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Puddle of Mudd

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hey [14 Aug 2004|11:51pm]

[ mood | calm ]
[ music | tbs ]

i joined this community cause i love puddle of mudd. they were the first band i listened to when i moved here from germany...so basically for 4 years now.

i'm alex, i'm 16 and i live in delaware.
(the worst state ever)

just wanted to say hi.

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[05 Aug 2004|04:36pm]

hey, does anyone have the song "I Think I Used To Love You" that they could send to me?

anne14_90@hotmail.com if you do! thanks
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Puddle of Mudd, eh? [04 Aug 2004|10:46pm]

[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Kelly Osbourne ]

I just thought I would join this community...

My name is Lyndsi, I'm 15, I'm from Texas...

I've been listening to Puddle of Mudd for almost 4 year.....I've known them for that long as well.

They are good guys and they make awesome music.

hmm... I don't really know what else to say about them...they are awesome...

lets see...In Oct. it will be my 9th time to see them..that should be good times...

yeah, I think I'm done lol

comment or something.....


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[18 May 2004|06:04am]

hello everyone, i'm not a puddle of mudd fan (i think i heard one of their songs several years ago on the radio, if my memory serves me correctly my ex-boyfriends father and step-mother were fans of the song. anyways, i definitly haven't heard anything by them since and i don't remember anything else about the song) but i'm going to be meeting the band in about 12 hours.

the band i work for is openning up for them tonight. should be interesting. i keep wanting to call them Muddle of Pud for some reason, but i figure they wouldn't find it as funny as i do. *shrugs*. talking to a co-worker last night, i found out the drummer for puddle of mud is actually her husband's ex-roommate... so i guess that's one thing i could talk about with them. other than that i have nothing. i don't listen to the radio and i don't watch mtv. pop culture and i haven't hung out in years.

oh well... i just wanted to share that i'm going to meet them with people who might actually care... maybe i'll get pictures and share them with you.
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Puddle of Mudd. [17 Mar 2004|01:45pm]

Taken at Lupo's in Providence, RI...

The rest...
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this on display [04 Mar 2004|10:43pm]
[ mood | good ]
[ music | Jawbreaker the movie ]

Hey everyone...well I didn't used to like Puddle of Mudd that much thinking they were a cheap-rendition of Alice in Chains (which we can all see is a major influence).
But "Life on Display" seems to be taking its own path a little more. Wes Scantlin has a great voice and if they did a little more soft work like "Blurry" that'd rock. We just see alot of AiC and Nirvana posers these days and hopefully PoM isn't one, they definitely have talent to be more than that. Ciao all xoxox

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Puddle of Mudd - McAllen, Texas [27 Jan 2004|11:09am]

[ mood | amused ]

So anyway – I wasn’t going to see Puddle of Mudd afterall because my friend didn’t get off of work until 9pm and POM should have hit the stage at 8pm. Well – we drove up there after she got out of work so that I could pass out some Motograter flyers ([info]tribal_fury). We show up and we asked the box office attendant how long it would be before the show was over and she said, “POM just hit the stage about 10 minutes ago”. We immediately buy tickets and head inside.

We walked in during Drift and Die…I’m not sure what other songs we missed, but I know that they opened with Control. The show was a lot of fun, Jo Ann and I were dancing around like fools. Puddle of Mudd is FEEL GOOD music – it makes you want to move, and if you don’t move it’s probably because you’re just damn lazy. Bwahaha. They are actually pretty comical guys and interacted a lot with the audience – they even got us to sing Summer Loving from the Grease Soundtrack. LOL. Anywho – they played a lot of old stuff – an of course some new stuff, including two new songs that I REALLY like, one of which I’m predicting will be their next single, titled “spin you around” – the other is called “cloud nine”. Ooooohhh – they also played “think” – that song is yummy – makes you want to sit and smoke a little green while cuddling with that special someone. ::gets ideas:: Other songs included: Away From Me, Heel Over Head, Nobody Told Me, Blurry, She Fucking Hates Me, Basement and – that’s all I can remember off the top of my head. So I would definitely see them again! Oh – and McAllen was only the third stop on their tour

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hello [26 Jan 2004|10:10am]

[ mood | excited ]

Hey everyone - have any of you seen Puddle in January? If so do you have a setlist available???

I'll be watching them tonight in McAllen, Texas - I'm so excited!

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[14 Dec 2003|05:17pm]

[ mood | Crazy in Love ]

Just wanna say
I went to K-Rocks Clau fest on Dec 5th and Puddle of Mudd was amazin. Im a fan now for life

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[05 Dec 2003|10:20pm]

the band has a contest going on right now. which the grand prize winner wins a shitload of stuff. so hurry up and enter before the contest ends!

grand prize winner gets...
3CCD Ultra-CompactTM Digital Palmcorder® Camcorder
Progressive-Scan DVD Video Recorder with Built-in Hard Disk
TauTM Series PureFlatTM HDTV Monitor
LumixTM Digital Camera
e-wearTM SD Multi AV Device
D-Snap Super-Slim Digital Camera
Dell Digital Jukebox Music Player
Autographed Puddle of Mudd Poster
Life on Display CD

pluss five other people will win a autograph copy of life on display.

so go here to enter:

[HINT: the more friends you send the e-card out to, the more chances you get on winning]
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[19 Jul 2002|12:28pm]
i don't mean for this to sound superficial, but does anyone know what kind of shoes paul phillips wears? i've been trying to figure it out for a while.

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FREINDS [14 Jul 2002|12:52pm]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Saliva - Click Click Boom ]

But the only thing is i'm picky when it comes to read my freinds
only journal.. I would have to *like* a person in order for me to
add them, add em and give it a shot, if I dont add you back then
no offense,take me off :]

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[10 Jul 2002|01:45pm]

hello all! i'm the old [info]snobabyk8. I got sick of my brother reading my journal so i got i new one. Just wanted to say hello to everyone. update your friends list (if need be) thanks! bye!
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LJ Virus [07 Jul 2002|08:33pm]

There's a virus being e-mailed to lj users and it looks like this:

Dear LiveJournal user,
We have recently noticed that you haven't updated your LiveJournal in awhile. If you would like to keep your LiveJournal account, you must sign in within the next 24 hours.
You may sign in at: {link removed} Failure to sign in within the next 24 hours will result in account termination.

Please, post this in your personal journal and in your communities, even if it's off-topic for the community. This is very important.
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AHHHH! [07 Jul 2002|12:15am]

[ mood | sleepy ]
[ music | puddle of mudd - she fucking hates me ]

i saw puddle of mudd again!! i went to the korn concert on wed, july 3rd in detriot. they warmed up for them. i think wes gets hotter and hotter everytime i see him and he blows me away. they are soo good live!!!

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FREE JOURNAL [06 Jul 2002|08:41am]
[ mood | blah ]
[ music | Puddle Of Mudd - Drift & Die ]

I have a journal up for grabs... I'm just waiting for some people to take me off their friends list (like that will happen) ,but anyways the journal name is beautiful_stars if you wanna take a look at it... I took all my junk out and left all 65 communitys so yeah, all I'm waiting for is people to take me off :]

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I finally saw them live! [25 Jun 2002|02:40pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]
[ music | As the World Turns dialogue ]

I went to the Korn/Puddle of Mudd show on Sunday!
It was great!
I was right up front, my friend was at the barricade, and I was right behind her.
Wes kept flirting with her, and throwing picks her way, but it was too dark to see where they were going.
They were so awesome live.
Korn was indescribable...the best show I've ever been too.
It was the best time of my life!
If anyone has a chance to see the show, GO FOR IT!
It's definately worth it.

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YAY! [25 Jun 2002|01:11am]

[ mood | excited ]
[ music | new found glory - my friends over you ]

hay all, im new to the community. my name is cortnee, im going on 16, and im going to be a junior. and im HEAD OVER HEELS for wes. hes soo amazing, i saw them in concert this past march in detriot, and they blew me away. if anyone is ever up to talking about the band... im ALWAYS here! peace.

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[11 May 2002|02:16pm]

[ mood | calm ]
[ music | Switched-Wrongside ]

Hey everyone, I'm kinda new to this...but I love PoM too.
They're coming to concert here in Albany with Korn on June 23rd, tickets go on sale next Saturday. I can't wait.
Friend list me people, I need more friends!

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[27 Apr 2002|10:06pm]

hey, i have been a member here for a while, and i guess i have just never actually written in here. but i have been keeping up with the community.

so wait, lemme get this straight, shann, your a member of this community and your friends with Wes?!
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