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User:woven_music (1769437) woven_music
Inducing Audio Orgasms.
Website:Woven Offical Website
Location:Los Angeles, United States
About:Fill this out after joining [LJ cut please] and either subject or lj cut under Problem Children. and please bold the questions.


How did you get into Woven?

Have you experienced them live?

What's your favorite song?

Share a cool Woven moment with us.

Now tell us your secrets!!



This community if for the fans of Woven, we are not Woven, only fans like yourselves...trying to spread the madness that is WOVEN.

Give us a little introduction about yourself and how you came to learn about and love Woven.

Moderator: [info]xjackedupx


Sonic landscapes, atmospheric intangibilities, rhapsodic melodies, fervent rhythms, enigmatic photons, abstract pixels, skins, srtings, excited electrons, and vocals... 6+2=A musical,visual experience. "EPrime" (our 5 song EP) & "8 bit monk" (our full length 11 song LP) in stores now. Buy them now! WWW.WOVENMUSIC.COM


MARC: Woven Audio is a inter-disciplinary, working experiment in analog and digital sound and noise making. With both button push and flesh vibrato, technology and finesse, robotic and post-robotic love questioning phase, plant and self healing kevlar type fabrics - with these elements come together a great sounding sound.

MIKE: Six men compose Woven, men from a diverse landscape, subterranean or 3rd generation biospheric-ish, maybe; still men from wombs, all. You can hear it in their sounds, in the aural subtext. But you have to listen closely, you must hone the listening ear. Woven Sounds seeks to hone the listening ear, to provide context for easy sound exchange for ear havers. Like you.

ORY: Rather than be violently beaten by computerized robotic masters (or clones of ourselves that are meaner), Woven peacefully contains technology, controls it for the good of the people. And as information travels freely about the digital network, the internet, the underground, modular compositions become like funny looking little children, "Where'n the hell'd he come from?" you may find yourself asking, at night. Alone.

STEVE: What sounds terribly confusing at first is revealed simply, surely, truthfully. Rhythm is a heartbeat and the drive, the go factor, that made us get out of the ol' prehistoric swampy bog land and become tall-standing, proud humans, machine drivers. What next? You, me, everything. Come on, now.

JON: Information, if that's what you came looking for, is like a life-form in itself. It mutates and expands like a conscious giant underwater plant, forever seeping towards the unknown. Sometimes the unknown is too hot, and the giant plant must pull back its creepy tendrils, careful of temperature shift. This is the fine line, the edge of space-time. Here is the best music made.

RICH: So we come to you now to sing songs. For in song is every mathematical principle, every effort of virtue, every ease of good futuristic living. Did cavemen make sounds like song, as they fashioned weapons and furry garb anticipating the threats of evolution, of funky col' medulla oblongatas gone wild? We can't ever be sure. But when our future children look back upon our technological world state, they will smile warmly. Ours is an enlightened race, if only when we listen.


+ Wanna know more? Visit them at, or click here for the offical message board: HeRe.

+ Do you want to post Woven banners on your LJ click there ---->HeRe.


+Woven Friendster Account

+Woven Myspace Account

Interests:62: 8 bit monk, aceyalone, aphex twin, apogee, autechre, baja bud's, bjork, bob marley, cat toys, codeseven, concerts, creating, dana, deftones, dredg, e prime, family, fans, friends, funkadelic, gigs, grooving, j5, jane's, jon, life, los angeles, love, marc, mas, massive attack, mike, miles davis, mogwai, mr.bungle, music, my bloody valentine, nature, ory, paul, peace, philosophy, photek, pink floyd, plaid, poetry, radiohead, respect, rich, shows, sigur ros, squarepusher, steve, stevie wonder, technology, the mars volta, the notwist, tool, touring, undo, vintage analog pedals, woven. [Modify yours]
Members:18: axisnemesis, bandaged_spirit, closer1000, djkt, eccentric_tenet, enemy_airship, fukurokujin, jameslee, jedsahumanoid, robottokills, sarahj337, sleepwalkdove, sloviksa, stickybandaid, stoiccandy, the_capn_jack, vexvim, xjackedupx
Watched by:16: axisnemesis, closer1000, djkt, eccentric_tenet, enemy_airship, fukurokujin, jameslee, jedsahumanoid, robottokills, sarahj337, stickybandaid, stoiccandy, the_capn_jack, vexvim, xjackedupx, yellogurl
Account type:Free Account

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