Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "british humor".
11 matches:
Interested users
The following users are interested in british humor. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
500 matches:
_hermione_g - Miss Hermione
_sly_slytherin - Dani
a_dorks_life - jose
abbeyrd - Loosening Your Grip On Bobby Orr
achtung_meggy - And I have no compass and I have no map...
adamjnet - Elegantly Wasted
addie_cm - Addie
adscion - it's man john!
aesthmatic - Catherine
agathe_athena - Agathe Athena
agradeleous - The Great Seer
aholl1225 - Aaron
aimoboros - kayci ketamine
alexb - Sicarius
aliceinvelvet - When I see your face, my eyes just dilate
allzugern - allzugern
almeda - Almeda
alvinhbrown - Alvin H. Brown
amanda42 - amanda
american_thighs - >> pretty hate machine <<
andrewu - Mickey Mouse's Bitch
ang25 - Angie
angel_eastwind - Eminee
angevinfaye - Caitlin the Fuckface
anniehall2 - ANDREA
anothergirl83 - anothergirl83 | an apple scruff
anotherjen - The Huntress
arturus - The one in the corner
askalice - Vermicious Knid
asqmh - Q
atomicsquirrel - Soek the Evil Daemon Squirrel
aubzie - Kip Bugessing
autumncat - AutumnCat
autumnherbal - AutumnHerbal
autumnlaborra - ¡Cat-a-li-na!
avarbane - Dustie
avicado - Avi
axelwolfin - Xander
azeal777 - Rafe Major
babyflamingo - bethany
badtzmaru115 - Chris!
bakimono - Bakimono
bambi85 - clarebear
barryjive - barryjive
bellacrow - Mark of the Harlot
benefitz - Ben
bestarkah - Le Bek.
bifkit_007 - Jamie
bittercat - reluctant cat magnet
bixxy - The Petite Friggin' Flower
blackfeather - blackfeather
blackfoxofde - Steve Kimball
blackstar180 - Eileen
blamedstarlie - jenca
bloodroses5 - Amy
blue_rhapsody8 - Nikolai
blueaja - Hallmark
blueflower - Amy
bohemianbrandy - Brandy
bookly - Leah M. Bateman
borghalrantipol - The Borghal Rantipole
born_dirty - born_dirty
born_stubborn - Sin City Cynic
bradyslady12 - Val
branduno - Gilles Orland Branduno
breice - Breice
brianblackberry - Blackberry the Irish Bastard
cadet - Cadet
caesar_agumbus - Caesar Agumbus, Supreme Ruler of the Psychoverse
canalicula - Canalicula
capegirl - Carly
carbonsyx - syx A.K.A. Yuliy
cathat182 - Valerie
cathead9 - Lisa
cherryblossom19 - everything in its right place
cherrygoddess72 - Kate Chirigotis
chim_cheree - megan
chowburger - Emboleeeeeeen! Or, as most people say, Emily.
christymisty - Christina
chrisv - Chris
cislyn - Cislyn
cj_sparx - C.J.
clanmasterzeb - Zeb
cliosidonie - Clio Sidonie
clubninja - Club Ninja
cmorrigu - Cernunnos Morrigu
cocorico - cocorico
conan_obz_wife - Annah
corvuscaecus - Corvus
cparker - Christopher Parker
crimsonragdoll - Consuela
crownzeal - crownzeal
crushed7 - lauretta
crystalomnia - Silver
cursed - Darius
dagny4820 - Kelly
dandelions_etc - Put the lime in the coconut
dansezpourmoi - gigi
darkdoug5 - Dr. Doug
darkfirehair - sweet charade
darkmoongoddess - Lorelei
darksidhe - Winter
darkyoung - me Boseephus
daydrmr - Daydrmr
dazeebean - DazeeBean
decimal - Erica
deliriumdreams - DeliriumDreams
dellenn - Dellenn
demishock - Lizzi
demonslayerben - demonslayerben
diabolikrapture - jessica, the girl who lives in black and white
dittto - Rasmussen
domepounders - Austin & Brian
doodels - Teh Fetus
doom_magpie - Megan
dorei - High Priestess to the Temple of Effluvia
dorkboat - Wade Zarosinski
dragontale - Erin the Fox
dreamslavenyc - Chazzie Boy
drmaqween13 - the little barista that could
drood - Edwin Drood
dubiousmonkey - Jolly Ole Kim
duckyfer - duckyfer
eeyorejunkie - Christy
effectivezero - Oh jeez....oh jeez....oh jeez!
elevatordreams - kay to the arr to the pee
elkster - Iain
elusiveme - Shaden
emotionabrtion - Micheal Bolton
emotionalyweird - sugar.coated
emthefrog - Dominique
english_muffin - Charlie
equidamaeus - The Pretty
ev1lkitkat - It's Pronounced "Fronkensteen"
exonumia - Melissa
facist_panties - jamie
fadingofastar - Fading Star
faekat - Kasmira
fakebrit - fakebrit
fakingiloveyous - Katums
fallofrain - Rabid Fangirl and Expatriated Zulu
fantisee_angel - Tellie
ferretscar - Damn baby, you frustrate me
fiberoptics - Sam
filigree - filigree
fineeyes - Maggie
finishingthehat - megan
flannigan - Mere
floridagirl1 - Helena Handbasket
flowerdream - pink lightsabre
flysmurf - Hannes
foreversloth - Angie Beckon
forlornandgrave - katie
fredfarkle - Maunderings and Ponderings
freyaschild - Kim Roberts
fullofstarlight - Maren
fushiryu_ - John
fuzzyblues - fuzzyblues
gafitas4ojos - Ashley
gambitslady - Blyss
gamethyme - Gamethyme
garet_jax - Rob
geloe - Qitten
gemmedazure - Gemmedazure
ghastlygreen - GhastlyGreen
gloryliberty - Faith
glurble - tess
goldbucket - <---------------------------------- i'm right here
goodlookinout - Lauren
gorthead - Glop
grammarfreak - Therese M. Smith
greenapricot - such a dubious soul
gregconley - The Great Filament
gromitjc - Jonathan
groundctrl - Groundctrl
hakkai - rydia
hantsbear - hantsbear
haplo42 - Haplo42
harlots_mark - Beautiful Harlot
harrisonscruff - Nervous Purr-vus
heatherlindsay - heather
heidelinde - *~*All The Useless Beauty*~*
hellngeorgia - RainCloud
herbivorous - chiatree
hippiegurlo86 - hippiegurlo86
homeskilletfry - homeskilletfry
hork - robert
howlingmoon - Alison
huakai - [ journey ]
i_feel_fine - Dirty Mouth With Feet
iamjackscolon - Jason Castillo
id_42 - Id_42
idesxofxoctober - How can I exist w.o you?
idlecruelty - Knight Who 'Til Recently Said 'Ni'
ignorantkarma - kamerra (camera)
ihanahyet - Laura
illendrea - Illendrea
impious_imp - impious_imp
insipidity - Daria
ithych - Pure Evil
jack_oneill_ - Colonel Jack O'Neill
jackfoley - Jack Foley
jadingress - TheBlueRaja
jamesdawson - James Dawson
javamaven1 - Raspberry Tart
jayamei - JAI
jessk_the_mess - more day to fade away..
jesska_21 - Let's just pretend.. that it matters
jesvsworld - jesica
jewelry_whore - Elena
jj_oneill_ - Uncle JJ
johncoswell - johncoswell
jonnypharmacy - T, but you can call me Mr. T
k_c_d_ya - Kelly
kagome_ - ~*Danielle*~
kaizokuhime - ♥kaizoku-hime♥
katakhonsu - Dutchess Jennifer Von Poopenstocken XV
kayakcoyote - John
kayte1273 - Kayte and the Dog
kennydoug71 - The Abominable Kenny Douglas
kentraine - Lunzie Kentraine
kentukybourbon - Southern Comfort
kerikeri - Kerianne H.
kesey - kesey
kezzyfromuk - Random thoughts of a divided mind
kietsu - Miss Ren
kimykat - KimyKat
kirarachan - K-chan
kitsunechibi - Liz
kizuna101 - Josh Hallenbeck
kleenexwoman - kleenexwoman
konfusedkomet - .:: r . y . a . n ::.
kopfschmertzen - Erik
kramer9384 - Casius Newmar-Athos Antrim Deslex Sanchez
labelle03 - Lisa
lady_morphina - morphina
lady_north - Bonne
ladymondegreen - LadyMondegreen
langsyne - Lizze
lastplacefinish - Tyler
lavy2go - Hopeless Romantic
ldyfyrefly - Sun Child
lea_7225 - Pudding
leftoverture - Jenn
leggatt - Leggatt
legolastn - Jason aka Legolas
lemondragon - Lemondragon
lifelong_melody - Nicole
lilkender - Little Grrl in a Big-Ass Truck
lilopeas - reeeuhhhhh
linguisticky - linguisticky
littleemoboy - GIRbot
littlegreycat - creamy chunks of SATAN!
littlepuritan - Buzzed on Nesmith
loislame - Lois
lordwimsey - Reginald P. R. Wimsey
lou_11 - Lou
lowside - Alon
luckychance - Little Fire Heart
m_and_m - Matt
majiklydelishus - A Brown-Eyed Girl
majikshop - Majik
makoto - Wisdom
malorn - MsFledaway
mangoprophetess - Hyphen MK
mature - Ruko Hanaji
mechagm - Peter Bowman
melindrha - SarahTOB
meltedraven - Pinch
memorablefancy - .:♥:.Megiliel.:♥:.
mendax - Mendax
metalballz - C'est la vie
mirielle47 - Everybody's Favorite Robot
miscca - Harmonious Discord
missdevotchka - innuendo
missingmary - Mary
missthonskon - little mary thonskon
mistress_gaelan - Gaelan Greenhawk
mistressjennie - MistressJennie
monkeytamer - Monkey_Porn_Is_Fun
monopolization - Amber
mrwigglesfriend - Sarita Lehott.
ms_random_mo - little mo
msbridgetjones - jeannie
mud2203 - Joe
munkyette - MUNKYETTE
musicianatheart - Elizabeth
my_third_nipple - Rachael
mycroftca - Bill Paley
mysteriousink - white rabbit
naori - Megan
natashashota - Natasha Compagnon
naynay_r - Renee
nea852 - Nea
nekomimikun - R. L. Peterson
neuromonkey - Chancellor Mung
nevermindtheend - nevermindtheend
nezbitthecat - peeple of zee wurl, relax!
nicholev124 - Una Ragazza
nine28 - Angela
nocturnaleye - Parade Queen From the Black Lagoon
noise_chick - Nic
notjulietyet - Laura
nuclearfruit - Bemurfled
oboequackhead - Eriac
october_eve - Eve
ogaea - Sherri
opalcat - Minutiae: OpalCat Minute by Minute
orpheusinhades - Urban Trickster
padfoots_harry - ~*Harry Potter*~
pancsurka - Anna
paper__thin - My quest for perfection
papertigress - The Sarah
parke_matru - Parke Matru
paxex - brennen
peaschild - Allison
pendragon93 - Pendragon
penguinicity - snap roll with jelly
penguinofpain - Pat
pepperdine_gal - pepperdine_gal
peppervl - Nessa--The Smite Faerie
perfectlytaintd - HarmlessLilBunny
persona - Pearson
phloxblossom - Talia
phoenix_kiss - for some sense of satisfaction.
photomoviegeek - BigBoy
piano_skeeter - Skeeter. me
pictsy - Moira
pizzapotcub - Evan
plaguedbyfaith - Megan
playthefool - call me crazy [kris/tina]
posthaste - Jess
pre4pepsi - Sunshine
project_mayhem_ - The Unfathomable Dr. Mongoose
pylar - Jes
quadrivium - Mary
queenirrelevant - Kate
quietlyhonestly - ::qh::
rach2585 - Rachel
raingoddess - Inertia
rainking1 - Rain King
rajmahall - RaJa
raptorinblack - Colleen O'Rourke
raven23_ - Scooby Doo
raychael - Raychael
reenka - loony reena
resarini - Genuine Lunatic
response - Responder
retddogg - RacerX
retrosoundmaker - Haute Sauce
revbones - revbones
revgrlutena - Anne
rexmundi - Daire Donn Sinsar
rhythm_signal - Rhythm Signal
rippleaffect - Ripple Affect
ritza20832 - Christine
rival9 - Sho Hibachi
robearal - Rob
rockestra - megan
rockmybody - melanie
roundedges - zozo
rowdiebird229 - Sweet Cream Butter
ryaenallen - ryaenallen
saccharinescars - saccharinescars
sagamore - Sagamore
sarah_angel - Mistress Sarah of the Angels
sarah_h - sarah
scarlatti - Short Sharp Shock
scarletannwn - Stephanie
schizorori - Heather Joslyn
scwriterguy - David
serialxperimnts - serialxperimnts
serinatia - Serinatia
shadowblossom - Sayaka
shadowy_phoenix - Foofinzecker
sheilabeila - Sheila
simplejmalarkey - Ben
sirgeoff - Chris
skankin_pirate - Alex
sknybtch - Eliese
sleepy_gnome - Maren
sleepysaturday - casey
slysegrl - Katie
smurfette184 - Stacey
sparklestrella - Emma Jane
speedreader - SpeedReader
splendourific - Jesus Was Here 2/15/57 BC
squigfried - Squiggle
ssalieri - Meagan
stargayzer - cup of dried rainbows
starlingv - Starling
staticwhite - Static White
stealthislivejo - Cat
steelvictim - corniverous
stegany - ♥ stegany's journal ♥
stroller - strolling through life, why rush?
subtlechitchat - Jessica Rutberg
sunny_punk - princess
supurrkitten - GirlCat
surrealseraphim - Tasha
sylent_rayne - Rayne
sylvanstargazer - Beth
talk0underworld - Talk Of The Underworld
tangerine_rose - *Anne~Catherine*
tardis60 - Kassi
tashok - Ravenfire
taystelicious - Taylor
tgaptte - tgaptte
the_cowch - The Cowch
the_indy - The Indefatigable
the_lorelei - Lorelei
the_opera_ghost - daisy
the_tracer - The Tracer
thegawaine - thegawaine
thegoddessnim - sapphire moonshine in small paper cup
thehoss - Wes "the Cub of Atlanta" Q.
thejoyofacting - thejoyofacting
thelastray - a Glory
themiskyra - Manda
theshadowrunner - Shadow
thetictacqueen - Tina Dee
thinkingmonkey - Me
thosewickedeyes - thosewickedeyes
thursday__next - Thursday Next
tiaraisageek - tiaraisageek
tiger012345 - Caitlin
tikvah - Tikvah
tke269 - Mack
tomgeek - Tom
tormenteddreams - Fallen from grace
tremaine - Tremaine
trifecta4x - Scarlett
tristam - Verrain Barimen, Imperator of Achea
twilightsburned - Beth
twinkiepress - AhReum
twistedmojo - : : derek : :
twotrees - Sal The Lightswitch Raver
undecidedmirror - undecidedmirror
uofirob - Veritas Et Aequitas
utna - Utna
valliewiggin - Kendiefox
vega_scion - Lisa
vertigoboy - Wanna Take A Spin?
volta - Volta
w_atson - Watson
walkenfoxes - Fox Dresden
washuboy - Sion
watashi - Princess Political PrissyPants
waterdaughter - that girl who has tea with the devil
wedgechick - wedgechick
westlifes_gurl - I'm the one who put the Brit in celebrity
whiteadelphi - White Adelphi
whoretoculture - Whoretoculture
windegowolf - Windegowolf
wingedescape - Van Gogh Wannabe Number 57
wingless_pixie - wingless_pixie
wodehousebear - P.G. Wodehouse
wolfkitty - Kat
wolfoz - Driftwood
wowieann - wowieann
wysefool - Jessi
x_nagelz_x - * Alicia *
xinnocentxeyesx - ms. anthropy
xostarchildxo - 2027
xxgoddessevexx - Eveline Sophie
xxlostrequiemxx - Krystal
yellowcubicle - Eric
zarquan42 - Dara sprouts wings
zelaschild - Xellos Metallium
zoheret - Meg