August 2004
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8/31/04 07:39 am
Series of unfortunate events led to all of the pictures on the website getting deleted.. as well as the mp3s.. The Coca-Cola button gave me diet mountain dew. and the wheel of monotony gave me another stinking lottery ticket
Current Music: Hot Hot Heat : talk to me dance with me
8/31/04 05:40 am
that boy needs therapy
All is going well. Been studying up on stuff for work. I need to get to down to recording the vocals and guitar for the song that I've scheduled to upload at the end of this week.
Yesterday we went to the grocery store, and bought lotsa stuff for the birthday party. Kiernan's birthday is coming up.. and we're having a party for him next week. Lyric is making a cake, and I'm making falafel, yogurt and cucumber sauce, some stir fry vegetabls and stuff. I don't know what all we're doing, or who all is going to be there. KT-M is showing up though, and that's awesome.
Also, our television died. I think that thing was.. i don't know.. at least 15 years old, and it had a pretty good life.
Current Music: The Avalanches : frontier psychiatrist
8/29/04 03:25 am
Puzzle Ottoman
I think the Ottoman Empire would be proud to know that these exist. These puzzle-shaped ottomans are pretty cool. For those who care, "micro suede" is made out of nylon and polyester, so it's not real suede. Oh yeah.. I think we should get them when we have a bigger place.
Current Music: Dzihan & Kamien : spacewater
8/28/04 05:11 am
Can I Get A Job Here?
Can I have a job working for neopets? The cubicles aren't the biggest, but surely I would enjoy it.
Hey, it's the sun and it makes me shine. Anyway, hey.. I wrote My review of my first website today.. It's over there, go read it. Now, back to my tea and code. But, hey! We're getting a new 19" monitor for our computer!
Current Music: Polyphonic Spree
8/24/04 07:04 am
Creating Life to Kill It
Creating life to kill it. It is with good reason that the Pope condemns cloning.
Current Music: The Pixies : here comes your man
8/22/04 07:33 am
Napoleon Dynamite - blah
now that I know that the movie Napoleon Dynamite has nothing to do with Elvis Costello, I've lost any interest in seeing it. I don't know what it's about, though. I just saw the title on a movie poster downtown. Not only does it have nothing to do with Elvis Costello, but the film-maker apparently had no idea it was an alternate psuedonym used by Declan McManus (If I am remembering his real name correctly)
Current Music: Bastone & Burnz : the devil made me do it
8/22/04 07:05 am
I am here in my mind
Jezebelesque is not quite alone in this pain thing, except that her's is gone. My back and neck have been all kinds of unhappy for the past few days, and it hurts when I laugh.
I really like the Avalanches and Ladytron. That's some of my recent musical discoveries from the past couple of weeks.
Speaking of music, yesterday we actually bought the William Hung's cd. If you have not heard his cover of "Hotel California", I can only recommend it highly. He seems to be a great guy with a tremendous amount of luck.
Anyway, back to the coding with me. I've been going mad crazy with some of the projects at work to make make the indexes on the databases more efficient. The help that vim has been for me is tremendous. I've also done a little bit of stuff here and there with Aremihc Island, and a few other little things. I've been doing some modest work with C#, and it makes me feel dirty.
But hey, I'm going to start writing up critiques of other sites on our forums.
Current Mood: awake
Current Music: The Polyphonic Spree : hold me now
8/21/04 02:43 am
Where I Grew Up..
I posted this on the Forums, and I figured it'd be a good thing to cross post here. There's a link there to the website where I got this information.. anyway.. Here's the places I grew up.
I was born in Charleston WV, where there are poor retired singles who watch soap operas and game shows, and like to play bingo. Also poor young singles living in cheap apartments, going to college, ordering pizza and going to nightclubs. As well as young single working class who listen to alternative music, play soccer, and watch music television in their affordable apartments. I only lived there for about two or three years though, so I don't really remember it except for going to visit my grandparents when they lived there.
Then for a short period I lived in Mineral Wells WV, where there are lots of large families living in mobile homes with lower middle incomes. As well as middle class couples and families that enjoy hunting and fishing, but always come home at night to watch tv and nascar. There are also midscale class families that like to go camping and listen to classic rock.
And then for a few years, until I was 7, I think, I lived in Parkersburg WV, where there are lower middle class retired singles and couples who read the newspaper, watch tv, and eat at family restaurants. There are also the very poor retired singles and couples that barely get by on social security and maybe a small pensions, who watch the evening news. And then there's the lower class young parents with lots of families who tend to live in communities full of kids, tricycles and basketball hoops.
Then we moved to Hockingport OH, and I officially lived there until I was 23. This area is filled with poor folks, most retired, living in old mobile homes, they sew from patterns, watch birds, and watch country music television. THere's also lower middle class families who enjoy hunting, fishing, sewing and crafts, they listen to country music and drive pickup trucks. And there are also lower middle class retirees who watch news and current event programs on television.
Later on, I'm going to write up stuff for Athens (where I spent a lot of my time between the ages of 17 and 23), Marietta (from ages 19 - 22), and also for Candler NC (where I moved from Ohio), and Canton NC (where we live now).
I don't know where we'll live next. I've always considered Austin TX, since I was there when I was um.. I don't remember how old I was a the time.. for my aunt's wedding. And I've also given consideration to Raliegh, Atlanta, and other places. It all depends on what opportunities come available to us.
LaunchCast is my friend.
Current Music: The Fever : articifial heart
8/20/04 12:11 am
In other news, it's NOT ok. And that's it for today.
7/23/04 03:56 am
Bourne Again
I have felt like crap the past couple of days. Just generally blah.. icky.
Anyway. I watched the first four episodes of Evangelion, which was pretty good. I'm usually not for the whole mech thing, but there's a nice storyline giong on here, and some interesting concepts. Anyway.. that was the first dvd.. and of course, it ends leaving you wanting more.
I've been using vim more and finding that i really like it. At first i was like 'wtf?' now i'm like 'wow!' How's that. Cecile's case came.. and it is very pretty. I'm so anxious to get things started on that.. and have a box dedicated to FreeBSD. I must admit that I'll want to play Europa Universalis II on it.. so they need to get that wine/FreeBSD compatibility problem worked out.
Kiernan is such a talkative little lad. I'll be picking up a mic soon so that I can record some WAVs of him.. Then you can hear his little voice and laugh and be happy. I've been meaning to do that for a while, I think i'll do it this weekend.
I hope I'm feeling better soon.. I'm trying to get this song recorded, and I'd like to get out of the house and do stuff.
Current Music: boot the grime of this world in the crotch dear
7/20/04 05:44 am
My LAUNCHcast station
If anybody is interested my LAUNCHcast station is here.
7/16/04 07:03 am
I Got Free Cherry Coke
Finally starting to get over my cold. Did some planning and thinking on the Aremihc Island game, which will be the flagship of the DIW project. DIW is basically a PHP/MySQL based multiplayer game engine, or at least it will be. Basically, players will assume the role of a character in a world collecting and interacting with items and other players. Players will be able to build things by putting items together, as well as cook food (and of course eat it), buy/sell/trade with other players, and of course meet other characters and talk with them. I'm not planning on there being any killing, as it's not really part of the concept. While this will probably discourage most players, hopefully it'll attract many others.
I must admit, as far as code.. the only thing I have done right now is the user session management stuff. I have not tested it, but it looks good ;). Pretty sure this will be secure.. when user logs in they get a cookie with a sessionID in it.. The sessionID is a hash of their IP + datetime they logged in.. The database contains a Sessions table, which lists the sessionID, userID, IP, and timestamp of last action. So to authenticate your session, it finds the row in the Sessions table where the sessionID in the cookie is the same as the one in the table, the IP matches, and the timestamp in the table is less than an hour old.. then it updates the timestamp in the table. That really should be enough, I think.
Yesterday, we went to UPS and sent back the computer case. Then we drove around trying to find a park, and gave up on that and went to a park whose location we know. Kiernan had fun playing in the sand box and crawling around in the woodchips. He wasnt' all that excited about going down the slide.. but he did enjoy the swings. Wel.. at first he was a little nervous about the swings and started making some scared noises.. Then I showed him that it was fun and not scary and he was all about it. He was still a little nervous, but enjoyed it just the same.
I've been practicing and getting better with Vim.. i'm still awkward with it here and there, but overall it's starting to feel more natural. Anyway, I wish I had a job working with *nix systems instead of M$. Oh well, at least I have a lava lamp on my desk, with a working bulb.. going fowoooiioooeeooob. (that's the sound I imagine they make)
Current Music: Shadow : hard sessions