Creeper Lagoon [entries|friends|calendar]

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[15 Oct 2004|08:43am]

Hey, I know that not many people watch this community, but for what it's worth, I'm having an all-Creeper Lagoon show today on my college radio station. We have a webcast, so anyone in the world can listen -- from 4:30-6 PM central time today, CLICK HERE to listen to the show. Thanks! :)
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[06 Apr 2004|05:54pm]

Have any of you heard Ian's post-Creeper band, On The Speakers?  They have an EP out, and it's definitely worth a listen.
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[15 Feb 2004|01:48pm]

[ music | Creeper Lagoon - The Way it Goes ]

This song is like a tranquilizer. I love it.

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[12 Feb 2004|01:31pm]

[ music | Godspeed You Black Emperor ]

I was just thinking that I should start a Creeper Lagoon community, then I found this one :) I love me some Creeper Lagoon.

What are your favorite songs? Mine = Dear Deadly, Here We Are, Hats Off to the Big Black, There's a New Girl, Sunfair, and The Fountain.

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Creeper [03 Feb 2004|07:44pm]

[ mood | grateful ]
[ music | Take back the universe and give me yesterday ]

Creeper Lagoon officially saved my life today with the song: UNDER THE TRACKS. I am forever in their debt and I thought I would start making it up to them by joining this community. Thank-you all. danaisme

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