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Sucks to be him [11 Jun 2004|05:20pm]
[ mood | vengeful and happy ]

Doh! Ok, bad news; odds are henceforth I'll be putting up links to images, rather than the images themselves; those fuckwits with the "latest 100, 200, etc. LJ images" porking me to the tune of 150k a piece are killing my bandwidth but good.

Yep yep. Plus I had a particularly succulent revenge on a certain asstick lodged in my buttockmeat as well...(be sure to scroll down.)
Silly li' goth fetus...RESPECT MAH AUTHORITAH!

It really is the little things that make life worth living.

I'm outti; got a freshly-tuned up bike to break.

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Must sleep... [11 Jun 2004|01:40am]
[ mood | whupped ]

Lotta driving around without much to show for it tonight. Damned meth!

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Must refrain.... [10 Jun 2004|05:11pm]
[ mood | challenged ]

I will continue to resist the urge to debate with anyone the quality or lack thereof of Ronald Reagan's leadership, regardless of how insanely rose-colored or overly paranoid their opinions may be.

It's moot. Good or ill, it's all 20 years ago.

Just keep my mouth shut and my keyboard focused on something else. The media circus will end soon enough, I can do this...

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Yuck. [10 Jun 2004|12:41am]
[ mood | mildly repulsed ]

As if the cicadas weren't repulsive enough, they've brought an infestation of fricking earwigs with them. I assume they're everywhere because there's a couple million cicada carcasses to eat. (and of course, the roaches and ants are everywhere...)

Did I mention yuck? Tough looking they may be, however even they fear...da da DA!! THE PAW.

Go Anne go!

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Yeah, I'm bored. [08 Jun 2004|09:34pm]
[ mood | Bored, sleepy or something ]

So? Idle hands are the devil's workshop, right?

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Trabajo [08 Jun 2004|02:04pm]
[ mood | jaded ]

Man, I have worked some weak jobs. STAY IN SCHOOL, KIDS! )
In other news, Appears we have a choice between today at 5:30 and Thursday at lunch for our Microecon exam. That's what I call a no-brainer.

Ah, that makes my week a whole lot more mellow. 2 extra days to study. Wo0t.

I also wore out the chain on my bike. Never even heard of that one before, but sure enough, that was part of the problem. Might be a couple days before I get it back. My life is a dark pit of non-exercising darkness.

Guess I'll study. Maybe do some laundry. Try not to go outside at all. It sucks out!

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I still think I need to watch NASCAR as an antidote. [06 Jun 2004|11:46am]
[ mood | Meh. Damn cat woke me up. ]

Who would have thought a baby shower could be anything but pure pain? Surely the world is coming to an end.

All in the quality of the company. Thanks for the invites, ya'll.

No real "keeper" pics, because there's only so much you can do by tiki-light without yelling at people to "STAND STILL!!" and being a psychotic anal dork. But they're not unpleasant to look at.

more pics
more pics (ehehehe..."Oh ice cream bar...")
more pics
more pics
more pics
more pics

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Whee! [05 Jun 2004|10:33am]
[ mood | accomplished ]

Sorry, I'm probably going to be a picture-whore for the next couple days.

Saw a guy mowing his lawn the other day...the cicadas were trying to eat him. There must have been 3 dozen of the buggers. He was being pretty rational about it, I thought, and continuing to mow the lawn instead of rolling around on the ground like I think I would have resorted to.

In other news, whiny cats and corporate bastards with autodialers before 10AM on Saturday can suck my balls.

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Not bad [04 Jun 2004|04:44pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]

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Also thought you might like to know [03 Jun 2004|04:56pm]
[ mood | shocked ]

London is paying 90 pence per gallon, which works out to $6.40 per gallon once you convert litres to gallons, and pounds to dollars.

Yuck. No wonder they're in shape and like "the tube"!

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Caveat emptor! [03 Jun 2004|04:14pm]
[ mood | screwed ]

Time for one of those serious, public-service-type entries I somewhat hate:
Don't do business with Or do so at your own risk.

Why? Well, for starters, try finding a phone number on their site to call them if you have a problem with an order. I eventually found it online using Google, where some irate guy had posted it, searching for " phone number"

To make a long story short, I placed an order for 4 figures worth of stuff with them, which they promptly billed me for, and then decided to cancel the order because they, you know, didn't actually HAVE what they'd billed me for. Bastards. Not that I got any notification; I had to call them to find this out.

Then they give me this line; "Oh, we refunded that." Oh REALLY? Then why doesn't my bank have any record? "It takes three days for it to process." How is it going to process? THEY HAVE NO RECORD OF YOUR TRANSACTION.

I eventually had to sic their own vendor on them, which I believe did the trick. Compared to Amazon, Rebecca at J&R; was so awesome, I started getting Florence Nightengale syndrome. It was all I could do not to propose. She probably lives in India anyway.

I like the way they act like an instant electronic transaction somehow takes 3 days. Motherless pigfuckers. One could make a small fortune merely on the illicit interest these people garner aging your money on things like this. Yeah, it'll eventually roll in I am sure...when they get around to entering it.

What's the moral of this story? "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush."

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Oooh, meth! Yeah, meth! Woo, meth.... [02 Jun 2004|11:36pm]
[ mood | accomplished ]

Oh hell yeah!

Sometimes while up at 4AM doing crack, liberal political sites, masturbating with a dead puppy, or whatever it is I do...I see things. Not hallucinations mind you, so much as things that make you think "WTF?" Things that I later wonder "Man, surely I imagined that in some sleep-dep'd lunacy..."

Nope. No such luck.
Beware if you're at work, it's got sound. And remember; YOUR TAX DOLLARS paid for whatever unemployed, lobotomized art-drones make the hi-budget "Reefer Madness"-style tripe this group churns out rather than get real jobs.

I give you: The Meth Commercial.

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Aw yeah..! [02 Jun 2004|12:21pm]
[ mood | twitchy ]

You know you've had enough coffee when the styrofoam cup blows over, and the noise makes you jump. Twice.

Onward to chickens!

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My a laundry-filled pit of darkness. [02 Jun 2004|09:02am]
[ mood | cruel ]

This "no dry cleaners in Northside" issue has morphed beyond annoyance into a mad crusade against insane bullshit. It's like some invisible comet that only destroyed drycleaners hit right on Hamilton Avenue. No wonder all the scenesters are dirty! Because you know a lot of that shit is dryclean-only...

Yep, don't much like Northside. Coffeshops? Check. Mod clothing shops? Check. Midlingly creepy leatherbar called "The Serpent" ? Check. Live fucking chickens wandering around in the lot down the street? Check. A decent grocery store? Bzzzt! Yeah, it's hell allright.

The dryer at home doesn't work really either; you put in 4 quarters, maybe it dries your clothes, maybe not. It's kind of like a laundry slot machine. Which of course has the side effect of moldering your clothes if you leave them for more than a few hours.

Gonna go home tonight...probably bike, because I just wasn't in the mood last night...and do laundry at the 24/7 place in Norwood. Maybe I'll hum Bloodletting" by Concrete memoriam, baby. Might even *sniffle* cry myself to sleep at a decent hour.

Probably not.

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The trials and tribulations of a consumer whore [01 Jun 2004|03:17pm]
[ mood | borederline ]

Trying to find a dry cleaner in Northside is like trying to find a "Checks Cashed" in Indian Hill.

Also in the news, I have managed to creat a language based entirely on inflections and contexts using the word "Meh." I call it "apathy-ese," and unless I'm mistaken it's probably a dialect of Meep-ese which I seem to recall [info]ubleedme speaking from time to time.

Meh. Meh! Meh?

Thought up a nice little photography assignment to keep me busy, too; 50 American flag shots. Tre' Americano. The challenge will be, of course, to do them all and not have them all look esentially identical. Shouldn't be that hard; I've seen some with pretty distinctive personalities.

I need to write all this stuff down...hey, I just did! Neat!

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Whooch....I'm a lamer! [30 May 2004|09:08am]
[ mood | rested & trollish ]

So I took a litte catnap after the biketrail thing I knew, it was like 12:30, time for a 45-minute drive, to hang out at 1470 for an hour and a half, and then drive another 45 minutes home. Mild bummer. Especially after [info]maiden_melfina specifically pestered me to come up. Terribly sorry, luv.

I will say one thing; just a side note to all you clubkids that have been giving me grief, serious and in jest...YOU try biking 20-30 miles a day, pretty much every day...see if you don't have some energy issues at first. I mean it; start biking 20-30 miles a day. Now. Some of you ain't fitting in your club clothes the way you used to.

Hmm. Might be too wet for the trail today, though. I reckon I'll have to redirect all that excess energy somehow. Mmm, plus there's churchies out there! ONWARD TO MAYHEM.

Or at least maybe Coffee Emporium...ONWARD TO COFFEE.

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It ain't Kenya. [28 May 2004|08:51am]
[ mood | energetic ]

Say, anyone been to, or know anything about Alaska? I'm thinking I might try to go there for a brief summer vacation. It's always been on my "to do" list.

I'm thinking maybe Glacier Bay. Has potential; fly up there, rent a bike, take the camera...get eaten by a bear, not have to worry about work anymore...could be a plan. am I glad to have stayed in and slept last night, let me count the ways...

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Ick [26 May 2004|01:54pm]
[ mood | grossed out ]

My apartment is starting to look like a "TOOL" video again. Meat flowing through pipes, headless dolls laying around twitching, Monday's chinese food evolving to the point where it demands voting rights, and a pile of laundry big enough to sub-let.

Not good. Gotta do something about that.

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After him, my minions!! [25 May 2004|03:43pm]
[ mood | cheerful ]

"'Healthy Forests initiative' my thorax! Bonzaaiiiii!"

Bush chased by cicada

I'm going to miss these little guys when they're gone. Might have to shoot to live to 47 just to see them again.

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Logic? [24 May 2004|11:09am]
[ mood | busted ]

If there's anything I hate, it's when I have to admit that someone else is being more rational than I am.

So I'm wandering around with a female yesterday, who was kind anough to assist me in a Home Depot run and installation of an AC. While talking to her, I babbled on a little bit about the photographer's assistant class I'd gone to Saturday, and how I had plans to set up a bootleg studio space on a budget.

Then she hit me with it; "What for?"...and, so help me, I don't have an easy answer to that. It's not as though I have people lined up wanting shots, or that I have any potential, or even desire, to do this for money anytime soon...if ever, because I have a nagging suspicion it gets to be "work" then.

I think the best way I can put it is "Someday soon, light will do my bidding." As long as I don't spend myself into oblivion doing harm, no foul, I say. There's a lot of less productive things I could waste my money on.

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