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taken female in search of some... chapstick [21 Mar 2002|02:31pm]
[ mood | peaceful ]
[ music | Trik Turner- Friends and Family ]

My lips are surprisingly dry, but I suppose it's from this stupid cold and having to be a temporary mouth-breather (EEK!). This sucks, I'm starting to lose my voice now :o( although the last time that happened, it apparently sounded kinda sexy, lol.
Last night was kinda weird. Kelly called and asked if I would mind if he came over at about 6:30 or 7:00, and I told him that I had to clean the house, so if he came he'd have to help me. Oddly, he said ok and came over. He actually did help me clean, which was a good thing because there was some heavy lifting required. Afterwards, we ate dinner and watched "Kiss of the Dragon" and he expected me to sit next to him and kinda... cuddle, but I declined and sat on the other couch. THEN he started talking about how things were when we first started going out and "the good ol' days" which... was kind of weird for me, but we had fun. We also had several awkward moments, when he expected some kind of affectionate gesture and didn't get it, but then apologized. Then he left and all was good.
Alex came back from Texas today! He's my buddy in drawing and painting, but he hasn't been in class for 2 weeks because he's been riding motor-cross in Texas (and he's supposed to be going pro in about a year). It was so funny because Kao is in there always pretending to be a bad ass because he's in a gang and talking about how he works for his parents and makes over $200 a weekend. When Alex came in today he was like "Oh yeah? That's nothing." He wasn't going to say how much it was, but Kao kept asking. So Alex goes, "well... last weekend I made $1800." Hee hee hee, that shut Kao up.
Lemme tell you a little something about Kao. He's the biggest fake I know... kinda. He says he's in a gang and anyone that messes with him is going to get shot, but he's a really good Christian boy who works hard for his mommy and daddy, but they buy him a ton of shit because they are so filthy rich, but he still gets arrested for grand theft. Also, he's a pimp that's had over 77 girlfriends, but he can't find any hot girls so he's going to stop being a player. Right.
Nick wasn't in school today because he was on duty doing some... cop thing. I dunno, he didn't explain it fully to me. I talked to him yesterday and he didn't seem to be mad at me. I thought he was because he says that we have communication problems and I think that it upsets him that we don't hang out as much as he would like us to. The thing is, I don't do stuff on the weekdays because I'm always too busy with homework or studying so that I won't have to worry about it on the weekend. Also, I can't stay our very late and I don't sneak out of the house (which was never suggested, but it's an option... one that I wouldn't take).
My hands are really cold, but they feel good against my face because I'm feeling slightly feverish.
This whole thing with my step dad really sucks because like I said before, I'm not talking to over half of my family because of it, but one really cool thing about it is that people just totally open up to me now. I don't know why, but several people, some good friends, some just acquaintances, have come up to me and just started telling me about their problems. Some deal with drug abuse, abuse from their parents, sexual harassment, rape... I guess it's just kinda like a support group. It's like, they can relate to some of the things that I've gone through/am going through, so it feels like they're not alone in dealing with their issues. It goes the other way too, and it's really quite comforting. They've all given me their numbers just in case I want to talk about things or need any help, so... ***sigh***
Even though some of the people that were the closest to me have turned their backs on me, I know that the people that are here for me now are the people that I actually want and should have around me. It sounds cheesy, so I'll stop, but it's true.
Yeah, I think I could go for some Sudafed right about now.

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You want some cheeeese?!?! [20 Mar 2002|02:51pm]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | White stripes- Fell in love with a girl ]

Ok, so I didn't update yesterday like I promised I would, but I seriously tried!!! The school library wasn't letting people go online yesterday, so that kinda really sucked. But anyway, within the past two days, I acquired this really annoying (more than anything else) cold.
OOOH, ya know how I mentioned that one of my prints was chosen to be in an art show? OK, well I was surprised that my teacher had even picked my print to put in in the first place, so I was thinking that it would be neat if I at least got honorable mention. So I got to the opening a little late and it was totally crowded and so I couldn't hear the award ceremony, and I just waited until that was done and over with and went inside the gallery. As soon as I got in there I saw my art teacher and she told me that I had tied with my friend in first place in the printmaking category :oD so I won $25. That's the second art contest that I've been in and the second one that I've won a prize in. Doin' good.
Today Nick and I have been going out for a month. He's not here though. He's never here :o(
Things have been getting really odd lately because just out of the blue, guys that I've gone out with (either just on a couple of dates or in a steady relationship) have just been coming out of the blue and asking me if I want to go hang out. I tell them that I have a boyfriend, but they say that's cool and they just want to hang out, which I guess is cool with me because they're really cool guys to be friends with, and I know that they wouldn't try anything if I didn't want them to.
I finally paid the fee to take my AP test. I'm afraid, I'm paying $78 to take a test which is actually harder than a college course, and I don't even know if the college that I want to go to will accept AP credit as a college credit. OOOHHHH WELLLL, I think my dad is planning on paying for it, but I just paid the first $15. I suppose it's worth taking the chance, because if I do get a good score on it, it will only have been $78 for something that would have otherwise costed me a couple hundred dollars.
Oh yeah, that thing with my step-dad... I'm not even talking to over half of my family anymore because of that. They don't believe me, which is pretty messed up. Now, I have to find a new job and I don't have anyone to use as a reference because the people that I used to work for are really good friends with my step-dad and they believe everything that he's said about me, which is crap, because I've heard some of the things that he's actually said. It's crap.
But I'm still in a good mood. As soon as I'm done here, I'm going to the printmaking room to do some awesome prints... I have a theme now, it's great.
I've finally decided what I'm going to do after high school. I'm going to go to a community college for a year (or two), and then I'm going to transfer to an art college in Portland. Spring break is next week :oD :oD :oD WOO HOO!!! Anyway, I think I should go now... yeah, I think I'll be doing that. Later, y'all.

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I'm still alive [18 Mar 2002|04:26pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Blink 182- I wanna fuck a dog ]

ok, I'm all better now. No Kyle, it wasn't a freaking STD, calm down son. Actually, I'm living with my dad now (and have been for a little over a month now) because my step father was making inappropriate comments to me. Anyway, that's done and over with, except for all of the drama that goes along with it... sooooooo. Yeah, that's what was going on there. I don't think that I would have been able to go and get help had it not been for my Kali!!!
I was just scratching my ass.
Just thought I should share.
scratch scratch scratch

Dude, some guy in my second period class passed out, it was so weird! We were doing a foods unit in my spanish class and he cut himself and apparently couldn't stand the sight of blood and... yeah. I already said that he passed out, so there ya go.

AW man, I am happy! At our local art... show thing, we are having a high school show and one of my prints got chosen to be in it!!! :o)
Nick is making fun of me right now because I have to keep backspacing. He's my new bf. We've been going out for almost a month now :oD He just told me about a nekked dream that he had last night, lol. Now he's not talking to me because I just typed that. Now that I just typed that <--- He just said "I am not saying anything"..."kiss my ass." He's so fun to pick on. Now he's just saying stupid shit. LOL! I'm slightly hyper. slightly. Mwa ha ha ha.
There's so much that I want to write/type about, but there's just so much to say and so little time that I don't know what to say! Anyway, I think I'm gonna go now, running out of time. L8. More tomorrow, I PROMISE!!!!

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sleep is fun. [16 Jan 2002|02:37pm]
[ mood | pensive ]
[ music | Nickelback- Never again ]

I really need to talk to someone about something that has been going on lately. Something big. I don't know what to do. Maybe I should talk to my school counselor. I dunno what would happen then, but I know there would probably be some sort of major change in my life. No, I'm not pregnant.

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I've locked myself out of EVERYTHING!!! [14 Jan 2002|02:47pm]
[ mood | stressed ]
[ music | Jimmy Eat World- In the middle ]

ok, so it's been about forever since I've updated, and I feel like such a major loser for that. I apologize. It's just that lately there's been so much damn drama! Right now, the only reason that I am able to type this is because this morning I left my keys at home and Wes decided to drop my truck off here because he was going to Portland with my mom. I didn't know this, and I forgot to bring my keys, which at the moment are in my coat pocket on my bed in my room in my house. So I was thinking that I would just get a ride from one of my friends and go home, because I have to go downtown and then pick up my brother at 4:30... but then I remembered that my house keys are with my car keys. So I saw Ben and asked him what he was doing at 4:30, and told him about this little predicament that I was in, so I have to wait until about 4:15, so he can take me to my brother's school, pick him up and then go home (because my brother has a house key). Then I have to get my keys, go back to school, and then get my truck.
There are many things that have happened since the last time I updated this thing. For instance... I got my navel pierced. My step dad made Nate and I break up after about 3 or 4 months... umm... people are still coming up to me and going "I saw you at Snoball... damn, you were shakin it!!!" :o) I also realized that I can draw. I found a picture in a magazine and I was just wondering if I could draw it, so I tried, and at first it was just supposed to be a rough sketch, but it didn't quite turn out that way. Apparently I'm just gifted :o) One thing that I'm totally stoked about is next semester. Half of my classes are going to be art classes. There's:
A.P. art history, 4th period
Printmaking, 5th period
Drawing and painting, 6th period.
In the midst of all of this happiness, I discovered this weekend that I have a problem. I can't stop buying stuff. If I have money on me, and I see something that I like, I will buy it. As long as it's in the bank, I don't really care, but.... there's a lot of times where I will still have yet to put it into the bank, and.... my closet is full. I can't even slide the clothes back and forth anymore, so... I'm cutting myself off.
Troy called me this weekend, which was odd because just this past week I was thinking about how it had been about 5 months since I had talked to him. Anyway, we talked at great length. It was... interesting.
Oh yeah, aside from my new navel piercing, I got my cartilage on my left ear pierced too. I don't know if I already wrote about that, but I doubt it.
Before Nate and I broke up... he said those 3 dreaded words. All I did was smile and go "awww." I don't know what I'm supposed to do in a situation such as that.
My back itches.
I think I should go and do some homework now... but I don't really want to. I still have about an hour and a half til I have to go. Maybe I should change my LJ name. I've been thinking about it, but I'd miss all of the entries that I already have.
I can't wait until I move out, or at least until I turn 18. Stuff around the house is getting... ugly. That's the only way I can describe it. If I'm not fighting with my step dad, I'm fighting with my mom. They're talking about getting divorced, but I just wish that they would get it over with. Seriously, it's not that I'm a bitch or anything, but if you're don't love someone, why would you be married to them. They say they're staying together for the kids, but I think their staying together is more of a detriment. They BOTH unload on me. I can't stand it. Man, I could go on in great length about this, but I won't. I think I'll do some of the LJ stuff that I haven't done in so long.

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An equal balance of terrible and fantastic... [05 Nov 2001|12:07pm]
[ mood | confused ]
[ music | Soul 4 Real- Ain't no sunshine ]

Man, I haven't felt this crappy in a long time. I'm really sad right now… and because of that, I'm pissed as well. Stupid guys. It's not his fault though… kinda. I don't know what to think right now. Here's what's up:
A little while ago, Wes started suspecting that Brady and I were having sex and he kept getting on my case about it. I kept telling him that we never had sex, but he didn't believe me. Anyway, Wes made me tell him everything that we did and all this shit so that he could have a "talk" with us on Friday. So… I told him. I figured that it was better than him thinking that we had sex (because we didn't). On Friday I had to go to Corvallis because that's where Brady and Wes were, so that we could have our little chat. So as I pulled into the parking lot, I saw a white van parked in the parking lot all alone, and the lights were on. I pretty much assumed that it was Brady, and before I even parked he got out of the van and went inside the building. He didn't even stop to say hi or anything like that, so he obviously knew what was going to happen. During our little talk, Wes told us that we wouldn't be able to have any contact until I was 18, but to keep it on the D.L. because my mom didn't know about it. We talked for about half an hour, and the whole time, Brady didn't even look at me or speak directly to me. When we were done talking, Brady just went to his van and took off. He was obviously pissed or upset or something, which is one thing I'm wondering about…
The next day, we didn't talk or even look at each other. The only time we talked was when my mom wanted me to interpret for her while she was talking to him. Then Sunday, it was almost time for everyone to leave, and then I realized that it was probably going to be the last time I saw him for a long time (if ever…) so I started getting kind of sad. We both happened to be outside, alone at one point and we just walked past each other and he said "sup?" and I said "later." And then I went home and cried most of the way home (which is a 45-minute drive). I called Amei because I needed someone to talk to, and I guess that helped a little. Anyway, when I got home, Wes called and told me that he thought that Brady would try to get a hold of me somehow because of the way he was acting or something he said when they talked. I don't know.
I do know that I shouldn't like him so much… but this is the worst crush I've had in SO long. Aside from the whole sleeping-with-his-best-friend's-girlfriend thing (which I do know for a fact now), he is one of the most awesome guys I know. Not only is does he have the hotness, personality, and humor, but he was hard to get. That's the way I like my guys. I hate the easy bitches that are so easily whipped. It took me so long to get him, and even when I did… he still played hard to get. Golly, what's wrong with me? This is pathetic.
This leads me to Nate. He's too whipped. No me gusta. Not only am I not down with the whole P.D.A. thing, but he… is SO FUCKING WHIPPED!!! I like to have to work for a guy, because when I finally get him, it's so much more rewarding. There's a lot of other factors that… factor into this (not to be redundant or anything…), but I think that's the main one. At least one good thing came of this though-I got him to quit blazing up :op hee hee hee.
BTW: I got a digital camera, so hopefully I'll be able to get a pic of myself on here soon (as in; as soon as I get ungrounded).
Dude, I'm getting paid $51 to do 2 people's assignments. $1 for a dinky little one that he's basically just going to copy (because I have to do it too) and $50 for a 6-8 page easy-ass as fuck essay. Tight.
I JUST found out like… 2 minutes ago that TROY tried calling me this weekend and he actually left a number for me to call him back at!!! Also, Edson came over at 1:00 this morning because he just happened to be in the neighborhood. Umm… OKAY. I was asleep (because I had to wake up at 5:00), but… yeah, he came over. Lol, I wonder if he had his hottie friend with him :op~~~ aww yeah baby!
Okay, I think I'm feeling better now, as opposed to how I was feeling when I first started typing this bad boy, so I'm gonna go and get some grub and do some homework.
Oh yeah, and to add to this good/bad crap, I took 2 tests on Friday; Chem and AP Art history: I failed the chem, and aced the art history... wtf?

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What kinda power you got???.... SOUL POWER!!! [26 Oct 2001|02:32pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Marilyn Monroe- Diamonds are a girl's best friend ]

I'm still alive. Things are going okay, though somewhat odd. I had to delete my journal for awhile, but Kali reactivated it for me (thanks babe!!!). The only time I can update my journal now is at school :o( that's no good, but I suppose it's better than nothing. I wrecked my car 4 days ago, so I'm going to be getting a new one soon!!! WOO-HOO!!!!!!!
Anyway, soooooo much is going on right now, I can't even believe it. For being grounded there sure is a lotta drama. Anyway... apparently I have a boyfriend now. I told Nate before (my snoball date) that I don't want a bf, and that was just a week ago. Yesterday I heard him talking to someone after school, and not realizing that I was there he was like "where's my girlfriend?" and I was thinking "Nate has a girlfriend? What a dog, he's been cheating on her with me!" then he turned around and saw me and was like "oh, there she is." Soooo... ok. Anyway, for snoball, I'm going to be wearing a metal dress, it's gonna be so tight!!!! I'm excited.
OMG, I thought something pokey was in my pants or something, but it turned out I was sitting on a THUMBTACK!!! Just now, yeah. That was great.
I'm going to see Brady in about a week, but nothing's gonna happen. I'm still pissed. What a pig. Damn good kisser, but still a pig.
I have to beg to go to homecoming tonight. I'm a little grounded (because of grades and a little car-totalling incident) and I really want to dance. Everybody else wants me to dance too :oD hee hee hee.
So anyway, I think I'm gonna go now because my mom is supposed to pick me up in about 4 minutes (I'm a pedestrian until Tuesday) and I still have to go to my locker to get my stuff. L8.

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Dude... where's my car? [23 Sep 2001|09:58am]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Incubus- Wish you were here ]

I have no idea who that is.

Last night was pretty damn interesting. After I got back from Sweet Home/Lebanon/Albany, I got a ride from Orlando, Murray, Vanessa, and Ariyana (I dunno how to spell it) to Bushman's house. There was only one person who was trying to get me to drink, but I didn't and everyone was giving me props. About 15 minutes after I got there, some po-pos rolled through the sac and everyone was flipping out. I think I was the only one there that wasn't drunk and/or high. Tom, Gabe, Nick, and Vito had to be home at a certain time and they couldn't drive. They were seriously flipping out because they didn't think anyone was sober, but I told them that I was. Then they were like "oh, but you can't drive stick, can you?" And I told them that I could and they like.... worshipped me. We had a bit of a problem. If I took Gabe's car to their house, how would I get home? So I ended up just dropping them off and then taking the car home. When I got home, I realized that Gabe was very likely to pull a "Dude, where's my car?" and I just kinda laughed. So about an hour ago, the phone kept ringing and I had to wake up and answer it.
Nick- "Hey Gail, this is Nick. Sorry to wake you up."
me- "Nick? ***thinking to herself*** I know like... 10 Nicks. Miller? Smith? Taylor? USELMAN! Oh hey!"
Nick- "Gail, you've been a lifesaver, but if you could do us one more favor, that would be great. Vito has to get home before his parents realize he's gone, and Gabe's freaking out because he doesn't know where his car is. How are we gonna go pick it up?"
me- "Okay, how about I just go over there, pick you guys up, and then take you over here so you can take Gabe's car?"
Nick- "OMG, thank you so much!"

So I had to get there as soon as possible so that Vito (who's white... odd...) wouldn't get in trouble. I brushed my hair, put on the flip flops and went in my pajamas. Tom sat in front with me, and Gabe and Vito sat in the back. I started cracking up when Tom told me about how when Gabe woke up this morning, he rolled over and said, "Dude... where's my car?"

Oh yeah, something else happened last night. Isaac called me at about 1:00, but I must not have heard my phone or something, so I called him back at about 2:30. He was trying to get me to sneak him into my house and I told him that I wasn't going to let him in. He was like, "Come on, I'll be there in like, five minutes." And I told him that was all fine and dandy, but that didn't mean that I was going to let him in. I was being a major smart-ass. So I hear this car roll up, and then my cell rang. "Gail....... I'm here." well then, "wow." said I. So he came up to my window and we were talking through the screen. He told me to take off the screen because he couldn't see me. The only thing he could see was my bedpost. So I was like "oh, you mean you can't see this?" as I was flipping him off, and he just went on and on and on about how he couldn't see. He was shivering the whole time too. It sounds mean, but that just made it like... 3x as funny. I told him that I wasn't going to take off the screen because I didn't want any mosquitos getting into my room; they'd eat me alive. After about 15 minutes of him begging and pleading, he was like "You know what? If you don't take off the screen, I'm leaving!" So I told him to go ahead, because I didn't even want him to come over in the first place. So he looked in my direction (I suppose he was trying to look at me) and said, "This never happened." and walked off... into the bushes. I was cracking up so bad, and the even funnier thing is: he wants to go and do something today. Can he not take a hint?!?! LMAO!
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Speed kills, if ya know what I mean... [22 Sep 2001|12:17pm]
[ mood | exhausted ]
[ music | Puddle of Mudd- Control ]

Man, so much has been happening lately! It's hard to believe that it's already 3 weeks into the school year... and since I've last written in here. I don't even know where to begin! My classes are so easy, but they're incredibly boring. I guess it's a good thing that they're easy because everyone has been pressuring me to do things that they want me to do. Like:
cross-country: I have shin splints and asthma. I didn't run my race today because I've been feeling really sick. I was going to stay and watch the race, but I just about threw up. I really want to be good, and I know I can be, but it would be so much better without the shin splints and asthma. It's more frustrating than anything else.
family: Everyone is getting mad at me because I'm not family oriented enough. I'm expected to wake up, go to breakfast with my step dad, go to school, go to practice, come home, and then spend "quality time" with my family. Yeah, fuck homework. That's not important or anything. They wonder why I don't like being around them all the time... they cannot go a single hour without arguing about something! Makes me sick.
guys/social: Cesar is a really nice guy, but I don't want a bf. At every race he brings me a rose. I rarely get to see him, so that makes it difficult to talk about it with him. Every time I go out to a small get together/party, everyone is drinking and getting high. I don't care, what they do is their business, but when they start bashing on me for not doing it... that's kinda fucked up. Only a few have done that, but that's okay because I don't really like them anyway.

I have so many stories to write about and yet so little time. Maybe on some lonely weekend night I'll get on here and take care of biniss. I'mout y'all! Ya heard?

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LMAO [03 Sep 2001|02:58pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Trick Daddy- I'm a THUG ]

Ok, a little while ago, Cesar told me that he shares a screen name with his friend Ryan. So I told him that if if was him online I was just gonna fuck with his head. I knew it was him after the first response he sent me, but I did a few other things to be 100% sure. I'm leaving out parts of the screen names because I don't like getting IMs from complete strangers unless I initiate the conversation.

Jag: hey
Nis: hello who is this
Jag: this is Gail. I just wanted to thank you for last night. I never knew I could go for 4 times!!!!
Jag: holy...
Jag: man, that was amazing
Jag: I just hope Staci and I didn't leave you out too much
Nis: so you enjoyed it then
Jag: lol
Jag: yup!
Jag: of course
Nis: what was the best part do you think
Jag: well... I kinda liked the whiip. That was just plain cool
Nis: really anything else
Jag: that thing you did with your tongue
Jag: OMG
Nis: I thought you liked that
Nis: Maybe we could go another round or two
Jag: I tried doing it on Staci, but...
Jag: what was your favorite part?
Nis: I liked the whole thing but I guess I would have to say the whip as well. That was kinda kinky
Jag: I hope I didn't scratch you up too bad
Jag: brb
Nis: Not at all
Nis: ok
Jag: but you were bleeding
Nis: that was ok It was worth it
Jag: ok, I kinda felt bad about that
Nis: you can always make it up to me later
Jag: hey, I already did! I've got the bruises on my ass to prove it!
Nis: oh yeah sorry about that
Nis: lol
Jag: lol
Nis: So when are you gonna be ready to go again
Jag: shee-iiit, I'm ready to go right now
Nis: How old are you again
Jag: 17
Nis: that's right
Nis: my bad
Jag: I have practice in 3 1/2 hours though
Nis: where at
Jag: school
Nis: oh
Nis: that's cool
Jag: yeah, so what movies did you want to see tomorrow?
Nis: I don't really know yet off the top of my mind
Nis: ask me later
Jag: k
Nis: I will know by then
Jag: you sure are an indecisive motherfucker
Jag: lol
Nis: really, why do you say that
Jag: eh, probably because I just always know what I want
Nis: do you want me?
Jag: wtf do you think?
Nis: I guess that is a yes
Jag: lol
Jag: good guess
Nis: Gail............. I have to tell you something and I think you will be very mad at me and not want to talk to me again
Jag: ... what
Nis: This isn't Cesar
Jag: what?!?! OMG
Jag: who the fuck is this?
Nis: This is my screen name that Cesar uses
Jag: who the FUCK is this?
Nis: My name is Ryan
Jag: OMG
Jag: you've gotta be shittin me
Nis: Cesar talks alot about you though
Nis: To me I mean
Jag: fuuuuuuuuck
Nis: I know you are probably mad right now so calm down a little bit
Jag: this is so embarassing
Nis: why is this embarassing
Nis: I know what Cesar did last night anyway
Jag: BECAUSE, why the hell wouldn't it be?
Jag: lol
Jag: well then...
Jag: hee hee
Jag: to tell you the truth...
Jag: I knew it was you
Jag: the whole time
Nis: why is that
Jag: I've got skillz
Nis: oh what skillz are those
Jag: omfg.... figuring things out
Nis: I see
Nis: So why does your profile say that you are married
Jag: lol, it's my mom's screen name. we have trust issues here
Nis: k
Nis: So what did happen between Cesar and you last night
Jag: last night he worked, dude
Nis: He worked from 4:30 til 1:00
Nis: You didn't see him afterwards
Jag: yeah, I know. so we couldn't have done anything last NIGHT
Jag: hell naw dude, I was in bed....
Jag: blindfolded
Jag: lol
Nis: He talks about you often
Jag: so you've mentioned
Nis: He likes you
Jag: I have a way of knowing these things
Jag: I'm a chick
Nis: that's cool
Nis: Are you two gonna hook up
Jag: I dunno. Once school starts I'm not going to have time for shit
Jag: plus, I'm not really the boyfriend type of girl
Nis: Why would you say that for
Jag: say what?
Nis: why aren't you the boyfriend type of girl
Jag: I have my reasons. Mostly from past experiences. Plus, in a little less than a year I'll be gone
Jag: what would be the point?
Nis: where are you going
Jag: I dunno. I might go into the military... navy or air force
Nis: cool
Jag: yep
Nis: For how long
Jag: few years, I dunno for sure. I might also be getting some scholarhips, so I might not even go into the service
Nis: That's cool Good luck for those Scholarships I have to get going though so I am sure that Cesar will be on here sometime today take care
Jag: aight, L8

LMFAO... I need to do that shit more often.

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I'm not a player.... I just crush a lot [03 Sep 2001|01:47pm]
[ mood | cold ]
[ music | Sunshine Anderson- Heard it all before ]

Too many things going on lately!
I'm having Oreo tell Cesar to back off a little because he just likes me too much for his own good. We kissed. I am so prude lately, lol.
Anyway, a couple of nights ago, Robyn called me and asked me if I wanted to go to Aumsville. I asked her what the hell we were going to do in Aumsville and she said that we would watch movies and eat pizza. I asked who was going to be there and she just said a couple of her friends. Then I asked if they were anyone that I knew and she said no. So I went. They came and picked me up (Robyn, Sean, Jared, and Kyle) in Kyle's white explorer. We went to Hollywood video and on the way there, the guys were just randomly yelling at people out the windows. Well that kinda got us into trouble. I won't even go into detail. But anyway, we rented "Tomcats" and then went to Winco to get some food. Okay, ya know how robyn said that we'd be watching movies and eating pizza? Well... we looked at the pizza and then the guys decided that they didn't want PIZZA, so instead they got waffles. How random is that?
So Robyn called dibs on Jared, which was perfectly fine with me because I thought Kyle was pretty hot. Nothing happened though. They're really good boys. REALLY. They don't drink or smoke and the farthest that any of them has gone with a girl is up the shirt. So we watched the movie and Cesar called... twice. Once on each break. Both times he called, the guys wanted me to get off the phone, so they started yelling things like:
"Oh Gail, which guy is that??? Hey, are we gonna go have sex now? ORGY TIME!!!!!"
So I didn't talk to him long. Kyle did make a little offer though... involving picante sauce... I declined.
He has the same sense of humor as Brady, but he's a good boy and Brady... really REALLY isn't.
We folded Sean's laundry... and stuff, played with his pussy (cat), ate waffles. I was kidding around and mentioned co-ed nakee twister and Sean was like "OMG, I have twister!!!" as he started frantically searching for it "Aw man, if my mom got rid of it...!" then he found it and set it up. Robyn and I just kinda looked at each other and started laughing at him because he just started calling out all sorts of randomness. "Left boob, Green!" and Robyn asked what would happen if you got left boob green, right boob red (because they're on opposite sides of the mat) and he was like "well then... you're just screwed." No one was playing, so he just started playing by himself (fully clothed, of course).
Yesterday I... don't really remember. I had a family reunion on Saturday. But yesterday... Oh yeah, I went to the mall to go shopping with Cesar and then I went over to Amei's house, picked her up, and then went to Applebee's. Good times.
Presently, I am freezing my ass off and am damn tired because I just got out of practice 3 hours ago and I took an ice bath. I am always perfectly fine in the ice bath, but about 10-15 minutes after I get out I'm freezing my ass off. Anyway, I took it with Ben and we got into an ice-water fight. How refreshing.

BTW: Kali, if you're reading this-- COME TO PRACTICE!!!!!

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[01 Sep 2001|01:02am]
[ mood | giggly ]
[ music | Afro man- Because I got high ]

Hey hottie,
How is it going? I hope that you are having a
good day. I'm just sitting here e-mailing you like I told you I would and listening to music. I can not wait till tuesday so we can go to the movies. Have you talked to Oreo(orlando)? I want to find out how he did at his game. I'll just call him after I get off. So whats up? What are you doing tomorrow after you go running? Cause you have to go to the mall with me so you can help me buy some stuff. And if we have enough
time we can go watch jeepers creepers(that is the
new scary movie that just came out yesterday). Don't worry if it gets too scary I'll hold your hand so that you don't get too scared. Just let me know if you have enough time if not we can go watch it some other day. You still have to try a pizza sub!! I'm going to make you eat one, one these days!! I'll find your handcuffs and cuff you to your bed and feed you and pizza sub. We'll both have fun I promise!! ;) Well now you have my e-mail address so now I'll get some real e-mail from someone. Well I'm going to go call oreo and clean my car cause its really dirty. I'll call you on my lunch later tonight. I'll talk to you later hottie!!



Awww! Lol. He's such a sweetie, but... I don't want a boyfriend. Even if I did, I wouldn't have time for one. Maybe we'll be able to work something out later.
So much shit happened today. I almost got into two accidents! Neither one of these were my fault though. I'm a bad driver and freely admit to my mistakes and I can honestly say that these two incidents were not my fault!
Umm... I'll go into details later. Right now I'm talking to Cesar and we're having a very... interesting conversation.

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If it's too good to be true... it is. There is no "probably" [31 Aug 2001|01:00am]
[ mood | anxious ]
[ music | Nelly Furtado- Turn off the lights ]

Grrrr. I gotta go to the bathroom, but my mom is in there currently. I'm getting so anxious lately... our first meet is in 6 days. It's only a 3k though, so it's easy beans. That's why I can't sleep. I wake up every morning with butterflies in my stomach hoping that I'll be able to run well... even if it is just practice. Some nights I'll wake up in a cold sweat and hyperventilating, although I don't know if the two are connected. OK, I just went to the bathroom... feeling a little better now. I'm sure you wanted to know that too.

Anyway, I'm going to get caught up on the past 2 weeks in a very brief summary:
- Saw Sasa... the hot German foreign exchange student that graduated last year. He moved back :oD
- Hung out with my cousin and talked and talked and talked with her for hours on end, which we haven't done in a long time.
- Went over to Zack and Sam's house and amazingly, nobody was doing drugs! They invited me to a party, but I declined. I'm not much of a partier.
- Went camping with the cross country team. I learned things that I never would have even imagined, scandal and drama went down, I got over my fear of heights (from rock climbing) and spiders (from sitting in a garbage can at midnight.... don't ask), got some major bonding in, got scratched up (but it was fun, so it's okay), had co-ed sleeping quarters... kinda... I know I'm missing a lot of stuff, but that's just being really vague.

Another thing that happened that I want to spend a little more time talking about is... I found out that Brady might have a girlfriend. It's really questionable. If he does, then that means that he's sharing with his best friend. They may have some sort of kinky sex thing going on or he may just be going behind JB's back. I need to ask him about that. Either way though, that's nothing I want to get involved with. Just the thought of him having a girlfriend pisses me off. Not because I'm like "oh, that bitch! He's cheating on me!" but because he's cheating on her with me. The reason that pisses me off is; we were supposed to hook up as soon as I turned 18 (349 days), but... if he cheated on her, what would make me think he wouldn't cheat on me? Anyway, it's all just too much drama and I'm dropping him. I don't care how hot a guy is, he's not gonna give me shit. I guess this has all been pretty good for me because ever since I found that out... I've been running like a mad woman. I knew he was too good to be true.

Anyway, now I've got Cesar. We went to the state fair last night with Amei and Orlando and watched Heather and Hayworth get hypnotized. It was SOOO fucking funny, I hadn't laughed like that in such a long time! After that, we went on a few rides and we got free tickets and stuff because Cesar's cousin works there. Afterwards we went to Shari's and waited forever to order and then forever and a day to get our food. That pissed me off, there wasn't even that many people there!
Sooo.... today I talked to Cesar on the phone for a little over an hour, and then we met at Subway and... he paid for my sandwich. I told him that I brought money and he was like "so?" And Tara was working there so she gave us like... 15 stamps. We talked for a really long time. I didn't even realize how long we'd been there until he said something. I think we were there for about an hour and a half. He knows Carlos Ontiveros. I'll get to him in just a minute. But yeah, when we were going to leave, we both went in for a kiss... expecting different things. I was going for a *mwah* and he... wasn't. I feel really bad because he's such a sweet guy, but lately I've just been really (dare I say?) prude. Damn those bitches who hurt me so. They're fucking up my game.

Onto Carlos. I saw him yesterday but I didn't get to stop and talk to him because I was running, but today... we ran together for a few miles :o) We got caught up on a bunch of stuff... I had no idea he was a player. SUCH a player!!! I thought Josh was bad! Carlos makes him look so innocent! I won't even get into what we talked about, but it shocked the fuck out of me!

Oh yeah, and this morning Amei and I went into McDonald's and got the best ice cream I've ever had. They only sell it in one of the McDonald's here out of the 30. WTF is up with that? Now I have to drive all the way downtown just to get some decent ice cream. It melts really fast though. We kept cracking up because it was getting so messy and everyone was looking at us. Then some old guy started talking to us for about 15 minutes or so about cross country (because we had just gotten out of practice) and how his son is a professional soccer player in Germany and he used to be too. Then he told us that he translated the entire new testament and it took him 13 years. I guess ya gotta have a hobby, right? I felt bad when we had to leave. He seemed so lonely.

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Yeah, I'm still alive [29 Aug 2001|02:02pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Michael Jackson- You rock my world ]

ok, a week ago I ran a 3K race at Bush Park and ran a 14:21, and then I go to this webpage that shows the 3 fastest times for each age group and I got 4th! This is what was on there:

16 - 19 Women 1 Julie Dent 0:12:49
16 - 19 Women 2 Nora Barrons 0:12:57
16 - 19 Women 3 Maren Asay 0:14:02

And I know that I was #4 because there was absolutely NOBODY in front of me when I went down the final straightaway.
Anyway, I have a helluva lot to write about, but I don't really have much time so I'll do it later.
Basically my life has been eat-sleep-run. The sad thing is, that's really not much of an exagerration(sp?). I'm getting WAY better though and I'm one of the captains of the cross country team. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow our coach had/will be in a meeting so th captains get to coach... it's fun! Our girls team is going to state. That's all there is to it. There's already a lot of potential in the underclassmen. S'gonna be fun.
Anyway, I'm gonna go and get some lunch now. I'll write a lot more later.

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I'ma mix in with the crys baby, what's wrong with that? [17 Aug 2001|07:19pm]
[ mood | relaxed ]
[ music | Nirvana- Serve the servants ]

I got some more stuff for my birthday yesterday. A buncha money and beads and hemp. Yeah, my aunt bought me hemp, how cool is that? LOL, I've never done that before in my life! Anyway... it's a good thing I got some money because today my gramma's new dog (12 week old minature schnauzer) tore up one of my sandals, so I guess I'm just gonna have to buy a new pair when I go to Salem tomorrow.
OOOHH... that reminds me! Since my car isn't exactly 100% reliable and I'll be driving back and forth in between Salem and Lebanon all weekend, my mom left me her truck :o)
I got my hair cut today, it's really cute. Unfortunately, it takes a year and a half to curl!!! But that doesn't change the fact that it's cute.
A lot's happened since I last posted in here, but I'm just not remembering what it all is :o/
Yesterday, my cousin Tiffany asked me if I knew this guy named Adam Whateverthefuck. I told her no and she told me that he was in my history class last year and he just graduated. Then I remembered, he was always really quiet. Well I guess they might hook up or something and he remembers me because I used to make him laugh a lot in class. Alrighty then.
Tomorrow I'm going to Salem early so I can buy a few more things for my camping trip, check the mail, feed the dog, etc. Then, after all of that I'm going on our varsity vs. alumni run (which is at school) and then Parks' heezy to a BBQ afterwards. When that's over, I'ma gonna get some new sandals. I don't wanna have to break them in all over again!!!
Iza gonna go now. I guess if I remember anything else to say, I'll just post it later. No biggie.

I need a hot boy for me, a sexy little papi...

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The humidity in Timbuktu must be terrible!!! [16 Aug 2001|12:50am]
[ mood | satisfied ]
[ music | Nickelback- How you remind me ]

I was SO excited today! I had just finished everything that I had to do today and was kickin' back, watchin my toons and waiting for my dad to pick me up when I heard a car pull up. I looked at the (glass) door to see who was there, but all I saw was this huge tattooed arm. I looked out the window to the driveway to see a car and I saw a "candy-apple red" 2000 mustang. I thought for a couple of seconds and then it hit me.


So I went out and practically bum-rushed him in the process of giving him a bear hug. I started crying because of several reasons:
- He has been one of my best friends since my freshman year and understands everything that I have ever gone through.
- I hadn't seen him in about 5 months
- The last I heard, he was living with some girl that he was going out with who had a kid and was pregnant with his. And he started doing cocaine again.

Anyway, eh clarified that last thing for me. He was living with his girlfriend (but they're not together anymore) and she did have a kid, but she was not pregnant with his kid. He was doing cocaine though, but then he stopped as soon as he moved back here from Seattle.
Anyway, we're supposed to go and do something next week after I get back from camping.
Kash moved back from LA because his mom has cancer and doesn't have much longer to live :o(

SOOO much happened today!
First of all, I woke up at 6:00 to get breakfast with Wes and then he paid for my gas... which should last me a couple of weeks because I get pretty damn good mileage. After that, I went to school to get my locker, ASB card, and yearbook. It was so cool to see all my friends that I haven't really hung out with this summer. Ken and I were telling everyone that we were twins, just because we have the same birthday. After that got out into the open, I got teased a shitload for being so young. Also, I guess everyone wanted to make up for the short jokes that they've missed out on all summer. "Did you shrink?!?!" "Hey, you're the perfect height!"... I've heard it all. I hung out with Trey for a little bit today too... I wonder how long he's gonna be here for.
One thing that kinda got my goat was the fact that all of the good senior hall lockers were like... reserved or something. Nobody could get them! Fuck that shit, my locker's way out in the fucking sticks now :o/ I'll just get a sugar daddy and move in with him ;oD
I also went shopping for camping stuff today... and then I went to Parks' house to pay him the $40 for the camping trip and we talked about a bunch of stuff. He's such an awesome coach, he doesn't piss when I cuss, and in fact, he does it himself too... when we're not in school shit. I dunno, we got to talk about a lot of stuff that I haven't really talked to much of anyone about, so... it was cool. I demanded that he buy bagels. He will comply.
OH YEAH, for my birthday, my dad took me out to Red Lobster... I kinda flirted with the waiter a lil bit (hey, it's summer, k?) and then... I got sung to ***blushes*** He got me a $50 gift card to Old Navy. I'm a happy Gail.
And then, from my mom and Wes I got more tanning sessions and... a cell phone! I predicted the cell phone... :o) It's all sparkly blue and everything... nice. I'm doing my family thing tomorrow night, Friday is my resting day, and then the rest of the weekend is pretty much booked. More than just the weekend actually, I won't be home until Wednesday.
Returnees from Timbuktu *so far*

All in consecutive days. I wonder who will drop in tomorrow, lol. I hope it's David, but I'm seriously doubting that. I haven't seen him in so long. I wish my mom married him. But now he has a wife and a kid and is living in Hawaii...
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<3 <3 <3 [15 Aug 2001|02:29pm]
[ mood | loved ]
[ music | Jagged Edge- where the party at ]

Y'all are so sweeeeeeet!!!!

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Two dogs in heat? WTF?!?! [15 Aug 2001|07:45am]
[ mood | annoyed ]
[ music | J-Lo & Ja Rule- I'm real ]

Okay, I guess rumors are starting to fly about Brady and me. Apparently people have been telling Wes all of this shit about us being all over each other. WTF ever! Dude, the last time we were together around people, we were sitting as far apart from each other as possible talking. I was also reading a book and he was working. Someone even described us as looking like "two dogs in heat". Bullshit.
One bad thing that I will admit to is... ok, people saw us going into his motel room... but that was 4 months ago! They don't know what we did and didn't do, but it wasn't anything bad. Fuck them.

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No longer sweet 16 [15 Aug 2001|01:17am]
[ mood | hyper ]
[ music | Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends............ ]

Well... here I am, one hour and eight minutes into being 17. If the theaters were open right now, I could go watch an R rated movie. Lol, I think I've maybe gone to see half of the movies that I bought tickets for. Heeeyyyy... if I wanted a tattoo I could go to Canada or Arizona to get one :o) Lol, I wouldn't know what to get.
In other news today, I got Kali to start a LJ! :oD her username is Kahlua. If we could hyphenate, it would be K-Lo :oD
I'm really hyper and this isn't good because I have to get up in... 4 1/2 hours for a little birthday breakfast.
The soundtrack to "The Mexican" is really good but now I have it stuck in my head. Not even the Mariachi music, but that song that goes:
Why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends, why can't we be friends?!?!

repeat 120498 times

What else can I do now that I'm 17? In 2 years I'll be able to drink in Arizona, lol. Legally, anyway. Not that I drink now. The last time I drank was New Year's... and I swear I didn't get drunk!
Man, it seems like all these people are just randomly coming back from Timbuktu or something... must be the humidity or something. Today I was chillin' in my back yard... I had to help Wes fix the "shaggin' wagon" and like... out of nowhere comes Justin Perkins. I hadn't seen him since before school got out! Apparently he had been living in P-town for awhile, but he moved back because his roommates were druggies.
So... he moved back because of drugs. Someone else moved back because of sex... usually those two things would get people flocking there, lol. And oddly... I dunno. I just find that really ironic because he used to tell me about how he used to do drugs all the time, so I would think that getting free heroin would make him want to stay. Also, the person that moved back because of sex... used to talk about how he wanted to get laid ALL THE TIME!
I just find it really odd that these two guys go to Portland with one thing on their mind and then end up coming back due to that one thing. Hmph. Whatever.
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Maybe it's the THUG in me [14 Aug 2001|11:32am]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Ludacris- Area codes ]

Wow, yesterday was good yet... odd.

I was at Fred Meyer's yesterday to buy an ice cream cone and while I was waiting in line, this guy with a baby came up and stood in line behind me. The baby looked almost 1 and the guy looked to be around 20 or so. Not bad looking in the least. So we were talking and the clerk rang up our stuff together. She said, "oh, I thought you two were together!" and then the guy behind me said, "yeah, I guess we just look like we should be together. Unfortunately, we aren't though." So... I paid for my shit and walked away at a surprisingly fast pace for someone my size.
After that, I went to cross country practice. After our workout and everything, we were all in the weight room and Kali and I started talking:

Kali: Hey Gail, there's someone that wants to see you!
me: who?
Kali: One of my friends
me: umm... ok, do I know him?
Kali: uhh... come out on the loop with me. We need to talk.
me: who is it?
Kali: it's someone that liked you while he was down here... and then he moved to Washington
me: TREY!!!

I just happened to put 2 and 2 together. When Trey comes down to visit, he stays at his aunt's house which is just off the loop. He came down from Washington last summer and told me that he's liked me for a long time... Anyway, we kicked it for awhile in the training room (while I was taking my ice bath) and now I guess I'm going to go do something with him on my birthday. I'm doing something with Kali today after she gets off work, and maybe we'll allow him to come along.
Everyone's wanting to know what to get me for my birthday. I keep telling everyone to get me an afro wig because when I was in Vancouver I saw one and wanted to buy it, but I was $4 short. Everyone keeps telling me no though. What's so wrong with an afro wig?
I'm gonna be so busy all week. Tomorrow is locker day and my birthday. Thursday I'm going to my grampeezies heezy, Friday is my family birthday party, Saturday is the alumni vs. varsity race and BBQ, Sunday I leave to go camping... oh my.
I was supposed to go and do something with Quinn last night after I got off practice, but... I had a choice between hanging with him or... getting Thai food. WTF do you think I chose?!?! Aww hell yeah. I got my Thai on... I ordered something different than what I usually get and it was too spicy for me (even though the menu didn't indicate that it was spicy) so the waiter brought me a big bowl of mango ice cream! That was so good! It tasted just like mangos and sticky rice, but in ice cream form :o) Definitely drool-worthy..
Kali, Rubi, and I are all tied for the 2nd spot on varsity :oD Seriously, if the 3 of us were to race, I don't know who would win. I think I need to start running with Dawn because I always run with Rubi and Kali and we're all about the same skill level so it just doesn't push me enough. We've decided that before school starts, we're all (the girls xc team) going to have a lil ladies night :o) If the guys can go to hooters, we're gonna have a little fun of our own :op
Anyway, I'm gonna go run now. Lataz

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