[ | music |
| | "A Light So Dim" Black Heart Procession | ] | In a struggle to surpass either the banal or the inept, potential journal entries have been stifled. I wish, for the sake of expression and possible relief, that I could overcome this aim of aggrandizement. Are not my most naive thoughts worth expressing? Whether or not my path to peace can be paved alone is unknown, but I haven't been likely to expose my weaknesses just in case it can't. I am a snob. I am my own worst enemy. I've been lost in a wretched world of paradoxes and incongruencies. Summation: I'm an existentialist ardently pursuing logic. Most glaring of these is snobbery -- which I'm sure anyone reading this will witness, as nothing brings out the snob like the topic of snobbery. In an act of humility, I'm going to write about everything that has been on my mind.
First let me explain why snobbery and elitism irritates me. The best snobs have perfected the art of self-censorship, which is inexcusable. I'm guilty. Snobs accentuate and exaggerate what may be their only advantageous qualities, while conveniently concealing, glossing over, or excusing whatever flaws they undoubtedly harbor. No one is perfect. Neither is any one closer to perfect than another. Nature maintains a balance in any conceivable situation. Postmodernists, snobs by default, experience the world through a filter of theory, which either contributes to or testifies to a lack of feeling. Your heart pays the price for your extremely centered intellect. Essentially, snobs are ersatz superhumans. HYPOCRITES. And they know this... Snobbery in action is a deflection of shame and insecurity. I'm guilty. What so obviously proves this notion is that snobbery was not rampant, as it is now, before democracy. A constantly fluxing economy inspires fear and insecurity. (Not to mention the current obsession with lifestyles of the rich and famous. Celebrity worship and jealousy have never been so perpetuated by the likes of Mtv Cribs. I shudder at the thought...) An ostensibly erudite snob, seeking self-affirmation, may ridicule through biting grandiloquence, but all I see is an insecure little child in an arrested psychological state of inferiority -- for being physically smaller. Most children DO go through a very narcissistic stage. Me! Mine! Active snobbery aside, leaves room for the worst type. Silent snobbery. If you really want to let someone know how unworthy he is, simply ignore him. The object, if not to make oneself seem better, is to make the object feel shame, a practice famously connected to Christianity. A god-fearing individual is ruled by guilt for his intrinsic nature. The payoff then is not only the self-righteous belief that they are better people, but that salvation will be rewarded to the enlightened only. The common snob has no excuse. There will always be someone more intelligent, more attractive, more accomplished. ALWAYS. Lastly, I have to comment on those types of snobs that irritate me most -- those that employ reverse snobbery. This time, I am not guilty. I hate emo. I hate geek chic. I hate those that win through victimization. Quit your fucking whining. I am so terribly maddened by those who have appropriated the dorky/geeky aesthetic and made it fashionable. Identity theft! Most of you have no idea what it is like to be different, and would never ever be caught dead with someone who was honestly unaware of what is cool. Thick rimmed glasses with no prescription. A collection of extremely obscure music.... of course. It suggests your being "with it"... on top of things. Most times fashion does not function to make one aesthetically pleased, but works more like a peacock mechanism. Look at me! I am part of this group. I BELONG to this group. All scenes are essentially a herd, anyway. But I digress...
After asserting my own snobbery, it might not make sense that I would go on to bash snobs. Here's the conflict... I do not believe every human being is made equal. I believe those that contribute to society should be rewarded, NOT those who don't. In contrast to extreme socialists and leftists who think we should all become one sex, one race, one single type of being, I celebrate diversity. I believe everyone has his or her place in the world, and each validates his opposite. The question is -- where do I fit? My biggest insecurities are those of an intellectual nature. I have always abhorred stupidity and ignorance, so I have tried all my life to avoid those two things. But when am I good enough? I often feel like a young boy, slipping his small feet into his father's large boots... They don't quite fit. Will I grow, and someday fill those boots? Or will my father always be older, more wise? Sometimes I feel like a martyr. It would be so nice to let go of my values... Be stupid and complacent. What is more important -- happiness, or maintaining those values I hold most sacred? In relation to snobs and Christians, I thought "A true imbecile does not believe in God, a wise imbecile does." Sure, Christians try to live like saints, but aren't atheists, by refusing a happier life in a convoluted reality, the real martyrs? I'm smart enough to know that I'm not smart enough... Or, I can smite others, and also feel smitten.
I recently sent a letter to the talk radio program I'm subjected to at work every day. It was in response to an angry gay male, whose position may be apparent in the context.
Dear, Humble Rick, After listening to Bill today and much previous frothing over the debate of gay issues on WDEL, I feel compelled to comment, perhaps simply as a means of enduring a somewhat sensitive issue for me. I am a 22 year old gay male, and I'm completely bewildered by the majority of both right and left perceptions of homosexuality and it's place in society. First, let me say that I believe the trichotomy of straight - bisexual - gay is a farce. The Kinsey scale, if acknowledged, can answer many questions regarding sexuality. It classifies people into 7 ranges of sexuality, from exclusively straight to exclusively gay. Would this not explain how a man could marry a woman, have children, then betray her during his mid-life crisis? People who do not fall on one extreme end of the scale or the other are vulnerable to influence by family, peers, society, and may suppress their gayness in order to avoid ridicule and rejection. Inevitably, they realize this is either impossible or pusillanimous and "become" gay. This also may account for some cases of homophobia, as one may feel extremely insecure about occasional, insignificant feelings towards the same sex, compensating in brute negativity. (As a side note, homophobia is a misnomer when speaking from a political viewpoint. What I mean to say is, a real fear of gays, usually noticeable by teasing and excessive use of the words fag and queer, etc...) In final defense of all sexualities I will offer this analogy. Consider your handedness, that is, which hand you write with. How natural does that feel for you? How unnatural does it feel to attempt writing with your other hand? Of course, if you had good reason and even better discipline, you could learn how to write with both hands. It's called conditioning. Next, I need to comment on Bill. My theory is that Bill is not exclusively gay, and due to his guilt and subsequent bitterness, he's become a somatic narcissist. If I remember correctly, someone also accused him of being an elitist, and I would agree. To him, I would say: intellectual snobbery does not further the egalitarian cause, Bill. Get a grip on your bitterness, stop turning every issue towards your sexuality, and stop giving gays a bad name. Lastly, I would like to address the more conservative concerns. As one who feels most at home with libertarianism, I sympathize with many right of center opinions, but there's no sound excuse for the debasement of gays in America. I don't want your money, I don't want your children and I don't want to be married in your church. I think any gay couple that fights for the latter "right" needs to reevaluate why they want to take vows under an institution that has condemned them for so long. If civil unions aren't enough, or if the pompous pageantry of the church appeals to them, start your own denomination. Rick, thanks for trying to be understanding... and don't be discouraged. We aren't all like Bill. Thank you also for taking the time to read this. I hope you can spare the on-air time to read this for your audience as well. The Anonymous "Dude"
Perhaps my sexuality plays a major role in my insecurity and subsequent snobbery, but in the case of Bill, an egalitarian view not only makes him a hypocrite, but subverts his intentions.
Recently, my bitterness has escalated to a precarious precipice. I fear to open my eyes, lest I see some type of success I haven't achieved. A book I haven't published. A movie that I haven't made. A painting I could never even hope to match... A friend I don't deserve? At the root of my frustration, there is a need to be understood, despite my assertion that subjectivity is paramount. I'm reminded of a Wilde quotation. My two biggest problems are discipline and articulation. Perhaps in the end, I can say, I was a better failure than you. |