of 4) in renting the space ($100 a month plus a phone line) because we still don't know where the money for that is going to come from. i'm sure we're going to find the money and use that space for good. i've survived all the slashes at my job (for now at least). 5 people were fired yesterday. it was horrible to see how one of my co-workers (now ex) was sort of nonchalantly fired. she asked why she didn't get any hours for next week and the manager said that she wasn't going to get any more hours, that he was going to tell her a little bit later but well, she found out by herself. i seriously thought i was going to be the first one out at that job. it's been almost two months since i started working there and everyday seems like my last day. it totally sucks to feel like that but i need the money, what with car, credit card and cell phone payments. so, i've decided to finish my degree at the University of Puerto Rico. i've heard that the French program there is really good and i'm actually looking forward to the mess that is the U of PR. hopefully, it will only take me 2 more years to finish. street fests are fun!
Current Mood: pensive
11th January 2004
1:56pm: not that you needed to know
In German, it is frequently called Klammeraffe, “spider monkey” (you can imagine the monkey’s tail), though this word also has a figurative sense very similar to that of the English “leech” (“He grips like a leech”). Danish has grisehale, “pig’s tail” (as does Norwegian), but more often calls it snabel a, “a (with an) elephant’s trunk”, as does Swedish, where it is the name recommended by the Swedish Language Board. Dutch has apestaart or apestaartje, “(little) monkey’s tail” (the “je” is a diminutive); this turns up in Friesian as apesturtsje and in Finnish in the form apinanhanta. Finnish also has kissanhäntä, “cat’s tail” and, most wonderfully, miukumauku, “the miaow sign”. In Hungarian it is kukac, “worm; maggot”, in Russian “little dog”, in Serbian majmun, “monkey”, with a similar term in Bulgarian. Both Spanish and Portuguese have arroba, which derives from a unit of weight or volume that Professor Stabile suggests is closely related to that of the amphora—25lb weight (just over 11kg) or six Imperial gallons (nearly 23 litres). In Thai, the name translates as “the wiggling worm-like character”. Czechs often call it zavinàc which is a rolled-up herring or rollmop; the most-used Hebrew term is strudel, from the famous Viennese rolled-up apple sweet. Another common Swedish name is kanelbulle, “cinnamon bun”, which is rolled up in a similar way.
The most curious usage, because it seems to have spread furthest from its origins, whatever they are, is snail. The French have called it escargot for a long time (though more formal terms are arobase or a commercial), but the term is also common in Italian (chiocciola), and has recently appeared in Hebrew (shablul), Korean (dalphaengi) and Esperanto (heliko).
30th December 2003
1:47pm: tetas de cayey
yesterday was a magical day. after an early interview (9:30am, which in retrospective, went horribly) i came back home and took a 4 hour nap. i wasn't intending on taking a nap but i was feeling very tired. my cell phone rang twice during my nap, once from my mom inviting me to a get-together in aibonito and another one from a friend but i really don't remember what that one was about. at first i wasn't very much into the idea of going to aibonito but then i thought i would just as well, seeing that some of my friends i hadn't seen in a while were going. i got there at around 5:00pm and i managed not to get lost. the first group of people that got there were already hiking the mountain, the left one seen in the photo, called las Tetas de Cayey (tits of Cayey). my mom's friend lives on the base of that mountain. I ran to meet up with them and the view from up there was just amazing. we could see all of Cayey, Aibonito, Coamo, Salinas... and a beautiful sunset. at around 10:00pm, after two more groups of people had arrived, some of us decided to go up the mountain again. it was cold (60 degrees) and a little rainy but it didn't matter. after about 25 minutes, we were on top of the mountain but it then started pouring and we all got really wet, so we decided to head back to the house. a lot of rum (pitorro which is homemade and storebought) was served, music played all night and asopao with arañitas was made for all to eat. i left a little cold and very wet, but feeling great. now off to work at my very very part-time job.
Current Mood: happy
25th December 2003
Return of the King, here I come. There's no better way to spend Xmas than watching any of the LOTR movies with a beautiful Venezuelan girl.
Current Mood: giddy
i got a new celly and an email for a job interview! i'm excited. i'm going to write a million and one emails tonight... i've been a bad friend and have neglected a lot of people. sorry if you're one of them. i still love you.
Current Mood: chipper
15th December 2003
Y así amo yo Con rimas tan torcidas Buscando disonancias Pa mi nueva canción
the events of the past couple weeks have assured me that we need to get rid of this stupid fucking wretched system we live in. i had a nice date (?) yesterday with a gorgeous venezuelan. a movie (lugares comunes) and dinner. Visit my webpage. It has been updated. I should update it even more tomorrow.
Current Mood: tired
9th December 2003
Your softly spoken words, Release my whole desire, Undenied, Totally.
My days are now divided between work and non-work. The next 6 days are work. I fucking hate it. Today I made chickpea curry and curry crackers. It was a curry themed dinner. I have this theory that taking over (as in a coup style take over, no more shopping!) the largest mall in P.R. (where I work) would be the equivalent of taking over the presidential palaces of other countries (and exactly who would be expecting such a thing?). I don't think I'm too far off from the truth. If there's one place in this island where the economy is waged, it is there. There are also many goverment and federal offices housed at the office building of the mall. Yes, it would be a beauty. That's the kind of stuff I think about at work. I may expand on this later as a fictional wouldn't-it-be-nice fantasy. But I may not.
Current Mood: enraged
Current Music: Portishead - Humming
1st December 2003
6:12pm: Rumsfeld wins "Foot in Mouth" award
Rumsfeld, renowned for his uncompromising tough talking, received the prize for the most baffling comment by a public figure. "Reports that say something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know," Rumsfeld told a news briefing. "We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns -- the ones we don't know we don't know." John Lister, spokesman for the campaign, which strives to have public information delivered in clear, straightforward English, said: "We think we know what he means. But we don't know if we really know." Read more: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u;=/nm/20031201/pl_nm/odd_rumsfeld_dc_2
i am addicted to curb your enthusiasm. is it not the best show on t.v. right now? (that, and a couple others on comedy central).
30th November 2003
tenemosun20%dedescuentoentodalaropamarca daaprecioregular i started working at Bora Bora. The store caters to teens/young adults in the surfer/skater lyfestyle. Retail sucks. i am excited about the new friends i have here in PR. they're the sort of friends i've been "looking" for... i can talk to them! it's amazing. we have many of the same worries, fears, ideas, etc.
Current Mood: busy
28th November 2003
12:40am: the situationists
Members of the Situationist International (SI) co-operated with the _enrages_ from Nanterre University in the Occupations COmmittee of the Sorbonne, an assembly held in permanent session. On 17 May, the Committee sent the following telegram to the Communist Party of the USSR:
25th November 2003
i "started" (more like the idea) a webpage... it is http://www.geocities.com/ivanbroida/what will it be about? photography, mostly. politics, maybe some. languages, a little bit. i haven't been around html for a while so we'll see how this goes. i have a job, which hasn't started yet.
Current Mood: productive
Current Music: os mutantes - baby [(1988)]
17th November 2003
I've been listening to a lot of Lhasa, Os Mutantes, Carla Bruni and Ojos de Brujo lately, and so should you. visit: http://www.indymediapr.org/Still no job.
10th November 2003
tomorrow interview at old navy (yuck yuck yuck vomit)... maybe hang out with beautiful venezuelan girl (yay yay yay no vomit).
Current Music: Lhasa - La Celestina
12:33am: brownies
homemade brownies rock. i spit on you, quick mix brownies pttt pttt. i like venezuelan girls. well, not in general, just this one. still no job.
Current Mood: pleased
6th November 2003
what's up with having to hand in a resume, plus fill out an application, then having to fill out a second application on a different date plus a screening (not really an interview, just a lot of stupid questions), then having to wait until saturday for a phone call to see if i get an interview on monday; all this for a part-time job at the discovery channel store.
4th November 2003
1:28am: Historia de las sillas
This song (that i didn't write) is for a good moment i had in my life:
En el borde del camino hay una silla la rapiña merodea aquel lugar. La casaca del amigo esta tendida el amigo no se sienta a descansar. Sus zapatos de gastados son espejos que le queman la garganta con el sol y a través de su cansancio pasa un viejo que le seca con la sombra el sudor. En la punta del amor viaja el amigo en la punta más aguda que hay que ver. Esa punta que lo mismo cava en tierra que en las ruinas, que en un rastro de mujer. Es por eso que es soldado y es amante es por eso que es madera y es metal es por eso que lo mismo siembra rosas que razones de bandera y arsenal. El que tenga una canción tendrá tormenta el que tenga compañía, soledad. El que siga un buen camino tendrá sillas peligrosas que lo inviten a parar. Pero vale la canción buena tormenta y la compañía vale soledad siempre vale la agonía de la prisa aunque se llene de sillas la verdad.
-Silvio Rodriguez
3rd November 2003
the interview was a waste of time. commission based jobs, as they say in Spain, le pueden dar pol culo. i have another interview on thursday, this time a proper one at a store where i will earn a paycheck and have steady hours.
Current Mood: aggravated
1st November 2003
Good resources for French (site in english) and Euskera (site in spanish): French and Euskera.
Current Mood: nerdy
Current Music: mala rodriguez
31st October 2003
I have a job interview on Monday. It says it pays well. I hope I get it because i desperately need the money.
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