[Jun. 6th, 2003|01:21 am] |
i dun invisible u la, after one year, i mean it...=) |
我連煙都不如 |
[Jun. 4th, 2003|09:13 pm] |
我不是呼之則來 腦袋又沒有撞壞 你不用裝模作樣 一口一口吞吐煙圈 怎樣算才最划算 一人一巴掌拉倒 何必要吞吞吐吐 一串一串接著一串
說甚麼你不知道 一句話 [是你不好] 最好笑最後變成 [是我不好]
是不是有點無聊 好像我塞給你要 你無可奈何被逼要逃
我終於看穿了愛情它不就像點根煙 隨手放在嘴邊 層層疊疊的煙圈 瀰漫眼前 最多薰紅了眼 早一點看穿了愛情它不就像抽根煙 用來解悶消遣 大不了燙到了指尖 隨手甩路邊 管它誓不誓言 |
[Jun. 4th, 2003|03:09 pm] |
我而家才發現。。。 原來。。。自己一直堅持的信念。。。 原來一直。。。一直都是錯的 可能對我系一個好大既打擊。。。 可能系一個新開始。。﹖ 我好亂。。。好亂。。。 一直好堅持自己沒有選擇錯誤﹐ 一直覺得大家系因為誤會﹐因為溝通不足所以先搞成甘。。。 今日﹐我終于發現我一直都系錯既﹕
。。。。。。省略。。。。。 KAMI SAM says: what do u want me to do to make u happy?
KAMI SAM says: u r always pissed at me.
mizerable says: u dun understand
KAMI SAM says: so i ask u
KAMI SAM says: i'm asking
mizerable says: 我心淡喇
mizerable says: 原來我地從來都唔明白對方
KAMI SAM says: haha
KAMI SAM says: u want me to think of u r a strongly jealous girl?
KAMI SAM says: wait..
KAMI SAM says: i think it's u don't understand me more than i don't understand u.
mizerable says: ha...u think u understand me
mizerable says: n i think i understand u
KAMI SAM says: da's funny
KAMI SAM says: we actually don't understand each other enough..
。。。。。。省略。。。。。 mizerable says: do u know why i together with u before?
KAMI SAM says: cuz u felt i was a different from others.. then u think i'm an asshole now.
mizerable says: yes coz i think ur different...n u understand me...i through i found someone who could get close with my heart
mizerable says: n ur still diferent from others now...but..
mizerable says: u just never understand me n our heart never get close...
mizerable says: i was wrong...n a year after...i m still wrong
KAMI SAM says: can we just be like what we were before going out?
KAMI SAM says: i like to be ur friend better
mizerable says: time cant turn back...i wish we were friends from the beginning...so the ending will be better
mizerable says: but now...haha...i gave u everything n now...i found i m wrong
KAMI SAM says: i can make my mind like before..
mizerable says: i cant, coz i have our memories in my brain, which u dun
KAMI SAM says: like.. i still talk to jassi.. as a normal friend.
mizerable says: me n her r different person
KAMI SAM says: u have the memories... so u have to be pissed at me always?
mizerable says: ha....i never really "piss" at u
KAMI SAM says: really?'
mizerable says: i m piss...but not like real piss....i only have "dispointed" and "sad"..."happiness" ..."mad"///but...i always mad at myself more than u
mizerable says: even i swear at u like hell before...but....i was actually sad...n piss at u? ha....u were that improtant to me...i cant piss...i was piss...not at u...i was so mad why things turn to this way
mizerable says: n even i say i hate u...i hate u...yea...but...i hate myself more..n i hate why things turn to this way....n i hate why i did all i could...n things still turn to piece of shit at the end
mizerable says: n later on i found out it coz i was wrong at the beginng, ur the worng person. ...we never understand each other....what a huge joke in my life
mizerable says: but no matter what...as what i said before...i will never hate u n even we cant be anything now.........its ok....i already accepted the fact
KAMI SAM says: so . can we be like noraml friends?'
mizerable says: hahaha...
mizerable says: good one
mizerable says: if u ever come back to canada....i wanna give something to u
KAMI SAM says: a box?
mizerable says: no..
mizerable says: something mean to be urs
KAMI SAM says: what?
KAMI SAM says: is
KAMI SAM says: da
mizerable says: u will know when u pick it up
KAMI SAM says: my pant?
mizerable says: thats why i said u never understand me
KAMI SAM says: it's just a guess
mizerable says: anyway...its not a bomb..
KAMI SAM says: ya,... u got it
KAMI SAM says: do u hate me ?
mizerable says: i never hate u
mizerable says: i just wnana get it over
講左甘耐。。。原來你還是不懂。。。 我真的錯了。。。錯在我一直以為你是我想要的。。。 我一直以為我們適合對方。。。 一直以為是我不夠努力﹐是我們沒機會講清楚。。。ETC。。 現在才發現﹐原來。。。我們的心。。。從來沒有在一齊 一開始是我錯了﹐以為你是那個人。。。 原來。。。。你不是。。。現在才發現。。。 分手一年多了。。。我們認識也起碼快兩年了 我居然現在才發現原來我們根本從來不懂對方﹐ never mean to be together....haha... 原來如此。。。別人一個月就發現的問題﹐ 執着的我。。。居然。。。現在才發現。。。 原來。。。我一直堅持的信念根本就是錯的。。。 現在的感覺。。。好像基督徒突然發現耶穌是假的一樣。。。 原來。。。自己一直堅持一直相信的人。。。 根本就不是我想要的人。。。哈哈。。。哈哈。。。 原來我們的心那麼遠。。。現在才發現﹐ 原來我們不曾親密。。。只是陌路人很不巧的碰在一齊。。。 哈哈。。。自己跟自己開了一個很大的玩笑。。。 我知道我在你心目中的地位。。。我也知道你真的有把我當你朋友 不過。。。就是因為你知道我們的關係。。。 所以你不會有所顧忌。。。你會毫不猶豫傷害我。。。 因為你知道以我們的關係。。不會像你那些普通朋友。。。 有時。。。我覺得做你普通朋友。。。甚至連網友都比我幸福。。。 我不知你跟你現在所謂的女朋友究竟是什麼。。。 你說。。。你們像朋友一樣HANG OUT。。。哈。。。 你又說。。你不會再去愛或者很喜歡一個女生。。。哈哈。。。 你這樣說。。。不會讓我特別好過。。。只會令更看不起你。。。 如果連真心地去愛一個人的勇氣也沒有。。。你也真的太失敗了。。。 你傷害過我。。是因為我看錯了。。。已經過去。。。算了 不過。。。我希望你會珍惜其他人。。 你認為我愛妒嫉。。。姣婆既事系因為她是姣婆。。。 我不希望你跟她做朋友﹐因為她是她。。。我認識你之前就討厭 你還是不懂﹖﹖算了。。。不想講了。。。 我以前羨慕你現在的女朋友﹐不過。。。直到今天 我清醒了。。。你。。。不是我想要的。。。我沒什麼好說了 從今日開始。。。 你對我已經不再重要。。。 |
[Apr. 18th, 2003|05:15 pm] |
[ | mood |
| | frustrated | ] | 好煩。。。 早知星期二唔去。。。 我今日就唔會甘煩。。。 有無人幫下我啊。。。 sigh...i wish there is someone out there that could helps me a little...T_T.... |
[Apr. 17th, 2003|12:44 pm] |
[ | mood |
| | confused | ] | ....ai....dou hai suen la.... |
[Apr. 17th, 2003|02:41 am] |
[ | mood |
| | uncomfortable | ] | 世界最遙遠的一種相距中 明明迷戀 然而又不知怎向你形容 呆想 只會越盼越凍 我怎麼可得到你認同 我不清楚 不太懂 世界最遙遠的一種相距中 明明情深 然而亦不敢親切地抱擁 呆等 感覺被我斷送 縱使看不清所愛面容 仍未敢伸出我手觸碰
逃避你 卻又期待我可跟你做情人 而用情的心可天昏地暗 逃避你 愛是遙又遠得很 而我始終不敢靠近
世界最遙遠的一種相距中 明明留戀 然而讓輾轉的掛念撲空 回憶 心裡越載越重 卻不珍惜這一次重逢 我的思想像完全失控
sigh......i donno why could i be so cold yesterday...i remember i gave him a really bad impression since the first time we met, it was such a good chance yesterday...like i never ever through this could happens to me...but...i keep telling myself....dun beleive whatever it seems to be.....i will never beleive it......ha....i am not such a dreamer =p but then.......why am i such a loser....i cant beleive i am so loser yesterday....i was so happy...but i wonder if he knows? i was smiling n laughing when i was on the train......n everytime i think of that moment, i will smile........ha......
i do worry too much , donno why...i kind of learn that "dun be too happy so early"....n i know things will never run smooth to me in my whole life, so what happens yesterday is not true, i dun beleive there will be such good thing in my life, i shuouldn't be so happy...i dun want myself to end up so disponted n so hopeless....>.<... i donno....i through i gave up already...i really did gave up last time, until the day that i saw him in eaton center, i told myself...isnt this fate? like when i think of him...i'll see him...when i was on the bus n talking about him with my friend, then i saw him walking on the street.... when i went to see him but he wasn't there, then i was so dispointed n going to eaton center to shopping with my friend....then i saw him again..... sometimes i felt that this is magic, i think of him then i saw him when i open my eyes...
sigh....i really donno...i went to see the dentist today n it cost 4500 to brance my teenth....n i do wanna brance them....then i could let myself focus on skool, n i will forget about him soon.....=) sigh i donno.......i REALLY DUN want my mom to pay for me, but i spend all my money last summer coz the the plane ticket n guitar...n then shopping....i dun have money, i wanan find a job, but i wonder if there is anyone gonna hire me after i brance my teenth??? i donno..........>.<......... but then i am so worry if i found a job then i will properly fail my skool work...coz i have a lot of hw........exspecially this term...........>.<......... |
[Apr. 15th, 2003|08:36 pm] |
i am really...really...really...happy today...
P.S not because someone return my destrotion, i think its very reasonable n i wont feel happy coz of that, i feel happy coz of some other stuff that happens.... its just one lil thing......but it could make my heart beating ^^ |
[Apr. 14th, 2003|08:52 am] |
[ | mood |
| | disappointed | ] | 呢排好煩。。。 我真系唔明白D人究竟要拖到幾時先可以還返D野比我。。。 你仲想拖到幾時﹖你究竟知唔知我PISS咩﹖﹖﹖ 我唔系怕你唔還﹐我系討厭你無責任感﹐
當我三個星期前話要返個DESTORITION個時你就好應該羅返黎比我﹐ 我曾經講過凡系關於我GUITAR既野都對我好重要﹐ 其他VCD/DVD 等我都可以唔CARE﹐但系個DESTORITION就絕對唔可以﹗
我CALLED左你幾次﹖ 你好想好似比人追數甘咩﹖﹖ 每次我問你幾時比返我﹐你從來都唔會比個日期我﹐ 你話。。。“星期日CALL你”。。。哈﹖﹖FUNNY。。。即系點﹖﹖
到左星期日你無CALL﹐我問起你個時你仲要同我講”我以為你會CALL我“ 我數得出你已經第4次系甘﹐我令我失望左四次﹐ 忍耐系有限度﹐我唔打電話追你系因為我唔想好似追數佬逼你跳樓甘樣﹐ 我當你系FRIEND先尊重你﹐等你主動還比我﹐ 你甘大個人﹐有無一DD既責任感﹖﹖
當我終于發晒火同講﹐你其實系唔系應該即刻飛過黎還返比我﹖﹖ 不過你無﹐今日已經第四日喇﹐你居然可以當無左回事﹖ 我覺得你做人態度真系有D問題﹐ 最好笑系你居然覺得我點解要MAD AT U﹖﹖﹖ 你真系令我好失望。。。
我承認我份人好有原則﹐我唔會為小事激氣﹐ 但系你應該分得清楚﹖﹖ 我同你講過 ANYTHING ABOUT MY GUITAR IS SUPER IMPROTANT TO ME!!!!!! 我唔會因為你系我個FRIEND我就會唔出聲﹐ 而且你好清楚當我真真正正PISS AT一個人個時﹐ 得到我原諒既機會幾乎系 零﹖
我發誓從今日起我同呢個人保持距離﹐ 其實我都忍左好耐。。。其實呢件事之前我都覺得有D野。。。 但系呢D私人既野我唔想系呢度暴﹐ 我唔知你對我有咩野誤會﹐ 我唔知我做左D咩而令你D態度變得越黎越有問題﹐ 我相信你應該好清楚我一直都當你系好朋友。。。
Well I said I like someone on the April 11th journal, but that is not the person who borrows my destrotion, i dun want anymore misunderstanding happens |
[Apr. 13th, 2003|01:55 pm] |
[ | mood |
| | annoyed | ] |
[ | music |
| | Jade Kwan -- Hope it's not too late | ] | i had a weird dream last nite, i dun understand why could i have this kinda dream...........SIGH............i feel stupid.... ok..i dream of someone i used to love chasing some other girl, then i donno why i was pissed off in the dream, and then i woke up...n having this dream in my head.... ha...this is weird isn't it? i never through that i am "flower heart"... but...i do feel that i am kind of "flower" now... i used to said that if i like someone, he will be the only one that i am thinking.....but...i think i changed nowdays... i do like someone now, but i donno why could i miss him?? like...i never think of him lately but then i suddenly dream of this kinda things?? WHY??? i really dun understand myself... i hate this kinda anneoying shit... i dun wnana be thinking of someone and him all together, it makes me feel like shit...like...awwwwwwwwwwww n i hate thinking of him, because everytime i had feelings with some others, then he will suddenly get into my brain n destroy all the feelings i had for some others...and then my heart end up going back to him.....i dun understand why the hell is always like that.........fuck.........but now.........i still have someone in my heart...he cant kick this person outta my heart haha......should i be happy coz of this? SIGH.........ha...i think i should really brance my teenth....why?? coz once i did brance my teenth...i wont think of like someone...because i knew i will be ugleeeeeeeeeeeee..... so......i'll do so soon...let me set a date... i am gonna brance my teenth during the next break, i swear to god i will, n then not having a bf for 2 years.... |
[Apr. 11th, 2003|03:22 pm] |
[ | mood |
| | pissed off | ] | 我呢幾日LUM左好多野...then i suddenly get so piss off, 好煩。。。我覺得好煩﹐ 所以我對某個人發左脾氣。。。可能呢件系一件小事﹐ 我唔應該甘PISS。。。但系我覺得我無錯﹐ 我最唔鐘意人地做野拖拖拉拉﹐
case 1: i am pissed off is not coz i think u will not return the distrotion to me,coz i know how u r, u will return, i am pissed off is coz u keep 拖拖拉拉..... like everytime i ask u when r u gonna give it back, u could NEVER tell me a day, u just keep saying oh i will call u that day... oh yea n u end up did not calling me, n i want it back like 2 weeks ago alrite?? n yea how many times u tell me ur gonna call me?? n how many times u end up DID NOT calling me??? when i ask u when r u gonna give it back? i perfer u could answer it , like...give me a day?? tomolo? next week?
case 2: 我份人好無耐性﹐我最憎人拖拖拉拉﹐ 我發覺其他人都好中意拖拖拉拉﹐ 究竟想點﹖ 系一就一﹐系二就二 i hate it when ppl's words do not match with their actions... 我無時間無心情奉陪﹐oh yea whatever u want haha, 反正我根本一DD都唔重要﹖﹖系唔系﹖﹖ 你可以繼續拖﹐你鐘意拖到幾時就幾時﹐ 我唔會再CARE。。。其實我從來都無發姣無胡思亂想﹐ 我無想過要拍拖﹐不過我希望D人唔好比D錯誤訊息我﹐ 唔好講一D令我心動令我骨痺既說話﹐ 我承認我鐘意聽﹐但系我真系唔想亂LUM野 如果你從來都無LUM過要做你講過既野﹐ 甘我唔該你從一開始就唔好講 我最憎人僚起我把火然後就唔爹唔掉....!! 你應該感覺到我系中意你既。。。 而且大家都講過鐘意﹐點解仲可以拖﹖ 點解要搞到唔清唔楚曖曖昧昧﹖ 我唔想好似上次我同阿HO甘﹐ 因為有小小野唔系講得甘清楚就比佢捉住痛腳﹐ 然後我就無話可說﹐我唔想呢D事件再次重演﹐ 我點解要問倒清清楚楚﹖﹖ 因為我唔想再犯上次同一錯誤﹐ 如果你想同我做FRIEND﹐唔該就講/做D朋友應該講/做既野﹐ 唔好搞到D關係甘唔清唔楚﹐我玩唔起
case 3: 我又好憎人講大話﹐ 仲要D大話系“擺明”講大話﹐ 然後專登比你捉到佢講大話。。。哈哈哈哈﹗﹗﹗ 唔該你喇! 大個仔喇﹗﹗i dun give a shit ok?? like u think i will fucking worry & fucking cry coz i found u fucking lie to me?? i dun understand?? WHY COULD PPL DOING SUCH STUPID THINGS!! do u think i am stupid or something? GOD....like they wanan let u know that they r lying?? n then let u worrying n thinking "OH WHY HE LIES TO ME??" I WONT ok??? DUN fucking playing games with me!
i hate u all, u fucking ppl r pissing me off, hahahahhahaha~ |
[Apr. 9th, 2003|03:32 am] |
[ | mood |
| | happy | ] |
i found someone to model my shirt today, we took pic in a hotel, well my shirt looks GREAT on u... thx for beening my model i luv ur poses =) if i make any men's wear sooner or later, i will ask u to model for me (*^^*) actually, i wasn't thinking to make a gackt style shirt... but somehow it is gackt style after i done? i was thinking to give u the shirt before i make it, so thats why i choiced this fabric coz i think u fit with it, but then i found out that i have to keep this one as renfence for me in case if i forget anything... and i know the measurement is a little bit different from ur size, so thats why i didnt give u it....=) but i promised, i will make u one soon...!!
i didnt see u for so long already since last time... i miss ya , but too bad i was too busy before...>.<.. donno when could i see u again =p
[Apr. 5th, 2003|03:04 am] |
[ | mood |
| | disappointed | ] |
[ | music |
| | 假如讓我說下去 ----楊千嬅 | ] | 暴雨天 我至少想講掛念你 然後你 你最多會笑著迴避 避到底 明明不筋鴗都力疲 就當我還未放鬆自己
我想哭 你可不可以暫時別要睡 陪著我 像最初相識我當時未怕累 但如果 但如果說下去 或者 傻得我 彼此怎能愛下去
暴雨中 我到底怎麼要害怕 難道你 無颱風會決定留下 但我想 如樓底這夜倒下來 就算臨別亦有通電話
我怕死 你可不可以暫時別要睡 陪著我 讓我可以不靠安眠藥進睡 但如果 但如果說下去 亦無非逼你 壹句話 如今跟某位同居
我的天 你可不可以暫時讓我睡 忘掉愛 尚有多少工作失眠亦有罪 但如果 但如果怨下去 或者 傻得我 通宵找進接下去
離開 不應再打攪愛人 對不對 |
[Apr. 5th, 2003|12:16 am] |
ok just back from Mix Two for a while... damn...i have NO MOOD today, guess i didnt talk much... i donno why, i donno whats wrong with me sometimes i just got nothing to say, sometimes i talk a hell lot like another person... i donno...i m just losing my mind anyway...i will go to skool tomolo to work on my dress, i wish i could finish it tomolo... have to finish it this week.... i am going to the fashion workshop next week i guess... properly make a skirt, sigh.........i wanna make a blouse too....... i have so much things i wanna make =p |
[Apr. 4th, 2003|01:23 pm] |
[ | mood |
| | 方寸大亂 | ] |
[ | music |
| | 小雪---方寸大亂 | ] | 希望YUKI可以幫到我喇。。。 好緊張。。。>。<。。。 好鬼煩。。。 我驚佢亂講野。。。 死喇。。。希望佢唔好亂講野。。。。 唉。。。 不過我預左一定衰。。。 希望我唔會中途走人。。。 唉。。。點解我連呢D甘既勇氣都無。。。>。<。。
今次最後一次﹐ 我發誓。。。 如果今次仲系咩野都講唔到。。。 我一定一定一定唔會再見呢個人。。。 以後都唔會。。。﹗﹗﹗﹗﹗ 就算系街度見到都唔會望一眼。。。 |
[Apr. 3rd, 2003|12:39 am] |
1st...Ah Ho replied my email and he is fine in the army! which is good ^^ I wanna see his skin head haha...he told me he will shaved his hair after he got into the army...oh man i miss U haha but dun think I AM NOT MAD AT U ANYMORE!! i still wanan beat u......~.~
2nd....I was talking on the phone with my friend on the Queen St. bus, and then I was talking about someone with her...when I look out of the windows...I SAW HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG I WAS TALKING ABOUT HIM ON THE PHONE AND I SAW HIM WHEN I LOOK OUT TO THE WINDOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!OMG OMG isnt it amazing?? GOD....he were walking on the street....haha this is amazing...I through I am not gonna see him anymore....but I saw him today...I am so happy..........^^
3rd...I done half of my gothic lolita dress, which makes me feel really exciting...OMG OMG I LUV IT I LUV IT I LUV IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was in skool from 3 until 11 something....i dun wnana leave!!!!!!!!! i wanna stay over nite but i am so scared...>.<...because.........no one were there!! i am the only one who is staying in skool...it was scary....but then...i am so happy i am gonna go again tomolo to finish it ^^ haha..........i will wear it after i finish....well...but the Judy's size is too big i wonder if i will fit..?? i try to change the patterns aleady to fit my size...i hope it will fit me...!!
ok its SUCH a lucky day for me today...........i am having a good mood haha........so i guess i will go to sing k on friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! haaaaaaaaaaaaa~~~~~~~~~~ I hope to finish the dress before firday so i could wear it ^^ |
[Apr. 1st, 2003|11:32 am] |
我今日成日掛著CLEAR UP間屋同整PATTERNS。。。 I AM SO TIRED﹗﹗ 不過搞掂晒喇^^ i suddenly miss someone a lot today... haha not ah ho for now... 其實我都好在乎呢個人﹐ 唔知佢有無感覺到﹖ 其實好多野我都無做出黎﹐ 但系我真系CARE既。。。 希望早D見到佢啦。。。 I miss ya...hehe =P can u hear me? |
[Apr. 1st, 2003|03:32 am] |
i found out lots of asian guys are gay, well many hidden ones around i guess... like they dun even look gay but they are actually gay! i have nothing aganist gay people... but then...SIGH... i had a crush on a guy lately... he looks like ah ho a lot, which makes my heart jumpping everytime i see him... but i guess he is gay, i did not ask "ARE YOU GAY?" ha...but yea i think he is gay... his eyeblow is really thin n nice...! n he wore something in PINK!!!! OMG (but then ah ho's eyeblow is fixed n thin too??? n ah ho got red lip stick on whahaha yea he brought the wrong color...whahahaha) but i donno...i donno how to find out if he is really gay or not?? that bugs me...how to tell if a guy is staight or gay without asking him? but then i gave up already so stop thinking if he is gay or not.............>.<........ but the way he looks at me makes me feel that he is staight......hmmmmmm i met enough gay guys in my school since i am taking fashion design...their look is different with his look....so i guess he is not,,,, hahahha,,,,,,,,,,,okok shut up now...forget it~ |