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Friday, November 12th, 2004
7:28 am - Tour and such


Well.. i'm not sure how often people come here.. but for those who do and aren't up to date... yes.. the album is coming out in February. I talked to Ean.. the guy who runs Lifehousemusic.. and he told me. We don't have a specific date.. but yea...

Tour.. well at the moment as some might know.. Lifehouse is in Maryland.. that's where they're recording and what not.. so they'll most likely give a few concerts at the clubs and such around them.. i'm assuming just in that state.. maybe the surrounding states. i'm not quite sure.. The first single comes out in January.. if it does AWESOME... they'll have a Lifehouse tour.. if it doesn't do too well.. they'll open for someone.. most likely Maroon5 or someone like that.. which is ironic because Maroon5 opened for LIFEHOUSE.. lol back when they were new. anyway.. i just hope everyone buys the album as soon as it comes out.. i'm buying 2 copies myself.. i have 2 copies of the others.. and a Original copy of the DLD cd.. which i'm VERY lucky to have.. and the DVD.. so yay. but um.. oh yes.. another thing..

Lifehouse now has a new bassist.. His name is Bryce.. i forget his last name.. he was in a band called.. something radio i think.. go to to check out all the new info on him.. there's also a picture or two of him.

AND one more thing.. there's a new song up... Better Part Of Me.... it's a WONDERFUL song.. check it out.. i have a place where people can SAVE the song.. if they don't have a way to upload it to a server themselves.. so ... note me or add me or something and let me know..


i hope people actually check this place out.. lol and if anyone needs info.. just ask and if i don't know it for some reason.. lol i'm sure i can find out for you.. kae.. the end.



current mood: awake
current music: singing My Girl

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Thursday, November 4th, 2004
1:18 am - for fuck sakes!

I SAID THEY'RE BACK! LIFEHOUSE IS BACK! FUCKERS. :) new album due out in February 2005 (hopefully). they might start touring in small clubs in the US in december. so get off your ass and smile. take me awaaaaaaaay fuckers. bye, nice to meet youz.

current mood: stupendous
current music: Blyss (Lifehouse) - Eighties

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1:14 am - wake up!

they're back bitches and hoes! holy crap! check the webby:

current mood: pretty
current music: Somewhere In Between

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Thursday, March 18th, 2004
9:49 pm - Show your love of Lifehouse!

Cross-posted to [info]colorbar_love, [info]lifehouselovers, & [info]lifehousemusic

Lifehouse is love

current music: Lifehouse--"Take Me Away"

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Friday, December 19th, 2003
6:00 pm

I made some Lifehouse Icon's. If you like Please Comment and Credit [info]chinkysmurfette! Thanks. Xposted in [info]_lifehouse [info]lifehouse_fans [info]lifehouselovers [info]lifehousemusic [info]standclimbfall and in [info]chinkysmurfette
On to Lifehouse )

current mood: content
current music: switchfoot

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Sunday, October 5th, 2003
4:48 pm - I <3 Lifehouse!

I just joined & I have to admit that Lifehouse is my favorite band EVER! I've seen them in concert only once though.

That was April 24, 2003 when they played at Rider University. Of course when everyone heard that they were going to be playing at Rider (I'm also a student there), they were like "EWWW!" but I was so stoked that I actually took the night off work just to go to the concert.

So I went to the concert and get this...all my friends left after the opening act (Reel Big Fish, in case anyone was wondering). Their loss because it was probably the greatest concert I went to (and I saw my second favorite band, Sugar Ray last year when they played at The College of New Jersey...shows you how straight my priorities are).

Did I mention that I also met the band? They had this thing where if you bought the Stanley Climbfall album, you got to meet the band after the show. Let me just say that they are so cool & they really do appreciate their fans.

current music: Lifehouse (of course)=="Cling & Clatter"

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Wednesday, July 16th, 2003
11:49 pm - my concert review (july 16th) (new orleans house of blues)

ok whoa. best night of my life. i definately got into that lifehouse concert and i met them.

i got in and khaki's dad works in new orleans and has this special deal with the house of blues so we got to sit up top (elevated) really close to the stage. we got there late and there were so many people on the floor we would have been like 10 rows back. our seats were better.
so the opening band, dakona, was awesome. i was going to buy their cd but had no money. i signed up for their mailing list. the guy's voice sounded like alex from the calling. they were an awesome band.
then lifehouse came on. holy hell. jason wore this white button down shirt and looked so incredibly sexy it wasn't funny. i almost died. lol.
they put on the BEST show i've ever seen, of anyone. better than the no strings attached concert i went to. i was more excited then cuz i was younger, but this was a better show. they played:
they started off by playing 'are you falling, are you faking', repeating that like 8 times. then they play:
stanely climbfall
sky is falling
sick cycle carousel
am i ever gonna find out
breathing (i just about died when he did this song / he said 'i've been playing this song for so long sometimes i forget the words, maybe you guys can help me out')
somewhere in between (he started playing this song and i started bawling. ahh it was great)
gets his electric guitar and plays:
just another name he said 'this is actually one of my favorite songs off the new record'
everything (whoa this is definately everyone's fav song, everyone was clapping for so long, like it was the end of the show after he did this one)
take me away
then he LEAVES, but of course u know he's coming back, cuz his #1 song is hanging by a moment. he plays:
something (cover by george harrison) I CAN'T BELIEVE HE PLAYED THIS SONG. my brother loved it. BUT OMG HE PLAYED THIS SONG.
then TRYING he started playing it and i was like 'this is NOT hanging by a moment, omg what is he doing?' and then after like 3 notes i started SCREAMING MY HEAD OFF cuz i realized it was trying. he wrote this song when he was 15 years old, and it's like one of my fav songs off their first cd. i couldn't freakin BELIEVE he played it. couldn't beleive it.
hanging by a moment

what a show. he said about 4 times 'how are you guys feelin tonight!?' etc, and he said like 6 times 'you guys are the best crowd we've had', 'you guys are fantastic', 'yall are great thank you so much' etc. whoa that was fun.

i couldn't take any pictures though, cameras weren't allowed. so we were right there next to the merchandise table after the show was over. we were like 10th in line. i bought a patch cuz u had to buy something or you couldn't meet them. so they come out and we get to watch them for like 5 minutes lol. WHOA that was awesome. then we get up to them and khaki starts talking to rick. rick remembered us from memphis. so i start talking to jason. i say:
i showed him my picture of us and i go 'do you remember me from virginia?' and he goes 'of course i do! yeah i do! hey i have this picture, you gave me the frame! you're my biggest fan. yeah that was so nice thank you so much.' and he leaned in to hug ME. i was like OH GOD. and he goes 'you are my biggest fan!' HAHA OMG i couldn't believe he said that. he asked me 'do you want me to sign this?' and i said yeah. (the picture). then i hand him my brother's ticket and asked him to sign it and i said 'my brother loved your cover of something'. (i also got them all to sign this piece of paper) i said 'yeah i can't believe you played something, i LOVED it, and TRYING! i can't believe u played that too, that was amazing! then i said 'and somewhere in between. i started crying when you played that it's my favorite song ever' and he was liek 'aw man' but in a good way. (all that took place with me standing right infront of him, with only a table between us lol. then i moved down infront of sean but i was still talking to him lol and i was like 'you should play storm! and fool and mudpie and revolution cry and what's wrong with that and crown of scars' after i said storm he goes 'oh man!' and then i started naming the other songs and he was like 'whoa' as in he couldn't beleive i knew all those songs.
then i say hey to sean but i know he doesn't like fans lol and i didn't have anything to say to him cuz he never makes contact with fans. so then i go to sergio and i'm like 'do you remember me from memphis?' cuz we were talking over the crowd lol with our hands, and he goes 'yeah i do i do' and i gave him a hug and said he was awesome.

whoa. i can't believe it.
it just makes me sad cuz i don't know when i'm going to see them again. they don't have any more tour dates up anywhere near me, and they are only playing about 8 more times, (and 6 of them are in europe). then they are gonna make their new cd! i guess. take time off. so i dont' think i'm going to see them till next year and that makes me sad, but SHIT i'm seeing stephen kellog, dashboard confessional, and maybe justincase again in august so hell it's great.

but whoa. whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i met them again. you don't understand how good looking jason is in person. like 50 times better than in pictures. and the show, was INCREDIBLE. best show ever, best night of my life almost. i still can't compete with hanging out with justincase for 3 hours, nothing tops that, but this was like .1 away from that. they just mean so much to me. omg.

things i can't believe:
he played 'something' and 'trying'
i met them
they remembered me
jason saying: 'you gave me that picture frame!' I HAD NOT MENTIONED THE PICTURE FRAME
jason saying: 'that was so nice!' he said what i did was nice. you have to think about it for a second, but it was like he was saying what i did was nice, not saying 'thank you for seeing our show or something' like something in the past that happened that i did, that it was nice lol. NICE. AHHHHH lolol.
jason LEANING TOWARDS ME TO GIVE ME A HUG. of course i was going to give him a hug when we were done talking but he goes 'that was so nice' and GIVES ME the hug. OMG! lol OMG!

whoa. whoa. i'm like high of lifehouse.

jonathan asked if i wanted to go out and celebrate or whatever and i'm like 'what you are kidding me, i have to go home and type this entry and listen to lifehouse and think about what just happened. i want to be sober!'

current mood: indescribable

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Saturday, July 5th, 2003
12:49 pm

Happy Birthday Jason!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Tuesday, July 1st, 2003
5:50 pm - what should i get jason?

hey yall! i'm meeting lifehouse in memphis on the 4th. anyone have any ideas about what i should get jason for his bday (on the 5th) i want to get him something. i would write him a note, but i did that last time, and i would just be repeating what i said. i want to get him something, anything. i need ideas!
also does anyone have good ideas for questions? i want to ask him something along the lines of about his songs, nothing like 'what's ur fav color, movie' whatever i don't care about that. i asked him what his fav song was that he had ever written, and he said sky is falling, so i already know that. i want to ask him something like that. i need ideas here too!

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Sunday, March 30th, 2003
10:21 pm - hey i'm new + my lifehouse concert

hey guys! my name is maggie and i'm 16 and i'm a new member. here is my lifehouse experience for yall to read if u want. enjoy! this is what i posted the day after the show in my livejournal.

i went to the concert. when lifehouse came on, i was in the front row against the barricade, right in the dead center, standing 3 feet infront of jason wade. the show was freaking AMAZING. they are incredible in concert.
they played, in this order:
am i ever gonna find out
sick cycle carousel
just another name
sky is falling
stanely climbfall
take me away
hanging by a moment
everything and take me away were the best performances, everyone LOVES the song everything, and in the beginning, it's really quiet, and no one was yelling or singing loud, and then it picks up SO MUCH and everyone was liek FREAKING OUT. and take me away is the BEST song to perform live EVER. the verse is slow, the brigde thing is a little faster, and the first line of the chorus is perfect. the guitar slowly leads up to it and then it goes (boom) TAKE ME AWAYYYYYYYYYYY) like the guitar hits this really loud chord right before the lyric and then he sings the lyric letting that chord ring. OMG it rocks. lol.
during the opening acts sean came out and was on the side of the stage and he walked over closer to the crowd. i got his attention and was like 'hey! is today your birthday?' he nods yes and then i go 'i LOVE your band!' and i shake his hand and he says thank you (there was a barricade between us).
then rick and sean come out and i get rick's attention and he waves to me and smiles really cute. then sergio comes out and i see him. then jason comes out. i go to the side again, am waiting there for like 15 minuets, and he finally looks over and i wave and he smiles at me SO NICELY and waves back.
during the show, me and a few people were yelling 'play somewhere in between!' cuz that's like everyone's favorite song, and he laughed and said 'but it's not on the schedual!'
i yelled about 50 times 'i love you jason, i love you lifehouse, we love you lifehouse, lifehouse rocks' etc. i was FLIPPING OUT during the songs. me and this other girl were like the ONLY ones who knew all the words and all the times the tempo picked up and stuff and were like jumping and freaking out. this girl behind us goes 'now these are the only 2 girls here that really appreciate the music!' hehe.
jason didn't look at me the entire show. he never really looked at anyone. i was like WTF. and we were reaching out our hands, and he didn't touch them and he EASILY could have. o well. he seemed really nice. sean kinda seemed shy or he was in a bad mood or something. but good GOD it was awesome!!!!
after the show was over, the clean up crew was like ripping up the set list and throwing them to the crowd, and i got the one that jason was reading! that's how i knew the order. PLUS ::the best part:: i got one of the guitar pics that jason used that night. holy fuck holy fuck holy fuck. i mean GOODNESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS.
ok that's it. the most amazing show. oh GOD it was sooo good. and i'm not disappointed that it's over, CUZ I GET TO SEE IT AGAIN IN MAY. WOOOOOOOO.
ok i'm done.

that was in new orleans, mardi gras weekend. i'm seeing them again in baltimore maryland on may 3rd. i can't wait!

everyone please join my community. it's a lifehouse community and i'm gonna update it with news and pics and tour info, etc. plus yall can talk about them like u do here. please join! leave a comment here, or check out the community at [info]lifehouse_fans. there is nothing there cuz i have no members, but when i get some, i'll put some stuff up. thanks!

current music: what's wrong with that - lifehouse

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Thursday, March 27th, 2003
4:29 pm

Here are the details from last night ;)

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7:39 am

Hey guys (if anyone is still out there). I went to the show last night in Chicago and I got to meet the boys afterwards!!!! I would give details but I'm at school and the bell is going to ring soon, so I gotta go. I'll update more about it later though ;)


current mood: tired

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Sunday, March 9th, 2003
2:57 pm - April 12th

Hey, is anybody else going to the Lifehouse concert at the Academy in Manchester??? Or any concert on this tour?

Only a month and three days, I'm soooooo excited!

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Friday, February 7th, 2003
10:48 pm


Jason Wade's new hair (on the Caroline Rhea show on Monday)

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Wednesday, January 22nd, 2003
4:31 pm - C'mon, you know it's fun...

Which member of Lifehouse are you?

brought to you by Quizilla

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Sunday, January 19th, 2003
2:43 pm

Does anyone have a code I could use? Thanks!

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Wednesday, January 15th, 2003
12:20 pm - Jason on Open House Party

My friend called me from her cell phone Saturday night: "I know this is totally random, but I'm listening to such and such station and they're going to talk to Lifehouse." So sure enough, after about an hour they had a phone call with Jason for a few minutes. It was pretty cool to hear, though, because I'd never heard his speaking voice before. It was a surprise because his singing voice has got that low, gravelly quality to it, ya know, but his speaking voice wasn't like that at all. He sounded youngish and innocent and cute. :)

He was just answering basic questions about the tour with the Rolling Stones and where the video for "Spin" was taped. It only lasted a few minutes, but it was cool to get to hear it. If anyone's interested, I might trascribe it for the community, since I taped it.

Also, I have a question: Does anyone have any idea what Jason's favorite books are? I think it'd be neat to know; I think you can tell some interesting things about a person from what they like to read. :)

Okay, that's it for now.

current mood: bored

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Tuesday, December 31st, 2002
12:12 am - If you like new music

Hey guys! If you like Lifehouse check out Carbondale. They're a NYC based band with an album coming out in March 2003. In the music there are traces of alt-rock, British pop, and earthy folk. They're quite good live as well. In fact...they're doing a show at the Pickle Barrel in Killington, Vermont on Jan 7th, 2003. If you live in the vicinity, go check em out! You won't be dissapointed.
Vist their website at here


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Wednesday, December 25th, 2002
6:57 am

was anyone at the 12/18 concert in minneapolis at the quest?

it rocked. and i didnt really write a review but you can read my LJ if you wanna hear more about it.

merry christmas! :)

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Wednesday, November 27th, 2002
2:47 pm

Does anyone have a code I can use? THANKS!!!!

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