The Blog Network Meta-Blog aggregates articles about blogging, contributed by members of the Ryze Blog Network.To submit a post, send a trackback ping to or use our manual form.
January 25, 2004
Between two evils..
"Between two evils, I always pick the one I haven't tried before." —Mae West I love this quote. It appeals to the hedonist in me.... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
I was Flooded this am...
I suppose it was inevitable. My blog was found by some script kiddy who probably found my post about FloodMT and who decided to try out his "powers". It's a pity I still haven't been able to get my ISP... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
Friday Five - 24-1-04
Well, better late than never. (Just discovered the friday five today). So.. 1. Favorite song at the moment: "The Low Spark of High-Heeled Boys", Traffic 2. Favorite food: Steak tartare 3. Favorite TV show: La Femme Nikita (series) 4. Favorite scent: Lime bushes, early... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
January 24, 2004
Friday Five - 24-1-04
Well, better late than never. (Just discovered the friday five today). So.. 1. Favorite song at the moment: "The Low Spark of High-Heeled Boys", Traffic 2. Favorite food: Steak tartare 3. Favorite TV show: La Femme Nikita (series) 4. Favorite scent: Lime bushes, early... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
I own a piece of HMS Victory
For those of you who don't know, HMS Victory is probably the most famous warship in the world (though many people might argue that the Bismarck holds that distinction currently). Suffice it to say, before WWII this honor would undoubtedly... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
"OK, I'm in!"—Orkut's exclusive launch triggers small world effect in real-time
In spite of the low-key nature of orkut's launch yesterday, with the Google connection, it was bound to cause a buzz, and it did. One minor detail that was not mentioned in any of what I first saw about it is that membership is by invitation only. A... ...
see full entry at Online Business Networking Blog
January 23, 2004
where did all my 'social software' posts go?...
To the The Social Software Weblog - See you there... (^:... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
How social network software can save the world
I see a number of applications of social network software to policy issues. One of the great challenges to economic growth that many emerging economies face is that the society is highly stratified. If you are born poor in Brazil, you have very limit... ...
see full entry at Online Business Networking Blog
Google quietly spawns social networking service
With little fanfare or forewarning, Google helped with the launch of a new social networking service, Orkut, on Thursday. reports: A Google representative said that the site is the independent project of one of its engineers, Orkut Buyukko... ...
see full entry at Online Business Networking Blog
January 22, 2004
where did all my 'social software' posts go?...
To the The Social Software Weblog - See you there... (^:... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
FloodMT - the opening shot in a war
I just wrote this in response to this comment on Gagalac's blog. Well, I got blammed last night and discovered the high utility value of MT-Blacklist. Doing further research today, I discovered your very useful site (thanks!) and FloodMT (search... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
VoodooPad Followup
I'm using VoodooPad every day now. I keep multiple desktops up and one of them is always dedicated to VoodooPad content. Generally, I have the index Pad open—this allows me to access all the other Pads quickly. I've got Pads... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
January 21, 2004
I am Ironman..
I think that Ironman, other than maybe Master of Kung Fu or Daredevil, was my favorite comic. I was happy to see this little gem on my new friend Donato's site: Take the quiz and find out what sort of... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
I just got spammed..
Boy, did that piss me off. I figured that my blog is pretty new and fairly obscure (only thirty or forty readers a day according to my logs) and so I wouldn't be a target for spammers. No such luck.... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
January 20, 2004
Vive le Starbucks!
Well, last Friday Starbucks opened their first Paris store. I'm not sure how I feel about this. The Paris cafe is an institution. A frequently smoky, frequently cliquish environ—it is still quintessentially Parisian. I don't think they have changed much... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
January 19, 2004
Thought for tomorrow..
Independence is my happiness, and I view things as they are, without regard to place or person; my country is the world, and my religion is to do good. - Thomas Paine... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
January 18, 2004
Spalding Gray is missing
I just learned from reading John Perry Barlow's blog and NY Newsday that auteur and performer Spalding Gray is missing. Because of a history of depression and previous suicide attempts, authorities fear the worst. (His film Swimming to Cambodia (1987)... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
Spalding Gray is missing
I just learned from reading John Perry Barlow's blog and NY Newsday that auteur and performer Spalding Gray is missing. Because of a history of depression and previous suicide attempts, authorities fear the worst. (His film Swimming to Cambodia (1987)... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
Social networking sites analyzed via the Value Framework™
Gary George has done an extensive analysis of the major social networking sites using Mitchell Levy's Value Framework™, a strategic planning tool that has become popular throughout Silicon Valley through Mitch's work with several area compa... ...
see full entry at Online Business Networking Blog
January 17, 2004
Bruce Eckel on blogging and simplicity
Bruce Eckel is trying to cultivate bloggingas a genre for expressing ideas that aren't yet complete thoughts. "I now believe ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Teleclass starting January 20th: Virtual Handshakes: Building Quality Business Relationships Online
I'll be starting a 6-week teleclass next Tuesday, January 20th, entitled Virtual Handshakes: Building Quality Business Relationships Online. I won't fill my blog with a commercial, but if you're interested in learning how to truly leverage ... ...
see full entry at Online Business Networking Blog
January 16, 2004
Using Mail (Panther) with Hotmail
I hate Hotmail. Mostly it's the ads. I've been using it for a couple of years now, simply because I've been to cheap to pay someone to co-host one of my Linux servers. But I'm getting fed up with the... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
Using Mail (Panther) with Hotmail
I hate Hotmail. Mostly it's the ads. I've been using it for a couple of years now, simply because I've been to cheap to pay someone to co-host one of my Linux servers. But I'm getting fed up with the... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
January 15, 2004
Adding Apps to Mac OS X
I'm exploring what is available in building the set of apps that I use on my OS X laptop. I'm not terribly happy with the complexity of BBEdit. In part because it seems to assume I don't know how to... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
Adding Apps to Mac OS X
I'm exploring what is available in building the set of apps that I use on my OS X laptop. I'm not terribly happy with the complexity of BBEdit. In part because it seems to assume I don't know how to... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
January 14, 2004
Every man's foremost task is the actualization of his unique, unprecedented, and never-recurring potentialities, and not the repetition of something that another has already achieved. Martin Buber... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
How to install GIMP for free with OS X (Panther)
I found very little about how to first find GIMP and then install it for Mac OS X. Thanks to a pointer from Joe Kissell's very useful 50 Fast Mac OS X Techniques I found the site with GIMP... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
January 12, 2004
DRM, downloading music, and Baen Books
I've been thinking about the whole issue of Digital Rights Management (DRM) a lot lately. Partly it has been occasioned by my use of a lot of free software (open source) on my Macs and PCs. Partly, because of the... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
DRM, downloading music, and Baen Books
I've been thinking about the whole issue of Digital Rights Management (DRM) a lot lately. Partly it has been occasioned by my use of a lot of free software (open source) on my Macs and PCs. Partly, because of the... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
Packers fall at the last fence
What in God's name was Mike Sherman of the Green Bay Packers thinking? Less than two minutes left in the game against the Eagles - they just need TWO feet to get a first down (its a fourth down) and... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
January 11, 2004
Anil Dash on NYT on teen blogs
In the link blog, Anil writes "i fear it may take us another few years to live down the impression ...
see full entry at BookBlog
January 07, 2004
Are Blogs Just? Ito and Marko Ahtisaari in a conversation about whether blogs are just, given the inequality in traffic and link ...
see full entry at BookBlog
January 05, 2004
Rugby World Cup
There is an old saw that "soccer is a ruffian's game, played by gentlemen and rugby is a gentleman's game played by ruffians". This comes from soccer being the game played by street urchins and rugby (the antecedent of American... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
January 02, 2004
blogging on steroids...
InternetNews :: BitTorrent, 'Gi-Fi,' and Other Trends in 2004 by Ryan Naraine Blogging on Steroids ...If you were caught off guard by the wild popularity of blogs (define) in 2003, wait till you see what 2004 has in store. The... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
Created with Mac OS X
Well, the vagaries of IE aside, I finally have my new Web site launched. Took me a couple of hours to hack the CSS and HTML to give a satisfactory result. I still think the new site looks dramatically better... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
Created with Mac OS X
Well, the vagaries of IE aside, I finally have my new Web site launched. Took me a couple of hours to hack the CSS and HTML to give a satisfactory result. I still think the new site looks dramatically better... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
why do I need another MP3 player?
I'm not sure about this one.. I already have an Archos MP3 player, that I took to Europe with me. It has a 6gig capacity, more than enough to hold all the music I could want. It worked quite well,... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
created with Mac OS X
Well, the vagaries of IE aside, I finally have my new Web site launched. Took me a couple of hours to hack the CSS and HTML to give a satisfactory result. I still think the new site looks dramatically better... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
December 29, 2003
paul gillin on blogging...
Paul Gillin, TechTarget 'Editor in Chief,' gives his 2004 outlook: VoIP to rise, Sun to set. In his 'Stuff to Avoid' category Paul Gillin warns that: "...Blogging's wave has already crested now that millions of online diarists are realizing that... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
Bond, James Bond
Ok, it's silly. But I've got to admit I really enjoy the Bond movies. Not all of them, mind you, but quite a few. Spike TV is showing a marathon over the Christmas holiday of most of the films. The... ...
see full entry at The Underground Man
December 27, 2003
left, right, economic bloggers...
Bruce Bartlett, in Blogs galore!, gives his list of those who are, in his opinion, the most notable 'economic' bloggers - regardless of their 'political views' and affiliations: Brad DeLong, Max B. Sawicky, Donald L. Luskin, Steve Antler, Ray Fair,... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
is there a there there?...
In the Washington Post today, Leslie Walker shares her 'short list' of some of the hottest Internet services of 2003 in 'A Year For New Paths To Friends, Music, More.' Leslie Walker's 'Web Watch' short list of 'hottest services' includes:... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
December 26, 2003
top words of 2003...
Web User News :: Website names top words of 2003 ...The word "blog" has been picked as one of the top words of 2003 by a US website specialising in language. Website, which offers more than 2,500 dictionaries for... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
December 24, 2003
Catching up on blog-conversation
Zephoria grouches about a-list bloggers being catty and self-serving and mean. To which I respond in comments: It's just gossip, ...
see full entry at BookBlog
actionable sense...
and so i wish for you this holiday a heightened sense of all that lights your fire for passion is the thing that, come what may, will help to manifest your deep desire. so thank you for your praise of... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
actionable cohorts...
Once upon a time, eons ago by weblogging measure, Dina Mehta traveled from India and visited the USA and Europe - meeting face to face with many of those who populate her 'blogroll.' When I met Dina, she told me... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
December 20, 2003
intersection of knowledge management and blogging...
Back on 19 September 2003, Jim McGee referenced a post by Jon Udell on Kimbro Staken's new science experiment, Syncato. And now - actually twelve days ago - Silicon Valley Biz Ink published a press release - Sleepycat Software Honors... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
December 18, 2003
blosxoms, bryars and blikis...
Huh, you say? Well, blosxom is a lightweight weblog implementation, created by Rael Dornfest, that describes itself as "the zen of blogging." Simon Cosens' Bryar is a modular, extensible weblog tool - more complex than 'blosxom' - primarily in its... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
INTEGRAL LEADERSHIP - MARCH 1-6, 2004 - "For over 30 years, Ken Wilber has been developing what has been called the most comprehensive and inclusive theory of human experience and understanding ever created. For over 30 years, many thousands of ...
see full entry at coolmel's iBlog
December 13, 2003
Besonderheiten an Weblog
Thomas Burg in einer Notiz zur "Netzwissenschaft"-Konferenz in Budapest (via Moe), die er besucht hat: "Es hat sich letztlich herausgestellt, dass kaum jemand den Terminus Permalink kannte, Services wie Technorati... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
December 11, 2003
social networking goes to the dogs...
In MarketWire today there is an announcement for Six Degrees of Separation for Your Pets. Backwash a Boston, Massachusetts based company that grew out of a personal project of founder David Ring, today announced - Backwash for Pets - "the... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
December 07, 2003
Newest favorite RSS tool
Bloglines, a web-based RSS reader, recommended by Chip. What I like about it most is the way that it helps ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Newest favorite RSS tool
Bloglines, a web-based RSS reader, recommended by Chip. What I like about it most is the way that it helps ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Newest favorite RSS tool
, a web-based services, recommended by Chip. What I like about it most is the way that it helps you ...
see full entry at BookBlog
December 06, 2003
Integral Psychology 2 Online
Just got this message on my inbox this morning. Thanks to Colin. Willow Pearson, MA, MT-BC, LPC, will be facilitating an advanced online course this spring based on Ken Wilber’s Integral Psychology. This course will be offered through Naropa University’s ...
see full entry at coolmel's iBlog
December 04, 2003
What's New with Integral Naked?
Integral Naked (IN) has now a What's New section featuring the latest interviews and videos. As of this writing, there's still a ONE MONTH FREE ACCESS. Watch the videos, listen to the conversations and immerse yourselves "Behind the Scenes with ...
see full entry at coolmel's iBlog
December 02, 2003
IMN, Inc. RSS Service...
EContentMag :: IMN, Inc. Releases Integrated RSS Service ...Emarketing firm IMN Inc. (formerly iMakeNews) has launched an RSS service that is integrated into its enewsletter and DirectBlog platforms. IMN customers can now publish their enewsletters or blogs so that they... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
iBlog: Integral Blogging with Passion and Compassion
passion, n. “3.a. boundless enthusiasm” compassion, n. “deep awareness of the suffering of another coupled with the wish to relieve it.” Prologue I am sitting in front of my computer staring at a blank page. A faint recollection of a ...
see full entry at coolmel's iBlog
Marie Ringler ist Abgeordnete im Wiener Landtag und hat jetzt ein MoBlog gestartet, in dem sie live aus dem Gemeinderatssaal bloggt! Ihre komplette Website verwendet ein als CMS. (Via... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
December 01, 2003
2003: Year of the Blues
"Haiku is to Poetry,as Blues is to Music." - Insomniac Blues I offer thisA-IOS Application - Integral Blues (iBlues)to the, ...
see full entry at coolmel's iBlog
Orgasmatron vs. Teledildonics
No, these are not robotic characters in The Transformers. These are the latest technology aimed to illicit sexual pleasures, locally, and/or remotely. The Orgasmatron is a "machine that delivers an orgasm at the push of a button [that] has been ...
see full entry at Project Trinity: I-I, SDi, Neurotechnology
One Taste in Bed
"When the thunder roars, do you not hear your Self? When the lightning cracks, do you not see your Self? When clouds float quietly across the sky, is this not your very own limitless Being, waving back at you?" ...
see full entry at coolmel's iBlog
November 30, 2003
knight ridder on and blogging...
Editor & Publisher :: Knight Ridder's Web Focus: Local, Local, Local By Carl Sullivan Interview with Hilary A. Schneider, president and CEO of San Jose, Calif.-based Knight Ridder Digital (KRD) ...As we move into 2004, what are the biggest challenges... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
digital karma: innovations in ethics...
Vive le Canada : Online communities : distributed creativty by Flick Harrison ...I'm currently taking part in an online conference, Eyebeam, which discusses distributed creativity, digital communities and networks. With reference to the arts specifically, but it's about the political... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
November 29, 2003
Blogrolling On
Maintaining blogrolls (list of links to blogs) is a well-known pain-in-the-455. The problem is we don't have much motivation besides the pride of a well-crafted blog, your interests change, the URLs and even the names of blogs change. The one ...
see full entry at Ross Mayfield's Weblog
November 27, 2003
more MT spam vulnerabilities...
If you utilize Movable Type for your weblog this is mandatory reading: Musings: More MT Spam Vulnerabilities... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
November 26, 2003
danah decoding @
Danah Boyd speaks out on Friendster, social behaviors, online environments, and social architectures. Mentioned in this article, in order of appearance: danah boyd, Friendster, connected selves, Joi Ito, Sixdegrees, Jonathan Abrams, Burning Man, Pretendsters, Fakesters, Sarah Tuttle, Intel Research Anthropologist,... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
November 24, 2003
Frequency is a desktop weblog client. If you have a weblog you manage with Blogger, Radio, Movable Type, or other Blogger API or metaWeblog API system, you can use Frequency to add new posts instead of logging into the web... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
blogging backtalk...
In Howard Kurtz's Media Backtalk ( today: ...begin quote... College Park, Md.: In your column today, you quoted Bill Keller mentioning how he checks out blogs critical of the Times and that sometimes it provides him with a journalistic gut... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
'highly tech-savvy' americans...
According to the Globe and Mail "A study released Sunday found that 31 per cent of Americans are "highly tech-savvy" people for whom the Internet, cellphones and handheld organizers are more indispensable than TVs and old-fashioned wired phones." In an... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
November 23, 2003
Unverfolgte Ideen, sichtbar
Lilia Efimova schreibt, dass ihr Blog ihr nicht verfolgte Ideen sichtbar macht: Before I was happy to look back and to see how much have been done. Blogging makes it... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
November 22, 2003
SixApart lizensiert TypePad in Japan
Six Apart haben ihren Typepad-Weblogdienst an den japanischen ISP NIFTY lizensiert. Aus der Pressemitteilung: (...) have announced a licensing agreement to provide Six Apart's popular TypePad(TM) weblogging service to over... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
SixApart lizensiert TypePad in Japan
Six Apart haben ihren Typepad-Weblogdienst an den japanischen ISP NIFTY lizensiert. Aus der Pressemitteilung: (...) have announced a licensing agreement to provide Six Apart's popular TypePad(TM) weblogging service to over... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
November 11, 2003
The pace of blogging
Last weekend, I reassured my mom that I'm ok and not really working too hard. Then Ross publishes this. ...
see full entry at BookBlog
The pace of blogging
Last weekend, I reassured my mom that I'm ok and not really working too hard. Then Ross publishes this. ...
see full entry at BookBlog
The pace of blogging
Last weekend, I reassured my mom that I'm ok and not really working too hard. Then Ross publishes "">this. ...
see full entry at BookBlog
November 05, 2003
weblogs in the news...
[there are five news stories in this post.] U.S. Newswire :: AFGE Launches; Web Log Believed First for Labor Movement ...WASHINGTON, Nov. 5 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The nation's largest union for federal and DC government workers, AFGE, today announced... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
Weblog to cover WSIS
The British Council is planning a weblog,, covering the operation of the World Summit on the Information Society.... ...
see full entry at funferal
October 25, 2003
AoIR recap - blogging, dissent, and more
I spent the end of last week in Toronto, at the AoIR (Association of Internet Researchers) conference (by the way,... ...
see full entry at funferal
October 22, 2003
weblogs in the news...
Silicon Valley Biz Ink :: ONA Invites Esther Dyson, Top Editors to Forecast Future of Online News ...CHICAGO, Oct. 22 /PRNewswire/ -- The Online News Association will bring together seven of digital media's most forward-thinkers -- including Esther Dyson, a... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
October 14, 2003
mt-comment spam blocker...
If you are a Movable Type weblogger then you need to install: MT-Blacklist - A Movable Type Anti-spam Plugin, courtesy of Jay Allen.... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
October 11, 2003
NYT to launch weblog-style output
A post on about the fact that the New York Times is considering launching weblogs raises, once again, the... ...
see full entry at funferal
October 10, 2003
Measuring the blogosphere
There has been quite a degree of attention to Perseus' survey of weblogs (summarised here), which attempted to quantify, and... ...
see full entry at funferal
Can blogs have several parents?
Several people have noted a section in the latest Columbia Journalism review about blogging. Among the interesting bits and pieces... ...
see full entry at funferal
Journalistic benefits
Here's an interesting issue. DIY Media has been pushing for free access for journalists to Free Press's Media Reform conference,... ...
see full entry at funferal
October 08, 2003
OhMyNews profile on WACC
WACC have an interesting profile of OhMyNews (via Digital Opportunity channel), the South Korean online news service that they describe... ...
see full entry at funferal
weblogs in the news...
[there are six news stories in this post, on politics and statistics.] :: News for the people by people: Lost: Voice of Youth. Reward if Found by Melissa Blaustein ...As a 15 year old non fiction student, I'm one... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
on liz lawley's AoIR despair...
link aggregators or electronic yentas? people as filters haitech haiku™ ©2003 judith meskill inspired by liz lawley's reference - in her desiderata and despair post - to Alex Golub's people as filters essay.... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
George W. Bush hat ein Weblog : :: Official Blog... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
October 07, 2003
weblogs in the news...
[there are five news stories in this post.] BizReport :: Explosive Growth of New Web-Based Photo Sharing Platforms Linked Closely to Camera-Phones ...Future Image Inc., the leading provider of information and analysis on new trends in the imaging industry, today... ...
see full entry at judith meskill's knowledge notes...
Buscando empleo: 8 Good People
Me ha parecido una excelente idea el sitio <a href="">8 Good People</a> como estrategia para buscar empleo. ...
see full entry at eCuaderno v.2.0
October 06, 2003
Conferencia: Una Tarde en la Blogosfera. Un viaje por el universo de los "weblogs" en Internet Estreno: (el 15 de octubre) Estudio: The Blogging Iceberg Iniciativa: Bloggers Parliament Proyecto: RODA (Red de Reconocimiento Descentralizado a partir de Anotaciones) y... ...
see full entry at eCuaderno v.2.0
October 03, 2003
Researching weblogs
Jumping, to an extent, onto the same bandwagon as a lot of others, I'm planning on doing some formal research on weblogs over the next number of weeks and months. My primary project will examine the potential provided by weblogs, and similar tools, to provide a space of resistance to... ...
see full entry at funferal
More commercial blogs
As you might expect (hey, its incestuous blog news), the story that Dr Pepper plans to infiltrate the blogging community for viral marketing purposes is getting quite a bit of coverage. It seems somewhat silly to have gone public on this: "Look, we're trying to manipulate you!" This (and no,... ...
see full entry at funferal
Google buys Pyra
Unsurprisingly, given the fact that blogging is such a major topic of discussion on blogs (and I am aware of my own guilt on this), the purchase by Google of Pyra/Blogger is what one commentator on MeFi called "the ultimate newsmeme".There are mixed views on how good a fit this... ...
see full entry at funferal
Blogdex and creating a media agenda
I've been playing around with blogdex a little recently. Its an interesting idea - a bit like the Google Zeitgeist, as a friend commented to me - it tracks trends in links from 'blogs, and as such is able to show the state of 'the curve' in the blogosphere.Of course,... ...
see full entry at funferal
Props to the GadFly
I got a mail earlier this week from Alan Cook in Austin, Texas. He's posted a link to my article on slashdot and the public sphere on the GadFly's Buzz, his weblog which deals with 'the blogosphere'. I'm happy to return the favour - his 'blog is well-written, and contains... ...
see full entry at funferal
September 26, 2003
Weblogs, S.A.
France's Pointblog interviews Weblogs, Inc. CEO Brian Alvey ...
see full entry at Blogalization
September 25, 2003
New Blog Businesses
Zwei neue Weblog-Unternehmungen sind mir in den letzten Tagen aufgefallen: Die Big Blog Company ist ein Weblog-Beratungsunternehmen: We will introduce the concept [of blogging] to companies, think tanks, charities and... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
September 20, 2003
My thoughts ideas and experiences
There is the old saying that the rich gets richer and the poor well gets poorer. Supposedly the leaving chairman of NYSE, Richard Grasso was paid a whopping $140 million dollars to clean out his desk and leave. What makes matters even more appalling is that he is entitled to as much as $70 milliion dollars more. Either way as reports have followed something needs to be done on how big money needs to be regulated.( I must be honest I am not all too familiar with what is going on here.) I don't consider myself a socialist by any degree but we must set up an example how we are going to balance the inequalities of wealth in our country. There are several obstacles to this. First of all, we don't have much of a welfare state. Pretty much welfare in recent years has been trammeled on by the issue of what we call welfare reform in which we witnessed massive cutback--but even now which is due to bugdet shortfalls--than ever before. The problem with welfare reform has to do with the ...
see full entry at My thoughts ideas and experiences
September 17, 2003
Social Networking: Is there a Business Model?
Yesterday, I attended the MIT/Stanford Vlab event on Social Networking and Business Models. I didn't take notes, but Stewart Butterfield has a great writeup on the event which captures the general atmosphere. Although the event was entertaining, I didn't feel... ...
see full entry at
On Blogs and Wikis and Favela Chic
A study of ad hoc urban settlements sheds light on the analogy between offline and online community? ...
see full entry at Blogalization
September 15, 2003
Hello World and the Seven-Second Delay
Many to Many's Clay Shirky takes UNESCO to task "lack of dialogue" in the Hello World project, a participatory multimedia spectacle to run concurrently with the World Summit on the Information Society. He's dead wrong and a damned careless reader. ...
see full entry at Blogalization
September 13, 2003
My thoughts ideas & experiences
My favorite type of jean as far as designer models are Sean John, Diesel, Helmut Lang, Union Bay, Fubu, Tommy Hilfiger, and Calvin Kleins. I just stumble upon this new type of jeans ...
see full entry at Ny thouhts ideas and experiences
September 01, 2003
Respektiere das Medium
Die Conclusio eines Jupiter Reports zu Weblogs (Login erforderlich): "Weblogs offer an interesting marketing opportunity for enterprises, but should not be considered a marketing tool. Weblogs are currently independent of... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
Respektiere das Medium
Die Conclusio eines Jupiter Reports zu Weblogs (Login erforderlich): "Weblogs offer an interesting marketing opportunity for enterprises, but should not be considered a marketing tool. Weblogs are currently independent of... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
August 20, 2003
indian summer ... oh my!
Gah ... it's all humid and sticky outside. Has been for the last few days too .. Indian Summer is here. Which is good if you're outside doing mid summer things. Bad though because at least in my eyes it signals the end of summer. Ah how I remembe... ...
see full entry at
August 18, 2003
Why RSS isn't Push
Dan Gillmor writes about the rise of RSS web syndication. What's happening is related to the boom vision of "internet ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Why RSS isn't Push
Dan Gillmor writes about the rise of RSS web syndication. What's happening is related to the boom vision of "internet ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Why RSS isn't Push
Dan Gillmor writes about the rise of RSS web syndication. What's happening is related to the boom vision of "internet ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Der AOL-Blogger
AOL hat einen Blogger eingestellt. (Via Moe). John Scalzi wird den AOL Journal Usern zeigen wie das Bloggen funktioniert, oder, in seinen eigenen Worten: "My job will be to show... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
August 16, 2003
Small, Small World
"Columbia sociologists Peter Sheridan Dodds, Duncan Watts and their colleagues have published the first results of the Small World Project, which uses the Internet to test the six degrees of separation theory." ...
see full entry at Blogalization
August 08, 2003
Has anyone noticed lately that <a href="">SlashDot</a> has become somewhat elitist? ...
see full entry at The Epicenter
August 07, 2003
Who knows who?
The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) covers contact mining tools, from companies including Visible Path, Spoke Software, and Zero Degrees. ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Who knows who?
The Wall Street Journal (subscription required) covers contact mining tools, from companies including Visible Path, Spoke Software, and Zero Degrees. ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Who knows who?
The Wall Street Journal (registration required) covers contact mining tools, from companies including Visible Path, Spoke Software, and Zero Degrees. ...
see full entry at BookBlog
August 04, 2003
RSS and Web Addiction
Bill Gross writes: Here's what's really true and important about RSS: It increases the rate at which information flows by ...
see full entry at BookBlog
August 03, 2003
I'm trying to get the network-surfing thing, I really am. I still think weblogs are a much richer way to ...
see full entry at BookBlog
July 27, 2003
Letting it all hang out
The challenges of balancing 'safe' blogging and passionate disclosure. ...
see full entry at BLADAM: Musings on life, love, liberty, and stuff
July 26, 2003
Virtual is real
The New York Times covers the trend toward using instant messaging and chat in lecture halls and conferences. Greg Elin ...
see full entry at BookBlog
July 20, 2003
copyright and 'essay databases' online
As you may have noticed, my weblog is licensed under a Creative Commons license - the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license to be precise. Some time ago I noticed links in my logs from some of those 'essay databases' you find online. Following them back, I noticed that their links were hidden behind... ...
see full entry at funferal
July 15, 2003
When to use communication modes
Dave Pollard has nice, pretty, clear, but debatable guide for when to use different communication media Tool or Medium Some ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Wo bleiben die Politiker-Weblogs?
In London fand gestern eine interessante Veranstaltung statt: Westminster is to hold a world-first tonight, when around 120 bloggers descend on parliament for a discussion on how politicians can best... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
July 09, 2003
Glocalization and Virtual Social Networks
Glocalization: That's when Asterix takes over for Ronald McDonald but the mystery meat remains the same. Implications for networked individualism and social software design. ...
see full entry at Blogalization
July 07, 2003
Libel liability and weblogs
There has, unsurprisingly, been a certain amount of coverage of the Wired news story that claimed that a recent court case absolves bloggers from exposure to libel. While some have pointed out that the case didn't directly refer to weblogs I think that much of the coverage is glossing over... ...
see full entry at funferal
Definition follow-up
Zephoria has picked up on my response to Jill Walker's definition of the weblog. She claims that I argue "that blogs always exist in a community context". That's not strictly true - I believe that there are several separate concepts that are conflated or confused in discussion of 'blogs.' One... ...
see full entry at funferal
July 01, 2003
Defining the weblog
I came across Jill Walker's proposed definition of a weblog which is slated to appear in the Routledge Encyclopedia of Narrative Theory. I can't argue with most of it, but I was reminded of some thoughts I had on how we should perceive and define weblogs. Definitions of blogs tend... ...
see full entry at funferal
June 24, 2003
Successful blog communities ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Lovely Seattle Metablog
Beautiful design, blue-green, very Seattle feel, lovely map, and seems like a nice community. via Anita Rowland on #joiito. ...
see full entry at BookBlog
At the JavaOne conference, Sun launched, the first commercial developer community to incorporate wikis and weblogs (disclosure: Socialtext consulted ...
see full entry at BookBlog
June 23, 2003
Kudos to Sam Ruby
Gratitude and admiration to Sam Ruby for catalyzing productive discussion about weblog standards. ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Photoblogroll and FOAF?
An unfounded speculation about <a href="">Ton Zijlstra's</a> blogroll. ...
see full entry at Synesthesia
June 22, 2003
Mehr zu Universit�ts-Weblogs
BusinessToday besch�ftigt sich mit dem Weblog-Projekt der Harvard-Universit�t im Artikel `Blog' expert sets sights on Harvard: Postings could break barriers. [Update 22.06.2003: Der Artikel ist inzwischen in die kostenpflichtigen Archive... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
June 21, 2003
RSS via email: why?
The latest fancy seems to be subscribing to weblog rss feeds via email. Why not just publish and subscribe via ...
see full entry at BookBlog
June 20, 2003
Orrin Hatch, Piracy, and Fair Use
Blogger Ed Cone talked to Rep. Rick Boucher, a Virginia representative who focuses on technology policy. Boucher says that the ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Orrin Hatch, Piracy, and Fair Use
Blogger Ed Cone talked to Rep. Rick Boucher, a Virginia representative who focuses on technology policy. Boucher says that the ...
see full entry at BookBlog
June 19, 2003
Orrin Hatch, Piracy, and Fair Use
Blogger Ed Cone talked to Rep. Rick Boucher, a Virginia representative who focuses on technology policy. Boucher says that the ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Orrin Hatch, vigilante
Orrin Hatch has been catching hell around the blogosphere for advocating that the RIAA should be able to destroy the ...
see full entry at BookBlog
More on wiki patterns of use
Tim Appnell clarifies what he meant yesterday: What I meant to say (and did rather poorly I suppose) is that ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Weblogs im Wissensmanagement - Mein Vortrag auf der Gurteen Knowledge Conference in London
Eine Zusammenfassung meines Vortrags in London auf der Gurteen Knowledge Conference, ein Resum� zu Stand des Wissensmanagements und ein paar Reiseanekdoten. ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
Weblogs im Wissensmanagement - Mein Vortrag auf der Gurteen Knowledge Conference in London
Eine Zusammenfassung meines Vortrags in London auf der Gurteen Knowledge Conference, ein Resum� zu Stand des Wissensmanagements und ein paar Reiseanekdoten. ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
Weblogs im Wissensmanagement - Mein Vortrag auf David Gurteen Knowledge Conference in London
Eine Zusammenfassung meines Vortrags in London auf der Gurteen Knowledge Conference, ein Resum� zu Stand des Wissensmanagements und ein paar Reiseanekdoten. ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
June 18, 2003
Patterns of use, wikis, and the weblog data model
Sam Ruby wrote a blog post about the components of a well-formed weblog entry, and started a wiki to flesh ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Metablog for everyone
SimpleTracks is a hosted application that lets people without trackback send entries to a metablog. ...
see full entry at BookBlog
June 17, 2003
Invisible dogma and learning organisations
Wondering how to combine the Theory of Constraints approach and Thinking Tools with the insights into organisational defense routines from Action Science in order to specify better technology solutions for businesses. ...
see full entry at Synesthesia
Are blogs democratic
Perry de Havilland makes the not-very-interesting point that an individual weblog is not democratic. Of course, a single weblog represents ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Hiawatha Bray on Blogs in Business
Hiawatha Bray of the Boston Globe caught two themes of the Jupiter conference: blogs as marketing, and blogs as self-expression, ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Hiawatha Bray on Blogs in Business
Hiawatha Bray of the Boston Globe caught two themes of the Jupiter conference: blogs as marketing, and blogs as self-expression, ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Hiawatha Bray on Blogs in Business
Hiawatha Bray of the Boston Globe caught two themes of the Jupiter conference: blogs as marketing, and blogs as self-expression, ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Strong Social Ties
The gurus at Rand have suggested that a core element of functional networks is the creation and nurturing of strong social ties. I agree with them. The challenge is that we (civil society movement) don't do enough to foster strong... ...
see full entry at Envirocasts
June 16, 2003
Why Dave Went Down to Harvard
Corporate jesters, the blogging biz and the tragecomedy of the commons ...
see full entry at Blogalization
June 14, 2003
What's in a Blog Name?
Take a moment to fill out this survey on blog-naming practices for a study of blog "branding" from a rhetorical point of view. ...
see full entry at Blogalization
June 10, 2003
Real life business weblogs
Heath Row transcribes a great session at the JupiterMedia conference, in which people talk about how they're actually using weblogs ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Stowe Boyd on Social Software
Social software works bottom-up. People sign up in the system (for example, by downloading an IM client and registering an ...
see full entry at BookBlog
June 09, 2003
Where the blog platforms are going
Jason at Blogger -- we're playing catchup. The customer base isn't web designers any longer, it's the Geocities audience. New ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Jupitermedia 6
Blogging as content management. "Blogging is about voice, content management suppresses voice." (this relates to the earlier discussion about editorial ...
see full entry at BookBlog
JupiterMedia (5)
The Army created a war game, to make army service more attractive to kids. The speaker went to cover Afghanistan ...
see full entry at BookBlog
JupiterMedia (5)
The Army created a war game, to make army service more attractive to kids. The speaker went to cover Afghanistan ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Jupitermedia (n)
Dave Weinberger weblogs are about writing badly, and readers forgiving spelling errors and broken links. ...
see full entry at BookBlog
A blog aggregator for JupiterMedia Cliczk Weblogs in Business
If you're blogging the conference, ping Courtesy of Martin Roell. ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Jupitermedia, session 3
Blogging in the marketing mix Beth Goza, Microsoft "the only blogging strategy a marketing department should have is no blogging ...
see full entry at BookBlog
JupiterMedia, Session 0
Sam Ruby, who works at IBM: weblogs will subvert the corporate hierarchy Adina: Is it going to be like the ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Jupitermedia, Session 2
the genre difference between personal and business blogging. Gartenberg says that business weblogs are different from personal weblogs -- "you ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Jupitermedia, Session 1
Michael Gartenberg talks about Jupiter's experience with weblogs -- it's interesting because he's talking from experience, not just reciting theory. ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Jupitermedia, Session 1
Michael Gartenberg talks about Jupiter's experience with weblogs -- it's interesting because he's talking from experience, not just reciting theory. ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Jupitermedia, Session 1
Michael Gartenberg talks about Jupiter's experience with weblogs -- it's interesting because he's talking from experience, not just reciting theory. ...
see full entry at BookBlog
The Sunday Blog Review
What's needed is a SETI@Home of the blogosphere to locate intelligent life in the blogoverse. What we have in tools like Technorati, Blogdex and is a crude statistical cargo cult. ...
see full entry at Blogalization
June 08, 2003
Back in Boston (1)
I'm in Boston for a few days, for work and play. Tomorrow, I'm on the Managing a Business Blog panel ...
see full entry at BookBlog
June 04, 2003
Neuer Weblog-Service in Belgien
Der belgische Provider Skynet startet einen Weblog-Service: Skynet blogs. (via ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
June 01, 2003
Blogs in corporate environments
Frisch aus dem LazyWeb: Mercurial: Blogs in corporate environments "I am going to make a presentation to the CIO about the benefits of blogging within a corporate environment, both from... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
May 23, 2003
[BlogTalk] Tag 1: Welcome to Vienna!
Heute und morgen: Live-Blogging von der "BlogTalk"-Konferenz aus Wien. ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
[BlogTalk] Steve Cayzer und Semantic Blogging
Am Pult steht: Steve Cayzer von HP. Es geht um "Semantic Blogging". Sein Papier habe ich gelesen und ich bin seeehr skeptisch. Aber schauen wir uns das an...... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
[BlogTalk] Steve Cayzer und Semantic Blogging
Am Pult steht: Steve Cayzer von HP. Es geht um "Semantic Blogging". Sein Papier habe ich gelesen und ich bin seeehr skeptisch. Aber schauen wir uns das an...... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
[BlogTalk] Steve Cayzer und Semantic Blogging
Am Pult steht: Steve Cayzer von HP. Es geht um "Semantic Blogging". Sein Papier habe ich gelesen und ich bin seeehr skeptisch. Aber schauen wir uns das an...... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
May 22, 2003
defending wikis
Wikis seem to becoming more and more popular. Or perhaps i'm just spending too much time entrenched in the philosophy... ...
see full entry at zephoria
May 18, 2003
Weblog-Diplomarbeit von Sven Przepiorka
Schade, dass ich die Diplomarbeit: Weblogs und deren technische Umsetzung von Sven Przepiorka erst heute entdeckt habe. In den Abschnitten 1. bis 1.9, darunter 1.6: "Weblogs im Business?", w�re jede... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
May 09, 2003
defending wikis
Wikis seem to becoming more and more popular. Or perhaps i'm just spending too much time entrenched in the philosophy ...
see full entry at zephoria
Keeping in Tune with Feedreader
I am now using Feedreader, a handy open source desktop tool that runs on Windows to keep in tune with the activity in my favorite blogs and news sources. Feedreader will poll selected news feeds or syndicated blogs and pop... ...
see full entry at The Technology of Community Blogging
May 05, 2003
Going to ClickZ Business Weblog Conference
Es ist offiziell: Ich werde zur "ClickZ Weblog Business Strategies 2003"-Konferenz am 9.+10. Juni nach Boston, Massachusetts fliegen! ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
Going to ClickZ Business Weblog Conference
Es ist offiziell: Ich werde zur "ClickZ Weblog Business Strategies 2003"-Konferenz am 9.+10. Juni nach Boston, Massachusetts fliegen! ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
Going to ClickZ Business Weblog Conference
Es ist offiziell: Ich werde zur "ClickZ Weblog Business Strategies 2003"-Konferenz am 9.+10. Juni nach Boston, Massachusetts fliegen! ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
Going to ClickZ Business Weblog Conference
Es ist offiziell: Ich werde zur "ClickZ Weblog Business Strategies 2003"-Konferenz am 9.+10. Juni nach Boston, Massachusetts fliegen! ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
May 03, 2003
Ein interessanter Gedanke von Chris Gulker: "No one predicted Linux would arise when the Internet became widely available... and look what's been built on Linux. Be very interesting to see... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
May 01, 2003
Software is, well, soft
Tom Coates has something sensible to say about the "wikis are ugly" tempest in a teapot. I think there's a ...
see full entry at BookBlog
April 29, 2003
Pledge drives, funding and weblogs
Interesting to see Spinsanity is running a pledge drive 'to help make what we do possible'. Couple moves such as this with a (Kuro5hin-hosted) case-study regarding the viability of donations as a revenue model and it is no wonder that Kelsey and Schneier's Street Performer Protocol is seeing a resurgence... ...
see full entry at funferal
April 28, 2003
Easy RSS Aggregation with Onyx RSS
While searching for how to aggregate RSS items on our blogs, I came up with a mixed technology solution which I find quite nice and elegant. First of all you need to have PHP working were your MT installation lives.... ...
see full entry at The Technology of Community Blogging
April 27, 2003
My favorite Lazyweb ideas
From the Lazyweb Birds of a Feather session at O'Reilly's Emerging Technology Conference. GeoLocation that reminds you want you wanted ...
see full entry at BookBlog
April 25, 2003
Esther Dyson bloggt.
Esther Dyson hat sich ein Weblogzugelegt, nachdem sie auf eienr Konferenz in Evan Williams reingerannt ist. Hier ist ein �lterer Blogeintrag zu einem Artikel von Esther Dyson. Wollen wir mal... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
April 23, 2003
Should I stay or should I go (zur Business Weblog Konferenz)?
Ich habe eine Einladung als Panelist zur ClickZ Weblog Business Strategies 2003 Konferenz in Boston, Massachusetts bekommen. Die Veranstalter meinen, dass dass sie angesichts des "limited budget" meinen Flug nicht bezahlen wollen. Also ein Experiment: Wenn ich die H�lfte in Spenden zusammenbekommen, fahre ich! ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
Should I stay or should I go (zur Business Weblog Konferenz)?
Ich habe eine Einladung als Panelist zur ClickZ Weblog Business Strategies 2003 Konferenz in Boston, Massachusetts bekommen. Die Veranstalter meinen, dass dass sie angesichts des "limited budget" meinen Flug nicht bezahlen wollen. Also ein Experiment: Wenn ich die H�flte in Spenden zusammenbekommen, fahre ich! ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
April 22, 2003
Are you social software?
I think SSW is a style of application, rather than a category of applications. (from a discussion on the definition ...
see full entry at BookBlog
April 21, 2003
All Categories are Local
Dave Sifry comments about the draft specification of Easy News Topics 1.0 (ENT), proposed by Paolo Valdermarin and Matt Mower. ...
see full entry at BookBlog
April 18, 2003
Open Culture
"We will talk about access to scientific information, free software, patents and other forms of knowledge monopolies, wireless community networks, open distribution channels, about the economics and the aesthetics of the commons" ...
see full entry at Blogalization
A Case of Blogalization
Reporting back to German business-blog wonks on Anglophone memes, with an epigraph in French: Blogalization. ...
see full entry at Blogalization
April 17, 2003
Business Weblog Konferenz
Die ClickZ Weblog Business Strategies-Konferenz hat jetzt auch ein Weblog. ClickZ Weblog Business Strategies 2003 Conference & Expo is the first business-oriented forum to address the recent emergence of Weblogs... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
Business Weblog Konferenz
Die ClickZ Weblog Business Strategies-Konferenz hat jetzt auch ein Weblog. ClickZ Weblog Business Strategies 2003 Conference & Expo is the first business-oriented forum to address the recent emergence of Weblogs... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
Business Weblog Konferenz
Die ClickZ Weblog Business Strategies-Konferenz hat jetzt auch ein Weblog. ClickZ Weblog Business Strategies 2003 Conference & Expo is the first business-oriented forum to address the recent emergence of Weblogs... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
April 15, 2003
Misleading stats from Orlowski
I plan a more detailed piece on Orlowski's recent reports, but just wanted to respond to a misconception being propogated by others. Orlowski claimed, as quoted, that: Pew Research described the number of Internet users who read ?weblogs? as ?statistically insignificant?. The number who write them is much lower. This... ...
see full entry at funferal
Weblogs for Business Marketing
In Crain's B2B Marketing Magazine, Rich Karpinski writes about the use of weblogs in business marketing. The article cites Macromedia, ...
see full entry at BookBlog
The value of buddy list mapping
As linked by Slashdot, BuddyZoo provides statistics about your AIM buddy list. With it, you can: * Find out which ...
see full entry at BookBlog
April 11, 2003
Mike Pugh es one man, one year, one world
El pasado 26 de septiembre, Mike escribia el primer post desde su piso en Chicago antes de comenzar su viaje alrededor del mundo: one man, one year, one world. Hoy esta en el Himalaya, lleva 192 dias viajando y publicara su proximo post el 1 de mayo. ...
see full entry at eCuaderno
April 10, 2003
Blog Age
<blockquote>If the Net realized the dream of a public space for shared thoughts and feelings, experienced in an open, horizontal form of communication, the illusion of hypercapitalism produced, on the other hand, a New Economy intended to colonize and privatize the new freedom that emerged with the advent of the Network Society.</blockquote> <p>Seconding eCuaderno. ...
see full entry at Blogalization
BlogAge: La Prima Blog Conference Italiana
Manana se celebrara en Milan la primera conferencia italiana dedicada los weblogs: BlogAge: ...
see full entry at eCuaderno
Agonist update
Blogroots links to this Washington Post coverage of the Agonist/ethics affair. Since I last posted more damning details have come out, but I still hope that genuine repentence and a desire to fix things up on the part of the Agonist will help clean this thing up. The widespread publicity... ...
see full entry at funferal
Human Routers and the Value of Networks
Jon Udell writes about the value of overlapping scopes in networks of people, and the particular value of individuals who ...
see full entry at BookBlog
April 09, 2003
I don't get Blogshares
Blogshares is a fantasy market where you bet on shares of bloggers, and the value of your shares is multipled ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Measuring social capital
Ross Mayfield has an intriguing article about using network metrics about the number of connections in a network to value ...
see full entry at BookBlog
The Role of Blogs, continued.......
Earlier postings on blogs for listening, knowledgesharing and dialogue are continued. This post looks into 3 points. Are blogs per definition broadcasting, should blogs have 'dialogue' as its single purpose, should dialogues be contained to one place, in this case a blog. I answer no to all three. ...
see full entry at Tons Interdependent Thoughts
April 08, 2003
Avoiding initial-state biases
Somebody once said that putting in an ERP system is like setting your business plan in concrete. Mitch Ratcliffe explains ...
see full entry at BookBlog
April 07, 2003
Request for Comments
I am starting a blog and community site for multilingual bloggers, and am requesting comments and suggestions on features and site design. The basic premise is a kind of six degrees of six degrees of separation game: Bloggers post items about blogs and blogging in one language with commentary and translation in another. If I speak English and French and you speak French and Chinese, we can share memes spreading among Chinese bloggers, even if I don't speak Chinese. Could be quixotic, but what the hell, I am looking for collaborators. ...
see full entry at
April 06, 2003
Agonism update
I wanted to add a note about my earlier 'Plagiarism' piece. As some of you will have seen, Jay from the Agonist posted a comment saying he's discussed the matter with the Stratfor people, and is rectifying the attribution issue. He's obviously been following up the various postings on this... ...
see full entry at funferal
Don't just natter about social software, build something
Tom Coates on the discussion to code ratio. Alternately, Jon Lebkowsky posts to a mailing list on the subject, keep ...
see full entry at BookBlog
Next generation of aggregation
I've been concerned for a while at the limited utility of tools such as Blogdex and Daypop. While they give a coarse overview of the most linked items, this suffers from a number of problems: Stories appearing in several places (e.g. CNN, Reuters, BBC) are duplicated, or don't get enough... ...
see full entry at funferal
Weblog-Inseln in Organisationen
High Context (via Thomas Burg): I agree that to successfully deploy weblogs at an enterprise level (across the entire organization) requires an organizational culture that is receptive to knowledge sharing... ...
see full entry at Das E-Business Weblog
April 02, 2003
Interesting post (and thread) on Metafilter this morning. Seems The Agonist has been quoting reports from Stratfor verbatim, without giving attribution. Sean-Paul at The Agonist claims he just doesn't have time to always credit others, and that he had never pretended to be sourcing his own information. Problem is, his... ...
see full entry at funferal
Star Tree of the Blog World
Ramana Rao de Information Flow es el autor del: Star Tree of the Blog World ...
see full entry at eCuaderno
March 29, 2003
BlogShares is a "fantasy stock market for weblogs." ...
see full entry at Ross Mayfield's Weblog
March 25, 2003
7 habits of highly effective bloggers
Mike Sanders of has taken Covey's on the 7 habits of highly effective people and translated it to blogging. I've put his 10 or so posts on this subject in one overview. ...
see full entry at Ton's Interdependent Thoughts
March 24, 2003
Why Didn't I Think of That?
(inurl:blog OR inurl:weblogs OR inurl:weblog OR inurl:blogs OR inurl:blogspot): Kludgy but effective. ...
see full entry at The Hairy Eyeball
March 23, 2003
March 22, 2003
You've heard of Press Releases? Now there's Blog Releases
"The Heritage Foundation has just launched an experiment to send notices about their studies directly to webloggers (read: inject their viewpoint directly into the blogosphere)." ...
see full entry at Brewed Fresh Daily!
March 20, 2003
Blogonomia V: Warblogging en la guerra de Internet
Esta bien podria ser conocida como la guerra de Internet, dice Dean Wright editor jefe de MSNBC. Lo cierto es que la guerra que ha estallado hoy puede significar para la Red lo que la Guerra del Golfo supuso para la CNN hace una decada. ...
see full entry at eCuaderno
March 18, 2003
Micah Alpern's Blogsearch tool is the Ecosystem of Networks in action. On the right margin of my homepage you can now search the web, this weblog and the weblogs I read. Searching the web serves you without any of my context. Searching this weblog lets you view the conversations I participate in with my social network and occasional findings outside it. Searching the weblogs I read lets you view the social network I have committed time to. Where I spend my time is the most valuable of personal contexts... ...
see full entry at Ross Mayfield's Weblog
March 17, 2003
Janes' Blogosphere
An ambitious new blogosphere system with some interesting features. ...
see full entry at The Hairy Eyeball
March 16, 2003
We Blog!
I wrote an article on Austin bloggers for the Austin Chronicle, but there wasn't as much space as they'd hoped, so it was cut in half and published as A Corner in Cyberspace Turned Blog Party. Here's a a link to the original cut of the article... ...
see full entry at Weblogsky
Towards Structured Blogging
S�bastien Paquet: Towards Structured Blogging. And of course this post is an example of that which he describes - pinging ...
see full entry at Synesthesia
March 15, 2003
Comunidades online: los bloguers de Ryze
Fundada por Adrian Scott en octubre de 2001 para mantener en contacto a sus amigos Ryze (Business Networking) se ha convertido en una de las m�s activas y prestigiosas comunidades de negocios de la Red. ...
see full entry at eCuaderno
March 14, 2003
Raging Cow and Anti-Links
Blog popularity indexes like Daypop and Blogdex showed that The Raging Cow story was one of the top-linked items last ...
see full entry at BookBlog
A Blog Map LoveFest
Read what Vladis did before the mapping of the Ryze Blog Network. Excellent piece in Discover by Steven Johnson. ...
see full entry at
Blogs and knowledge sharing, III
Part 3 in an ongoing discussion with Denham Grey on the role of blogs in knowledge sharing. This time the input comes from Lilia Efimova and Sebastian Fiedler. ...
see full entry at
Blog Network Metablog: How it Works
There's a new Blog Tribe Metablog which aggregates posts about blogging. We built the metablog using Version 2 of the ...
see full entry at BookBlog
March 13, 2003
There are 30 blogs at the core of the Web
Follows the list (Spanish post but full readable) ...
see full entry at eCuaderno
Bilingual Brazublogging via Topic Exchange
<a href="">Bilingual Blogging Brazil</a> is a new channel on the <a href="">Internet Topic Exchange</a>, an implementation of the <a href="">Ridiculously Easy Group Forming</a> concept.<br /> ...
see full entry at The Hairy Eyeball
Blogs and Knowledge Sharing II
Part 2 of thoughts on how Blogs foster knowledge sharing, based on personal experience in the first 4 months of blogging. Thoughts on story telling, listening, dialogue, relationships and discoveries in the blogosphere. ...
see full entry at Ton's Interdependent Thoughts
Blogs and Knowledge Sharing I
Thoughts on how Blogs foster knowledge sharing, based on personal experience in the first 4 months of blogging. Thoughts on story telling, listening, dialogue, relationships and discoveries in the blogosphere. ...
see full entry at Ton's Interdependent Thoughts
Fab search tool for the blogs you read
Micah Alpern made a great search tool that lets you search through the blogs your read, i.e. your community. ...
see full entry at Ton's Interdependent Thoughts
Weblogs and the IA of calendars
As someone interested in information architecture, I find the typical weblog calendar to be ill-suited to its task. Ostensibly the idea is to show the user what days have posts and let them navigate back and forth in time to view weblog posts. Looking for other bloggers' thoughts... ...
see full entry at Monkinetic
Why do we do this?
Thoughts about the perennial "why do I blog" ...
see full entry at Synesthesia
Blog Network Pages
New pages on a wiki about the Blog-Network. A map room with links to the Blogmaps. The Blogbud page for new bloggers to get paired with mentors. ...
see full entry at Ross Mayfield's Weblog
Ecosystem of Networks
Identifies the role of weblogs for publishing, communication and collaboration...part of the Power-law thread ...
see full entry at Ross Mayfield's Weblog
An update to the Blogmap Project. Using the same Friendship links data from the Blog Tribe on Ryze, Valdis developed two new maps. ...
see full entry at Ross Mayfield's Weblog
First Post
Let the conversation begin... ...
see full entry at Ross Mayfield's Weblog
Blogmap I
An update to the Blogmap Project. Using the same Friendship links data from the Blog Tribe on Ryze, Valdis developed two new maps. ...
see full entry at Ross Mayfield's Weblog