Community Info
Community Information Below is information about the "Claims, Guardians, and Keepers" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | stake_a_claim (874088) |
Name: | Claims, Guardians, and Keepers |
Website: | Inner Sanctuary |
Location: | United States | About: | Community Maintainer: jediqueen5
Things on LJ I run:
wo_ai_ni A co-blog with my Timothy dearest! And if you didn't means "I love you."
boysarebastards stake_a_claim reikaku
Last but not least: Anime Sanctuary
Things on LJ I run:
wo_ai_ni A co-blog with my Timothy dearest! And if you didn't means "I love you."
boysarebastards stake_a_claim reikaku
Last but not least: Anime Sanctuary
Community Rules:
There are 3 sections to this community which makes it a bit different from all the others.
1. Claims: You can claim anything you desire as long as it's a person and it can come from anywhere (movies, tellie, vid games, music bands, etc.)
Note: If you do something like: "I claim all of makind," that doesn't mean others can't claim males. Also claiming of an actor and any role he might have played is separate so if you claim Brad Pitt, someone else can claim him under Russel fom Ocean's 11. And if your claim is based from somewhere, tell me where she/he came from.
Examples: Spike (Buffy), Mike Sonoda (Linkin Park), Rikku (Final Fanstasy X), Russel (Ocean's 11). 2. Guardians You can guard any object out there and this also goes for props from a show or movie or anywhere else.
Examples: Johnny Reznik's black nail polish, Benji Madden's pink spot in his hair, Pucca's chopsticks she uses to eat, Lestat's fangs in Queen of the Damned, the Sears Tower in Chicago.
3. Keepers Keepers are those who keep an attribute or personality trait of a person safe.
Example: Mike Sonoda's singing voice from Linkin Park, Angel's broodiness, Ryo Sanada's stubborness, Miaka Yuuki's appetite, J.R.R. Tolkien's writer's talent, etc.</b>
Note: If you do something vague like "the love that exists between Juliet and Romeo," I'm gonna have to reword it to fit it in so don't get on my case saying I didn't accept your claim. LOOK HARDER for it! You should always make it really specific such as "Romeo's love for Juliet and vice versa."
Claim Rules: 1. You get 3 claims total! Not 3 from each section! You're allowed THREE claims upon joining stake_a_claim. They can be from the same section or diff ones but then the end you only get 3 total. If from diff sections, make sure you say "I claim...I keep...I guarding..." so I can keep track of it.
Note: 3 total which means you can choose 3 things from the Claims section OR Keepers section OR Guardians OR 2 things from one section and 1 from another. Either way, you end up with only 3!
If you want to use all 3, ALL your claims must be done in the same post to avoid confusion and it makes the updates of the claims list faster.
If you don't do it right the first time by claiming more than what you're allowed or making it too vague, I'm not going to chase you down to get you to change it.
If you are fixing your claim post, edit the original one! DO NOT MAKE A NEW POST! Those will be deleted. Only make a new post when you are UNCLAIMING something or making a new claim post when I approve you tp.
Example of wrong claims post: "I would like to claim Spike and Angel (from Buffy) and I'd like to be Keeper of Angel's soul and Spike's badboyness and sweetness.
I count that as 5 claims (2 over the limit which will not be valid): Spike, Angel, Angel's soul, Spike's badboyness, Spike's sweetness.
Unless you're approved to get extra claims, don't do it.
Extra Claim Opportunities You receive one extra claim per option you do and these must be done upon making your first claims post. I won't accept any later posts.
If you choose to do either one, also make sure you write "I added you to my Friends... (option 1)" or "I joined Anime Sanctuary... (option 2)" within your claims posts because I won't double check.
The two options are as below: 1. Add me jediqueen5 AND wo_ai_ni to your Friends list. Both or nothing.
2. Join and make RELEVANT posts OFTEN at: Anime Sanctuary
I will update the claims list as often as I can and post the updated/approved claims on the Memories section of the list. When official posts come out with extra claim opportunties, it would be titled "Extra Claim Opportunities." If your LJ username is on that post, then make a new (second or third, depending) post with the new claims.
The CLAIMS/GUARDIANS/KEEPERS lists can be found in the memories section of this community.
There is no double-claiming of the same thing...unless you're me! Nyahs! You be nice to me and we'll see, ok? Confused? jediqueen5 and Any qs answered anytime. I don't bite...unless you want me too.
~*~*~*jediqueen5*~*~*~ |
Memories: | 3 entries |
Interests: | 4: claiming people, guardians, jediqueen5, keepers |
Members: | 28: amiboshi, angellemyst, azrhiaz, bubble_tea, dummyplug, ennervate, fairycake, fuzzy_blue, goldensnidget, illyanadmc, jaded_purity, jediqueen5, kange, konoe_kaoru, lil_roggy12, lyoness, mindfreeze, niblet123, overratedantime, quistisfan, saiai_yohji, serenitystarre, snidgety, starbok_jc, totalkaos, vertigo2120, wo_ai_ni, zanarkand |
Watched by: | 16: azrhiaz, fairycake, fuzzy_blue, goldensnidget, jediqueen5, kange, lyoness, mindfreeze, misslunakitty, proud_pyro, starbok_jc, totalkaos, unitedbyhaircut, vertigo2120, wo_ai_ni, zanarkand |
Member of: | 2: boysarebastards, reikaku |
Account type: | Free User |
(more details...)