Tori Amos' Journal

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Thursday, October 21st, 2004
10:47 pm - random

ahah, i realized if youre not REALLY listening "she's your cocaine" can sound like "she's your cupcake"

im a dork, i know. :D

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1:34 pm

I just bought the 'Spark' single!!!
I love her rendition of 'Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas'. Even though I hate Giftmas.
Bachlorette's also ass-kicking.
Rock on TA!

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4:26 pm - i needed to show you all = )


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Wednesday, October 20th, 2004
2:47 pm - for sale

hi everyone,

i have the 'tori amos: the authorized biography' book for sale. it's an 8.5" x 11" sized book with 132 pages of full-color photographs and quotations of tori. copyright 1994, 1996 omnibus press, kalen rogers. in excellent condition. yours for $10 plus $2 media mail shipping. payment via paypal (regular paypal, not credit card) at

i also have a venus envy necklace for sale, if anyone is interested. i'm not sure what the going price is for these. so if someone wants to make an offer, go ahead. it's in like new condition.



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Tuesday, October 19th, 2004
3:34 am

tori's corset is so adorably cute! and my favorite would have to be susan sarandon and geena daavis thelma and louise corset...also i love the "carmela" corset by edie falco too...

i hope that they raise a lot of money of these corsets!!

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Monday, October 18th, 2004
12:39 pm


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Sunday, October 17th, 2004
5:15 pm - need a little help from my friends

so i have this paper to due about gender roles and i really want to use some quotes from tori...what would be the best female gender quote and male quote.

this paper is supposed to be the gender roles in our society and how they are plagued within children at an early mind...i was thinking there are good quotes out there that she has, but i would like some help from my friend here as to find the bext ones for this paper...

Edit: sorry i was looking for something of her how women are supposed to be like the color pink and boys are supposed to be the color blue in meaning their gender roles...

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10:11 am - Tori Project

Well, I am working on a new project, and it's a book with letters and pictures of tori and EWF. I want to be able to get as many people as I can to do this. Basically, what you do is write a letter, poem, anything you want for her to read, and submit a photo of yourself, or if you have a pic of you and tori together, that would be great, and you submit it to me, and once I get all the entries together, I am going to compile everything, and give it to Tori in Feburary, or hopefully be able to go backstage or talk to her at a meet and greet and give her the book. I want Tori to read this book and when she reads the letters, she can be able to look at the person that gave her that letter, and hopefully be able to put a name to a face. I am going to extend the deadline to January 30th. If you have any questions, feel free to email me

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Saturday, October 16th, 2004
11:29 pm - Hello

Hi. I am from Australia. I have been keeping up with the international news alot more lately and am aware that the election in the U.S. is only about 18-19 days away or something like that. I just want to say vote really really wisely because we have already had our election and the result was depressing to say the least. I just felt the need to say that, althought most of you are probably very responsible people.

Good luck.


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Friday, October 15th, 2004
4:49 pm

Hi, totally random question, but I don't know where else I could turn to, to get an answer... Does anyone know of an online store that sells Tori Amos bumperstickers? I want to broadcast my love for her on my car, and I've been searching forever for one, but can't find one.. Thanks in advance..

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3:29 pm - Quick survey:

Is there anybody you know who really doesn't like Tori Amos? If so, what is it about her and her music that just doesn't do it for them?

My mother, for instance, has a visceral, gut reaction to Tori Amos music. She doesn't like the "slow" stuff because it's all breathy and "airy-fairy-sounding" as she puts it, and can't handle the heavier stuff either, because, for instance, with "Precious Things", it "pounds at her", and she doesn't like the circular sound of songs like "Winter", "Caught a Lite Sneeze", "Bells for Her" and so forth, because she says it makes her "stomach churn". She likes the melodies of the conventional-sounding songs like "Baker, Baker", "Cooling", "Your Cloud" and pretty much all of Scarlet's Walk, but doesn't like Tori Amos' lyrics because she says they don't make much sense. Because I care, I don't play Tori Amos CDs when she's in the house, and rarely even play Tori Amos on the piano. When I do, she goes "Oh, not that awful music again... can't you play something nice and cheerful like Tom Lehrer songs?" Which is especially hilarious if you know who Tom Lehrer is and what he sang about.

Also, is it permissible to post here short stories based on Tori Amos songs and characters? I haven't so far, mainly because nobody else has.

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Thursday, October 14th, 2004
11:03 pm - D00d.

I don't give a shit if you like the song or not; download this live cover of "Playboy Mommy". Allison Crowe's got energy, man...I'd do her. XD

current mood: excited
current music: Allison Crowe - "Playboy Mommy" [live]

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5:50 pm - joined.

pssst hey peeps, i'm new here. what's going on? hope to have a great time here. TORI AMOS KIKS AN ABUNDENT OF ASSES!

current mood: calm
current music: sneaker pimps - velvet divorce

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1:41 am - ** please VOTE *BEST* music website / fansite NOW!**

hey everyone!

toriphoria - is up for a Digital Music Award (DMA) for the best music website / fansite.

here is the direct link to vote:

please *VOTE NOW* and show your support!

thank you! 0:D

current mood: tired
current music: tori amos * never seen blue
Wednesday, October 13th, 2004
4:51 pm

I know that the whole Tori's boat thing has been beaten to death, but I just thought I'd let you guys know....

I picked up the paper it was in while I was in Dunkin' Donuts, half-deliriously buying a cup of coffee. I thought it was amusing. If you don't live in this area, you probably won't understand just how amusing it is. Everyone's stuff is messed up. Everyone's roof says FEMA on it. Every sign is lying on the ground, etc. So for them to write a story about a yacht crashed into Tori's dock was, well, just funny. What's funnier is that she looked like Boy George in the awful photo they put next to the article. Poor thing.

As for the 'secret location being revealed'...most people know she lives around here. And no, there aren't mobs of stalkers waiting to catch her every move. It's just not that big a deal. You go to Target, you pick up some Hello Kitty socks and some toilet paper, and you accidentally ram your cart into Tori's. Life goes on. ;)

current mood: amused

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4:46 pm - vote for my playlist please

(if this isn't allowed, kindly let me know & i'll remove it) my nickname is: Definitelylove

Just click on the bottom righthand corner (below the playlist) to vote.

It's a contest from HP/AOL.

"If you vote for your friend's list in the Rock Your Playlist Sweepstakes, Definitelylove could win a brand new Apple® iPod® from HP or trip for two to New York or Los Angeles to attend a Sessions@AOL recording!

And just by registering, you'll automatically be entered for a chance to win an Apple® iPod® from HP too!"

Thank yoooooooou. ;)

you can vote again every day(once a day)

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Tuesday, October 12th, 2004
9:04 pm - tori and a boat!!!

did anyone hear about this?!!

HAHA poor tori..

current mood: calm
current music: goldfrapp- pilots

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9:01 pm - Tori plug on Father of the Pride

Tori just got a plug on Father of the Pride. Sierra, the teenage daughter, walks in complaining that Hunter, her younger brother, is in the tub lip-syncing Tori Amos again. Mama and Papa comment that he's been depressed lately. They then cut to a shot of Hunter in the tub, singing along to SATY. LOL! I just about went nuts when I saw that. Its so rare that Tori gets mentioned, not to mention played, on mainstream media. Just another reason why I love this show!

current mood: bouncy
current music: TV - Father of the Pride

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4:10 pm - Idea ripped from Bjorkish . . .


Ok, lets play a game. You pick one.

1. Precious Things Vs. Playboy Mommy?
2. Professional Widow Vs. Blood Roses?
3. Bliss Vs. Caught A Lite Sneeze?
4. Upside Down Vs. Here. In My Head?
5. Silent All These Years Vs. Winter?
6. Me and A Gun Vs. Mr. Zebra?-And lastly,
7. Carbon Vs. Strange?

EDIT: Since no one liked number six, I'm changing it. Raspberry Swirl Vs. Iieee?

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3:57 pm - don't forget


October 12, 1998

Six years ago today, Matthew Shepard was murdered for being homosexual.

What will you do to end the silence?

Click here to post this on your own page or weblog

go to bed
the priests are dead
now no one
can call you bad
go to bed
the priests are dead
finally you're on peppermint land

he's a merman
he doesn't need your voice
he's a merman

go to bed
dream instead
and you will find him
he's a merman
to the knee
doesn't need something you're not willing to give
he's a merman
doesn't need your voice to cross his lands of ice

go to bed
the priests are dead
now no one
can call you bad
go to bed
the priests are dead
finally you found him

let it out
who could ever say you're not simply wonderful
who could ever harm you
sleep now
you're my little goat

go to bed
priests are dead
and come sing it all again
go to bed
past the apple orchard
and you'll feel nice

two can play
i said, two can play

current mood: drained (literally)
current music: Merman in my head

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10:54 am - Date Rape Drugs


Hi everybody,

This is a public message announcement I put in my lj. I thought I could share it here.





Dape Rape Drugs )

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11:21 am - Hmm.....

Tori upset over a boat (it's worth the read)?

EDIT: Like I said in [info]ohnotheydidnt (which was before I posted here), "Why do I have a feeling that the Tori fans are going to come out of the woodwork to defend her....." And like I said to someone else, "My comment doesn't mean that I think her fans shouldn't defend her, and it's okay for other to bash her. If so, I would have flat out said that. I meant, that a lot of times Tori fans tend to get a little overzealous when it concerns her....."

I'm sick and tired of having to defend my words/actions, because a couple enthusiastic fans like to read into everything too much. Some of you fans really know how to take things out of context. Once again, good job.

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Monday, October 11th, 2004
8:57 pm

Can anyone precisely transcribe (I know I'm using the wrong word, and I apologize) "Mother" for me? And, if possible, "Pretty Good Year"? I have absolutely no way of obtaining these songs, and if anyone who knows how to accurately transcribe them for me didn't mind doing so, that would be great! I need them so my friend and I can perform them, since we need a song to perform. Would I need a music writing program? If so, I can get one.

Thanks for any help that comes along. It's greatly appreciated!

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10:55 pm - Sister Janet

My English class just finished reading The Awakening, and my assignment was to connect two other artistic works to the novel. As some of you may know, the book is often cited as being the inspiration for "Sister Janet" which, when you read tA, you may very well see why.

Here's my 5-minute interpretation, taken straight from my report. I thought some of you might be interested, even though I was very general and skipped a bunch of ideas.

from the Woman Clothed with the Sun )

current mood: sleepy
current music: Björk - "Mouth's Cradle"

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5:28 pm - 4 smackaroos

ok so hopefully you guys will find this exciting cause my friends didnt really seem to. so ive been wanting the double album (venus orbiting & venus live still orbiting) but you know im a broke student and didnt wanna spend 30 dollars on it as much as shes worth it.. so i was in brooklyn this weekend and on sunday they were having a bunch of stoop sales. and there was this one that was selling cds and i was like well they probably wont have anything good but we might as well check it out.. and sure enough they had a bunch of tori cds (most of which i had--why anyone would be crazy enough to sell them is beyond me) and i was like well maybe i should just take a look anyway and low and behold i found venus for only four dollars! anyways i was super excited and i was hoping you could all share in my excitement.. ha sorry im such a nerd.

current mood: excited
current music: tori- venus live still orbiting

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